blob: 0cf7b95c9759e822859f26fbe953bcfec644c8de [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2012 EclipseSource and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* EclipseSource - initial API and implementation
(function() {
var TestUtil = org.eclipse.rwt.test.fixture.TestUtil;
var Processor = org.eclipse.rwt.protocol.Processor;
var ObjectManager = org.eclipse.rwt.protocol.ObjectManager;
var WidgetProxy = org.eclipse.rap.clientscripting.WidgetProxy;
var EventBinding = org.eclipse.rap.clientscripting.EventBinding;
var SWT = org.eclipse.rap.clientscripting.SWT;
var text;
qx.Class.define( "org.eclipse.rap.clientscripting.WidgetProxy_Test", {
extend : qx.core.Object,
members : {
testCreateTextWidgetProxy : function() {
var widgetProxy = WidgetProxy.getInstance( text );
assertTrue( widgetProxy instanceof WidgetProxy );
testCreateTextWidgetProxyTwice : function() {
var widgetProxy1 = WidgetProxy.getInstance( text );
var widgetProxy2 = WidgetProxy.getInstance( text );
assertTrue( widgetProxy1 !== widgetProxy2 ); // protect against abuse
if( widgetProxy1.__proto__ ) { // __proto__ is not an ECMA standard
assertTrue( widgetProxy1.__proto__ instanceof WidgetProxy );
assertTrue( widgetProxy1.__proto__ === widgetProxy1.__proto__ );
testDisposeWidgetProxy : function() {
var widgetProxy = WidgetProxy.getInstance( text );
assertTrue( TestUtil.hasNoObjects( widgetProxy ) );
if( widgetProxy.__proto__ ) { // __proto__ is not an ECMA standard
var proto = widgetProxy.__proto__;
assertTrue( TestUtil.hasNoObjects( proto ) );
testDisposeUserData : function() {
var widgetProxy = WidgetProxy.getInstance( text );
widgetProxy.setData( "key", {} );
// hacky: get data object
var data = text.getUserData( org.eclipse.rap.clientscripting.WidgetProxy._USERDATA_KEY );
assertFalse( TestUtil.hasNoObjects( data ) );
assertTrue( TestUtil.hasNoObjects( data ) );
testSetter : function() {
var widgetProxy = WidgetProxy.getInstance( text );
widgetProxy.setText( "foo" );
assertEquals( "foo", text.getValue() );
testSetGetData : function() {
var widgetProxy1 = WidgetProxy.getInstance( text );
var widgetProxy2 = WidgetProxy.getInstance( text );
widgetProxy1.setData( "myKey", 24 );
assertNull( widgetProxy2.getData( "myWrongKey" ) );
assertEquals( 24, widgetProxy2.getData( "myKey" ) );
testGetWidgetId : function() {
var widgetProxy = WidgetProxy.getInstance( text );
assertEquals( "w3", widgetProxy.getData( "" ) );
testSetDataTooManyArguments : function() {
var widgetProxy = WidgetProxy.getInstance( text );
try {
widgetProxy.setData( "myKey", 24, "foo" );
} catch( ex ) {
// expected
testSetDataTooFewArguments : function() {
var widgetProxy = WidgetProxy.getInstance( text );
try {
widgetProxy.setData( 24 );
} catch( ex ) {
// expected
testGetDataTooManyArguments : function() {
var widgetProxy = WidgetProxy.getInstance( text );
try {
widgetProxy.getData( "myKey", 24 );
} catch( ex ) {
// expected
testGetDataTooFewArguments : function() {
var widgetProxy = WidgetProxy.getInstance( text );
try {
} catch( ex ) {
// expected
testSetTextSync : function() {
var widgetProxy = WidgetProxy.getInstance( text );
widgetProxy.setText( "foo" );
var req = org.eclipse.swt.Request.getInstance().send();
var msg = TestUtil.getMessage();
assertTrue( msg.indexOf( "w3.text=foo" ) != -1 );
testTextGetText : function() {
var widgetProxy = WidgetProxy.getInstance( text );
text.setValue( "foo" );
var value = widgetProxy.getText();
assertEquals( "foo", value );
testTextGetSelection : function() {
var widgetProxy = WidgetProxy.getInstance( text );
text.setValue( "foo" );
text.setSelection( [ 1,2 ] );
var value = widgetProxy.getSelection();
assertEquals( [ 1, 2 ], value );
testRedraw : function() {
Processor.processOperation( {
"target" : "w4",
"action" : "create",
"type" : "rwt.widgets.Canvas",
"properties" : {
"style" : [ ],
"parent" : "w2"
} );
var canvas = ObjectManager.getObject( "w4" );
var widgetProxy = WidgetProxy.getInstance( canvas );
var logger = this._createLogger();
new EventBinding( canvas, SWT.Paint, logger );
assertEquals( 0, logger.log.length );
assertEquals( 1, logger.log.length );
// Helper
_createLogger : function() {
var log = [];
var result = {
"log" : log,
"call" : function( arg ) {
log.push( arg );
return result;
setUp : function() {
TestUtil.createShellByProtocol( "w2" );
Processor.processOperation( {
"target" : "w3",
"action" : "create",
"type" : "rwt.widgets.Text",
"properties" : {
"style" : [ "SINGLE", "RIGHT" ],
"parent" : "w2"
} );
text = ObjectManager.getObject( "w3" );
tearDown : function() {
Processor.processOperation( {
"target" : "w2",
"action" : "destroy"
} );
Processor.processOperation( {
"target" : "w3",
"action" : "destroy"
} );
text = null;
} );