| GIG_PREFERENCE_PAGE_0=Additional |
| GIG_PREFERENCE_PAGE_1=Local Execution |
| USERNAME=Remote Workspace |
| PASSWORD=Password |
| IO_EXCEPTION=An IO Exception Occurred |
| INTERRUPTED_EXCEPTION=An Interruption has caused an Exception |
| PART_INIT_EXCEPTION=A Part Initialization Exception Occurred |
| PARSE_EXCEPTION=Error while parsing log file! |
| MEMORY_COALESCING=Memory Coalescing |
| BANK_CONFLICTS=Bank Conflicts |
| WARP_DIVERGENCE=Warp Divergence |
| DEADLOCKS=Deadlocks |
| NO_DEADLOCK=GKLEE did not detect any deadlocks. |
| THREADS_THAT_WAIT_AT_EXPLICIT_SYNC_THREADS=Threads that wait at the explicit __syncthreads() |
| THREADS_THAT_WAIT_AT_THE_RECONVERGENT_POINT=Threads that wait at the re-convergent point |
| UPDATE_GIG=Update the GIG UI |
| WARP_DIVERGES_INTO_FOLLOWING_SETS=Warp %d diverges into the following sets |
| WARP_DOES_NOT_DIVERGE=Warp %d does not diverge |
| SET=Set %d: |
| READ_READ_BANK_CONFLICT=Read-Read Bank Conflict |
| WRITE_WRITE_BANK_CONFLICT=Write-Write Bank Conflict |
| READ_WRITE_BANK_CONFLICT=Read-Write Bank Conflict |
| BANK_CONFLICTS_WITHIN_A_WARP=Bank Conflicts within a single warp |
| BANK_CONFLICTS_ACROSS_WARPS=Bank Conflicts across different warps |
| MEMORY_COALESCING_BY_WHOLE_WARP=Memory Coalescing by whole warp |
| MEMORY_COALESCING_BY_WHOLE_WARP_TO_STRING=Warp %d had %d threads involved in a memory coalescing |
| SERVER_HAD_AN_IOEXCEPTION=Server had an IOException! |
| SEND_TO_SERVER=Send to Server |
| CORE_EXCEPTION=A Core Exception Occurred. Try Refreshing the Project. |
| IMPORT=Import Selected Files and Folders |
| REFRESH=Refresh File Tree |
| DELETE_REMOTE_FILE=Delete remote file/folder |
| RESET_SERVER_VIEW=Reset Server View |
| SERVER_NAME=Server Domain Name or IP Address |
| LOG_EXCEPTION=Couldn't Recognize the code: |
| BLOCK=Block # |
| THREAD_INFO_FORMAT=Occurred at Block %d Thread %d on line %d in file %s |
| NONCOALESCED_GLOBAL_MEMORY_ACCESSES=Non-Coalesced Global Memory Accesses |
| NO=No |
| NONCOALESCED_GLOBAL_MEMORY_ACCESS=Non-Coalesced Global Memory Access |
| POTENTIAL_DEADLOCK_SAME_LENGTH=Potential Deadlock: Different Barrier Sequence |
| POTENTIAL_DEADLOCK_VARIED_LENGTH=Potential Deadlock: Barrier Sequences of Different Length |
| RACES=Data Races |
| OTHER=Other |
| WWRWB=Write-Write Race Within a Warp Benign |
| WWRW=Write-Write Race Within a Warp |
| WWRAWB=Write-Write Race Across Warps Benign |
| WWRAW=Write-Write Race Across Warps |
| RWRAW=Read-Write Race Across Warps |
| WWBDB=Write-Write Branch Divergence Race Benign |
| WWBD=Write-Write Branch Divergence Race |
| RWBD=Read-Write Branch Divergence Race |
| RW=Read-Write Race |
| WW=Write-Write Race |
| ASSERTION_VIOLATION=Assertion Violation |
| MISSING_VOLATILE=Missing 'volatile' |
| WARP_NUMBER=Warp # |
| THREAD_NUMBER=Thread # |
| STATISTICS=Statistics |
| WARP_STATISTIC=%d%% of warps: %d out of %d |
| BLOCK_STATISTIC=%d%% of blocks: %d out of %d |
| CANCEL=Cancel |
| ILLEGAL_COMMAND=Illegal Command Exception |
| ILLEGAL_COMMAND_MESSAGE=The server command can not be completed for this user. Change under preferences. |
| INCORRECT_PASSWORD=Incorrect Password |
| INCORRECT_PASSWORD_MESSAGE=Incorrect Password. Change under preferences. |
| BANK_OR_WARP=Use Bank rates instead of Warp rates for calculating severity of occurrences. |
| BANK_CONFLICT_LOW=Bank Conflict Low Warning Threshold |
| BANK_CONFLICT_HIGH=Bank Conflict High Warning Threshold |
| MEMORY_COALESCING_LOW=Memory Coalescing Low Warning Threshold |
| MEMORY_COALESCING_HIGH=Memory Coalescing High Warning Threshold |
| WARP_DIVERGENCE_LOW=Warp Divergence Low Warning Threshold |
| WARP_DIVERGENCE_HIGH=Warp Divergence High Warning Threshold |
| INCORRECT_FILE_EXTENSION=Incorrect File Extension |
| CHANGE_FILE_EXTENSION=Incorrect File Extension. Try changing it to .C instead. |
| SELECTION_ERROR=Selection Error |
| SELECT_ONE_FILE=Please Select Exactly One File |
| TARGET_PROJECT=Target Project for Importing |
| PROJECT_NOT_FOUND=Project Not Found |
| PROJECT_NOT_FOUND_MESSAGE=Project not found. Change under preferences. |
| BAD_LOG_FILE=Bad log file. Perhaps there was a compilation error. |
| EXCEPTION_WHILE_PARSING=Exception While Parsing |
| COMPILATION_ERROR=Compilation Error |
| SEE_CONSOLE=See Console for Specifics on this Error |
| RUNTIME_ERROR=Runtime Error |