blob: 56ba37bbedacbd5d3ddf1e62471cf51a000c7c21 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2000, 2010 IBM Corporation and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.gef.editpolicies;
import java.util.List;
import org.eclipse.draw2d.ColorConstants;
import org.eclipse.draw2d.FigureUtilities;
import org.eclipse.draw2d.Graphics;
import org.eclipse.draw2d.IFigure;
import org.eclipse.draw2d.RectangleFigure;
import org.eclipse.draw2d.Shape;
import org.eclipse.draw2d.geometry.Insets;
import org.eclipse.draw2d.geometry.Point;
import org.eclipse.draw2d.geometry.Translatable;
import org.eclipse.gef.EditPart;
import org.eclipse.gef.EditPartListener;
import org.eclipse.gef.EditPolicy;
import org.eclipse.gef.GraphicalEditPart;
import org.eclipse.gef.Request;
import org.eclipse.gef.RequestConstants;
import org.eclipse.gef.commands.Command;
import org.eclipse.gef.requests.ChangeBoundsRequest;
import org.eclipse.gef.requests.CreateRequest;
* Provides support for interacting with children
* <code>GraphicalEditParts</code> with the host figure's current
* {@link org.eclipse.draw2d.LayoutManager}.
* <P>
* LayoutEditPolicies are responsible for moving, resizing, re-parenting, and
* creating children. The should provide <code>Commands</code> for all of these
* operations. Feedback on the container can also be useful for some layouts
* like grids.
* <P>
* LayoutEditPolicies will decorate the host's children with "satellite"
* EditPolicies. These policies are installed using the
* {@link EditPolicy#PRIMARY_DRAG_ROLE}. Simple layouts will use either
* {@link ResizableEditPolicy} or {@link NonResizableEditPolicy}, depending on
* how the LayoutManager works, and/or attributes of the child EditPart.
* @author rhudson
* @author msorens
* @author anyssen
public abstract class LayoutEditPolicy extends GraphicalEditPolicy {
private IFigure sizeOnDropFeedback;
private EditPartListener listener;
* Extends activate() to allow proper decoration of children.
* @see org.eclipse.gef.EditPolicy#activate()
public void activate() {
* Returns the "satellite" EditPolicy used to decorate the child.
* @param child
* the child EditPart
* @return an EditPolicy to be installed as the
* {@link EditPolicy#PRIMARY_DRAG_ROLE}
protected abstract EditPolicy createChildEditPolicy(EditPart child);
* creates the EditPartListener for observing when children are added to the
* host.
* @return EditPartListener
protected EditPartListener createListener() {
return new EditPartListener.Stub() {
public void childAdded(EditPart child, int index) {
* Override to provide custom feedback figure for the given create request.
* @param createRequest
* the create request
* @return custom feedback figure
protected IFigure createSizeOnDropFeedback(CreateRequest createRequest) {
return null;
* Overrides deactivate to remove the EditPartListener.
* @see org.eclipse.gef.EditPolicy#deactivate()
public void deactivate() {
if (sizeOnDropFeedback != null) {
sizeOnDropFeedback = null;
* Decorates the child with a {@link EditPolicy#PRIMARY_DRAG_ROLE} such as
* {@link ResizableEditPolicy}.
* @param child
* the child EditPart being decorated
protected void decorateChild(EditPart child) {
EditPolicy policy = createChildEditPolicy(child);
child.installEditPolicy(EditPolicy.PRIMARY_DRAG_ROLE, policy);
* Decorates all existing children. This method is called on activation.
protected void decorateChildren() {
List children = getHost().getChildren();
for (int i = 0; i < children.size(); i++)
decorateChild((EditPart) children.get(i));
* Erases target layout feedback. This method is the inverse of
* {@link #showLayoutTargetFeedback(Request)}.
* @param request
* the Request
protected void eraseLayoutTargetFeedback(Request request) {
* Erases size-on-drop feedback used during creation.
* @param request
* the Request
protected void eraseSizeOnDropFeedback(Request request) {
if (sizeOnDropFeedback != null) {
sizeOnDropFeedback = null;
* Calls two more specific methods depending on the Request.
* @see org.eclipse.gef.EditPolicy#eraseTargetFeedback(Request)
public void eraseTargetFeedback(Request request) {
if (REQ_ADD.equals(request.getType())
|| REQ_MOVE.equals(request.getType())
|| REQ_RESIZE_CHILDREN.equals(request.getType())
|| REQ_CREATE.equals(request.getType())
|| REQ_CLONE.equals(request.getType()))
if (REQ_CREATE.equals(request.getType()))
* Override to return the <code>Command</code> to perform an
* {@link RequestConstants#REQ_ADD ADD}. By default, <code>null</code> is
* returned.
* @param request
* the ADD Request
* @return A command to perform the ADD.
protected Command getAddCommand(Request request) {
return null;
* Override to contribute to clone requests.
* @param request
* the clone request
* @return the command contribution to the clone
protected Command getCloneCommand(ChangeBoundsRequest request) {
return null;
* Factors incoming requests into various specific methods.
* @see org.eclipse.gef.EditPolicy#getCommand(Request)
public Command getCommand(Request request) {
if (REQ_DELETE_DEPENDANT.equals(request.getType()))
return getDeleteDependantCommand(request);
if (REQ_ADD.equals(request.getType()))
return getAddCommand(request);
if (REQ_ORPHAN_CHILDREN.equals(request.getType()))
return getOrphanChildrenCommand(request);
if (REQ_MOVE_CHILDREN.equals(request.getType()))
return getMoveChildrenCommand(request);
if (REQ_CLONE.equals(request.getType()))
return getCloneCommand((ChangeBoundsRequest) request);
if (REQ_CREATE.equals(request.getType()))
return getCreateCommand((CreateRequest) request);
return null;
* Returns the <code>Command</code> to perform a create.
* @param request
* the CreateRequest
* @return a Command to perform a create
protected abstract Command getCreateCommand(CreateRequest request);
* Returns any insets that need to be applied to the creation feedback's
* bounds.
* @param request
* the create request
* @return insets, if necessary
protected Insets getCreationFeedbackOffset(CreateRequest request) {
return new Insets();
* Returns the <code>Command</code> to delete a child. This method does not
* get called unless the child forwards an additional request to the
* container editpart.
* @param request
* the Request
* @return the Command to delete the child
protected Command getDeleteDependantCommand(Request request) {
return null;
* Returns the host's {@link GraphicalEditPart#getContentPane() contentPane}
* . The contentPane is the Figure which parents the childrens' figures. It
* is also the figure which has the LayoutManager that corresponds to this
* EditPolicy. All operations should be interpreted with respect to this
* figure.
* @return the Figure that owns the corresponding <code>LayoutManager</code>
protected IFigure getLayoutContainer() {
return ((GraphicalEditPart) getHost()).getContentPane();
* Returns the <code>Command</code> to move a group of children.
* @param request
* the Request
* @return the Command to perform the move
protected abstract Command getMoveChildrenCommand(Request request);
* Returns the <code>Command</code> to orphan a group of children. The
* contribution to orphan might contain two parts, both of which are
* optional. The first part is to actually remove the children from their
* existing parent. Some application models will perform an orphan
* implicitly when the children are added to their new parent. The second
* part is to perform some adjustments on the remaining children. For
* example, a Table layout might simplify itself by collapsing any unused
* columns and rows.
* @param request
* the Request
* @return <code>null</code> or a Command to perform an orphan
protected Command getOrphanChildrenCommand(Request request) {
return null;
* Lazily creates and returns the Figure to use for size-on-drop feedback.
* @param createRequest
* the createRequest
* @return the size-on-drop feedback figure
protected IFigure getSizeOnDropFeedback(CreateRequest createRequest) {
if (sizeOnDropFeedback == null)
sizeOnDropFeedback = createSizeOnDropFeedback(createRequest);
return getSizeOnDropFeedback();
* Lazily creates and returns the Figure to use for size-on-drop feedback.
* @return the size-on-drop feedback figure
protected IFigure getSizeOnDropFeedback() {
if (sizeOnDropFeedback == null) {
sizeOnDropFeedback = new RectangleFigure();
FigureUtilities.makeGhostShape((Shape) sizeOnDropFeedback);
((Shape) sizeOnDropFeedback).setLineStyle(Graphics.LINE_DASHDOT);
return sizeOnDropFeedback;
* Returns the <i>host</i> if the Request is an ADD, MOVE, or CREATE.
* @see org.eclipse.gef.EditPolicy#getTargetEditPart(Request)
public EditPart getTargetEditPart(Request request) {
if (REQ_ADD.equals(request.getType())
|| REQ_MOVE.equals(request.getType())
|| REQ_CREATE.equals(request.getType())
|| REQ_CLONE.equals(request.getType()))
return getHost();
return null;
* Sets the EditPartListener used to decorate new children. If the listener
* is currently set, it will be unhooked. If the new value is not
* <code>null</code>, it will be hooked.
* <P>
* The listener must be remembered in case this EditPolicy is removed from
* the host and replaced with another LayoutEditPolicy.
* @param listener
* <code>null</code> or the listener.
protected void setListener(EditPartListener listener) {
if (this.listener != null)
this.listener = listener;
if (this.listener != null)
* Shows target layout feedback. During <i>moves</i>, <i>reparents</i>, and
* <i>creation</i>, this method is called to allow the LayoutEditPolicy to
* temporarily show features of its layout that will help the User
* understand what will happen if the operation is performed in the current
* location.
* <P>
* By default, no feedback is shown.
* @param request
* the Request
* @see #eraseLayoutTargetFeedback(Request)
protected void showLayoutTargetFeedback(Request request) {
* Shows size-on-drop feedback during creation.
* @param request
* the CreateRequest
protected void showSizeOnDropFeedback(CreateRequest request) {
* Factors feedback requests into two more specific methods.
* @see org.eclipse.gef.EditPolicy#showTargetFeedback(Request)
public void showTargetFeedback(Request request) {
if (REQ_ADD.equals(request.getType())
|| REQ_CLONE.equals(request.getType())
|| REQ_MOVE.equals(request.getType())
|| REQ_RESIZE_CHILDREN.equals(request.getType())
|| REQ_CREATE.equals(request.getType()))
if (REQ_CREATE.equals(request.getType())) {
CreateRequest createReq = (CreateRequest) request;
if (createReq.getSize() != null) {
* Removes the decoration added in {@link #decorateChild(EditPart)}.
* @param child
* the child whose decoration is being removed.
protected void undecorateChild(EditPart child) {
* Removes all decorations added by {@link #decorateChildren()}.
protected void undecorateChildren() {
List children = getHost().getChildren();
for (int i = 0; i < children.size(); i++)
undecorateChild((EditPart) children.get(i));
* Returns the layout's origin relative to the
* {@link LayoutEditPolicy#getLayoutContainer()}. In other words, what Point
* on the parent Figure does the LayoutManager use a reference when
* generating the child figure's bounds from the child's constraint.
* <P>
* By default, it is assumed that the layout manager positions children
* relative to the client area of the layout container. Thus, when
* processing Viewer-relative Points or Rectangles, the clientArea's
* location (top-left corner) will be subtracted from the Point/Rectangle,
* resulting in an offset from the LayoutOrigin.
* @return Point
* @since 3.7 Moved up from ConstrainedLayoutEditPolicy
protected Point getLayoutOrigin() {
return getLayoutContainer().getClientArea().getLocation();
* Translates a {@link Translatable} in absolute coordinates to be
* layout-relative, i.e. relative to the {@link #getLayoutContainer()}'s
* origin, which is obtained via {@link #getLayoutOrigin()}.
* @param t
* the Translatable in absolute coordinates to be translated to
* layout-relative coordinates.
* @since 3.7
protected void translateFromAbsoluteToLayoutRelative(Translatable t) {
IFigure figure = getLayoutContainer();
Point negatedLayoutOrigin = getLayoutOrigin().getNegated();
t.performTranslate(negatedLayoutOrigin.x, negatedLayoutOrigin.y);
* Translates a {@link Translatable} in layout-relative coordinates, i.e.
* relative to {@link #getLayoutContainer()}'s origin which is obtained via
* {@link #getLayoutOrigin()}, into absolute coordinates.
* @param t
* the Translatable in layout-relative coordinates to be
* translated into absolute coordinates.
* @since 3.7
protected void translateFromLayoutRelativeToAbsolute(Translatable t) {
IFigure figure = getLayoutContainer();
Point layoutOrigin = getLayoutOrigin();
t.performTranslate(layoutOrigin.x, layoutOrigin.y);