blob: 269fbc7d82b8032204cce8de21b214680ba877ae [file] [log] [blame]
(function () {
File: Core.js
Provides common utility functions and the Class object used internally by the library.
Also provides the <TreeUtil> object for manipulating JSON tree structures
Some of the Basic utility functions and the Class system are based in the MooTools Framework <>. Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Valerio Proietti, <>. MIT license <>.
Nicolas Garcia Belmonte
Copyright 2008-2009 by Nicolas Garcia Belmonte.
BSD License
> Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
> modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
> * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
> notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
> * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
> notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
> documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
> * Neither the name of the organization nor the
> names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products
> derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
function $empty() {};
function $extend(original, extended){
for (var key in (extended || {})) original[key] = extended[key];
return original;
function $lambda(value){
return (typeof value == 'function') ? value : function(){
return value;
var $time = || function(){
return +new Date;
function $splat(obj){
var type = $type(obj);
return (type) ? ((type != 'array') ? [obj] : obj) : [];
var $type = function(elem) {
return $^\[object\s(.*)\]$/)[1].toLowerCase();
$type.s = Object.prototype.toString;
function $each(iterable, fn){
var type = $type(iterable);
if(type == 'object') {
for (var key in iterable) fn(iterable[key], key);
} else {
for(var i=0; i < iterable.length; i++) fn(iterable[i], i);
function $merge(){
var mix = {};
for (var i = 0, l = arguments.length; i < l; i++){
var object = arguments[i];
if ($type(object) != 'object') continue;
for (var key in object){
var op = object[key], mp = mix[key];
mix[key] = (mp && $type(op) == 'object' && $type(mp) == 'object') ? $merge(mp, op) : $unlink(op);
return mix;
function $unlink(object){
var unlinked;
switch ($type(object)){
case 'object':
unlinked = {};
for (var p in object) unlinked[p] = $unlink(object[p]);
case 'array':
unlinked = [];
for (var i = 0, l = object.length; i < l; i++) unlinked[i] = $unlink(object[i]);
default: return object;
return unlinked;
function $rgbToHex(srcArray, array){
if (srcArray.length < 3) return null;
if (srcArray.length == 4 && srcArray[3] == 0 && !array) return 'transparent';
var hex = [];
for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++){
var bit = (srcArray[i] - 0).toString(16);
hex.push((bit.length == 1) ? '0' + bit : bit);
return (array) ? hex : '#' + hex.join('');
function $destroy(elem) {
if(elem.parentNode) elem.parentNode.removeChild(elem);
if(elem.clearAttributes) elem.clearAttributes();
function $clean(elem) {
for(var ch = elem.childNodes, i=0; i < ch.length; i++) {
function $addEvent(obj, type, fn) {
if (obj.addEventListener)
obj.addEventListener(type, fn, false);
obj.attachEvent('on' + type, fn);
function $hasClass(obj, klass) {
return (' ' + obj.className + ' ').indexOf(' ' + klass + ' ') > -1;
function $addClass(obj, klass) {
if(!$hasClass(obj, klass)) obj.className = (obj.className + " " + klass);
function $removeClass(obj, klass) {
obj.className = obj.className.replace(new RegExp('(^|\\s)' + klass + '(?:\\s|$)'), '$1');
function $get(id) {
return document.getElementById(id);
var Class = function(properties){
properties = properties || {};
var klass = function(){
// not defining any attributes in Class properties.
// for (var key in this){
// if (typeof this[key] != 'function') this[key] = $unlink(this[key]);
// }
this.constructor = klass;
if (Class.prototyping) return this;
var instance = (this.initialize) ? this.initialize.apply(this, arguments) : this;
return instance;
for (var mutator in Class.Mutators){
if (!properties[mutator]) continue;
properties = Class.Mutators[mutator](properties, properties[mutator]);
delete properties[mutator];
$extend(klass, this);
klass.constructor = Class;
klass.prototype = properties;
return klass;
Class.Mutators = {
Extends: function(self, klass){
Class.prototyping = klass.prototype;
var subclass = new klass;
delete subclass.parent;
subclass = Class.inherit(subclass, self);
delete Class.prototyping;
return subclass;
Implements: function(self, klasses){
$each($splat(klasses), function(klass){
Class.prototying = klass;
$extend(self, ($type(klass) == 'function') ? new klass : klass);
delete Class.prototyping;
return self;
$extend(Class, {
inherit: function(object, properties){
var caller = arguments.callee.caller;
for (var key in properties){
var override = properties[key];
var previous = object[key];
var type = $type(override);
if (previous && type == 'function'){
if (override != previous){
if (caller){
override.__parent = previous;
object[key] = override;
} else {
Class.override(object, key, override);
} else if(type == 'object'){
object[key] = $merge(previous, override);
} else {
object[key] = override;
if (caller) object.parent = function(){
return arguments.callee.caller.__parent.apply(this, arguments);
return object;
override: function(object, name, method){
var parent = Class.prototyping;
if (parent && object[name] != parent[name]) parent = null;
var override = function(){
var previous = this.parent;
this.parent = parent ? parent[name] : object[name];
var value = method.apply(this, arguments);
this.parent = previous;
return value;
object[name] = override;
Class.prototype.implement = function(){
var proto = this.prototype;
$each( || []), function(properties){
Class.inherit(proto, properties);
return this;
Object: TreeUtil
Some common JSON tree manipulation methods.
this.TreeUtil = {
Method: prune
Clears all tree nodes having depth greater than maxLevel.
tree - A JSON tree object. For more information please see <Loader.loadJSON>.
maxLevel - An integer specifying the maximum level allowed for this tree. All nodes having depth greater than max level will be deleted.
prune: function(tree, maxLevel) {
this.each(tree, function(elem, i) {
if(i == maxLevel && elem.children) {
delete elem.children;
elem.children = [];
Method: getParent
Returns the parent node of the node having _id_ as id.
tree - A JSON tree object. See also <Loader.loadJSON>.
id - The _id_ of the child node whose parent will be returned.
A tree JSON node if any, or false otherwise.
getParent: function(tree, id) {
if( == id) return false;
var ch = tree.children;
if(ch && ch.length > 0) {
for(var i=0; i<ch.length; i++) {
if(ch[i].id == id)
return tree;
else {
var ans = this.getParent(ch[i], id);
if(ans) return ans;
return false;
Method: getSubtree
Returns the subtree that matches the given id.
tree - A JSON tree object. See also <Loader.loadJSON>.
id - A node *unique* identifier.
A subtree having a root node matching the given id. Returns null if no subtree matching the id is found.
getSubtree: function(tree, id) {
if( == id) return tree;
for(var i=0, ch=tree.children; i<ch.length; i++) {
var t = this.getSubtree(ch[i], id);
if(t != null) return t;
return null;
Method: getLeaves
Returns the leaves of the tree.
node - A JSON tree node. See also <Loader.loadJSON>.
maxLevel - _optional_ A subtree's max level.
An array having objects with two properties.
- The _node_ property contains the leaf node.
- The _level_ property specifies the depth of the node.
getLeaves: function (node, maxLevel) {
var leaves = [], levelsToShow = maxLevel || Number.MAX_VALUE;
this.each(node, function(elem, i) {
if(i < levelsToShow &&
(!elem.children || elem.children.length == 0 )) {
'level':levelsToShow - i
return leaves;
Method: eachLevel
Iterates on tree nodes with relative depth less or equal than a specified level.
tree - A JSON tree or subtree. See also <Loader.loadJSON>.
initLevel - An integer specifying the initial relative level. Usually zero.
toLevel - An integer specifying a top level. This method will iterate only through nodes with depth less than or equal this number.
action - A function that receives a node and an integer specifying the actual level of the node.
(start code js)
TreeUtil.eachLevel(tree, 0, 3, function(node, depth) {
alert( + ' ' + depth);
(end code)
eachLevel: function(tree, initLevel, toLevel, action) {
if(initLevel <= toLevel) {
action(tree, initLevel);
for(var i=0, ch = tree.children; i<ch.length; i++) {
this.eachLevel(ch[i], initLevel +1, toLevel, action);
Method: each
A tree iterator.
tree - A JSON tree or subtree. See also <Loader.loadJSON>.
action - A function that receives a node.
(start code js)
TreeUtil.each(tree, function(node) {
(end code)
each: function(tree, action) {
this.eachLevel(tree, 0, Number.MAX_VALUE, action);
Method: loadSubtrees
Appends subtrees to leaves by requesting new subtrees
with the _request_ method.
tree - A JSON tree node. <Loader.loadJSON>.
controller - An object that implements a request method.
(start code js)
TreeUtil.loadSubtrees(leafNode, {
request: function(nodeId, level, onComplete) {
//Pseudo-code to make an ajax request for a new subtree
// that has as root id _nodeId_ and depth _level_ ...
'url': 'http://subtreerequesturl/',
onSuccess: function(json) {
onComplete.onComplete(nodeId, json);
(end code)
loadSubtrees: function(tree, controller) {
var maxLevel = controller.request && controller.levelsToShow;
var leaves = this.getLeaves(tree, maxLevel),
len = leaves.length,
selectedNode = {};
if(len == 0) controller.onComplete();
for(var i=0, counter=0; i<len; i++) {
var leaf = leaves[i], id =;
selectedNode[id] = leaf.node;
controller.request(id, leaf.level, {
onComplete: function(nodeId, tree) {
var ch = tree.children;
selectedNode[nodeId].children = ch;
if(++counter == len) {
* File: Canvas.js
* A cross browser Canvas widget.
* Used By:
* <ST>, <Hypertree>, <RGraph>
Class: Canvas
A multi-purpose Canvas Class. This Class can be used with the ExCanvas library to provide
cross browser Canvas based visualizations.
id - The canvas id. This id will be used as prefix for the canvas widget DOM elements ids.
options - An object containing multiple options such as
- _injectInto_ This property is _required_ and it specifies the id of the DOM element
to which the Canvas widget will be appended
- _width_ The width of the Canvas widget. Default's to 200px
- _height_ The height of the Canvas widget. Default's to 200px
- _backgroundColor_ Used for compatibility with IE. The canvas' background color.
Default's to '#333'
- _styles_ A hash containing canvas specific style properties such as _fillStyle_ and _strokeStyle_ among others.
Suppose we have this HTML
(start code xml)
<div id="infovis"></div>
(end code)
Now we create a new Canvas instance
(start code js)
//Create a new canvas instance
var canvas = new Canvas('mycanvas', {
//Where to inject the canvas. Any div container will do.
//width and height for canvas. Default's to 200.
'width': 900,
//Canvas styles
'styles': {
'fillStyle': '#ccddee',
'strokeStyle': '#772277'
(end code)
The generated HTML will look like this
(start code xml)
<div id="infovis">
<div id="mycanvas" style="position:relative;">
<canvas id="mycanvas-canvas" width=900 height=500
style="position:absolute; top:0; left:0; width:900px; height:500px;" />
<div id="mycanvas-label"
style="overflow:visible; position:absolute; top:0; left:0; width:900px; height:0px">
(end code)
As you can see, the generated HTML consists of a canvas DOM element of id _mycanvas-canvas_ and a div label container
of id _mycanvas-label_, wrapped in a main div container of id _mycanvas_.
You can also add a background canvas, for making background drawings.
This is how the <RGraph> background concentric circles are drawn
(start code js)
//Create a new canvas instance.
var canvas = new Canvas('mycanvas', {
//Where to inject the canvas. Any div container will do.
//width and height for canvas. Default's to 200.
'width': 900,
//Canvas styles
'styles': {
'fillStyle': '#ccddee',
'strokeStyle': '#772277'
//Add a background canvas for plotting
//concentric circles.
'backgroundCanvas': {
//Add Canvas styles for the bck canvas.
'styles': {
'fillStyle': '#444',
'strokeStyle': '#444'
//Add the initialization and plotting functions.
'impl': {
'init': function() {},
'plot': function(canvas, ctx) {
var times = 6, d = 100;
var pi2 = Math.PI*2;
for(var i=1; i<=times; i++) {
ctx.arc(0, 0, i * d, 0, pi2, true);
(end code)
The _backgroundCanvas_ object contains a canvas _styles_ property and
an _impl_ key to be used for implementing background canvas specific code.
The _init_ method is only called once, at the instanciation of the background canvas.
The _plot_ method is called for plotting a Canvas image.
this.Canvas = (function(){
var config = {
'injectInto': 'id',
'width': 200,
'height': 200,
'backgroundColor': '#333333',
'styles': {
'fillStyle': '#000000',
'strokeStyle': '#000000'
'backgroundCanvas': false
function hasCanvas(){
hasCanvas.t = hasCanvas.t || typeof(HTMLCanvasElement);
return "function" == hasCanvas.t || "object" == hasCanvas.t;
function create(tag, prop, styles){
var elem = document.createElement(tag);
(function(obj, prop){
if (prop) {
for (var p in prop) {
obj[p] = prop[p];
return arguments.callee;
})(elem, prop)(, styles);
//feature check
if (tag == "canvas" && !hasCanvas() && G_vmlCanvasManager) {
elem = G_vmlCanvasManager.initElement(document.body.appendChild(elem));
return elem;
function get(id){
return document.getElementById(id);
function translateToCenter(canvas, ctx, w, h){
var width = w ? (canvas.width - w) : canvas.width;
var height = h ? (canvas.height - h) : canvas.height;
ctx.translate(width / 2, height / 2);
return function(id, opt){
var ctx, bkctx, mainContainer, labelContainer, canvas, bkcanvas;
if (arguments.length < 1)
throw "Arguments missing";
var idLabel = id + "-label", idCanvas = id + "-canvas", idBCanvas = id + "-bkcanvas";
opt = $merge(config, opt || {});
//create elements
var dim = {
'width': opt.width,
'height': opt.height
mainContainer = create("div", {
'id': id
}, $merge(dim, {
'position': 'relative'
labelContainer = create("div", {
'id': idLabel
}, {
'overflow': 'visible',
'position': 'absolute',
'top': 0,
'left': 0,
'width': dim.width + 'px',
'height': 0
var dimPos = {
'position': 'absolute',
'top': 0,
'left': 0,
'width': dim.width + 'px',
'height': dim.height + 'px'
canvas = create("canvas", $merge({
'id': idCanvas
}, dim), dimPos);
var bc = opt.backgroundCanvas;
if (bc) {
bkcanvas = create("canvas", $merge({
'id': idBCanvas
}, dim), dimPos);
//append elements
//create contexts
ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
translateToCenter(canvas, ctx);
var st = opt.styles;
var s;
for (s in st)
ctx[s] = st[s];
if (bc) {
bkctx = bkcanvas.getContext('2d');
st = bc.styles;
for (s in st) {
bkctx[s] = st[s];
translateToCenter(bkcanvas, bkctx);
bc.impl.init(bkcanvas, bkctx);
bc.impl.plot(bkcanvas, bkctx);
//create methods
return {
'id': id,
Method: getCtx
Returns the main canvas context object
Main canvas context
(start code js)
var ctx = canvas.getCtx();
//Now I can use the native canvas context
//and for example change some canvas styles
ctx.globalAlpha = 1;
(end code)
getCtx: function(){
return ctx;
Method: getElement
Returns the main Canvas DOM wrapper
DOM canvas wrapper generated, (i.e the div wrapper element with id _mycanvas_)
(start code js)
var wrapper = canvas.getElement();
//Returns <div id="mycanvas" ... >...</div> as element
(end code)
getElement: function(){
return mainContainer;
Method: resize
Resizes the canvas.
width - New canvas width.
height - New canvas height.
This method can be used with the <ST>, <Hypertree> or <RGraph> visualizations to resize
the visualizations
(start code js)
function resizeViz(width, height) {
canvas.resize(width, height);
rgraph.refresh(); //ht.refresh or st.refresh() also work.
(end code)
resize: function(width, height){
var pwidth = canvas.width, pheight = canvas.height;
canvas.width = width;
canvas.height = height; = width + "px"; = height + "px";
if (bc) {
bkcanvas.width = width;
bkcanvas.height = height; = width + "px"; = height + "px";
//small ExCanvas fix
if(!hasCanvas()) {
translateToCenter(canvas, ctx, pwidth, pheight);
} else {
translateToCenter(canvas, ctx);
var st = opt.styles;
var s;
for (s in st) {
ctx[s] = st[s];
if (bc) {
st = bc.styles;
for (s in st)
bkctx[s] = st[s];
//same ExCanvas fix here
if(!hasCanvas()) {
translateToCenter(bkcanvas, bkctx, pwidth, pheight);
} else {
translateToCenter(bkcanvas, bkctx);
bc.impl.init(bkcanvas, bkctx);
bc.impl.plot(bkcanvas, bkctx);
Method: getSize
Returns canvas dimensions.
An object with _width_ and _height_ properties.
(start code js)
canvas.getSize(); //returns { width: 900, height: 500 }
(end code)
getSize: function(){
return {
'width': canvas.width,
'height': canvas.height
path: function(type, action){
Method: clear
Clears the canvas object.
clear: function(){
var size = this.getSize();
ctx.clearRect(-size.width / 2, -size.height / 2, size.width, size.height);
Method: clearReactangle
Same as <Canvas.clear> but only clears a section of the canvas.
top - An integer specifying the top of the rectangle.
right - An integer specifying the right of the rectangle.
bottom - An integer specifying the bottom of the rectangle.
left - An integer specifying the left of the rectangle.
clearRectangle: function(top, right, bottom, left){
//if using excanvas
if (!hasCanvas()) {
var f0 = ctx.fillStyle;
ctx.fillStyle = opt.backgroundColor;
ctx.fillRect(left, top, Math.abs(right - left), Math.abs(bottom - top));
ctx.fillStyle = f0;
else {
ctx.clearRect(left, top, Math.abs(right - left), Math.abs(bottom - top));
* File: Polar.js
* Defines the <Polar> class.
* Description:
* The <Polar> class, just like the <Complex> class, is used by the <Hypertree>, <ST> and <RGraph> as a 2D point representation.
* See also:
* <>
Class: Polar
A multi purpose polar representation.
The <Polar> class, just like the <Complex> class, is used by the <Hypertree>, <ST> and <RGraph> as a 2D point representation.
See also:
theta - An angle.
rho - The norm.
this.Polar = function(theta, rho) {
this.theta = theta;
this.rho = rho;
Polar.prototype = {
Method: getc
Returns a complex number.
simple - _optional_ If *true*, this method will return only an object holding x and y properties and not a <Complex> instance. Default's *false*.
A complex number.
getc: function(simple) {
return this.toComplex(simple);
Method: getp
Returns a <Polar> representation.
A variable in polar coordinates.
getp: function() {
return this;
Method: set
Sets a number.
v - A <Complex> or <Polar> instance.
set: function(v) {
v = v.getp();
this.theta = v.theta; this.rho = v.rho;
Method: setc
Sets a <Complex> number.
x - A <Complex> number real part.
y - A <Complex> number imaginary part.
setc: function(x, y) {
this.rho = Math.sqrt(x * x + y * y);
this.theta = Math.atan2(y, x);
if(this.theta < 0) this.theta += Math.PI * 2;
Method: setp
Sets a polar number.
theta - A <Polar> number angle property.
rho - A <Polar> number rho property.
setp: function(theta, rho) {
this.theta = theta;
this.rho = rho;
Method: clone
Returns a copy of the current object.
A copy of the real object.
clone: function() {
return new Polar(this.theta, this.rho);
Method: toComplex
Translates from polar to cartesian coordinates and returns a new <Complex> instance.
simple - _optional_ If *true* this method will only return an object with x and y properties (and not the whole <Complex> instance). Default's *false*.
A new <Complex> instance.
toComplex: function(simple) {
var x = Math.cos(this.theta) * this.rho;
var y = Math.sin(this.theta) * this.rho;
if(simple) return { 'x': x, 'y': y};
return new Complex(x, y);
Method: add
Adds two <Polar> instances.
polar - A <Polar> number.
A new Polar instance.
add: function(polar) {
return new Polar(this.theta + polar.theta, this.rho + polar.rho);
Method: scale
Scales a polar norm.
number - A scale factor.
A new Polar instance.
scale: function(number) {
return new Polar(this.theta, this.rho * number);
Method: equals
Comparison method.
Returns *true* if the theta and rho properties are equal.
c - A <Polar> number.
*true* if the theta and rho parameters for these objects are equal. *false* otherwise.
equals: function(c) {
return this.theta == c.theta && this.rho == c.rho;
Method: $add
Adds two <Polar> instances affecting the current object.
polar - A <Polar> instance.
The changed object.
$add: function(polar) {
this.theta = this.theta + polar.theta; this.rho += polar.rho;
return this;
Method: $madd
Adds two <Polar> instances affecting the current object. The resulting theta angle is modulo 2pi.
polar - A <Polar> instance.
The changed object.
$madd: function(polar) {
this.theta = (this.theta + polar.theta) % (Math.PI * 2); this.rho += polar.rho;
return this;
Method: $scale
Scales a polar instance affecting the object.
number - A scaling factor.
The changed object.
$scale: function(number) {
this.rho *= number;
return this;
Method: interpolate
Calculates a polar interpolation between two points at a given delta moment.
elem - A <Polar> instance.
delta - A delta factor ranging [0, 1].
A new <Polar> instance representing an interpolation between _this_ and _elem_
interpolate: function(elem, delta) {
var pi = Math.PI, pi2 = pi * 2;
var ch = function(t) {
return (t < 0)? (t % pi2) + pi2 : t % pi2;
var tt = this.theta, et = elem.theta;
var sum;
if(Math.abs(tt - et) > pi) {
if(tt > et) {
sum =ch((et + ((tt - pi2) - et) * delta)) ;
} else {
sum =ch((et - pi2 + (tt - (et - pi2)) * delta));
} else {
sum =ch((et + (tt - et) * delta)) ;
var r = (this.rho - elem.rho) * delta + elem.rho;
return {
'theta': sum,
'rho': r
var $P = function(a, b) { return new Polar(a, b); };
Polar.KER = $P(0, 0);
* File: Complex.js
* Defines the <Complex> class.
* Description:
* The <Complex> class, just like the <Polar> class, is used by the <Hypertree>, <ST> and <RGraph> as a 2D point representation.
* See also:
* <>
Class: Complex
A multi-purpose Complex Class with common methods.
The <Complex> class, just like the <Polar> class, is used by the <Hypertree>, <ST> and <RGraph> as a 2D point representation.
See also:
x - _optional_ A Complex number real part.
y - _optional_ A Complex number imaginary part.
this.Complex = function(x, y) {
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
Complex.prototype = {
Method: getc
Returns a complex number.
A complex number.
getc: function() {
return this;
Method: getp
Returns a <Polar> representation of this number.
simple - _optional_ If *true*, this method will return only an object holding theta and rho properties and not a <Polar> instance. Default's *false*.
A variable in <Polar> coordinates.
getp: function(simple) {
return this.toPolar(simple);
Method: set
Sets a number.
c - A <Complex> or <Polar> instance.
set: function(c) {
c = c.getc(true);
this.x = c.x;
this.y = c.y;
Method: setc
Sets a complex number.
x - A <Complex> number Real part.
y - A <Complex> number Imaginary part.
setc: function(x, y) {
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
Method: setp
Sets a polar number.
theta - A <Polar> number theta property.
rho - A <Polar> number rho property.
setp: function(theta, rho) {
this.x = Math.cos(theta) * rho;
this.y = Math.sin(theta) * rho;
Method: clone
Returns a copy of the current object.
A copy of the real object.
clone: function() {
return new Complex(this.x, this.y);
Method: toPolar
Transforms cartesian to polar coordinates.
simple - _optional_ If *true* this method will only return an object with theta and rho properties (and not the whole <Polar> instance). Default's *false*.
A new <Polar> instance.
toPolar: function(simple) {
var rho = this.norm();
var atan = Math.atan2(this.y, this.x);
if(atan < 0) atan += Math.PI * 2;
if(simple) return { 'theta': atan, 'rho': rho };
return new Polar(atan, rho);
Method: norm
Calculates a <Complex> number norm.
A real number representing the complex norm.
norm: function () {
return Math.sqrt(this.squaredNorm());
Method: squaredNorm
Calculates a <Complex> number squared norm.
A real number representing the complex squared norm.
squaredNorm: function () {
return this.x*this.x + this.y*this.y;
Method: add
Returns the result of adding two complex numbers.
Does not alter the original object.
pos - A <Complex> instance.
The result of adding two complex numbers.
add: function(pos) {
return new Complex(this.x + pos.x, this.y + pos.y);
Method: prod
Returns the result of multiplying two <Complex> numbers.
Does not alter the original object.
pos - A <Complex> instance.
The result of multiplying two complex numbers.
prod: function(pos) {
return new Complex(this.x*pos.x - this.y*pos.y, this.y*pos.x + this.x*pos.y);
Method: conjugate
Returns the conjugate of this <Complex> number.
Does not alter the original object.
The conjugate of this <Complex> number.
conjugate: function() {
return new Complex(this.x, -this.y);
Method: scale
Returns the result of scaling a <Complex> instance.
Does not alter the original object.
factor - A scale factor.
The result of scaling this complex to a factor.
scale: function(factor) {
return new Complex(this.x * factor, this.y * factor);
Method: equals
Comparison method.
Returns *true* if both real and imaginary parts are equal.
c - A <Complex> instance.
A boolean instance indicating if both <Complex> numbers are equal.
equals: function(c) {
return this.x == c.x && this.y == c.y;
Method: $add
Returns the result of adding two <Complex> numbers.
Alters the original object.
pos - A <Complex> instance.
The result of adding two complex numbers.
$add: function(pos) {
this.x += pos.x; this.y += pos.y;
return this;
Method: $prod
Returns the result of multiplying two <Complex> numbers.
Alters the original object.
pos - A <Complex> instance.
The result of multiplying two complex numbers.
$prod:function(pos) {
var x = this.x, y = this.y;
this.x = x*pos.x - y*pos.y;
this.y = y*pos.x + x*pos.y;
return this;
Method: $conjugate
Returns the conjugate for this <Complex>.
Alters the original object.
The conjugate for this complex.
$conjugate: function() {
this.y = -this.y;
return this;
Method: $scale
Returns the result of scaling a <Complex> instance.
Alters the original object.
factor - A scale factor.
The result of scaling this complex to a factor.
$scale: function(factor) {
this.x *= factor; this.y *= factor;
return this;
Method: $div
Returns the division of two <Complex> numbers.
Alters the original object.
pos - A <Complex> number.
The result of scaling this complex to a factor.
$div: function(pos) {
var x = this.x, y = this.y;
var sq = pos.squaredNorm();
this.x = x * pos.x + y * pos.y; this.y = y * pos.x - x * pos.y;
return this.$scale(1 / sq);
var $C = function(a, b) { return new Complex(a, b); };
Complex.KER = $C(0, 0);
* File: Graph.js
* Generic <Graph>, <Graph.Node> and <Graph.Adjacence> classes.
* Used by:
* <Hypertree>, <RGraph> and <ST>.
Class: Graph
A generic Graph class.
When a json graph/tree structure is loaded by <Loader.loadJSON>, an internal <Graph> representation is created.
In most cases you'll be dealing with an already created <Graph> structure, so methods like <Graph.addNode> or <Graph.addAdjacence> won't
be of many use. However methods like <Graph.getNode> and <Graph.hasNode> are pretty useful.
<Graph.Util> provides also iterators for <Graphs> and advanced and useful graph operations and methods.
Used by:
<Loader.loadJSON>, <Hypertree>, <RGraph> and <ST>.
An instance of this class can be accessed by using the _graph_ parameter of a <Hypertree>, <RGraph> or <ST> instance
(start code js)
var st = new ST(canvas, config);
st.graph.getNode //or any other <Graph> method.
var ht = new Hypertree(canvas, config);
ht.graph.getNode //or any other <Graph> method.
var rg = new RGraph(canvas, config);
rg.graph.getNode //or any other <Graph> method.
(end code)
this.Graph = new Class({
initialize: function(opt) {
var innerOptions = {
'complex': false,
'Node': {}
this.opt = $merge(innerOptions, opt || {});
this.nodes= {};
Method: getNode
Returns a <Graph.Node> by _id_.
id - A <Graph.Node> id.
A <Graph.Node> having _id_ as id. Returns *false* otherwise.
(start code js)
var node = graph.getNode('someid');
(end code)
getNode: function(id) {
if(this.hasNode(id)) return this.nodes[id];
return false;
Method: getAdjacence
Returns an array of <Graph.Adjacence> objects connecting nodes with ids _id_ and _id2_.
id - A <Graph.Node> id.
id2 - A <Graph.Node> id.
An Array of <Graph.Adjacence> objects. Returns *false* if there's not a <Graph.Adjacence> connecting those two nodes.
getAdjacence: function (id, id2) {
var adjs = [];
if(this.hasNode(id) && this.hasNode(id2)
&& this.nodes[id].adjacentTo({ 'id':id2 }) && this.nodes[id2].adjacentTo({ 'id':id })) {
return adjs;
return false;
Method: addNode
Adds a node.
obj - An object containing as properties
- _id_ node's id
- _name_ node's name
- _data_ node's data hash
See also:
addNode: function(obj) {
if(!this.nodes[]) {
this.nodes[] = new Graph.Node($extend({
}, this.opt.Node), this.opt.complex);
return this.nodes[];
Method: addAdjacence
Connects nodes specified by _obj_ and _obj2_. If not found, nodes are created.
obj - a <Graph.Node> object.
obj2 - Another <Graph.Node> object.
data - A DataSet object. Used to store some extra information in the <Graph.Adjacence> object created.
See also:
<Graph.Node>, <Graph.Adjacence>
addAdjacence: function (obj, obj2, data) {
var adjs = [];
if(!this.hasNode( { this.addNode(obj); }
if(!this.hasNode( { this.addNode(obj2); }
obj = this.nodes[]; obj2 = this.nodes[];
for(var i in this.nodes) {
if(this.nodes[i].id == {
if(!this.nodes[i].adjacentTo(obj2)) {
adjs.push(this.nodes[i].addAdjacency(obj2, data));
if(this.nodes[i].id == {
if(!this.nodes[i].adjacentTo(obj)) {
adjs.push(this.nodes[i].addAdjacency(obj, data));
return adjs;
Method: removeNode
Removes a <Graph.Node> matching the specified _id_.
id - A node's id.
removeNode: function(id) {
if(this.hasNode(id)) {
var node = this.nodes[id];
for(var i=0 in node.adjacencies) {
var adj = node.adjacencies[i];
delete this.nodes[id];
Method: removeAdjacence
Removes a <Graph.Adjacence> matching _id1_ and _id2_.
id1 - A <Graph.Node> id.
id2 - A <Graph.Node> id.
removeAdjacence: function(id1, id2) {
if(this.hasNode(id1)) this.nodes[id1].removeAdjacency(id2);
if(this.hasNode(id2)) this.nodes[id2].removeAdjacency(id1);
Method: hasNode
Returns a Boolean instance indicating if the node belongs to the <Graph> or not.
id - Node id.
A Boolean instance indicating if the node belongs to the graph or not.
hasNode: function(id) {
return id in this.nodes;
Class: Graph.Node
A <Graph> node.
obj - An object containing an 'id', 'name' and 'data' properties as described in <Graph.addNode>.
complex - Whether node position properties should contain <Complex> or <Polar> instances.
See also:
An instance of <Graph.Node> is usually passed as parameter for most configuration/controller methods in the
<Hypertree>, <RGraph> and <ST> classes.
A <Graph.Node> object has as properties
id - Node id.
name - Node name.
data - Node data property containing a hash (i.e {}) with custom options. For more information see <Loader.loadJSON>.
selected - Whether the node is selected or not. Used by <ST> for selecting nodes that are between the root node and the selected node.
angleSpan - For radial layouts such as the ones performed by the <Hypertree> and the <RGraph>. Contains _begin_ and _end_ properties containing angle values describing the angle span for this subtree.
alpha - Current opacity value.
startAlpha - Opacity begin value. Used for interpolation.
endAlpha - Opacity end value. Used for interpolation.
pos - Current position. Can be a <Complex> or <Polar> instance.
startPos - Starting position. Used for interpolation.
endPos - Ending position. Used for interpolation.
Graph.Node = new Class({
initialize: function(opt, complex) {
var innerOptions = {
'id': '',
'name': '',
'data': {},
'adjacencies': {},
'selected': false,
'drawn': false,
'exist': false,
'angleSpan': {
'begin': 0,
'end' : 0
'alpha': 1,
'startAlpha': 1,
'endAlpha': 1,
'pos': (complex && $C(0, 0)) || $P(0, 0),
'startPos': (complex && $C(0, 0)) || $P(0, 0),
'endPos': (complex && $C(0, 0)) || $P(0, 0)
$extend(this, $extend(innerOptions, opt));
Method: adjacentTo
Indicates if the node is adjacent to the node specified by id
id - A node id.
A Boolean instance indicating whether this node is adjacent to the specified by id or not.
(start code js)
(end code)
adjacentTo: function(node) {
return in this.adjacencies;
Method: getAdjacency
Returns a <Graph.Adjacence> object connecting the current <Graph.Node> and the node having _id_ as id.
id - A node id.
A <Graph.Adjacence> object or undefined.
getAdjacency: function(id) {
return this.adjacencies[id];
Method: addAdjacency
Connects the current node and the given node.
node - A <Graph.Node>.
data - Some custom hash information.
addAdjacency: function(node, data) {
var adj = new Graph.Adjacence(this, node, data);
return this.adjacencies[] = adj;
Method: removeAdjacency
Removes a <Graph.Adjacence> by _id_.
id - A node id.
removeAdjacency: function(id) {
delete this.adjacencies[id];
Class: Graph.Adjacence
A <Graph> adjacence (or edge). Connects two <Graph.Nodes>.
nodeFrom - A <Graph.Node>.
nodeTo - A <Graph.Node>.
data - Some custom hash data.
See also:
An instance of <Graph.Adjacence> is usually passed as parameter for some configuration/controller methods in the
<Hypertree>, <RGraph> and <ST> classes.
A <Graph.Adjacence> object has as properties
nodeFrom - A <Graph.Node> connected by this edge.
nodeTo - Another <Graph.Node> connected by this edge.
data - Node data property containing a hash (i.e {}) with custom options. For more information see <Loader.loadJSON>.
alpha - Current opacity value.
startAlpha - Opacity begin value. Used for interpolation.
endAlpha - Opacity end value. Used for interpolation.
Graph.Adjacence = function(nodeFrom, nodeTo, data) {
this.nodeFrom = nodeFrom;
this.nodeTo = nodeTo; = data || {};
this.alpha = 1;
this.startAlpha = 1;
this.endAlpha = 1;
Object: Graph.Util
<Graph> traversal and processing utility object.
Graph.Util = {
For internal use only. Provides a filtering function based on flags.
filter: function(param) {
if(!param || !($type(param) == 'string')) return function() { return true; };
var props = param.split(" ");
return function(elem) {
for(var i=0; i<props.length; i++) {
if(elem[props[i]]) {
return false;
return true;
Method: getNode
Returns a <Graph.Node> by _id_.
graph - A <Graph> instance.
id - A <Graph.Node> id.
A <Graph> node.
(start code js)
Graph.Util.getNode(graph, 'nodeid');
(end code)
getNode: function(graph, id) {
return graph.getNode(id);
Method: eachNode
Iterates over <Graph> nodes performing an _action_.
graph - A <Graph> instance.
action - A callback function having a <Graph.Node> as first formal parameter.
(start code js)
Graph.Util.each(graph, function(node) {
(end code)
eachNode: function(graph, action, flags) {
var filter = this.filter(flags);
for(var i in graph.nodes) {
if(filter(graph.nodes[i])) action(graph.nodes[i]);
Method: eachAdjacency
Iterates over <Graph.Node> adjacencies applying the _action_ function.
node - A <Graph.Node>.
action - A callback function having <Graph.Adjacence> as first formal parameter.
(start code js)
Graph.Util.eachAdjacency(node, function(adj) {
(end code)
eachAdjacency: function(node, action, flags) {
var adj = node.adjacencies, filter = this.filter(flags);
for(var id in adj) {
if(filter(adj[id])) {
action(adj[id], id);
Method: computeLevels
Performs a BFS traversal setting the correct depth for each node.
The depth of each node can then be accessed by
graph - A <Graph>.
id - A starting node id for the BFS traversal.
startDepth - _optional_ A minimum depth value. Default's 0.
computeLevels: function(graph, id, startDepth, flags) {
startDepth = startDepth || 0;
var filter = this.filter(flags);
this.eachNode(graph, function(elem) {
elem._flag = false;
elem._depth = -1;
}, flags);
var root = graph.getNode(id);
root._depth = startDepth;
var queue = [root];
while(queue.length != 0) {
var node = queue.pop();
node._flag = true;
this.eachAdjacency(node, function(adj) {
var n = adj.nodeTo;
if(n._flag == false && filter(n)) {
if(n._depth < 0) n._depth = node._depth + 1 + startDepth;
}, flags);
Method: eachBFS
Performs a BFS traversal applying _action_ to each <Graph.Node>.
graph - A <Graph>.
id - A starting node id for the BFS traversal.
action - A callback function having a <Graph.Node> as first formal parameter.
(start code js)
Graph.Util.eachBFS(graph, 'mynodeid', function(node) {
(end code)
eachBFS: function(graph, id, action, flags) {
var filter = this.filter(flags);
var queue = [graph.getNode(id)];
while(queue.length != 0) {
var node = queue.pop();
node._flag = true;
action(node, node._depth);
this.eachAdjacency(node, function(adj) {
var n = adj.nodeTo;
if(n._flag == false && filter(n)) {
n._flag = true;
}, flags);
Method: eachLevel
Iterates over a node's subgraph applying _action_ to the nodes of relative depth between _levelBegin_ and _levelEnd_.
node - A <Graph.Node>.
levelBegin - A relative level value.
levelEnd - A relative level value.
action - A callback function having a <Graph.Node> as first formal parameter.
eachLevel: function(node, levelBegin, levelEnd, action, flags) {
var d = node._depth, filter = this.filter(flags), that = this;
levelEnd = levelEnd === false? Number.MAX_VALUE -d : levelEnd;
(function loopLevel(node, levelBegin, levelEnd) {
var d = node._depth;
if(d >= levelBegin && d <= levelEnd && filter(node)) action(node, d);
if(d < levelEnd) {
that.eachAdjacency(node, function(adj) {
var n = adj.nodeTo;
if(n._depth > d) loopLevel(n, levelBegin, levelEnd);
})(node, levelBegin + d, levelEnd + d);
Method: eachSubgraph
Iterates over a node's children recursively.
node - A <Graph.Node>.
action - A callback function having a <Graph.Node> as first formal parameter.
(start code js)
Graph.Util.eachSubgraph(node, function(node) {
(end code)
eachSubgraph: function(node, action, flags) {
this.eachLevel(node, 0, false, action, flags);
Method: eachSubnode
Iterates over a node's children (without deeper recursion).
node - A <Graph.Node>.
action - A callback function having a <Graph.Node> as first formal parameter.
(start code js)
Graph.Util.eachSubnode(node, function(node) {
(end code)
eachSubnode: function(node, action, flags) {
this.eachLevel(node, 1, 1, action, flags);
Method: anySubnode
Returns *true* if any subnode matches the given condition.
node - A <Graph.Node>.
cond - A callback function returning a Boolean instance. This function has as first formal parameter a <Graph.Node>.
A boolean value.
(start code js)
Graph.Util.anySubnode(node, function(node) { return == "mynodename"; });
(end code)
anySubnode: function(node, cond, flags) {
var flag = false;
cond = cond || $lambda(true);
var c = $type(cond) == 'string'? function(n) { return n[cond]; } : cond;
this.eachSubnode(node, function(elem) {
if(c(elem)) flag = true;
}, flags);
return flag;
Method: getSubnodes
Collects all subnodes for a specified node. The _level_ parameter filters nodes having relative depth of _level_ from the root node.
node - A <Graph.Node>.
level - _optional_ A starting relative depth for collecting nodes. Default's 0.
An array of nodes.
getSubnodes: function(node, level, flags) {
var ans = [], that = this;
level = level || 0;
var levelStart, levelEnd;
if($type(level) == 'array') {
levelStart = level[0];
levelEnd = level[1];
} else {
levelStart = level;
levelEnd = Number.MAX_VALUE - node._depth;
this.eachLevel(node, levelStart, levelEnd, function(n) {
}, flags);
return ans;
Method: getParents
Returns an Array of <Graph.Nodes> wich are parents of the given node.
node - A <Graph.Node>.
An Array of <Graph.Nodes>.
(start code js)
var pars = Graph.Util.getParents(node);
if(pars.length > 0) {
//do stuff with parents
(end code)
getParents: function(node) {
var ans = [];
this.eachAdjacency(node, function(adj) {
var n = adj.nodeTo;
if(n._depth < node._depth) ans.push(n);
return ans;
Method: isDescendantOf
Returns a Boolean instance indicating if some node is descendant of the node with the given id.
node - A <Graph.Node>.
id - A <Graph.Node> id.
Ture if _node_ is descendant of the node with the given _id_. False otherwise.
(start code js)
var pars = Graph.Util.isDescendantOf(node, "nodeid");
(end code)
isDescendantOf: function(node, id) {
if( == id) return true;
var pars = this.getParents(node), ans = false;
for ( var i = 0; !ans && i < pars.length; i++) {
ans = ans || this.isDescendantOf(pars[i], id);
return ans;
Method: clean
Cleans flags from nodes (by setting the _flag_ property to false).
graph - A <Graph> instance.
clean: function(graph) { this.eachNode(graph, function(elem) { elem._flag = false; }); }
* File: Graph.Op.js
* Defines an abstract class for performing <Graph> Operations.
Object: Graph.Op
Generic <Graph> Operations.
An abstract class holding unary and binary powerful graph operations such as removingNodes, removingEdges, adding two graphs and morphing.
Implemented by:
<Hypertree.Op>, <RGraph.Op> and <ST.Op>.
The subclasses for this abstract class can be accessed by using the _op_ property of the <Hypertree>, <RGraph> or <ST> instances created.
See also:
<Hypertree.Op>, <RGraph.Op>, <ST.Op>, <Hypertree>, <RGraph>, <ST>, <Graph>.
Graph.Op = {
options: {
type: 'nothing',
duration: 2000,
hideLabels: true,
Method: removeNode
Removes one or more <Graph.Nodes> from the visualization.
It can also perform several animations like fading sequentially, fading concurrently, iterating or replotting.
node - The node's id. Can also be an array having many ids.
opt - Animation options. It's an object with optional properties
- _type_ Type of the animation. Can be "nothing", "replot", "fade:seq", "fade:con" or "iter". Default's "nothing".
- _duration_ Duration of the animation in milliseconds. Default's 2000.
- _fps_ Frames per second for the animation. Default's 30.
- _hideLabels_ Hide labels during the animation. Default's *true*.
- _transition_ Transitions defined in the <Animation> class. Default's the default transition option of the
<RGraph>, <Hypertree> or <ST> instance created.
(start code js)
var rg = new RGraph(canvas, config); //could be new ST or new Hypertree also.
rg.op.removeNode('nodeid', {
type: 'fade:seq',
duration: 1000,
hideLabels: false,
transition: Trans.Quart.easeOut
//or also
rg.op.removeNode(['someid', 'otherid'], {
type: 'fade:con',
duration: 1500
(end code)
removeNode: function(node, opt) {
var viz = this.viz;
var options = $merge(this.options, viz.controller, opt);
var n = $splat(node);
var i, that, nodeObj;
switch(options.type) {
case 'nothing':
for(i=0; i<n.length; i++) viz.graph.removeNode(n[i]);
case 'replot':
this.removeNode(n, { type: 'nothing' });
case 'fade:seq': case 'fade':
that = this;
//set alpha to 0 for nodes to remove.
for(i=0; i<n.length; i++) {
nodeObj = viz.graph.getNode(n[i]);
nodeObj.endAlpha = 0;
viz.fx.animate($merge(options, {
modes: ['fade:nodes'],
onComplete: function() {
that.removeNode(n, { type: 'nothing' });
viz.fx.animate($merge(options, {
modes: ['linear']
case 'fade:con':
that = this;
//set alpha to 0 for nodes to remove. Tag them for being ignored on computing positions.
for(i=0; i<n.length; i++) {
nodeObj = viz.graph.getNode(n[i]);
nodeObj.endAlpha = 0;
nodeObj.ignore = true;
viz.fx.animate($merge(options, {
modes: ['fade:nodes', 'linear'],
onComplete: function() {
that.removeNode(n, { type: 'nothing' });
case 'iter':
that = this;
condition: function() { return n.length != 0; },
step: function() { that.removeNode(n.shift(), { type: 'nothing' }); viz.fx.clearLabels(); },
onComplete: function() { options.onComplete(); },
duration: Math.ceil(options.duration / n.length)
default: this.doError();
Method: removeEdge
Removes one or more edges from the visualization.
It can also perform several animations like fading sequentially, fading concurrently, iterating or replotting.
vertex - An array having two strings which are the ids of the nodes connected by this edge (i.e ['id1', 'id2']). Can also be a two dimensional array holding many edges (i.e [['id1', 'id2'], ['id3', 'id4'], ...]).
opt - Animation options. It's an object with optional properties
- _type_ Type of the animation. Can be "nothing", "replot", "fade:seq", "fade:con" or "iter". Default's "nothing".
- _duration_ Duration of the animation in milliseconds. Default's 2000.
- _fps_ Frames per second for the animation. Default's 30.
- _hideLabels_ Hide labels during the animation. Default's *true*.
- _transition_ Transitions defined in the <Animation> class. Default's the default transition option of the
<RGraph>, <Hypertree> or <ST> instance created.
(start code js)
var rg = new RGraph(canvas, config); //could be new ST or new Hypertree also.
rg.op.removeEdge(['nodeid', 'otherid'], {
type: 'fade:seq',
duration: 1000,
hideLabels: false,
transition: Trans.Quart.easeOut
//or also
rg.op.removeEdge([['someid', 'otherid'], ['id3', 'id4']], {
type: 'fade:con',
duration: 1500
(end code)
removeEdge: function(vertex, opt) {
var viz = this.viz;
var options = $merge(this.options, viz.controller, opt);
var v = ($type(vertex[0]) == 'string')? [vertex] : vertex;
var i, that, adjs;
switch(options.type) {
case 'nothing':
for(i=0; i<v.length; i++) viz.graph.removeAdjacence(v[i][0], v[i][1]);
case 'replot':
this.removeEdge(v, { type: 'nothing' });
case 'fade:seq': case 'fade':
that = this;
//set alpha to 0 for edges to remove.
for(i=0; i<v.length; i++) {
adjs = viz.graph.getAdjacence(v[i][0], v[i][1]);
if(adjs) {
adjs[0].endAlpha = 0;
adjs[1].endAlpha = 0;
viz.fx.animate($merge(options, {
modes: ['fade:vertex'],
onComplete: function() {
that.removeEdge(v, { type: 'nothing' });
viz.fx.animate($merge(options, {
modes: ['linear']
case 'fade:con':
that = this;
//set alpha to 0 for nodes to remove. Tag them for being ignored when computing positions.
for(i=0; i<v.length; i++) {
adjs = viz.graph.getAdjacence(v[i][0], v[i][1]);
if(adjs) {
adjs[0].endAlpha = 0;
adjs[0].ignore = true;
adjs[1].endAlpha = 0;
adjs[1].ignore = true;
viz.fx.animate($merge(options, {
modes: ['fade:vertex', 'linear'],
onComplete: function() {
that.removeEdge(v, { type: 'nothing' });
case 'iter':
that = this;
condition: function() { return v.length != 0; },
step: function() { that.removeEdge(v.shift(), { type: 'nothing' }); viz.fx.clearLabels(); },
onComplete: function() { options.onComplete(); },
duration: Math.ceil(options.duration / v.length)
default: this.doError();
Method: sum
Adds a new graph to the visualization.
The json graph (or tree) must at least have a common node with the current graph plotted by the visualization.
The resulting graph can be defined as follows <>
json - A json tree or graph structure. See also <Loader.loadJSON>.
opt - Animation options. It's an object with optional properties
- _type_ Type of the animation. Can be "nothing", "replot", "fade:seq" or "fade:con". Default's "nothing".
- _duration_ Duration of the animation in milliseconds. Default's 2000.
- _fps_ Frames per second for the animation. Default's 30.
- _hideLabels_ Hide labels during the animation. Default's *true*.
- _transition_ Transitions defined in the <Animation> class. Default's the default transition option of the
<RGraph>, <Hypertree> or <ST> instance created.
(start code js)
//json contains a tree or graph structure.
var rg = new RGraph(canvas, config); //could be new ST or new Hypertree also.
rg.op.sum(json, {
type: 'fade:seq',
duration: 1000,
hideLabels: false,
transition: Trans.Quart.easeOut
//or also
rg.op.sum(json, {
type: 'fade:con',
duration: 1500
(end code)
sum: function(json, opt) {
var viz = this.viz;
var options = $merge(this.options, viz.controller, opt), root = viz.root;
var GUtil, graph;
viz.root = || viz.root;
switch(options.type) {
case 'nothing':
graph = viz.construct(json);
GUtil = Graph.Util;
GUtil.eachNode(graph, function(elem) {
GUtil.eachAdjacency(elem, function(adj) {
viz.graph.addAdjacence(adj.nodeFrom, adj.nodeTo,;
case 'replot':
this.sum(json, { type: 'nothing' });
case 'fade:seq': case 'fade': case 'fade:con':
GUtil = Graph.Util;
that = this;
graph = viz.construct(json);
//set alpha to 0 for nodes to add.
var fadeEdges = this.preprocessSum(graph);
var modes = !fadeEdges? ['fade:nodes'] : ['fade:nodes', 'fade:vertex'];
if(options.type != 'fade:con') {
viz.fx.animate($merge(options, {
modes: ['linear'],
onComplete: function() {
viz.fx.animate($merge(options, {
modes: modes,
onComplete: function() {
} else {
GUtil.eachNode(viz.graph, function(elem) {
if ( != root && elem.pos.getp().equals(Polar.KER)) {
elem.pos.set(elem.endPos); elem.startPos.set(elem.endPos);
viz.fx.animate($merge(options, {
modes: ['linear'].concat(modes)
default: this.doError();
Method: morph
This method will _morph_ the current visualized graph into the new _json_ representation passed in the method.
Can also perform multiple animations. The _json_ object must at least have the root node in common with the current visualized graph.
json - A json tree or graph structure. See also <Loader.loadJSON>.
opt - Animation options. It's an object with optional properties
- _type_ Type of the animation. Can be "nothing", "replot", or "fade". Default's "nothing".
- _duration_ Duration of the animation in milliseconds. Default's 2000.
- _fps_ Frames per second for the animation. Default's 30.
- _hideLabels_ Hide labels during the animation. Default's *true*.
- _transition_ Transitions defined in the <Animation> class. Default's the default transition option of the
<RGraph>, <Hypertree> or <ST> instance created.
(start code js)
//json contains a tree or graph structure.
var rg = new RGraph(canvas, config); //could be new ST or new Hypertree also.
rg.op.morph(json, {
type: 'fade',
duration: 1000,
hideLabels: false,
transition: Trans.Quart.easeOut
//or also
rg.op.morph(json, {
type: 'fade',
duration: 1500
(end code)
morph: function(json, opt) {
var viz = this.viz;
var options = $merge(this.options, viz.controller, opt), root = viz.root;
var GUtil, graph;
viz.root = || viz.root;
switch(options.type) {
case 'nothing':
graph = viz.construct(json);
GUtil = Graph.Util;
GUtil.eachNode(graph, function(elem) {
GUtil.eachAdjacency(elem, function(adj) {
viz.graph.addAdjacence(adj.nodeFrom, adj.nodeTo,;
GUtil.eachNode(viz.graph, function(elem) {
GUtil.eachAdjacency(elem, function(adj) {
if(!graph.getAdjacence(, {
if(!graph.hasNode( viz.graph.removeNode(;
case 'replot':
this.morph(json, { type: 'nothing' });
case 'fade:seq': case 'fade': case 'fade:con':
GUtil = Graph.Util;
that = this;
graph = viz.construct(json);
//preprocessing for adding nodes.
var fadeEdges = this.preprocessSum(graph);
//preprocessing for nodes to delete.
GUtil.eachNode(viz.graph, function(elem) {
if(!graph.hasNode( {
elem.alpha = 1; elem.startAlpha = 1; elem.endAlpha = 0; elem.ignore = true;
GUtil.eachNode(viz.graph, function(elem) {
if(elem.ignore) return;
GUtil.eachAdjacency(elem, function(adj) {
if(adj.nodeFrom.ignore || adj.nodeTo.ignore) return;
var nodeFrom = graph.getNode(;
var nodeTo = graph.getNode(;
if(!nodeFrom.adjacentTo(nodeTo)) {
var adjs = viz.graph.getAdjacence(,;
fadeEdges = true;
adjs[0].alpha = 1; adjs[0].startAlpha = 1; adjs[0].endAlpha = 0; adjs[0].ignore = true;
adjs[1].alpha = 1; adjs[1].startAlpha = 1; adjs[1].endAlpha = 0; adjs[1].ignore = true;
var modes = !fadeEdges? ['fade:nodes'] : ['fade:nodes', 'fade:vertex'];
GUtil.eachNode(viz.graph, function(elem) {
if ( != root && elem.pos.getp().equals(Polar.KER)) {
elem.pos.set(elem.endPos); elem.startPos.set(elem.endPos);
viz.fx.animate($merge(options, {
modes: ['polar'].concat(modes),
onComplete: function() {
GUtil.eachNode(viz.graph, function(elem) {
if(elem.ignore) viz.graph.removeNode(;
GUtil.eachNode(viz.graph, function(elem) {
GUtil.eachAdjacency(elem, function(adj) {
if(adj.ignore) viz.graph.removeAdjacence(,;
default: this.doError();
preprocessSum: function(graph) {
var viz = this.viz;
var GUtil = Graph.Util;
GUtil.eachNode(graph, function(elem) {
if(!viz.graph.hasNode( {
var n = viz.graph.getNode(;
n.alpha = 0; n.startAlpha = 0; n.endAlpha = 1;
var fadeEdges = false;
GUtil.eachNode(graph, function(elem) {
GUtil.eachAdjacency(elem, function(adj) {
var nodeFrom = viz.graph.getNode(;
var nodeTo = viz.graph.getNode(;
if(!nodeFrom.adjacentTo(nodeTo)) {
var adjs = viz.graph.addAdjacence(nodeFrom, nodeTo,;
if(nodeFrom.startAlpha == nodeFrom.endAlpha
&& nodeTo.startAlpha == nodeTo.endAlpha) {
fadeEdges = true;
adjs[0].alpha = 0; adjs[0].startAlpha = 0; adjs[0].endAlpha = 1;
adjs[1].alpha = 0; adjs[1].startAlpha = 0; adjs[1].endAlpha = 1;
return fadeEdges;
* File: Graph.Plot.js
* Defines an abstract class for performing <Graph> rendering and animation.
Object: Graph.Plot
Generic <Graph> rendering and animation methods.
An abstract class for plotting a generic graph structure.
Implemented by:
<Hypertree.Plot>, <RGraph.Plot>, <ST.Plot>.
The subclasses for this abstract class can be accessed by using the _fx_ property of the <Hypertree>, <RGraph>, or <ST> instances created.
See also:
<Hypertree.Plot>, <RGraph.Plot>, <ST.Plot>, <Hypertree>, <RGraph>, <ST>, <Graph>.
Graph.Plot = {
Interpolator: {
'moebius': function(elem, delta, vector) {
if(delta <= 1 || vector.norm() <= 1) {
var x = vector.x, y = vector.y;
var ans = elem.startPos.getc().moebiusTransformation(vector);
elem.pos.setc(ans.x, ans.y);
vector.x = x; vector.y = y;
'linear': function(elem, delta) {
var from = elem.startPos.getc(true);
var to = elem.endPos.getc(true);
elem.pos.setc((to.x - from.x) * delta + from.x, (to.y - from.y) * delta + from.y);
'fade:nodes': function(elem, delta) {
if(delta <= 1 && (elem.endAlpha != elem.alpha)) {
var from = elem.startAlpha;
var to = elem.endAlpha;
elem.alpha = from + (to - from) * delta;
'fade:vertex': function(elem, delta) {
var adjs = elem.adjacencies;
for(var id in adjs) this['fade:nodes'](adjs[id], delta);
'polar': function(elem, delta) {
var from = elem.startPos.getp(true);
var to = elem.endPos.getp();
var ans = to.interpolate(from, delta);
elem.pos.setp(ans.theta, ans.rho);
//A flag value indicating if node labels are being displayed or not.
labelsHidden: false,
//Label DOM element
labelContainer: false,
//Label DOM elements hash.
labels: {},
Method: getLabelContainer
Lazy fetcher for the label container.
The label container DOM element.
(start code js)
var rg = new RGraph(canvas, config); //can be also Hypertree or ST
var labelContainer = rg.fx.getLabelContainer();
(end code)
getLabelContainer: function() {
return this.labelContainer? this.labelContainer : this.labelContainer = document.getElementById(this.viz.config.labelContainer);
Method: getLabel
Lazy fetcher for the label DOM element.
id - The label id (which is also a <Graph.Node> id).
The label DOM element.
(start code js)
var rg = new RGraph(canvas, config); //can be also Hypertree or ST
var label = rg.fx.getLabel('someid');
(end code)
getLabel: function(id) {
return (id in this.labels && this.labels[id] != null)? this.labels[id] : this.labels[id] = document.getElementById(id);
Method: hideLabels
Hides all labels (by hiding the label container).
hide - A boolean value indicating if the label container must be hidden or not.
(start code js)
var rg = new RGraph(canvas, config); //can be also Hypertree or ST
(end code)
hideLabels: function (hide) {
var container = this.getLabelContainer();
if(hide) = 'none';
else = '';
this.labelsHidden = hide;
Method: clearLabels
Clears the label container.
Useful when using a new visualization with the same canvas element/widget.
force - Forces deletion of all labels.
(start code js)
var rg = new RGraph(canvas, config); //can be also Hypertree or ST
(end code)
clearLabels: function(force) {
for(var id in this.labels) {
if (force || !this.viz.graph.hasNode(id)) {
delete this.labels[id];
Method: disposeLabel
Removes a label.
id - A label id (which generally is also a <Graph.Node> id).
(start code js)
var rg = new RGraph(canvas, config); //can be also Hypertree or ST
(end code)
disposeLabel: function(id) {
var elem = this.getLabel(id);
if(elem && elem.parentNode) {
Method: hideLabel
Hides the corresponding <Graph.Node> label.
node - A <Graph.Node>. Can also be an array of <Graph.Nodes>.
flag - If *true*, nodes will be shown. Otherwise nodes will be hidden.
(start code js)
var rg = new RGraph(canvas, config); //can be also Hypertree or ST
rg.fx.hideLabel(rg.graph.getNode('someid'), false);
(end code)
hideLabel: function(node, flag) {
node = $splat(node);
var st = flag? "" : "none", lab, that = this;
$each(node, function(n) {
var lab = that.getLabel(;
if (lab) { = st;
Method: sequence
Iteratively performs an action while refreshing the state of the visualization.
options - Some sequence options like
- _condition_ A function returning a boolean instance in order to stop iterations.
- _step_ A function to execute on each step of the iteration.
- _onComplete_ A function to execute when the sequence finishes.
- _duration_ Duration (in milliseconds) of each step.
(start code js)
var rg = new RGraph(canvas, config); //can be also Hypertree or ST
var i = 0;
condition: function() {
return i == 10;
step: function() {
onComplete: function() {
(end code)
sequence: function(options) {
var that = this;
options = $merge({
condition: $lambda(false),
step: $empty,
onComplete: $empty,
duration: 200
}, options || {});
var interval = setInterval(function() {
if(options.condition()) {
} else {
}, options.duration);
Method: animate
Animates a <Graph> by interpolating some <Graph.Nodes> properties.
opt - Animation options. This object contains as properties
- _modes_ (required) An Array of animation types. Possible values are "linear", "polar", "moebius", "fade:nodes" and "fade:vertex".
"linear", "polar" and "moebius" animation options will interpolate <Graph.Nodes> "startPos" and "endPos" properties, storing the result in "pos".
"fade:nodes" and "fade:vertex" animation options will interpolate <Graph.Nodes> and/or <Graph.Adjacence> "startAlpha" and "endAlpha" properties, storing the result in "alpha".
- _duration_ Duration (in milliseconds) of the Animation.
- _fps_ Frames per second.
- _hideLabels_ hide labels or not during the animation.
...and other <Hypertree>, <RGraph> or <ST> controller methods.
(start code js)
var rg = new RGraph(canvas, config); //can be also Hypertree or ST
modes: ['linear'],
hideLabels: false
(end code)
animate: function(opt, versor) {
var that = this,
viz = this.viz,
graph = viz.graph,
GUtil = Graph.Util;
opt = $merge(viz.controller, opt || {});
if(opt.hideLabels) this.hideLabels(true);
this.animation.setOptions($merge(opt, {
$animating: false,
compute: function(delta) {
var vector = versor? versor.scale(-delta) : null;
GUtil.eachNode(graph, function(node) {
for(var i=0; i<opt.modes.length; i++) {
that.Interpolator[opt.modes[i]](node, delta, vector);
that.plot(opt, this.$animating);
this.$animating = true;
complete: function() {
GUtil.eachNode(graph, function(node) {
node.startAlpha = node.alpha;
if(opt.hideLabels) that.hideLabels(false);
Method: plot
Plots a <Graph>.
opt - _optional_ Plotting options.
(start code js)
var rg = new RGraph(canvas, config); //can be also Hypertree or ST
(end code)
plot: function(opt, animating) {
var viz = this.viz,
aGraph = viz.graph,
canvas = viz.canvas,
id = viz.root,
that = this,
ctx = canvas.getCtx(),
GUtil = Graph.Util;
opt = opt || this.viz.controller;
opt.clearCanvas && canvas.clear();
var T = !!aGraph.getNode(id).visited;
GUtil.eachNode(aGraph, function(node) {
GUtil.eachAdjacency(node, function(adj) {
var nodeTo = adj.nodeTo;
if(!!nodeTo.visited === T && node.drawn && nodeTo.drawn) {
!animating && opt.onBeforePlotLine(adj);;
ctx.globalAlpha = Math.min(Math.min(node.alpha, nodeTo.alpha), adj.alpha);
that.plotLine(adj, canvas, animating);
!animating && opt.onAfterPlotLine(adj);
if(node.drawn) {
ctx.globalAlpha = node.alpha;
!animating && opt.onBeforePlotNode(node);
that.plotNode(node, canvas, animating);
!animating && opt.onAfterPlotNode(node);
if(!that.labelsHidden && opt.withLabels) {
if(node.drawn && ctx.globalAlpha >= 0.95) {
that.plotLabel(canvas, node, opt);
} else {
that.hideLabel(node, false);
node.visited = !T;
Method: plotLabel
Plots a label for a given node.
canvas - A <Canvas> instance.
node - A <Graph.Node>.
controller - A configuration object. See also <Hypertree>, <RGraph>, <ST>.
plotLabel: function(canvas, node, controller) {
var id =, tag = this.getLabel(id);
if(!tag && !(tag = document.getElementById(id))) {
tag = document.createElement('div');
var container = this.getLabelContainer();
container.appendChild(tag); = id;
tag.className = 'node'; = 'absolute';
controller.onCreateLabel(tag, node);
this.labels[] = tag;
this.placeLabel(tag, node, controller);
Method: plotNode
Plots a <Graph.Node>.
node - A <Graph.Node>.
canvas - A <Canvas> element.
plotNode: function(node, canvas, animating) {
var nconfig = this.node, data =;
var cond = nconfig.overridable && data;
var width = cond && data.$lineWidth || nconfig.lineWidth;
var color = cond && data.$color || nconfig.color;
var ctx = canvas.getCtx();
ctx.lineWidth = width;
ctx.fillStyle = color;
ctx.strokeStyle = color;
var f = &&$type || nconfig.type;
this.nodeTypes[f].call(this, node, canvas, animating);
Method: plotLine
Plots a line.
adj - A <Graph.Adjacence>.
canvas - A <Canvas> instance.
plotLine: function(adj, canvas, animating) {
var econfig = this.edge, data =;
var cond = econfig.overridable && data;
var width = cond && data.$lineWidth || econfig.lineWidth;
var color = cond && data.$color || econfig.color;
var ctx = canvas.getCtx();
ctx.lineWidth = width;
ctx.fillStyle = color;
ctx.strokeStyle = color;
var f = &&$type || econfig.type;
this.edgeTypes[f].call(this, adj, canvas, animating);
Method: fitsInCanvas
Returns _true_ or _false_ if the label for the node is contained in the canvas dom element or not.
pos - A <Complex> instance (I'm doing duck typing here so any object with _x_ and _y_ parameters will do).
canvas - A <Canvas> instance.
A boolean value specifying if the label is contained in the <Canvas> DOM element or not.
fitsInCanvas: function(pos, canvas) {
var size = canvas.getSize();
if(pos.x >= size.width || pos.x < 0
|| pos.y >= size.height || pos.y < 0) return false;
return true;
* File: Loader.js
* Provides methods for loading JSON data.
* Description:
* Provides the <Loader.loadJSON> method implemented by the main visualization classes to load JSON Trees and Graphs.
* Implemented By:
* <ST>, <TM>, <Hypertree> and <RGraph> classes
Object: Loader
Provides static methods for loading JSON data.
This object is extended by the main Visualization classes (<ST>, <Hypertree>, <TM> and <RGraph>)
in order to implement the <Loader.loadJSON> method.
The <Loader.loadJSON> method accepts JSON Trees and Graph objects. This will be explained in detail in the <Loader.loadJSON> method definition.
var Loader = {
construct: function(json) {
var isGraph = ($type(json) == 'array');
var ans = new Graph(this.graphOptions);
//make tree
(function (ans, json) {
for(var i=0, ch = json.children; i<ch.length; i++) {
ans.addAdjacence(json, ch[i]);
arguments.callee(ans, ch[i]);
})(ans, json);
//make graph
(function (ans, json) {
var getNode = function(id) {
for(var w=0; w<json.length; w++) {
if(json[w].id == id) {
return json[w];
return undefined;
for(var i=0; i<json.length; i++) {
for(var j=0, adj = json[i].adjacencies; j<adj.length; j++) {
var node = adj[j], data;
if(typeof adj[j] != 'string') {
data =;
node = node.nodeTo;
ans.addAdjacence(json[i], getNode(node), data);
})(ans, json);
return ans;
Method: loadJSON
Loads a JSON structure to the visualization. The JSON structure can be a JSON tree or graph structure.
A JSON tree or graph structure consists of nodes, each having as properties
- _id_ A unique identifier for the node
- _name_ A node's name
- _data_ The data property contains a hash (i.e {}) where you can store all
the information you want about this node.
Hash keys prefixed with a dollar sign (i.e $) have special meaning. I will detail those properties below.
For JSON tree structures, there's an extra property _children_ of type Array which contains the node's children.
(start code js)
var json = {
"id": "aUniqueIdentifier",
"name": "usually a nodes name",
"data": {
"some key": "some value",
"some other key": "some other value"
"children": [ 'other nodes or empty' ]
(end code)
JSON Graph structures consist of an array of nodes, each specifying the nodes to which the current node is connected.
For JSON Graph structures, the _children_ property is replaced by the _adjacencies_ property.
There are two types of Graph structures, _simple_ and _extended_ graph structures.
For _simple_ Graph structures, the adjacencies property contains an array of strings, each specifying the
id of the node connected to the main node.
(start code js)
var json = [
"id": "aUniqueIdentifier",
"name": "usually a nodes name",
"data": {
"some key": "some value",
"some other key": "some other value"
"adjacencies": ["anotherUniqueIdentifier", "yetAnotherUniqueIdentifier", 'etc']
'other nodes go here...'
(end code)
For _extended_ Graph structures, the adjacencies property contains an array of Adjacency objects that have as properties
- nodeTo The other node connected by this adjacency.
- data A data property, where we can store custom key/value information.
(start code js)
var json = [
"id": "aUniqueIdentifier",
"name": "usually a nodes name",
"data": {
"some key": "some value",
"some other key": "some other value"
"adjacencies": [
data: {} //put whatever you want here
'other adjacencies go here...'
'other nodes go here...'
(end code)
Since all visualizations implement this method, this will be the entry point for JSON data for all visualizations. This method could be called like this
(start code js)
var ht = new Hypertree(canvas, config);
var tm = new TM.Squarified(config);
var st = new ST(canvas, config);
var rg = new RGraph(canvas, config);
(end code)
json - A JSON Tree or Graph structure.
i - For Graph structures only. Sets the indexed node as root for the visualization.
loadJSON: function(json, i) {
this.json = json;
this.graph = this.construct(json);
if($type(json) != 'array'){
this.root =;
} else {
this.root = json[i? i : 0].id;
* File: Animation.js
* Core <Animation> and <Trans> transition classes.
Object: Trans
An object containing multiple type of transformations.
Based on:
Easing and Transition animation methods are based in the MooTools Framework <>. Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Valerio Proietti, <>. MIT license <>.
Used by:
<RGraph>, <Hypertree> and <ST> classes.
This object is used for specifying different animation transitions in the <RGraph>, <Hypertree> and <ST> classes.
There are many different type of animation transitions.
Displays a linear transition
(see Linear.png)
Displays a Quadratic transition.
(see Quad.png)
Displays a Cubic transition.
(see Cubic.png)
Displays a Quartetic transition.
(see Quart.png)
Displays a Quintic transition.
(see Quint.png)
Displays an Exponential transition.
(see Expo.png)
Displays a Circular transition.
(see Circ.png)
Displays a Sineousidal transition.
(see Sine.png)
(see Back.png)
Bouncy transition.
(see Bounce.png)
Elastic curve.
(see Elastic.png)
this.Trans = {
linear: function(p) { return p; }
(function() {
var makeTrans = function(transition, params){
params = $splat(params);
return $extend(transition, {
easeIn: function(pos){
return transition(pos, params);
easeOut: function(pos){
return 1 - transition(1 - pos, params);
easeInOut: function(pos){
return (pos <= 0.5) ? transition(2 * pos, params) / 2 : (2 - transition(2 * (1 - pos), params)) / 2;
var transitions = {
Pow: function(p, x){
return Math.pow(p, x[0] || 6);
Expo: function(p){
return Math.pow(2, 8 * (p - 1));
Circ: function(p){
return 1 - Math.sin(Math.acos(p));
Sine: function(p){
return 1 - Math.sin((1 - p) * Math.PI / 2);
Back: function(p, x){
x = x[0] || 1.618;
return Math.pow(p, 2) * ((x + 1) * p - x);
Bounce: function(p){
var value;
for (var a = 0, b = 1; 1; a += b, b /= 2){
if (p >= (7 - 4 * a) / 11){
value = b * b - Math.pow((11 - 6 * a - 11 * p) / 4, 2);
return value;
Elastic: function(p, x){
return Math.pow(2, 10 * --p) * Math.cos(20 * p * Math.PI * (x[0] || 1) / 3);
$each(transitions, function(val, key) {
Trans[key] = makeTrans(val);
$each(['Quad', 'Cubic', 'Quart', 'Quint'], function(elem, i) {
Trans[elem] = makeTrans(function(p){
return Math.pow(p, [i + 2]);
Class: Animation
A Class that can perform animations for generic objects.
If you are looking for animation transitions please take a look at the <Trans> object.
Used by:
Based on:
The Animation class is based in the MooTools Framework <>. Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Valerio Proietti, <>. MIT license <>.
var Animation = new Class({
initalize: function(options) {
setOptions: function(options) {
var opt = {
duration: 2500,
fps: 40,
transition: Trans.Quart.easeInOut,
compute: $empty,
complete: $empty
this.opt = $merge(opt, options || {});
return this;
getTime: function() {
return $time();
step: function(){
var time = this.getTime(), opt = this.opt;
if (time < this.time + opt.duration){
var delta = opt.transition((time - this.time) / opt.duration);
} else {
this.timer = clearInterval(this.timer);
start: function(){
this.time = 0;
return this;
startTimer: function(){
var that = this, opt = this.opt;
if (this.timer) return false;
this.time = this.getTime() - this.time;
this.timer = setInterval((function () { that.step(); }), Math.round(1000 / opt.fps));
return true;
* File: Spacetree.js
* Implements the <ST> class and other derived classes.
* Description:
* The main idea of the spacetree algorithm is to take the most common tree layout, and to expand nodes that are "context-related" .i.e lying on the path between the root node and a selected node. Useful animations to contract and expand nodes are also included.
* Inspired by:
* SpaceTree: Supporting Exploration in Large Node Link Tree, Design Evolution and Empirical Evaluation (Catherine Plaisant, Jesse Grosjean, Benjamin B. Bederson)
* <>
* Disclaimer:
* This visualization was built from scratch, taking only the paper as inspiration, and only shares some features with the Spacetree.
Class: ST
The main ST class
canvas - A <Canvas> Class
config - A configuration/controller object.
The configuration object can have the following properties (all properties are optional and have a default value)
- _levelsToShow_ Depth of the plotted tree. The plotted tree will be pruned in order to fit the specified depth if constrained=true. Default's 2.
- _constrained_ If true, the algorithm will try to plot only the part of the tree that fits the Canvas.
- _subtreeOffset_ Separation offset between subtrees. Default's 8.
- _siblingOffset_ Separation offset between siblings. Default's 5.
- _levelDistance_ Distance between levels. Default's 30.
- _orientation_ Sets the orientation layout. Implemented orientations are _left_ (the root node will be placed on the left side of the screen), _top_ (the root node will be placed on top of the screen), _bottom_ and _right_. Default's "left".
- _align_ Whether the tree alignment is left, center or right.
- _indent_ Used when alignment is left or right and shows an indentation between parent and children. Default's 10.
- _withLabels_ Whether the visualization should use/create labels or not. Default's *true*.
Customize the visualization nodes' shape, color, and other style properties.
- _Node_
This object has as properties
- _overridable_ Determine whether or not nodes properties can be overriden by a particular node. Default's false.
If given a JSON tree or graph, a node _data_ property contains properties which are the same as defined here but prefixed with
a dollar sign (i.e $), the node properties will override the global node properties.
- _type_ Node type (shape). Possible options are "none", "square", "rectangle", "ellipse" and "circle". Default's "rectangle".
- _color_ Node color. Default's '#ccb'.
- _lineWidth_ Line width. If nodes aren't drawn with strokes then this property won't be of any use. Default's 1.
- _height_ Node height. Used for plotting rectangular nodes. _Width_ and _height_ properties are also used as bounding box for nodes of different shapes.
This means that for all shapes you'd have to make sure that the node's shape is contained in the bounding box defined by _width_ and _height_ parameters. Default's 20.
- _width_ Node width. Used for plotting rectangular nodes and for calculating a node's bounding box. Default's 90.
- _dim_ An extra parameter used by other complex shapes such as square and circle to determine the shape's diameter.
Please notice that even if these complex shapes (square, circle) only use _dim_ for calculating it's diameter property, the complex shape must be
contained in the bounding box calculated with the _width_ and _height_ parameters. Default's 15.
- _align_ Defines a node's alignment. Possible values are "center", "left", "right". Default's "center".
Customize the visualization edges' shape, color, and other style properties.
- _Edge_
This object has as properties
- _overridable_ Determine whether or not edges properties can be overriden by a particular edge object. Default's false.
If given a JSON _complex_ graph (defined in <Loader.loadJSON>), an adjacency _data_ property contains properties which are the same as defined here but prefixed with
a dollar sign (i.e $), the adjacency properties will override the global edge properties.
- _type_ Edge type (shape). Possible options are "none", "line", "quadratic:begin", "quadratic:end", "bezier" and "arrow". Default's "line".
- _color_ Edge color. Default's '#ccb'.
- _lineWidth_ Line width. If edges aren't drawn with strokes then this property won't be of any use. Default's 1.
- _dim_ An extra parameter used by other complex shapes such as quadratic, arrow and bezier to determine the shape's diameter.
- _duration_ Duration of the animation in milliseconds. Default's 700.
- _fps_ Frames per second. Default's 25.
- _transition_ One of the transitions defined in the <Animation> class. Default's Quart.easeInOut.
- _clearCanvas_ Whether to clear canvas on each animation frame or not. Default's true.
*Controller options*
You can also implement controller functions inside the configuration object. This functions are
- _onBeforeCompute(node)_ This method is called right before performing all computation and animations to the JIT visualization.
- _onAfterCompute()_ This method is triggered right after all animations or computations for the JIT visualizations ended.
- _onCreateLabel(domElement, node)_ This method receives the label dom element as first parameter, and the corresponding <Graph.Node> as second parameter. This method will only be called on label creation. Note that a <Graph.Node> is a node from the input tree/graph you provided to the visualization. If you want to know more about what kind of JSON tree/graph format is used to feed the visualizations, you can take a look at <Loader.loadJSON>. This method proves useful when adding events to the labels used by the JIT.
- _onPlaceLabel(domElement, node)_ This method receives the label dom element as first parameter and the corresponding <Graph.Node> as second parameter. This method is called each time a label has been placed on the visualization, and thus it allows you to update the labels properties, such as size or position. Note that onPlaceLabel will be triggered after updating the labels positions. That means that, for example, the left and top css properties are already updated to match the nodes positions.
- _onBeforePlotNode(node)_ This method is triggered right before plotting a given node. The _node_ parameter is the <Graph.Node> to be plotted.
This method is useful for changing a node style right before plotting it.
- _onAfterPlotNode(node)_ This method is triggered right after plotting a given node. The _node_ parameter is the <Graph.Node> plotted.
- _onBeforePlotLine(adj)_ This method is triggered right before plotting an edge. The _adj_ parameter is a <Graph.Adjacence> object.
This method is useful for adding some styles to a particular edge before being plotted.
- _onAfterPlotLine(adj)_ This method is triggered right after plotting an edge. The _adj_ parameter is the <Graph.Adjacence> plotted.
- _request(nodeId, level, onComplete)_ This method is used for buffering information into the visualization. When clicking on an empty node,
the visualization will make a request for this node's subtree, specifying a given level for this subtree. Once this request is completed the _onComplete_
object must be called with the given result.
Here goes a complete example. In most cases you won't be forced to implement all properties and methods. In fact,
all configuration properties have the default value assigned.
I won't be instanciating a <Canvas> class here. If you want to know more about instanciating a <Canvas> class
please take a look at the <Canvas> class documentation.
(start code js)
var st = new ST(canvas, {
orientation: "left",
levelsToShow: 2,
subtreeOffset: 8,
siblingOffset: 5,
levelDistance: 30,
withLabels: true,
align: "center",
multitree: false,
indent: 10,
Node: {
overridable: false,
type: 'rectangle',
color: '#ccb',
lineWidth: 1,
height: 20,
width: 90,
dim: 15,
align: "center"
Edge: {
overridable: false,
type: 'line',
color: '#ccc',
dim: 15,
lineWidth: 1
duration: 700,
fps: 25,
transition: Trans.Quart.easeInOut,
clearCanvas: true,
onBeforeCompute: function(node) {
//do something onBeforeCompute
onAfterCompute: function () {
//do something onAfterCompute
onCreateLabel: function(domElement, node) {
//do something onCreateLabel
onPlaceLabel: function(domElement, node) {
//do something onPlaceLabel
onBeforePlotNode:function(node) {
//do something onBeforePlotNode
onAfterPlotNode: function(node) {
//do something onAfterPlotNode
onBeforePlotLine:function(adj) {
//do something onBeforePlotLine
onAfterPlotLine: function(adj) {
//do something onAfterPlotLine
request: false
(end code)
Instance Properties:
- _graph_ Access a <Graph> instance.
- _op_ Access a <ST.Op> instance.
- _fx_ Access a <ST.Plot> instance.
(function () {
//Layout functions
var slice = Array.prototype.slice;
Calculates the max width and height nodes for a tree level
function getBoundaries(graph, config, level, orn) {
var dim = config.Node, GUtil = Graph.Util;
var multitree = config.multitree;
if(dim.overridable) {
var w = -1, h = -1;
GUtil.eachNode(graph, function(n) {
if(n._depth == level && (!multitree ||
('$orn' in &&$orn == orn)) {
var dw =$width || dim.width;
var dh =$height || dim.height;
w = (w < dw)? dw : w;
h = (h < dh)? dh : h;
return {
'width': w < 0? dim.width : w,
'height': h < 0? dim.height : h
} else {
return dim;
function movetree(node, prop, val, orn) {
var p = (orn == "left" || orn == "right")? "y" : "x";
node[prop][p] += val;
function moveextent(extent, val) {
var ans = [];
$each(extent, function(elem) {
elem =;
elem[0] += val;
elem[1] += val;
return ans;
function merge(ps, qs) {
if(ps.length == 0) return qs;
if(qs.length == 0) return ps;
var p = ps.shift(), q = qs.shift();
return [[p[0], q[1]]].concat(merge(ps, qs));
function mergelist(ls, def) {
def = def || [];
if(ls.length == 0) return def;
var ps = ls.pop();
return mergelist(ls, merge(ps, def));
function fit(ext1, ext2, subtreeOffset, siblingOffset, i) {
if(ext1.length <= i ||
ext2.length <= i) return 0;
var p = ext1[i][1], q = ext2[i][0];
return Math.max(fit(ext1, ext2, subtreeOffset, siblingOffset, ++i)
+ subtreeOffset, p - q + siblingOffset);
function fitlistl(es, subtreeOffset, siblingOffset) {
function $fitlistl(acc, es, i) {
if(es.length <= i) return [];
var e = es[i], ans = fit(acc, e, subtreeOffset, siblingOffset, 0);
return [ans].concat($fitlistl(merge(acc, moveextent(e, ans)), es, ++i));
return $fitlistl([], es, 0);
function fitlistr(es, subtreeOffset, siblingOffset) {
function $fitlistr(acc, es, i) {
if(es.length <= i) return [];
var e = es[i], ans = -fit(e, acc, subtreeOffset, siblingOffset, 0);
return [ans].concat($fitlistr(merge(moveextent(e, ans), acc), es, ++i));
es =;
var ans = $fitlistr([], es.reverse(), 0);
return ans.reverse();
function fitlist(es, subtreeOffset, siblingOffset, align) {
var esl = fitlistl(es, subtreeOffset, siblingOffset),
esr = fitlistr(es, subtreeOffset, siblingOffset);
if(align == "left")
esr = esl;
else if(align == "right")
esl = esr;
for(var i = 0, ans = []; i < esl.length; i++) {
ans[i] = (esl[i] + esr[i]) / 2;
return ans;
function design(graph, node, prop, config, orn) {
var multitree = config.multitree;
var auxp = ['x', 'y'], auxs = ['width', 'height'];
var ind = +(orn == "left" || orn == "right");
var p = auxp[ind], notp = auxp[1 - ind];
var cnode = config.Node;
var s = auxs[ind], nots = auxs[1 - ind];
var siblingOffset = config.siblingOffset;
var subtreeOffset = config.subtreeOffset;
var align = config.align;
var GUtil = Graph.Util;
function $design(node, maxsize, acum) {
var sval = (cnode.overridable &&["$" + s]) || cnode[s];
var notsval = maxsize || ((cnode.overridable &&["$" + nots]) || cnode[nots]);
var trees = [], extents = [], chmaxsize = false;
var chacum = notsval + config.levelDistance;
GUtil.eachSubnode(node, function(n) {
if(n.exist && (!multitree ||
('$orn' in &&$orn == orn)) {
chmaxsize = getBoundaries(graph, config, n._depth, orn);
var s = $design(n, chmaxsize[nots], acum + chacum);
var positions = fitlist(extents, subtreeOffset, siblingOffset, align);
for(var i=0, ptrees = [], pextents = []; i < trees.length; i++) {
movetree(trees[i], prop, positions[i], orn);
pextents.push(moveextent(extents[i], positions[i]));
var resultextent = [[-sval/2, sval/2]].concat(mergelist(pextents));
node[prop][p] = 0;
if (orn == "top" || orn == "left") {
node[prop][notp] = acum;
} else {
node[prop][notp] = -acum;
return {
tree: node,
extent: resultextent
$design(node, false, 0);
this.ST= (function() {
//Define some private methods first...
//Nodes in path
var nodesInPath = [];
//Nodes to contract
function getNodesToHide(node) {
node = node || this.clickedNode;
var Geom = this.geom, GUtil = Graph.Util;
var graph = this.graph;
var canvas = this.canvas;
var level = node._depth, nodeArray = [];
GUtil.eachNode(graph, function(n) {
if(n.exist && !n.selected) {
if(GUtil.isDescendantOf(n, {
if(n._depth <= level) nodeArray.push(n);
} else {
var leafLevel = Geom.getRightLevelToShow(node, canvas);
GUtil.eachLevel(node, leafLevel, leafLevel, function(n) {
if(n.exist && !n.selected) nodeArray.push(n);
for (var i = 0; i < nodesInPath.length; i++) {
var n = this.graph.getNode(nodesInPath[i]);
if(!GUtil.isDescendantOf(n, {
return nodeArray;
//Nodes to expand
function getNodesToShow(node) {
var nodeArray= [], GUtil = Graph.Util, config = this.config;
node = node || this.clickedNode;
GUtil.eachLevel(this.clickedNode, 0, config.levelsToShow, function(n) {
if(config.multitree && !('$orn' in
&& GUtil.anySubnode(n, function(ch){ return ch.exist && !ch.drawn; })) {
} else if(n.drawn && !GUtil.anySubnode(n, "drawn")) {
return nodeArray;
//Now define the actual class.
return new Class({
Implements: Loader,
initialize: function(canvas, controller) {
var innerController = {
onBeforeCompute: $empty,
onAfterCompute: $empty,
onCreateLabel: $empty,
onPlaceLabel: $empty,
onComplete: $empty,
onAfterPlotNode: $empty,
onAfterPlotLine: $empty,
request: false
var config= {
orientation: "left",
labelContainer: + '-label',
levelsToShow: 2,
subtreeOffset: 8,
siblingOffset: 5,
levelDistance: 30,
withLabels: true,
clearCanvas: true,
align: "center",
multitree: false,
constrained: true,
Node: {
overridable: false,
type: 'rectangle',
color: '#ccb',
lineWidth: 1,
height: 20,
width: 90,
dim: 15,
align: "center"
Edge: {
overridable: false,
type: 'line',
color: '#ccc',
dim: 15,
lineWidth: 1
duration: 700,
fps: 25,
transition: Trans.Quart.easeInOut
this.controller = this.config = $merge(config, innerController, controller);
this.canvas = canvas;
this.graphOptions = {
'complex': true
this.graph = new Graph(this.graphOptions);
this.fx = new ST.Plot(this);
this.op = new ST.Op(this); = new ST.Group(this);
this.geom = new ST.Geom(this);
this.clickedNode= null;
Method: plot
Plots the tree. Usually this method is called right after computing nodes' positions.
plot: function() { this.fx.plot(this.controller); },
Method: switchPosition
Switches the tree orientation.
pos - The new tree orientation. Possible values are "top", "left", "right" and "bottom".
method - Set this to "animate" if you want to animate the tree when switching its position. You can also set this parameter to "replot" to just replot the subtree.
onComplete - _optional_ This callback is called once the "switching" animation is complete.
(start code js)
st.switchPosition("right", "animate", {
onComplete: function() {
(end code)
switchPosition: function(pos, method, onComplete) {
var Geom = this.geom, Plot = this.fx, that = this;
if(!Plot.busy) {
Plot.busy = true;
onComplete: function() {
that.compute('endPos', false);
Plot.busy = false;
if(method == 'animate') {
that.onClick(, onComplete);
} else if(method == 'replot') {, onComplete);
}, pos);
Method: switchAlignment
Switches the tree alignment.
align - The new tree alignment. Possible values are "left", "center" and "right".
method - Set this to "animate" if you want to animate the tree after aligning its position. You can also set this parameter to "replot" to just replot the subtree.
onComplete - _optional_ This callback is called once the "switching" animation is complete.
(start code js)
st.switchAlignment("right", "animate", {
onComplete: function() {
(end code)
switchAlignment: function(align, method, onComplete) {
this.config.align = align;
if(method == 'animate') {, onComplete);
} else if(method == 'replot') {
this.onClick(, onComplete);
Method: addNodeInPath
Adds a node to the current path as selected node. This node will be visible (as in non-collapsed) at all times.
id - A <Graph.Node> id.
(start code js)
(end code)
addNodeInPath: function(id) {
nodesInPath.push(id); && || this.root);
Method: clearNodesInPath
Removes all nodes tagged as selected by the <ST.addNodeInPath> method.
See also:
(start code js)
(end code)
clearNodesInPath: function(id) {
nodesInPath.length = 0; && || this.root);
Method: refresh
Computes nodes' positions and replots the tree.
refresh: function() {
this.reposition(); && || this.root);
reposition: function() {
Graph.Util.computeLevels(this.graph, this.root, 0, "ignore");
this.geom.setRightLevelToShow(this.clickedNode, this.canvas);
Graph.Util.eachNode(this.graph, function(n) {
if(n.exist) n.drawn = true;
Method: compute
Computes nodes' positions.
compute: function (property, computeLevels) {
var prop = property || 'startPos';
var node = this.graph.getNode(this.root);
$extend(node, {
if(!!computeLevels || !("_depth" in node))
Graph.Util.computeLevels(this.graph, this.root, 0, "ignore");
this.computePositions(node, prop);
computePositions: function(node, prop) {
var config = this.config;
var multitree = config.multitree;
var align = config.align;
var indent = align !== 'center' && config.indent;
var orn = config.orientation;
var orns = multitree? ['top', 'right', 'bottom', 'left'] : [orn];
var that = this;
$each(orns, function(orn) {
//calculate layout
design(that.graph, node, prop, that.config, orn);
var i = ['x', 'y'][+(orn == "left" || orn == "right")];
(function red(node) {
Graph.Util.eachSubnode(node, function(n) {
if(n.exist && (!multitree ||
('$orn' in &&$orn == orn)) {
n[prop][i] += node[prop][i];
if(indent) {
n[prop][i] += align == 'left'? indent : -indent;
requestNodes: function(node, onComplete) {
var handler = $merge(this.controller, onComplete),
lev = this.config.levelsToShow, GUtil = Graph.Util;
if(handler.request) {
var leaves = [], d = node._depth;
GUtil.eachLevel(node, 0, lev, function(n) {
if(n.drawn &&
!GUtil.anySubnode(n)) {
n._level = lev - (n._depth - d);
});, handler);
contract: function(onComplete, switched) {
var orn = this.config.orientation;
var Geom = this.geom, Group =;
if(switched) Geom.switchOrientation(switched);
var nodes =;
if(switched) Geom.switchOrientation(orn);
Group.contract(nodes, $merge(this.controller, onComplete));
move: function(node, onComplete) {
this.compute('endPos', false);
var move = onComplete.Move, offset = {
'x': move.offsetX,
'y': move.offsetY
if(move.enable) {
this.geom.translate(node.endPos.add(offset).$scale(-1), "endPos");
this.fx.animate($merge(this.controller, { modes: ['linear'] }, onComplete));
expand: function (node, onComplete) {
var nodeArray =, node);, $merge(this.controller, onComplete));
selectPath: function(node) {
var GUtil = Graph.Util, that = this;
GUtil.eachNode(this.graph, function(n) { n.selected = false; });
function path(node) {
if(node == null || node.selected) return;
node.selected = true;
function(n) {
n.exist = true;
n.drawn = true;
var parents = GUtil.getParents(node);
parents = (parents.length > 0)? parents[0] : null;
for(var i=0, ns = [].concat(nodesInPath); i < ns.length; i++) {
Method: setRoot
Switches the current root node.
id - The id of the node to be set as root.
method - Set this to "animate" if you want to animate the tree after adding the subtree. You can also set this parameter to "replot" to just replot the subtree.
onComplete - _optional_ An action to perform after the animation (if any).
(start code js)
st.setRoot('my_node_id', 'animate', {
onComplete: function() {
(end code)
setRoot: function(id, method, onComplete) {
var that = this, canvas = this.canvas;
var rootNode = this.graph.getNode(this.root);
var clickedNode = this.graph.getNode(id);
function $setRoot() {
if(this.config.multitree &&$orn) {
var orn =$orn;
var opp = {
'left': 'right',
'right': 'left',
'top': 'bottom',
'bottom': 'top'
}[orn];$orn = opp;
(function tag(rootNode) {
Graph.Util.eachSubnode(rootNode, function(n) {
if( != id) {$orn = opp;
this.root = id;
this.clickedNode = clickedNode;
Graph.Util.computeLevels(this.graph, this.root, 0, "ignore");
//delete previous orientations (if any)
if(method == 'animate') {
this.onClick(id, {
onBeforeMove: function() {
} else if(method == 'replot') {
Method: addSubtree
Adds a subtree, performing optionally an animation.
subtree - A JSON Tree object. See also <Loader.loadJSON>.
method - Set this to "animate" if you want to animate the tree after adding the subtree. You can also set this parameter to "replot" to just replot the subtree.
onComplete - _optional_ An action to perform after the animation (if any).
(start code js)
st.addSubtree(json, 'animate', {
onComplete: function() {
(end code)
addSubtree: function(subtree, method, onComplete) {
if(method == 'replot') {
this.op.sum(subtree, $extend({ type: 'replot' }, onComplete || {}));
} else if (method == 'animate') {
this.op.sum(subtree, $extend({ type: 'fade:seq' }, onComplete || {}));
Method: removeSubtree
Removes a subtree, performing optionally an animation.
id - The _id_ of the subtree to be removed.
removeRoot - Remove the root of the subtree or only its subnodes.
method - Set this to "animate" if you want to animate the tree after removing the subtree. You can also set this parameter to "replot" to just replot the subtree.
onComplete - _optional_ An action to perform after the animation (if any).
(start code js)
st.removeSubtree('idOfSubtreeToBeRemoved', false, 'animate', {
onComplete: function() {
(end code)
removeSubtree: function(id, removeRoot, method, onComplete) {
var node = this.graph.getNode(id), subids = [];
Graph.Util.eachLevel(node, +!removeRoot, false, function(n) {
if(method == 'replot') {
this.op.removeNode(subids, $extend({ type: 'replot' }, onComplete || {}));
} else if (method == 'animate') {
this.op.removeNode(subids, $extend({ type: 'fade:seq'}, onComplete || {}));
Method: select
Selects a sepecific node in the Spacetree without performing an animation. Useful when selecting
nodes which are currently hidden or deep inside the tree.
id - The id of the node to select.
onComplete - _optional_ onComplete callback.
(start code js)'mynodeid', {
onComplete: function() {
(end code)
select: function(id, onComplete) {
var group =, geom = this.geom;
var node= this.graph.getNode(id), canvas = this.canvas;
var root = this.graph.getNode(this.root);
var complete = $merge(this.controller, onComplete);
var that = this;
this.clickedNode= node;
this.requestNodes(node, {
onComplete: function(){
group.hide(group.prepare(, complete);
geom.setRightLevelToShow(node, canvas);
Graph.Util.eachNode(that.graph, function(n) {
var pos = n.pos.getc(true);
n.startPos.setc(pos.x, pos.y);
n.endPos.setc(pos.x, pos.y);
n.visited = false;
that.geom.translate(node.endPos.scale(-1), ["pos", "startPos", "endPos"]);;
Method: onClick
This method is called when clicking on a tree node. It mainly performs all calculations and the animation of contracting, translating and expanding pertinent nodes.
id - A node id.
options - A group of options and callbacks such as
- _onComplete_ an object callback called when the animation finishes.
- _Move_ an object that has as properties _offsetX_ or _offsetY_ for adding some offset position to the centered node.
(start code js)
st.onClick('mynodeid', {
Move: {
enable: true,
offsetX: 30,
offsetY: 5
onComplete: function() {
(end code)
onClick: function (id, options) {
var canvas = this.canvas, that = this, Fx = this.fx, Util = Graph.Util, Geom = this.geom;
var innerController = {
Move: {
enable: true,
offsetX: 0,
offsetY: 0
onBeforeRequest: $empty,
onBeforeContract: $empty,
onBeforeMove: $empty,
onBeforeExpand: $empty
var complete = $merge(this.controller, innerController, options);
if(!this.busy) {
this.busy= true;
var node= this.graph.getNode(id);
this.selectPath(node, this.clickedNode);
this.clickedNode= node;
this.requestNodes(node, {
onComplete: function() {
onComplete: function() {
Geom.setRightLevelToShow(node, canvas);
that.move(node, {
Move: complete.Move,
onComplete: function() {
that.expand(node, {
onComplete: function() {
that.busy = false;
}); //expand
}); //move
Class: ST.Op
Performs advanced operations on trees and graphs.
All <Graph.Op> methods
This instance can be accessed with the _op_ parameter of the st instance created.
(start code js)
var st = new ST(canvas, config);
st.op.morph //or can also call any other <Graph.Op> method
(end code)
ST.Op = new Class({
Implements: Graph.Op,
initialize: function(viz) {
this.viz = viz;
Performs operations on group of nodes.
ST.Group = new Class({
initialize: function(viz) {
this.viz = viz;
this.canvas = viz.canvas;
this.config = viz.config;
this.animation = new Animation;
this.nodes = null;
Calls the request method on the controller to request a subtree for each node.
requestNodes: function(nodes, controller) {
var counter = 0, len = nodes.length, nodeSelected = {};
var complete = function() { controller.onComplete(); };
var viz = this.viz;
if(len == 0) complete();
for(var i=0; i<len; i++) {
nodeSelected[nodes[i].id] = nodes[i];
controller.request(nodes[i].id, nodes[i]._level, {
onComplete: function(nodeId, data) {
if(data && data.children) { = nodeId;
viz.op.sum(data, { type: 'nothing' });
if(++counter == len) {
Graph.Util.computeLevels(viz.graph, viz.root, 0);
Collapses group of nodes.
contract: function(nodes, controller) {
var GUtil = Graph.Util;
var viz = this.viz;
var that = this;
nodes = this.prepare(nodes);
this.animation.setOptions($merge(controller, {
$animating: false,
compute: function(delta) {
if(delta == 1) delta = 0.99;
that.plotStep(1 - delta, controller, this.$animating);
this.$animating = 'contract';
complete: function() {
that.hide(nodes, controller);
hide: function(nodes, controller) {
var GUtil = Graph.Util, viz = this.viz;
for(var i=0; i<nodes.length; i++) {
//TODO nodes are requested on demand, but not
//deleted when hidden. Would that be a good feature?
//Currently that feature is buggy, so I'll turn it off
//Actually this feature is buggy because trimming should take
//place onAfterCompute and not right after collapsing nodes.
if (true || !controller || !controller.request) {
GUtil.eachLevel(nodes[i], 1, false, function(elem){
if (elem.exist) {
$extend(elem, {
'drawn': false,
'exist': false
} else {
var ids = [];
GUtil.eachLevel(nodes[i], 1, false, function(n) {
viz.op.removeNode(ids, { 'type': 'nothing' });
Expands group of nodes.
expand: function(nodes, controller) {
var that = this, GUtil = Graph.Util;;
this.animation.setOptions($merge(controller, {
$animating: false,
compute: function(delta) {
that.plotStep(delta, controller, this.$animating);
this.$animating = 'expand';
complete: function() {
that.plotStep(undefined, controller, false);
show: function(nodes) {
var GUtil = Graph.Util, config = this.config;
$each(nodes, function(n) {
//check for root nodes if multitree
if(config.multitree && !('$orn' in {
var orns = ' ';
GUtil.eachSubnode(n, function(ch) {
if(('$orn' in
&& orns.indexOf($orn) < 0
&& ch.exist && !ch.drawn) {
orns +=$orn + ' ';
});$orns = orns;
GUtil.eachLevel(n, 0, config.levelsToShow, function(n) {
if(n.exist) n.drawn = true;
prepare: function(nodes) {
this.nodes = this.getNodesWithChildren(nodes);
return this.nodes;
Filters an array of nodes leaving only nodes with children.
getNodesWithChildren: function(nodes) {
var ans = [], GUtil = Graph.Util, config = this.config, root = this.viz.root;
nodes.sort(function(a, b) { return (a._depth <= b._depth) - (a._depth >= b._depth); });
for(var i=0; i<nodes.length; i++) {
if(GUtil.anySubnode(nodes[i], "exist")) {
for (var j = i+1, desc = false; !desc && j < nodes.length; j++) {
if(!config.multitree || '$orn' in nodes[j].data) {
desc = desc || GUtil.isDescendantOf(nodes[i], nodes[j].id);
if(!desc) ans.push(nodes[i]);
return ans;
plotStep: function(delta, controller, animating) {
var viz = this.viz,
config = this.config,
canvas = viz.canvas,
ctx = canvas.getCtx(),
nodes = this.nodes,
GUtil = Graph.Util;
var i, node;
//hide nodes that are meant to be collapsed/expanded
var nds = {};
for(i=0; i<nodes.length; i++) {
node = nodes[i];
nds[] = [];
var root = config.multitree && !('$orn' in;
var orns = root &&$orns;
GUtil.eachSubgraph(node, function(n) {
//TODO(nico): Cleanup
//special check for root node subnodes when
//multitree is checked.
if(root && orns && orns.indexOf($orn) > 0
&& n.drawn) {
n.drawn = false;
} else if((!root || !orns) && n.drawn) {
n.drawn = false;
node.drawn = true;
//plot the whole (non-scaled) tree
if(nodes.length > 0) viz.fx.plot();
//show nodes that were previously hidden
for(i in nds) {
$each(nds[i], function(n) { n.drawn = true; });
//plot each scaled subtree
for(i=0; i<nodes.length; i++) {
node = nodes[i];;
viz.fx.plotSubtree(node, controller, delta, animating);
getSiblings: function(nodes) {
var siblings = {}, GUtil = Graph.Util;
$each(nodes, function(n) {
var par = GUtil.getParents(n);
if (par.length == 0) {
siblings[] = [n];
} else {
var ans = [];
GUtil.eachSubnode(par[0], function(sn) {
siblings[] = ans;
return siblings;
Class: ST.Geom
Performs low level geometrical computations.
This instance can be accessed with the _geom_ parameter of the st instance created.
(start code js)
var st = new ST(canvas, config);
st.geom.translate //or can also call any other <ST.Geom> method
(end code)
ST.Geom = new Class({
initialize: function(viz) {
this.viz = viz;
this.config = viz.config;
this.node = viz.config.Node;
this.edge = viz.config.Edge;
Method: translate
Applies a translation to the tree.
pos - A <Complex> number specifying translation vector.
prop - A <Graph.Node> position property ('pos', 'startPos' or 'endPos').
(start code js)
st.geom.translate(new Complex(300, 100), 'endPos');
(end code)
translate: function(pos, prop) {
prop = $splat(prop);
Graph.Util.eachNode(this.viz.graph, function(elem) {
$each(prop, function(p) { elem[p].$add(pos); });
Changes the tree current orientation to the one specified.
You should usually use <ST.switchPosition> instead.
switchOrientation: function(orn) {
this.config.orientation = orn;
Makes a value dispatch according to the current layout
Works like a CSS property, either _top-right-bottom-left_ or _top|bottom - left|right_.
dispatch: function() {
//TODO(nico) should store somewhere.
var args =;
var s = args.shift(), len = args.length;
var val = function(a) { return typeof a == 'function'? a() : a; };
if(len == 2) {
return (s == "top" || s == "bottom")? val(args[0]) : val(args[1]);
} else if(len == 4) {
switch(s) {
case "top": return val(args[0]);
case "right": return val(args[1]);
case "bottom": return val(args[2]);
case "left": return val(args[3]);
return undefined;
Returns label height or with, depending on the tree current orientation.
getSize: function(n, invert) {
var node = this.node, data =, config = this.config;
var cond = node.overridable, siblingOffset = config.siblingOffset;
var s = (this.config.multitree
&& ('$orn' in
&&$orn) || this.config.orientation;
var w = (cond && data.$width || node.width) + siblingOffset;
var h = (cond && data.$height || node.height) + siblingOffset;
return this.dispatch(s, h, w);
return this.dispatch(s, w, h);
Calculates a subtree base size. This is an utility function used by _getBaseSize_
getTreeBaseSize: function(node, level, leaf) {
var size = this.getSize(node, true), baseHeight = 0, that = this;
if(leaf(level, node)) return size;
if(level === 0) return 0;
Graph.Util.eachSubnode(node, function(elem) {
baseHeight += that.getTreeBaseSize(elem, level -1, leaf);
return (size > baseHeight? size : baseHeight) + this.config.subtreeOffset;
Method: getEdge
Returns a Complex instance with the begin or end position of the edge to be plotted.
node - A <Graph.Node> that is connected to this edge.
type - Returns the begin or end edge position. Possible values are 'begin' or 'end'.
A <Complex> number specifying the begin or end position.
getEdge: function(node, type, s) {
var $C = function(a, b) {
return function(){
return node.pos.add(new Complex(a, b));
var dim = this.node;
var cond = this.node.overridable, data =;
var w = cond && data.$width || dim.width;
var h = cond && data.$height || dim.height;
if(type == 'begin') {
if(dim.align == "center") {
return this.dispatch(s, $C(0, h/2), $C(-w/2, 0),
$C(0, -h/2),$C(w/2, 0));
} else if(dim.align == "left") {
return this.dispatch(s, $C(0, h), $C(0, 0),
$C(0, 0), $C(w, 0));
} else if(dim.align == "right") {
return this.dispatch(s, $C(0, 0), $C(-w, 0),
$C(0, -h),$C(0, 0));
} else throw "align: not implemented";
} else if(type == 'end') {
if(dim.align == "center") {
return this.dispatch(s, $C(0, -h/2), $C(w/2, 0),
$C(0, h/2), $C(-w/2, 0));
} else if(dim.align == "left") {
return this.dispatch(s, $C(0, 0), $C(w, 0),
$C(0, h), $C(0, 0));
} else if(dim.align == "right") {
return this.dispatch(s, $C(0, -h),$C(0, 0),
$C(0, 0), $C(-w, 0));
} else throw "align: not implemented";
Adjusts the tree position due to canvas scaling or translation.
getScaledTreePosition: function(node, scale) {
var dim = this.node;
var cond = this.node.overridable, data =;
var w = (cond && data.$width || dim.width);
var h = (cond && data.$height || dim.height);
var s = (this.config.multitree
&& ('$orn' in
&&$orn) || this.config.orientation;
var $C = function(a, b) {
return function(){
return node.pos.add(new Complex(a, b)).$scale(1 - scale);
if(dim.align == "left") {
return this.dispatch(s, $C(0, h), $C(0, 0),
$C(0, 0), $C(w, 0));
} else if(dim.align == "center") {
return this.dispatch(s, $C(0, h / 2), $C(-w / 2, 0),
$C(0, -h / 2),$C(w / 2, 0));
} else if(dim.align == "right") {
return this.dispatch(s, $C(0, 0), $C(-w, 0),
$C(0, -h),$C(0, 0));
} else throw "align: not implemented";
Method: treeFitsInCanvas
Returns a Boolean if the current subtree fits in canvas.
node - A <Graph.Node> which is the current root of the subtree.
canvas - The <Canvas> object.
level - The depth of the subtree to be considered.
treeFitsInCanvas: function(node, canvas, level) {
var csize = canvas.getSize(node);
var s = (this.config.multitree
&& ('$orn' in
&&$orn) || this.config.orientation;
var size = this.dispatch(s, csize.width, csize.height);
var baseSize = this.getTreeBaseSize(node, level, function(level, node) {
return level === 0 || !Graph.Util.anySubnode(node);
return (baseSize < size);
Hides levels of the tree until it properly fits in canvas.
setRightLevelToShow: function(node, canvas) {
var level = this.getRightLevelToShow(node, canvas), fx = this.viz.fx;
Graph.Util.eachLevel(node, 0, this.config.levelsToShow, function(n) {
var d = n._depth - node._depth;
if(d > level) {
n.drawn = false;
n.exist = false;
fx.hideLabel(n, false);
} else {
n.exist = true;
node.drawn= true;
Returns the right level to show for the current tree in order to fit in canvas.
getRightLevelToShow: function(node, canvas) {
var config = this.config;
var level = config.levelsToShow;
var constrained = config.constrained;
if(!constrained) return level;
while(!this.treeFitsInCanvas(node, canvas, level) && level > 1) { level-- ; }
return level;
Object: ST.Plot
Performs plotting operations.
All <Graph.Plot> methods
This instance can be accessed with the _fx_ parameter of the st instance created.
(start code js)
var st = new ST(canvas, config);
st.fx.placeLabel //or can also call any other <ST.Plot> method
(end code)
ST.Plot = new Class({
Implements: Graph.Plot,
initialize: function(viz) {
this.viz = viz;
this.config = viz.config;
this.node = this.config.Node;
this.edge = this.config.Edge;
this.animation = new Animation;
this.nodeTypes = new ST.Plot.NodeTypes;
this.edgeTypes = new ST.Plot.EdgeTypes;
Plots a subtree from the spacetree.
plotSubtree: function(node, opt, scale, animating) {
var viz = this.viz, canvas = viz.canvas;
scale = Math.min(Math.max(0.001, scale), 1);
if(scale >= 0) {
node.drawn = false;
var ctx = canvas.getCtx();
var diff = viz.geom.getScaledTreePosition(node, scale);
ctx.translate(diff.x, diff.y);
ctx.scale(scale, scale);
this.plotTree(node, !scale, opt, animating);
if(scale >= 0) node.drawn = true;
Plots a Subtree.
plotTree: function(node, plotLabel, opt, animating) {
var that = this,
viz = this.viz,
canvas = viz.canvas,
config = this.config,
ctx = canvas.getCtx();
var root = config.multitree && !('$orn' in;
var orns = root &&$orns;
Graph.Util.eachSubnode(node, function(elem) {
//multitree root node check
if((!root || orns.indexOf($orn) > 0)
&& elem.exist && elem.drawn) {
var adj = node.getAdjacency(;
!animating && opt.onBeforePlotLine(adj);
ctx.globalAlpha = Math.min(node.alpha, elem.alpha);
that.plotLine(adj, canvas, animating);
!animating && opt.onAfterPlotLine(adj);
that.plotTree(elem, plotLabel, opt, animating);
if(node.drawn) {
ctx.globalAlpha = node.alpha;
!animating && opt.onBeforePlotNode(node);
this.plotNode(node, canvas, animating);
!animating && opt.onAfterPlotNode(node);
if(plotLabel && ctx.globalAlpha >= 0.95)
this.plotLabel(canvas, node, opt);
this.hideLabel(node, false);
} else {
this.hideLabel(node, true);
Method: placeLabel
Overrides abstract method placeLabel in <Graph.Plot>.
tag - A DOM label element.
node - A <Graph.Node>.
controller - A configuration/controller object passed to the visualization.
placeLabel: function(tag, node, controller) {
var pos = node.pos.getc(true), dim = this.node, canvas = this.viz.canvas;
var w = dim.overridable &&$width || dim.width;
var h = dim.overridable &&$height || dim.height;
var radius = canvas.getSize();
var labelPos, orn;
if(dim.align == "center") {
labelPos= {
x: Math.round(pos.x - w / 2 + radius.width/2),
y: Math.round(pos.y - h / 2 + radius.height/2)
} else if (dim.align == "left") {
orn = this.config.orientation;
if(orn == "bottom" || orn == "top") {
labelPos= {
x: Math.round(pos.x - w / 2 + radius.width/2),
y: Math.round(pos.y + radius.height/2)
} else {
labelPos= {
x: Math.round(pos.x + radius.width/2),
y: Math.round(pos.y - h / 2 + radius.height/2)
} else if(dim.align == "right") {
orn = this.config.orientation;
if(orn == "bottom" || orn == "top") {
labelPos= {
x: Math.round(pos.x - w / 2 + radius.width/2),
y: Math.round(pos.y - h + radius.height/2)
} else {
labelPos= {
x: Math.round(pos.x - w + radius.width/2),
y: Math.round(pos.y - h / 2 + radius.height/2)
} else throw "align: not implemented";
var style =;
style.left = labelPos.x + 'px'; = labelPos.y + 'px';
style.display = this.fitsInCanvas(labelPos, canvas)? '' : 'none';
controller.onPlaceLabel(tag, node);
getAlignedPos: function(pos, width, height) {
var nconfig = this.node;
var square, orn;
if(nconfig.align == "center") {
square = {
x: pos.x - width / 2,
y: pos.y - height / 2
} else if (nconfig.align == "left") {
orn = this.config.orientation;
if(orn == "bottom" || orn == "top") {
square = {
x: pos.x - width / 2,
y: pos.y
} else {
square = {
x: pos.x,
y: pos.y - height / 2
} else if(nconfig.align == "right") {
orn = this.config.orientation;
if(orn == "bottom" || orn == "top") {
square = {
x: pos.x - width / 2,
y: pos.y - height
} else {
square = {
x: pos.x - width,
y: pos.y - height / 2
} else throw "align: not implemented";
return square;
getOrientation: function(adj) {
var config = this.config;
var orn = config.orientation;
if(config.multitree) {
var nodeFrom = adj.nodeFrom;
var nodeTo = adj.nodeTo;
orn = (('$orn' in
|| (('$orn' in
return orn;
Class: ST.Plot.NodeTypes
Here are implemented all kinds of node rendering functions.
Rendering functions implemented are 'none', 'circle', 'ellipse', 'rectangle' and 'square'.
You can add new Node types by implementing a new method in this class
(start code js)
'newnodetypename': function(node, canvas) {
//Render my node here.
(end code)
ST.Plot.NodeTypes = new Class({
'none': function() {},
'circle': function(node, canvas) {
var pos = node.pos.getc(true), nconfig = this.node, data =;
var cond = nconfig.overridable && data;
var dim = cond && data.$dim || nconfig.dim;
var algnPos = this.getAlignedPos(pos, dim * 2, dim * 2);
canvas.path('fill', function(context) {
context.arc(algnPos.x + dim, algnPos.y + dim, dim, 0, Math.PI * 2, true);
'square': function(node, canvas) {
var pos = node.pos.getc(true), nconfig = this.node, data =;
var cond = nconfig.overridable && data;
var dim = cond && data.$dim || nconfig.dim;
var algnPos = this.getAlignedPos(pos, dim, dim);
canvas.getCtx().fillRect(algnPos.x, algnPos.y, dim, dim);
'ellipse': function(node, canvas) {
var pos = node.pos.getc(true), nconfig = this.node, data =;
var cond = nconfig.overridable && data;
var width = (cond && data.$width || nconfig.width) / 2;
var height = (cond && data.$height || nconfig.height) / 2;
var algnPos = this.getAlignedPos(pos, width * 2, height * 2);
var ctx = canvas.getCtx();;
ctx.scale(width / height, height / width);
canvas.path('fill', function(context) {
context.arc((algnPos.x + width) * (height / width), (algnPos.y + height) * (width / height), height, 0, Math.PI * 2, true);
'rectangle': function(node, canvas) {
var pos = node.pos.getc(true), nconfig = this.node, data =;
var cond = nconfig.overridable && data;
var width = cond && data.$width || nconfig.width;
var height = cond && data.$height || nconfig.height;
var algnPos = this.getAlignedPos(pos, width, height);
canvas.getCtx().fillRect(algnPos.x, algnPos.y, width, height);
Class: ST.Plot.EdgeTypes
Here are implemented all kinds of edge rendering functions.
Rendering functions implemented are 'none', 'line', 'quadratic:begin', 'quadratic:end', 'bezier' and 'arrow'.
You can add new Edge types by implementing a new method in this class
(start code js)
'newedgetypename': function(adj, canvas) {
//Render my edge here.
(end code)
ST.Plot.EdgeTypes = new Class({
'none': function() {},
'line': function(adj, canvas) {
var orn = this.getOrientation(adj);
var nodeFrom = adj.nodeFrom, nodeTo = adj.nodeTo;
var begin = this.viz.geom.getEdge(nodeFrom._depth < nodeTo._depth? nodeFrom:nodeTo, 'begin', orn);
var end = this.viz.geom.getEdge(nodeFrom._depth < nodeTo._depth? nodeTo:nodeFrom, 'end', orn);
canvas.path('stroke', function(ctx) {
ctx.moveTo(begin.x, begin.y);
ctx.lineTo(end.x, end.y);
'quadratic:begin': function(adj, canvas) {
var orn = this.getOrientation(adj);
var data =, econfig = this.edge;
var nodeFrom = adj.nodeFrom, nodeTo = adj.nodeTo;
var begin = this.viz.geom.getEdge(nodeFrom._depth < nodeTo._depth? nodeFrom:nodeTo, 'begin', orn);
var end = this.viz.geom.getEdge(nodeFrom._depth < nodeTo._depth? nodeTo:nodeFrom, 'end', orn);
var cond = econfig.overridable && data;
var dim = cond && data.$dim || econfig.dim;
switch(orn) {
case "left":
canvas.path('stroke', function(ctx){
ctx.moveTo(begin.x, begin.y);
ctx.quadraticCurveTo(begin.x + dim, begin.y, end.x, end.y);
case "right":
canvas.path('stroke', function(ctx){
ctx.moveTo(begin.x, begin.y);
ctx.quadraticCurveTo(begin.x - dim, begin.y, end.x, end.y);
case "top":
canvas.path('stroke', function(ctx){
ctx.moveTo(begin.x, begin.y);
ctx.quadraticCurveTo(begin.x, begin.y + dim, end.x, end.y);
case "bottom":
canvas.path('stroke', function(ctx){
ctx.moveTo(begin.x, begin.y);
ctx.quadraticCurveTo(begin.x, begin.y - dim, end.x, end.y);
'quadratic:end': function(adj, canvas) {
var orn = this.getOrientation(adj);
var data =, econfig = this.edge;
var nodeFrom = adj.nodeFrom, nodeTo = adj.nodeTo;
var begin = this.viz.geom.getEdge(nodeFrom._depth < nodeTo._depth? nodeFrom:nodeTo, 'begin', orn);
var end = this.viz.geom.getEdge(nodeFrom._depth < nodeTo._depth? nodeTo:nodeFrom, 'end', orn);
var cond = econfig.overridable && data;
var dim = cond && data.$dim || econfig.dim;
switch(orn) {
case "left":
canvas.path('stroke', function(ctx){
ctx.moveTo(begin.x, begin.y);
ctx.quadraticCurveTo(end.x - dim, end.y, end.x, end.y);
case "right":
canvas.path('stroke', function(ctx){
ctx.moveTo(begin.x, begin.y);
ctx.quadraticCurveTo(end.x + dim, end.y, end.x, end.y);
case "top":
canvas.path('stroke', function(ctx){
ctx.moveTo(begin.x, begin.y);
ctx.quadraticCurveTo(end.x, end.y - dim, end.x, end.y);
case "bottom":
canvas.path('stroke', function(ctx){
ctx.moveTo(begin.x, begin.y);
ctx.quadraticCurveTo(end.x, end.y + dim, end.x, end.y);
'bezier': function(adj, canvas) {
var data =, econfig = this.edge;
var orn = this.getOrientation(adj);
var nodeFrom = adj.nodeFrom, nodeTo = adj.nodeTo;
var begin = this.viz.geom.getEdge(nodeFrom._depth < nodeTo._depth? nodeFrom:nodeTo, 'begin', orn);
var end = this.viz.geom.getEdge(nodeFrom._depth < nodeTo._depth? nodeTo:nodeFrom, 'end', orn);
var cond = econfig.overridable && data;
var dim = cond && data.$dim || econfig.dim;
switch(orn) {
case "left":
canvas.path('stroke', function(ctx) {
ctx.moveTo(begin.x, begin.y);
ctx.bezierCurveTo(begin.x + dim, begin.y, end.x - dim, end.y, end.x, end.y);
case "right":
canvas.path('stroke', function(ctx) {
ctx.moveTo(begin.x, begin.y);
ctx.bezierCurveTo(begin.x - dim, begin.y, end.x + dim, end.y, end.x, end.y);
case "top":
canvas.path('stroke', function(ctx) {
ctx.moveTo(begin.x, begin.y);
ctx.bezierCurveTo(begin.x, begin.y + dim, end.x, end.y - dim, end.x, end.y);
case "bottom":
canvas.path('stroke', function(ctx) {
ctx.moveTo(begin.x, begin.y);
ctx.bezierCurveTo(begin.x, begin.y - dim, end.x, end.y + dim, end.x, end.y);
'arrow': function(adj, canvas) {
var orn = this.getOrientation(adj);
var node = adj.nodeFrom, child = adj.nodeTo;
var data =, econfig = this.edge;
//get edge dim
var cond = econfig.overridable && data;
var edgeDim = cond && data.$dim || econfig.dim;
//get edge direction
if(cond && data.$direction && data.$direction.length > 1) {
var nodeHash = {};
nodeHash[] = node;
nodeHash[] = child;
var sense = data.$direction;
node = nodeHash[sense[0]];
child = nodeHash[sense[1]];
var posFrom = this.viz.geom.getEdge(node, 'begin', orn);
var posTo = this.viz.geom.getEdge(child, 'end', orn);
var vect = new Complex(posTo.x - posFrom.x, posTo.y - posFrom.y);
vect.$scale(edgeDim / vect.norm());
var intermediatePoint = new Complex(posTo.x - vect.x, posTo.y - vect.y);
var normal = new Complex(-vect.y / 2, vect.x / 2);
var v1 = intermediatePoint.add(normal), v2 = intermediatePoint.$add(normal.$scale(-1));
canvas.path('stroke', function(context) {
context.moveTo(posFrom.x, posFrom.y);
context.lineTo(posTo.x, posTo.y);
canvas.path('fill', function(context) {
context.moveTo(v1.x, v1.y);
context.lineTo(v2.x, v2.y);
context.lineTo(posTo.x, posTo.y);
* File: AngularWidth.js
* Provides utility methods for calculating angular widths.
* Implemented by:
* <RGraph>, <Hypertree>
Object: AngularWidth
Provides utility methods for calculating angular widths.
var AngularWidth = {
Method: setAngularWidthForNodes
Sets nodes angular widths.
setAngularWidthForNodes: function() {
var config = this.config.Node;
var overridable = config.overridable;
var dim = config.dim;
Graph.Util.eachBFS(this.graph, this.root, function(elem, i) {
var diamValue = (overridable
&&$aw) || dim;
elem._angularWidth = diamValue / i;
}, "ignore");
Method: setSubtreesAngularWidth
Sets subtrees angular widths.
setSubtreesAngularWidth: function() {
var that = this;
Graph.Util.eachNode(this.graph, function(elem) {
}, "ignore");
Method: setSubtreeAngularWidth
Sets the angular width for a subtree.
setSubtreeAngularWidth: function(elem) {
var that = this, nodeAW = elem._angularWidth, sumAW = 0;
Graph.Util.eachSubnode(elem, function(child) {
sumAW += child._treeAngularWidth;
}, "ignore");
elem._treeAngularWidth = Math.max(nodeAW, sumAW);
Method: computeAngularWidths
Computes nodes and subtrees angular widths.
computeAngularWidths: function () {
* File: RGraph.js
* Implements the <RGraph> class and other derived classes.
* Description:
* A radial layout of a tree puts the root node on the center of the canvas, places its children on the first concentric ring away from the root node, its grandchildren on a second concentric ring, and so on...
* Ka-Ping Yee, Danyel Fisher, Rachna Dhamija and Marti Hearst introduced a very interesting paper called "Animated Exploration of Dynamic Graphs with Radial Layout". In this paper they describe a way to animate a radial layout of a tree with ease-in and ease-out transitions, which make transitions from a graph's state to another easier to understand for the viewer.
* Inspired by:
* Animated Exploration of Dynamic Graphs with Radial Layout (Ka-Ping Yee, Danyel Fisher, Rachna Dhamija, Marti Hearst)
* <>
* Disclaimer:
* This visualization was built from scratch, taking only the paper as inspiration, and only shares some features with this paper.
Class: RGraph
The main RGraph class
<Loader>, <AngularWidth>
canvas - A <Canvas> Class
config - A configuration/controller object.
The configuration object can have the following properties (all properties are optional and have a default value)
- _interpolation_ Interpolation type used for animations. Possible options are 'polar' and 'linear'. Default's 'linear'.
- _levelDistance_ Distance between a parent node and its children. Default's 100.
- _withLabels_ Whether the visualization should use/create labels or not. Default's *true*.
Customize the visualization nodes' shape, color, and other style properties.
- _Node_
This object has as properties
- _overridable_ Determine whether or not nodes properties can be overriden by a particular node. Default's false.
If given a JSON tree or graph, a node _data_ property contains properties which are the same as defined here but prefixed with
a dollar sign (i.e $), the node properties will override the global node properties.
- _type_ Node type (shape). Possible options are "none", "square", "rectangle", "circle", "triangle", "star". Default's "circle".
- _color_ Node color. Default's '#ccb'.
- _lineWidth_ Line width. If nodes aren't drawn with strokes then this property won't be of any use. Default's 1.
- _height_ Node height. Used for plotting rectangular nodes. Default's 5.
- _width_ Node width. Used for plotting rectangular nodes. Default's 5.
- _dim_ An extra parameter used by other complex shapes such as square and circle to determine the shape's diameter. Default's 3.
Customize the visualization edges' shape, color, and other style properties.
- _Edge_
This object has as properties
- _overridable_ Determine whether or not edges properties can be overriden by a particular edge object. Default's false.
If given a JSON _complex_ graph (defined in <Loader.loadJSON>), an adjacency _data_ property contains properties which are the same as defined here but prefixed with
a dollar sign (i.e $), the adjacency properties will override the global edge properties.
- _type_ Edge type (shape). Possible options are "none", "line" and "arrow". Default's "line".
- _color_ Edge color. Default's '#ccb'.
- _lineWidth_ Line width. If edges aren't drawn with strokes then this property won't be of any use. Default's 1.
- _duration_ Duration of the animation in milliseconds. Default's 2500.
- _fps_ Frames per second. Default's 40.
- _transition_ One of the transitions defined in the <Animation> class. Default's Quart.easeInOut.
- _clearCanvas_ Whether to clear canvas on each animation frame or not. Default's true.
*Controller options*
You can also implement controller functions inside the configuration object. This functions are
- _onBeforeCompute(node)_ This method is called right before performing all computation and animations to the JIT visualization.
- _onAfterCompute()_ This method is triggered right after all animations or computations for the JIT visualizations ended.
- _onCreateLabel(domElement, node)_ This method receives the label dom element as first parameter, and the corresponding <Graph.Node> as second parameter. This method will only be called on label creation. Note that a <Graph.Node> is a node from the input tree/graph you provided to the visualization. If you want to know more about what kind of JSON tree/graph format is used to feed the visualizations, you can take a look at <Loader.loadJSON>. This method proves useful when adding events to the labels used by the JIT.
- _onPlaceLabel(domElement, node)_ This method receives the label dom element as first parameter and the corresponding <Graph.Node> as second parameter. This method is called each time a label has been placed on the visualization, and thus it allows you to update the labels properties, such as size or position. Note that onPlaceLabel will be triggered after updating the labels positions. That means that, for example, the left and top css properties are already updated to match the nodes positions.
- _onBeforePlotNode(node)_ This method is triggered right before plotting a given node. The _node_ parameter is the <Graph.Node> to be plotted.
This method is useful for changing a node style right before plotting it.
- _onAfterPlotNode(node)_ This method is triggered right after plotting a given node. The _node_ parameter is the <Graph.Node> plotted.
- _onBeforePlotLine(adj)_ This method is triggered right before plotting an edge. The _adj_ parameter is a <Graph.Adjacence> object.
This method is useful for adding some styles to a particular edge before being plotted.
- _onAfterPlotLine(adj)_ This method is triggered right after plotting an edge. The _adj_ parameter is the <Graph.Adjacence> plotted.
Here goes a complete example. In most cases you won't be forced to implement all properties and methods. In fact,
all configuration properties have the default value assigned.
I won't be instanciating a <Canvas> class here. If you want to know more about instanciating a <Canvas> class
please take a look at the <Canvas> class documentation.
(start code js)
var rgraph = new RGraph(canvas, {
interpolation: 'linear',
levelDistance: 100,
withLabels: true,
Node: {
overridable: false,
type: 'circle',
color: '#ccb',
lineWidth: 1,
height: 5,
width: 5,
dim: 3
Edge: {
overridable: false,
type: 'line',
color: '#ccb',
lineWidth: 1
duration: 2500,
fps: 40,
transition: Trans.Quart.easeInOut,
clearCanvas: true,
onBeforeCompute: function(node) {
//do something onBeforeCompute
onAfterCompute: function () {
//do something onAfterCompute
onCreateLabel: function(domElement, node) {
//do something onCreateLabel
onPlaceLabel: function(domElement, node) {
//do something onPlaceLabel
onBeforePlotNode:function(node) {
//do something onBeforePlotNode
onAfterPlotNode: function(node) {
//do something onAfterPlotNode
onBeforePlotLine:function(adj) {
//do something onBeforePlotLine
onAfterPlotLine: function(adj) {
//do something onAfterPlotLine
(end code)
Instance Properties:
- _graph_ Access a <Graph> instance.
- _op_ Access a <RGraph.Op> instance.
- _fx_ Access a <RGraph.Plot> instance.
this.RGraph = new Class({
Implements: [Loader, AngularWidth],
initialize: function(canvas, controller) {
var config= {
labelContainer: + '-label',
interpolation: 'linear',
levelDistance: 100,
withLabels: true,
Node: {
overridable: false,
type: 'circle',
dim: 3,
color: '#ccb',
width: 5,
height: 5,
lineWidth: 1
Edge: {
overridable: false,
type: 'line',
color: '#ccb',
lineWidth: 1
duration: 2500,
transition: Trans.Quart.easeInOut,
clearCanvas: true
var innerController = {
onBeforeCompute: $empty,
onAfterCompute: $empty,
onCreateLabel: $empty,
onPlaceLabel: $empty,
onComplete: $empty,
onAfterPlotLine: $empty,
onAfterPlotNode: $empty
this.controller = this.config = $merge(config, innerController, controller);
this.graphOptions = {
'complex': false,
'Node': {
'selected': false,
'exist': true,
'drawn': true
this.graph = new Graph(this.graphOptions);
this.fx = new RGraph.Plot(this);
this.op = new RGraph.Op(this);
this.json = null;
this.canvas = canvas;
this.root = null;
this.busy = false;
this.parent = false;
Method: refresh
Computes nodes' positions and replots the tree.
refresh: function() {
Method: reposition
An alias for computing new positions to _endPos_
See also:
reposition: function() {
Method: plot
Plots the RGraph
plot: function() {
Method: compute
Computes nodes' positions.
property - _optional_ A <Graph.Node> position property to store the new positions. Possible values are 'pos', 'endPos' or 'startPos'.
compute: function(property) {
var prop = property || ['pos', 'startPos', 'endPos'];
var node = this.graph.getNode(this.root);
node._depth = 0;
Graph.Util.computeLevels(this.graph, this.root, 0, "ignore");
Performs the main algorithm for computing node positions.
computePositions: function(property) {
var propArray = $splat(property);
var aGraph = this.graph;
var GUtil = Graph.Util;
var root = this.graph.getNode(this.root);
var parent = this.parent;
var config = this.config;
for(var i=0; i<propArray.length; i++)
root[propArray[i]] = $P(0, 0);
root.angleSpan = {
begin: 0,
end: 2 * Math.PI
root._rel = 1;
GUtil.eachBFS(this.graph, this.root, function (elem) {
var angleSpan = elem.angleSpan.end - elem.angleSpan.begin;
var rho = (elem._depth + 1) * config.levelDistance;
var angleInit = elem.angleSpan.begin;
var totalAngularWidths = 0, subnodes = [];
GUtil.eachSubnode(elem, function(sib) {
totalAngularWidths += sib._treeAngularWidth;
}, "ignore");
if(parent && == && subnodes.length > 0 && subnodes[0].dist) {
subnodes.sort(function(a, b) {
return (a.dist >= b.dist) - (a.dist <= b.dist);
for(var k=0; k < subnodes.length; k++) {
var child = subnodes[k];
if(!child._flag) {
child._rel = child._treeAngularWidth / totalAngularWidths;
var angleProportion = child._rel * angleSpan;
var theta = angleInit + angleProportion / 2;
for(var i=0; i<propArray.length; i++)
child[propArray[i]] = $P(theta, rho);
child.angleSpan = {
begin: angleInit,
end: angleInit + angleProportion
angleInit += angleProportion;
}, "ignore");
Returns the _parent_ of the given node, also calculating its angle span.
getNodeAndParentAngle: function(id) {
var theta = false;
var n = this.graph.getNode(id);
var ps = Graph.Util.getParents(n);
var p = (ps.length > 0)? ps[0] : false;
if(p) {
var posParent = p.pos.getc(), posChild = n.pos.getc();
var newPos = posParent.add(posChild.scale(-1));
theta = Math.atan2(newPos.y, newPos.x);
if(theta < 0) theta += 2 * Math.PI;
return {parent: p, theta: theta};
Enumerates the children in order to mantain child ordering (second constraint of the paper).
tagChildren: function(par, id) {
if(par.angleSpan) {
var adjs = [];
Graph.Util.eachAdjacency(par, function(elem) {
}, "ignore");
var len = adjs.length;
for(var i=0; i < len && id != adjs[i].id; i++);
for(var j= (i+1) % len, k = 0; id != adjs[j].id; j = (j+1) % len) {
adjs[j].dist = k++;
Method: onClick
Performs all calculations and animations to center the node specified by _id_.
id - A <Graph.Node> id.
opt - _optional_ An object containing some extra properties like
- _hideLabels_ Hide labels when performing the animation. Default's *true*.
(start code js)
//or also...
rgraph.onClick('someid', {
hideLabels: false
(end code)
onClick: function(id, opt) {
if(this.root != id && !this.busy) {
this.busy = true;
this.root = id;
that = this;
var obj = this.getNodeAndParentAngle(id);
//second constraint
this.tagChildren(obj.parent, id);
this.parent = obj.parent;
//first constraint
var thetaDiff = obj.theta - obj.parent.endPos.theta;
Graph.Util.eachNode(this.graph, function(elem) {
elem.endPos.set(elem.endPos.getp().add($P(thetaDiff, 0)));
var mode = this.config.interpolation;
opt = $merge({ onComplete: $empty }, opt || {});
hideLabels: true,
modes: [mode]
}, opt, {
onComplete: function() {
that.busy = false;
Class: RGraph.Op
Performs advanced operations on trees and graphs.
All <Graph.Op> methods
This instance can be accessed with the _op_ parameter of the <RGraph> instance created.
(start code js)
var rgraph = new RGraph(canvas, config);
rgraph.op.morph //or can also call any other <Graph.Op> method
(end code)
RGraph.Op = new Class({
Implements: Graph.Op,
initialize: function(viz) {
this.viz = viz;
Class: RGraph.Plot
Performs plotting operations.
All <Graph.Plot> methods
This instance can be accessed with the _fx_ parameter of the <RGraph> instance created.
(start code js)
var rgraph = new RGraph(canvas, config);
rgraph.fx.placeLabel //or can also call any other <RGraph.Plot> method
(end code)
RGraph.Plot = new Class({
Implements: Graph.Plot,
initialize: function(viz) {
this.viz = viz;
this.config = viz.config;
this.node = viz.config.Node;
this.edge = viz.config.Edge;
this.animation = new Animation;
this.nodeTypes = new RGraph.Plot.NodeTypes;
this.edgeTypes = new RGraph.Plot.EdgeTypes;
Method: placeLabel
Overrides abstract method placeLabel in <Graph.Plot>.
tag - A DOM label element.
node - A <Graph.Node>.
controller - A configuration/controller object passed to the visualization.
placeLabel: function(tag, node, controller) {
var pos = node.pos.getc(true), canvas = this.viz.canvas;
var radius= canvas.getSize();
var labelPos= {
x: Math.round(pos.x + radius.width/2),
y: Math.round(pos.y + radius.height/2)
var style =;
style.left = labelPos.x + 'px'; = labelPos.y + 'px';
style.display = this.fitsInCanvas(labelPos, canvas)? '' : 'none';
controller.onPlaceLabel(tag, node);
Class: RGraph.Plot.NodeTypes
Here are implemented all kinds of node rendering functions.
Rendering functions implemented are 'none', 'circle', 'triangle', 'rectangle', 'star' and 'square'.
You can add new Node types by implementing a new method in this class
(start code js)
'newnodetypename': function(node, canvas) {
//Render my node here.
(end code)
RGraph.Plot.NodeTypes = new Class({
'none': function() {},
'circle': function(node, canvas) {
var pos = node.pos.getc(true), nconfig = this.node, data =;
var nodeDim = nconfig.overridable && data && data.$dim || nconfig.dim;
canvas.path('fill', function(context) {
context.arc(pos.x, pos.y, nodeDim, 0, Math.PI*2, true);
'square': function(node, canvas) {
var pos = node.pos.getc(true), nconfig = this.node, data =;
var nodeDim = nconfig.overridable && data && data.$dim || nconfig.dim;
var nodeDim2 = 2 * nodeDim;
canvas.getCtx().fillRect(pos.x - nodeDim, pos.y - nodeDim, nodeDim2, nodeDim2);
'rectangle': function(node, canvas) {
var pos = node.pos.getc(true), nconfig = this.node, data =;
var width = nconfig.overridable && data && data.$width || nconfig.width;
var height = nconfig.overridable && data && data.$height || nconfig.height;
canvas.getCtx().fillRect(pos.x - width / 2, pos.y - height / 2, width, height);
'triangle': function(node, canvas) {
var pos = node.pos.getc(true), nconfig = this.node, data =;
var nodeDim = nconfig.overridable && data && data.$dim || nconfig.dim;
var c1x = pos.x, c1y = pos.y - nodeDim,
c2x = c1x - nodeDim, c2y = pos.y + nodeDim,
c3x = c1x + nodeDim, c3y = c2y;
canvas.path('fill', function(ctx) {
ctx.moveTo(c1x, c1y);
ctx.lineTo(c2x, c2y);
ctx.lineTo(c3x, c3y);
'star': function(node, canvas) {
var pos = node.pos.getc(true), nconfig = this.node, data =;
var nodeDim = nconfig.overridable && data && data.$dim || nconfig.dim;
var ctx = canvas.getCtx(), pi5 = Math.PI / 5;;
ctx.translate(pos.x, pos.y);
ctx.moveTo(nodeDim, 0);
for (var i=0; i<9; i++){
if(i % 2 == 0) {
ctx.lineTo((nodeDim / 0.525731) * 0.200811, 0);
} else {
ctx.lineTo(nodeDim, 0);
Class: RGraph.Plot.EdgeTypes
Here are implemented all kinds of edge rendering functions.
Rendering functions implemented are 'none', 'line' and 'arrow'.
You can add new Edge types by implementing a new method in this class
(start code js)
'newedgetypename': function(adj, canvas) {
//Render my edge here.
(end code)
RGraph.Plot.EdgeTypes = new Class({
'none': function() {},
'line': function(adj, canvas) {
var pos = adj.nodeFrom.pos.getc(true);
var posChild = adj.nodeTo.pos.getc(true);
canvas.path('stroke', function(context) {
context.moveTo(pos.x, pos.y);
context.lineTo(posChild.x, posChild.y);
'arrow': function(adj, canvas) {
var node = adj.nodeFrom, child = adj.nodeTo;
var data =, econfig = this.edge;
//get edge dim
var cond = econfig.overridable && data;
var edgeDim = cond && data.$dim || 14;
//get edge direction
if(cond && data.$direction && data.$direction.length > 1) {
var nodeHash = {};
nodeHash[] = node;
nodeHash[] = child;
var sense = data.$direction;
node = nodeHash[sense[0]];
child = nodeHash[sense[1]];
var posFrom = node.pos.getc(true), posTo = child.pos.getc(true);
var vect = new Complex(posTo.x - posFrom.x, posTo.y - posFrom.y);
vect.$scale(edgeDim / vect.norm());
var intermediatePoint = new Complex(posTo.x - vect.x, posTo.y - vect.y);
var normal = new Complex(-vect.y / 2, vect.x / 2);
var v1 = intermediatePoint.add(normal), v2 = intermediatePoint.$add(normal.$scale(-1));
canvas.path('stroke', function(context) {
context.moveTo(posFrom.x, posFrom.y);
context.lineTo(posTo.x, posTo.y);
canvas.path('fill', function(context) {
context.moveTo(v1.x, v1.y);
context.lineTo(v2.x, v2.y);
context.lineTo(posTo.x, posTo.y);
* File: Hypertree.js
* Implements the <Hypertree> class and other derived classes.
* Description:
* A Hyperbolic Tree (HT) is a focus+context information visualization technique used to display large amount of inter-related data. This technique was originally developed at Xerox PARC.
* The HT algorithm plots a tree in what's called the Poincare Disk model of Hyperbolic Geometry, a kind of non-Euclidean geometry. By doing this, the HT algorithm applies a moebius transformation to the tree in order to display it with a magnifying glass effect.
* Inspired by:
* A Focus+Context Technique Based on Hyperbolic Geometry for Visualizing Large Hierarchies (John Lamping, Ramana Rao, and Peter Pirolli).
* <>
* Disclaimer:
* This visualization was built from scratch, taking only the paper as inspiration, and only shares some features with the Hypertree.
A multi-purpose Complex Class with common methods. Exetended for the Hypertree.
Calculates a moebius transformation for this point / complex.
For more information go to:
c - An initialized Complex instance representing a translation Vector.
Complex.prototype.moebiusTransformation = function(c) {
var num = this.add(c);
var den = c.$conjugate().$prod(this); den.x++;
return num.$div(den);
Method: getClosestNodeToOrigin
Extends <Graph.Util>. Returns the closest node to the center of canvas.
graph - A <Graph> instance.
prop - _optional_ a <Graph.Node> position property. Possible properties are 'startPos', 'pos' or 'endPos'. Default's 'pos'.
Closest node to origin. Returns *null* otherwise.
Graph.Util.getClosestNodeToOrigin = function(graph, prop, flags) {
return this.getClosestNodeToPos(graph, Polar.KER, prop, flags);
Method: getClosestNodeToPos
Extends <Graph.Util>. Returns the closest node to the given position.
graph - A <Graph> instance.
p[os - A <Complex> or <Polar> instance.
prop - _optional_ a <Graph.Node> position property. Possible properties are 'startPos', 'pos' or 'endPos'. Default's 'pos'.
Closest node to the given position. Returns *null* otherwise.
Graph.Util.getClosestNodeToPos = function(graph, pos, prop, flags) {
var node = null; prop = prop || 'pos'; pos = pos && pos.getc(true) || Complex.KER;
var distance = function(a, b) {
var d1 = a.x - b.x, d2 = a.y - b.y;
return d1 * d1 + d2 * d2;
this.eachNode(graph, function(elem) {
node = (node == null || distance(elem[prop].getc(true), pos) < distance(node[prop].getc(true), pos))? elem : node;
}, flags);
return node;
Calculates a moebius transformation for the hyperbolic tree.
graph - A <Graph> instance.
pos - A <Complex>.
prop - A property array.
theta - Rotation angle.
startPos - _optional_ start position.
Graph.Util.moebiusTransformation = function(graph, pos, prop, startPos, flags) {
this.eachNode(graph, function(elem) {
for(var i=0; i<prop.length; i++) {
var p = pos[i].scale(-1), property = startPos? startPos : prop[i];
}, flags);
Class: Hypertree
The main Hypertree class
<Loader>, <AngularWidth>
canvas - A <Canvas> Class
config - A configuration/controller object.
The configuration object can have the following properties (all properties are optional and have a default value)
- _withLabels_ Whether the visualization should use/create labels or not. Default's *true*.
Customize the visualization nodes' shape, color, and other style properties.
- _Node_
This object has as properties
- _overridable_ Determine whether or not nodes properties can be overriden by a particular node. Default's false.
If given a JSON tree or graph, a node _data_ property contains properties which are the same as defined here but prefixed with
a dollar sign (i.e $), the node properties will override the global node properties.
- _type_ Node type (shape). Possible options are "none", "square", "rectangle", "circle", "triangle", "star". Default's "circle".
- _color_ Node color. Default's '#ccb'.
- _lineWidth_ Line width. If nodes aren't drawn with strokes then this property won't be of any use. Default's 1.
- _height_ Node height. Used for plotting rectangular nodes. Default's 5.
- _width_ Node width. Used for plotting rectangular nodes. Default's 5.
- _dim_ An extra parameter used by other complex shapes such as square and circle to determine the shape's diameter. Default's 7.
- _transform_ Whether to apply the moebius transformation to the nodes or not. Default's true.
Customize the visualization edges' shape, color, and other style properties.
- _Edge_
This object has as properties
- _overridable_ Determine whether or not edges properties can be overriden by a particular edge object. Default's false.
If given a JSON _complex_ graph (defined in <Loader.loadJSON>), an adjacency _data_ property contains properties which are the same as defined here but prefixed with
a dollar sign (i.e $), the adjacency properties will override the global edge properties.
- _type_ Edge type (shape). Possible options are "none", "line" and "hyperline". Default's "hyperline".
- _color_ Edge color. Default's '#ccb'.
- _lineWidth_ Line width. If edges aren't drawn with strokes then this property won't be of any use. Default's 1.
- _duration_ Duration of the animation in milliseconds. Default's 1500.
- _fps_ Frames per second. Default's 40.
- _transition_ One of the transitions defined in the <Animation> class. Default's Quart.easeInOut.
- _clearCanvas_ Whether to clear canvas on each animation frame or not. Default's true.
*Controller options*
You can also implement controller functions inside the configuration object. This functions are
- _onBeforeCompute(node)_ This method is called right before performing all computation and animations to the JIT visualization.
- _onAfterCompute()_ This method is triggered right after all animations or computations for the JIT visualizations ended.
- _onCreateLabel(domElement, node)_ This method receives the label dom element as first parameter, and the corresponding <Graph.Node> as second parameter. This method will only be called on label creation. Note that a <Graph.Node> is a node from the input tree/graph you provided to the visualization. If you want to know more about what kind of JSON tree/graph format is used to feed the visualizations, you can take a look at <Loader.loadJSON>. This method proves useful when adding events to the labels used by the JIT.
- _onPlaceLabel(domElement, node)_ This method receives the label dom element as first parameter and the corresponding <Graph.Node> as second parameter. This method is called each time a label has been placed on the visualization, and thus it allows you to update the labels properties, such as size or position. Note that onPlaceLabel will be triggered after updating the labels positions. That means that, for example, the left and top css properties are already updated to match the nodes positions.
- _onBeforePlotNode(node)_ This method is triggered right before plotting a given node. The _node_ parameter is the <Graph.Node> to be plotted.
This method is useful for changing a node style right before plotting it.
- _onAfterPlotNode(node)_ This method is triggered right after plotting a given node. The _node_ parameter is the <Graph.Node> plotted.
- _onBeforePlotLine(adj)_ This method is triggered right before plotting an edge. The _adj_ parameter is a <Graph.Adjacence> object.
This method is useful for adding some styles to a particular edge before being plotted.
- _onAfterPlotLine(adj)_ This method is triggered right after plotting an edge. The _adj_ parameter is the <Graph.Adjacence> plotted.
Here goes a complete example. In most cases you won't be forced to implement all properties and methods. In fact,
all configuration properties have the default value assigned.
I won't be instanciating a <Canvas> class here. If you want to know more about instanciating a <Canvas> class
please take a look at the <Canvas> class documentation.
(start code js)
var ht = new Hypertree(canvas, {
Node: {
overridable: false,
type: 'circle',
color: '#ccb',
lineWidth: 1,
height: 5,
width: 5,
dim: 7,
transform: true
Edge: {
overridable: false,
type: 'hyperline',
color: '#ccb',
lineWidth: 1
duration: 1500,
fps: 40,
transition: Trans.Quart.easeInOut,
clearCanvas: true,
withLabels: true,
onBeforeCompute: function(node) {
//do something onBeforeCompute
onAfterCompute: function () {
//do something onAfterCompute
onCreateLabel: function(domElement, node) {
//do something onCreateLabel
onPlaceLabel: function(domElement, node) {
//do something onPlaceLabel
onBeforePlotNode:function(node) {
//do something onBeforePlotNode
onAfterPlotNode: function(node) {
//do something onAfterPlotNode
onBeforePlotLine:function(adj) {
//do something onBeforePlotLine
onAfterPlotLine: function(adj) {
//do something onAfterPlotLine
(end code)
Instance Properties:
- _graph_ Access a <Graph> instance.
- _op_ Access a <Hypertree.Op> instance.
- _fx_ Access a <Hypertree.Plot> instance.
this.Hypertree = new Class({
Implements: [Loader, AngularWidth],
initialize: function(canvas, controller) {
var config = {
labelContainer: + '-label',
withLabels: true,
Node: {
overridable: false,
type: 'circle',
dim: 7,
color: '#ccb',
width: 5,
height: 5,
lineWidth: 1,
transform: true
Edge: {
overridable: false,
type: 'hyperline',
color: '#ccb',
lineWidth: 1
clearCanvas: true,
duration: 1500,
transition: Trans.Quart.easeInOut
var innerController = {
onBeforeCompute: $empty,
onAfterCompute: $empty,
onCreateLabel: $empty,
onPlaceLabel: $empty,
onComplete: $empty,
onAfterPlotLine: $empty,
onAfterPlotNode: $empty
this.controller = this.config = $merge(config, innerController, controller);
this.graphOptions = {
'complex': false,
'Node': {
'selected': false,
'exist': true,
'drawn': true
this.graph = new Graph(this.graphOptions);
this.fx = new Hypertree.Plot(this);
this.op = new Hypertree.Op(this);
this.json = null;
this.canvas = canvas;
this.root = null;
this.busy = false;
Method: refresh
Computes nodes' positions and replots the tree.
reposition - _optional_ Set this to *true* to force repositioning.
See also:
refresh: function(reposition) {
if(reposition) {
Graph.Util.eachNode(this.graph, function(node) {
node.startPos.rho = node.pos.rho = node.endPos.rho;
node.startPos.theta = node.pos.theta = node.endPos.theta;
} else {
Method: reposition
Computes nodes' positions and restores the tree to its previous position.
For calculating nodes' positions the root must be placed on its origin. This method does this
and then attemps to restore the hypertree to its previous position.
reposition: function() {
var vector = this.graph.getNode(this.root).pos.getc().scale(-1);
Graph.Util.moebiusTransformation(this.graph, [vector], ['endPos'], 'endPos', "ignore");
Graph.Util.eachNode(this.graph, function(node) {
if (node.ignore) {
node.endPos.rho = node.pos.rho;
node.endPos.theta = node.pos.theta;
Method: plot
Plots the Hypertree
plot: function() {
Method: compute
Computes nodes' positions.
property - _optional_ A <Graph.Node> position property to store the new positions. Possible values are 'pos', 'endPos' or 'startPos'.
compute: function(property) {
var prop = property || ['pos', 'startPos'];
var node = this.graph.getNode(this.root);
node._depth = 0;
Graph.Util.computeLevels(this.graph, this.root, 0, "ignore");
Performs the main algorithm for computing node positions.
property - A <Graph.Node> position property to store the new positions. Possible values are 'pos', 'endPos' or 'startPos'.
computePositions: function(property) {
var propArray = $splat(property);
var aGraph = this.graph, GUtil = Graph.Util;
var root = this.graph.getNode(this.root), that = this, config = this.config;
var size = this.canvas.getSize();
var scale = Math.min(size.width, size.height)/ 2;
//Set default values for the root node
for(var i=0; i<propArray.length; i++)
root[propArray[i]] = $P(0, 0);
root.angleSpan = {
begin: 0,
end: 2 * Math.PI
root._rel = 1;
//Estimate better edge length.
var edgeLength = (function() {
var depth = 0;
GUtil.eachNode(aGraph, function(node) {
depth = (node._depth > depth)? node._depth : depth;
node._scale = scale;
}, "ignore");
for(var i=0.51; i<=1; i+=0.01) {
var valSeries = (function(a, n) {
return (1 - Math.pow(a, n)) / (1 - a);
})(i, depth + 1);
if(valSeries >= 2) return i - 0.01;
return 0.5;
GUtil.eachBFS(this.graph, this.root, function (elem) {
var angleSpan = elem.angleSpan.end - elem.angleSpan.begin;
var angleInit = elem.angleSpan.begin;
var totalAngularWidths = (function (element){
var total = 0;
GUtil.eachSubnode(element, function(sib) {
total += sib._treeAngularWidth;
}, "ignore");
return total;
for(var i=1, rho = 0, lenAcum = edgeLength, depth = elem._depth; i<=depth+1; i++) {
rho += lenAcum;
lenAcum *= edgeLength;
GUtil.eachSubnode(elem, function(child) {
if(!child._flag) {
child._rel = child._treeAngularWidth / totalAngularWidths;
var angleProportion = child._rel * angleSpan;
var theta = angleInit + angleProportion / 2;
for(var i=0; i<propArray.length; i++)
child[propArray[i]] = $P(theta, rho);
child.angleSpan = {
begin: angleInit,
end: angleInit + angleProportion
angleInit += angleProportion;
}, "ignore");
}, "ignore");
Method: onClick
Performs all calculations and animations to center the node specified by _id_.
id - A <Graph.Node> id.
opt - _optional_ An object containing some extra properties like
- _hideLabels_ Hide labels when performing the animation. Default's *true*.
(start code js)
//or also...
ht.onClick('someid', {
hideLabels: false
(end code)
onClick: function(id, opt) {
var pos = this.graph.getNode(id).pos.getc(true);
this.move(pos, opt);
Method: move
Translates the tree to the given position.
pos - A <Complex> number determining the position to move the tree to.
opt - _optional_ An object containing some extra properties defined in <Hypertree.onClick>
move: function(pos, opt) {
var versor = $C(pos.x, pos.y);
if(this.busy === false && versor.norm() < 1) {
var GUtil = Graph.Util;
this.busy = true;
var root = GUtil.getClosestNodeToPos(this.graph, versor), that = this;
GUtil.computeLevels(this.graph,, 0);
if (versor.norm() < 1) {
opt = $merge({ onComplete: $empty }, opt || {});
modes: ['moebius'],
hideLabels: true
}, opt, {
onComplete: function(){
that.busy = false;
}), versor);
Class: Hypertree.Op
Performs advanced operations on trees and graphs.
All <Graph.Op> methods
This instance can be accessed with the _op_ parameter of the hypertree instance created.
(start code js)
var ht = new Hypertree(canvas, config);
ht.op.morph //or can also call any other <Graph.Op> method
(end code)
Hypertree.Op = new Class({
Implements: Graph.Op,
initialize: function(viz) {
this.viz = viz;
Class: Hypertree.Plot
Performs plotting operations.
All <Graph.Plot> methods
This instance can be accessed with the _fx_ parameter of the hypertree instance created.
(start code js)
var ht = new Hypertree(canvas, config);
ht.fx.placeLabel //or can also call any other <Hypertree.Plot> method
(end code)
Hypertree.Plot = new Class({
Implements: Graph.Plot,
initialize: function(viz) {
this.viz = viz;
this.config = viz.config;
this.node = this.config.Node;
this.edge = this.config.Edge;
this.animation = new Animation;
this.nodeTypes = new Hypertree.Plot.NodeTypes;
this.edgeTypes = new Hypertree.Plot.EdgeTypes;
Method: hyperline
Plots a hyperline between two nodes. A hyperline is an arc of a circle which is orthogonal to the main circle.
adj - A <Graph.Adjacence> object.
canvas - A <Canvas> instance.
hyperline: function(adj, canvas) {
var node = adj.nodeFrom, child = adj.nodeTo, data =;
var pos = node.pos.getc(), posChild = child.pos.getc();
var centerOfCircle = this.computeArcThroughTwoPoints(pos, posChild);
var size = canvas.getSize();
var scale = Math.min(size.width, size.height)/2;
if (centerOfCircle.a > 1000 || centerOfCircle.b > 1000 || centerOfCircle.ratio > 1000) {
canvas.path('stroke', function(ctx) {
ctx.moveTo(pos.x * scale, pos.y * scale);
ctx.lineTo(posChild.x * scale, posChild.y * scale);
} else {
var angleBegin = Math.atan2(posChild.y - centerOfCircle.y, posChild.x - centerOfCircle.x);
var angleEnd = Math.atan2(pos.y - centerOfCircle.y, pos.x - centerOfCircle.x);
var sense = this.sense(angleBegin, angleEnd);
var context = canvas.getCtx();
canvas.path('stroke', function(ctx) {
ctx.arc(centerOfCircle.x*scale, centerOfCircle.y*scale, centerOfCircle.ratio*scale, angleBegin, angleEnd, sense);
Calculates the arc parameters through two points.
More information in <>
p1 - A <Complex> instance.
p2 - A <Complex> instance.
An object containing some arc properties.
computeArcThroughTwoPoints: function(p1, p2) {
var aDen = (p1.x * p2.y - p1.y * p2.x), bDen = aDen;
var sq1 = p1.squaredNorm(), sq2 = p2.squaredNorm();
//Fall back to a straight line
if (aDen == 0) return { x:0, y:0, ratio: 1001 };
var a = (p1.y * sq2 - p2.y * sq1 + p1.y - p2.y) / aDen;
var b = (p2.x * sq1 - p1.x * sq2 + p2.x - p1.x) / bDen;
var x = -a / 2;
var y = -b / 2;
var squaredRatio = (a * a + b * b) / 4 -1;
//Fall back to a straight line
if(squaredRatio < 0) return { x:0, y:0, ratio: 1001 };
var ratio = Math.sqrt(squaredRatio);
var out= {
x: x,
y: y,
ratio: ratio,
a: a,
b: b
return out;
Sets angle direction to clockwise (true) or counterclockwise (false).
angleBegin - Starting angle for drawing the arc.
angleEnd - The HyperLine will be drawn from angleBegin to angleEnd.
A Boolean instance describing the sense for drawing the HyperLine.
sense: function(angleBegin, angleEnd) {
return (angleBegin < angleEnd)? ((angleBegin + Math.PI > angleEnd)? false : true) :
((angleEnd + Math.PI > angleBegin)? true : false);
Method: placeLabel
Overrides abstract method placeLabel in <Graph.Plot>.
tag - A DOM label element.
node - A <Graph.Node>.
controller - A configuration/controller object passed to the visualization.
placeLabel: function(tag, node, controller) {
var pos = node.pos.getc(true), canvas = this.viz.canvas;
var radius= canvas.getSize();
var scale = node._scale;
var labelPos= {
x: Math.round(pos.x * scale + radius.width/2),
y: Math.round(pos.y * scale + radius.height/2)
var style =;
style.left = labelPos.x + 'px'; = labelPos.y + 'px';
style.display = '';
controller.onPlaceLabel(tag, node);
Class: Hypertree.Plot.NodeTypes
Here are implemented all kinds of node rendering functions.
Rendering functions implemented are 'none', 'circle', 'triangle', 'rectangle', 'star' and 'square'.
You can add new Node types by implementing a new method in this class
(start code js)
'newnodetypename': function(node, canvas) {
//Render my node here.
(end code)
Hypertree.Plot.NodeTypes = new Class({
'none': function() {},
'circle': function(node, canvas) {
var nconfig = this.node, data =;
var nodeDim = nconfig.overridable && data && data.$dim || nconfig.dim;
var p = node.pos.getc(), pos = p.scale(node._scale);
var prod = nconfig.transform? nodeDim * (1 - p.squaredNorm()) : nodeDim;
if(prod >= nodeDim / 4) {
canvas.path('fill', function(context) {
context.arc(pos.x, pos.y, prod, 0, Math.PI * 2, true);
'square': function(node, canvas) {
var nconfig = this.node, data =;
var nodeDim = nconfig.overridable && data && data.$dim || nconfig.dim;
var p = node.pos.getc(), pos = p.scale(node._scale);
var prod = nconfig.transform? nodeDim * (1 - p.squaredNorm()) : nodeDim;
var nodeDim2 = 2 * prod;
if (prod >= nodeDim / 4) {
canvas.getCtx().fillRect(pos.x - prod, pos.y - prod, nodeDim2, nodeDim2);
'rectangle': function(node, canvas) {
var nconfig = this.node, data =;
var width = nconfig.overridable && data && data.$width || nconfig.width;
var height = nconfig.overridable && data && data.$height || nconfig.height;
var p = node.pos.getc(), pos = p.scale(node._scale);
var prod = 1 - p.squaredNorm();
width = nconfig.transform? width * prod : width;
height = nconfig.transform? height * prod : height;
if(prod >= 0.25) {
canvas.getCtx().fillRect(pos.x - width / 2, pos.y - height / 2, width, height);
'triangle': function(node, canvas) {
var nconfig = this.node, data =;
var nodeDim = nconfig.overridable && data && data.$dim || nconfig.dim;
var p = node.pos.getc(), pos = p.scale(node._scale);
var prod = nconfig.transform? nodeDim * (1 - p.squaredNorm()) : nodeDim;
if (prod >= nodeDim / 4) {
var c1x = pos.x,
c1y = pos.y - prod,
c2x = c1x - prod,
c2y = pos.y + prod,
c3x = c1x + prod,
c3y = c2y;
canvas.path('fill', function(ctx){
ctx.moveTo(c1x, c1y);
ctx.lineTo(c2x, c2y);
ctx.lineTo(c3x, c3y);
'star': function(node, canvas) {
var nconfig = this.node, data =;
var nodeDim = nconfig.overridable && data && data.$dim || nconfig.dim;
var p = node.pos.getc(), pos = p.scale(node._scale);
var prod = nconfig.transform? nodeDim * (1 - p.squaredNorm()) : nodeDim;
if (prod >= nodeDim / 4) {
var ctx = canvas.getCtx(), pi5 = Math.PI / 5;;
ctx.translate(pos.x, pos.y);
ctx.moveTo(nodeDim, 0);
for (var i = 0; i < 9; i++) {
if (i % 2 == 0) {
ctx.lineTo((prod / 0.525731) * 0.200811, 0);
else {
ctx.lineTo(prod, 0);
Class: Hypertree.Plot.EdgeTypes
Here are implemented all kinds of edge rendering functions.
Rendering functions implemented are 'none', 'line' and 'hyperline'.
You can add new Edge types by implementing a new method in this class
(start code js)
'newedgetypename': function(adj, canvas) {
//Render my edge here.
(end code)
Hypertree.Plot.EdgeTypes = new Class({
'none': function() {},
'line': function(adj, canvas) {
var s = adj.nodeFrom._scale;
var pos = adj.nodeFrom.pos.getc(true);
var posChild = adj.nodeTo.pos.getc(true);
canvas.path('stroke', function(context) {
context.moveTo(pos.x * s, pos.y * s);
context.lineTo(posChild.x * s, posChild.y * s);
'hyperline': function(adj, canvas) {
this.hyperline(adj, canvas);
* File: Treemap.js
* Implements the <TM> class and other derived classes.
* Description:
* A Treemap is an information visualization technique, proven very useful when displaying large hierarchical structures on a constrained space. The idea behind a Treemap is to describe hierarchical relations as 'containment'. That means that if node B is child of node A, then B 'is contained' in A.
* Inspired by:
* Squarified Treemaps (Mark Bruls, Kees Huizing, and Jarke J. van Wijk)
* <>
* Tree visualization with tree-maps: 2-d space-filling approach (Ben Shneiderman)
* <>
* Disclaimer:
* This visualization was built from scratch, taking only these papers as inspiration, and only shares some features with the Treemap papers mentioned above.
Object: TM
Abstract Treemap object.
Implemented By:
<TM.Squarified>, <TM.Strip> and <TM.SliceAndDice>.
Implements layout and configuration options inherited by <TM.Squarified>, <TM.Strip> and <TM.SliceAndDice>.
All Treemap constructors take the same configuration object as parameter.
Two special _data_ keys are read from the JSON tree structure loaded by <Loader.loadJSON> to calculate
node's color and dimensions. These properties are $area (for nodes dimensions) and $color. Both of these properties are floats.
This means that the tree structure defined in <Loader.loadJSON> should now look more like this
(start code js)
var json = {
"id": "aUniqueIdentifier",
"name": "usually a nodes name",
"data": {
"$area": 33, //some float value
"$color": 36, //-optional- some float value
"some key": "some value",
"some other key": "some other value"
"children": [ 'other nodes or empty' ]
(end code)
If you want to know more about JSON tree structures and the _data_ property please read <Loader.loadJSON>.
- _rootId_ The id of the div container where the Treemap will be injected. Default's 'infovis'.
- _orientation_ For <TM.Strip> and <TM.SliceAndDice> only. The layout algorithm orientation. Possible values are 'h' or 'v'.
- _levelsToShow_ Max depth of the plotted tree. Useful when using the request method.
- _addLeftClickHandler_ Add a left click event handler to zoom in the Treemap view when clicking a node. Default's *false*.
- _addRightClickHandler_ Add a right click event handler to zoom out the Treemap view. Default's *false*.
- _selectPathOnHover_ If setted to *true* all nodes contained in the path between the hovered node and the root node will have an *in-path* CSS class. Default's *false*.
There are two kinds of Treemap nodes.
(see treemapnode.png)
Inner nodes are nodes having children, like _Pearl Jam_.
These nodes are represented by three div elements. A _content_ element, a _head_ element (where the title goes) and a _body_ element, where the children are laid out.
(start code xml)
<div class="content">
<div class="head">Pearl Jam</div>
<div class="body">...other nodes here...</div>
(end code)
Leaves are optionally colored nodes laying at the "bottom" of the tree. For example, _Yield_, _Vs._ and _Riot Act_ are leaves.
These nodes are represented by two div elements. A _content_ element and a wrapped _leaf_ element
(start code xml)
<div class="content">
<div class="leaf">Yield</div>
(end code)
There are some configuration properties regarding Treemap nodes
- _titleHeight_ The height of the title (_head_) div container. Default's 13.
- _offset_ The separation offset between the _content_ div element and its contained div(s). Default's 4.
_Color_ is an object containing as properties
- _allow_ If *true*, the algorithm will check for the JSON node data _$color_ property to add some color to the Treemap leaves.
This color is calculated by interpolating a node's $color value range with a real RGB color range.
By specifying min|maxValues for the $color property and min|maxColorValues for the RGB counterparts, the visualization is able to
interpolate color values and assign a proper color to the leaf node. Default's *false*.
- _minValue_ The minimum value expected for the $color value property. Used for interpolating. Default's -100.
- _maxValue_ The maximum value expected for the $color value property. Used for interpolating. Default's 100.
- _minColorValue_ A three-element RGB array defining the color to be assigned to the _$color_ having _minValue_ as value. Default's [255, 0, 50].
- _maxColorValue_ A three-element RGB array defining the color to be assigned to the _$color_ having _maxValue_ as value. Default's [0, 255, 50].
_Tips_ is an object containing as properties
- _allow_ If *true*, a tooltip will be shown when a node is hovered. The tooltip is a div DOM element having "tip" as CSS class. Default's *false*.
- _offsetX_ An offset added to the current tooltip x-position (which is the same as the current mouse position). Default's 20.
- _offsetY_ An offset added to the current tooltip y-position (which is the same as the current mouse position). Default's 20.
- _onShow(tooltip, node, isLeaf, domElement)_ Implement this method to change the HTML content of the tooltip when hovering a node.
tooltip - The tooltip div element.
node - The corresponding JSON tree node (See also <Loader.loadJSON>).
isLeaf - Whether is a leaf or inner node.
domElement - The current hovered DOM element.
*Controller options*
You can also implement controller functions inside the configuration object. These functions are
- _onBeforeCompute(node)_ This method is called right before performing all computation and animations to the JIT visualization.
- _onAfterCompute()_ This method is triggered right after all animations or computations for the JIT visualizations ended.
- _onCreateElement(content, node, isLeaf, elem1, elem2)_ This method is called on each newly created node.
content - The div wrapper element with _content_ className.
node - The corresponding JSON tree node (See also <Loader.loadJSON>).
isLeaf - Whether is a leaf or inner node. If the node's an inner tree node, elem1 and elem2 will become the _head_ and _body_ div elements respectively.
If the node's a _leaf_, then elem1 will become the div leaf element.
- _onDestroyElement(content, node, isLeaf, elem1, elem2)_ This method is called before collecting each node. Takes the same parameters as onCreateElement.
- _request(nodeId, level, onComplete)_ This method is used for buffering information into the visualization. When clicking on an empty node,
the visualization will make a request for this node's subtrees, specifying a given level for this subtree (defined by _levelsToShow_). Once the request is completed, the _onComplete_
object should be called with the given result.
See also <TM.Squarified>, <TM.SliceAndDice> and <TM.Strip>.
this.TM = {
layout: {
orientation: "h",
vertical: function() {
return this.orientation == "v";
horizontal: function() {
return this.orientation == "h";
change: function() {
this.orientation = this.vertical()? "h" : "v";
innerController: {
onBeforeCompute: $empty,
onAfterCompute: $empty,
onComplete: $empty,
onCreateElement: $empty,
onDestroyElement: $empty,
request: false
config: {
orientation: "h",
titleHeight: 13,
rootId: 'infovis',
levelsToShow: 3,
addLeftClickHandler: false,
addRightClickHandler: false,
selectPathOnHover: false,
Color: {
allow: false,
minValue: -100,
maxValue: 100,
minColorValue: [255, 0, 50],
maxColorValue: [0, 255, 50]
Tips: {
allow: false,
offsetX: 20,
offsetY: 20,
onShow: $empty
initialize: function(controller) {
this.tree = null;
this.shownTree = null;
this.controller = this.config = $merge(this.config,
this.rootId = this.config.rootId;
this.layout.orientation = this.config.orientation;
//add tooltip
if(this.config.Tips.allow && document.body) {
var tip = document.getElementById('_tooltip') || document.createElement('div'); = '_tooltip';
tip.className = 'tip';
var style =;
style.position = 'absolute';
style.display = 'none';
style.zIndex = 13000;
this.tip = tip;
var that = this;
var fn = function() {
if(window.CollectGarbage) window.CollectGarbage();
delete fn;
if(window.addEventListener) {
window.addEventListener('unload', fn, false);
} else {
window.attachEvent('onunload', fn);
Method: each
Traverses head and leaf nodes applying a given function
f - A function that takes as parameters the same as the onCreateElement and onDestroyElement methods described in <TM>.
each: function(f) {
(function rec(elem) {
if(!elem) return;
var ch = elem.childNodes, len = ch.length;
if(len > 0) {
f.apply(this, [elem, len === 1, ch[0], ch[1]]);
if (len > 1) {
for(var chi = ch[1].childNodes, i=0; i<chi.length; i++) {
Transforms a JSON into a CSS style string.
toStyle: function(obj) {
var ans = "";
for(var s in obj) ans += s + ":" + obj[s] + ";";
return ans;
Returns a boolean value specifying if the node is a tree leaf or not.
tree - A tree node (which is also a JSON tree object of course). <>
A boolean value specifying if the node is a tree leaf or not.
leaf: function(tree) {
return tree.children == 0;
Method: createBox
Constructs the proper DOM layout from a json node.
If the node's an _inner node_,
this method calls <TM.contentBox>, <TM.bodyBox> and <TM.leafBox>
to create the following HTML structure
(start code xml)
<div class="content">
<div class="head">[Node name]</div>
<div class="body">[Node's children]</div>
(end code)
If the node's a leaf node, it creates the following structure
by calling <TM.contentBox>, <TM.leafBox>
(start code xml)
<div class="content">
<div class="leaf">[Node name]</div>
(end code)
json - A JSON subtree. See also <Loader.loadJSON>.
coord - A coordinates object specifying width, height, left and top style properties.
html - html to inject into the _body_ element if the node is an inner Tree node.
The HTML structure described above.
See also:
<TM>, <TM.contentBox>, <TM.bodyBox>, <TM.headBox>, <TM.leafBox>.
createBox: function(json, coord, html) {
var box;
if(!this.leaf(json)) {
box = this.headBox(json, coord) + this.bodyBox(html, coord);
} else {
box = this.leafBox(json, coord);
return this.contentBox(json, coord, box);
Method: plot
Renders the Treemap.
json - A JSON tree structure preprocessed by some Treemap layout algorithm.
The HTML to inject to the main visualization container.
See also:
plot: function(json) {
var coord = json.coord, html = "";
return this.createBox(json, coord, null);
for(var i=0, ch=json.children; i<ch.length; i++) {
var chi = ch[i], chcoord = chi.coord;
//skip tiny nodes
if(chcoord.width * chcoord.height > 1) {
html+= this.plot(chi);
return this.createBox(json, coord, html);
Method: headBox
Creates the _head_ div dom element that usually contains the name of a parent JSON tree node.
json - A JSON subtree. See also <Loader.loadJSON>.
coord - width and height base coordinate object.
A new _head_ div dom element that has _head_ as class name.
See also:
headBox: function(json, coord) {
var config = this.config, offst = config.offset;
var c = {
'height': config.titleHeight + "px",
'width': (coord.width - offst) + "px",
'left': offst / 2 + "px"
return "<div class=\"head\" style=\"" + this.toStyle(c) + "\">"
+ + "</div>";
Method: bodyBox
Creates the _body_ div dom element that usually contains a subtree dom element layout.
html - html that should be contained in the body html.
coord - width and height base coordinate object.
A new _body_ div dom element that has _body_ as class name.
See also:
bodyBox: function(html, coord) {
var config = this.config,
th = config.titleHeight,
offst = config.offset;
var c = {
'width': (coord.width - offst) + "px",
'height':(coord.height - offst - th) + "px",
'top': (th + offst / 2) + "px",
'left': (offst / 2) + "px"
return "<div class=\"body\" style=\""
+ this.toStyle(c) +"\">" + html + "</div>";
Method: contentBox
Creates the _content_ div dom element that usually contains a _leaf_ div dom element or _head_ and _body_ div dom elements.
json - A JSON node. See also <Loader.loadJSON>.
coord - An object containing width, height, left and top coordinates.
html - input html wrapped by this tag.
A new _content_ div dom element that has _content_ as class name.
See also:
contentBox: function(json, coord, html) {
var c = {};
for(var i in coord) c[i] = coord[i] + "px";
return "<div class=\"content\" style=\"" + this.toStyle(c)
+ "\" id=\"" + + "\">" + html + "</div>";
Method: leafBox
Creates the _leaf_ div dom element that usually contains nothing else.
json - A JSON subtree. See also <Loader.loadJSON>.
coord - base with and height coordinate object.
A new _leaf_ div dom element having _leaf_ as class name.
See also:
leafBox: function(json, coord) {
var config = this.config;
var backgroundColor = config.Color.allow && this.setColor(json),
offst = config.offset,
width = coord.width - offst,
height = coord.height - offst;
var c = {
'top': (offst / 2) + "px",
'height':height + "px",
'width': width + "px",
'left': (offst / 2) + "px"
if(backgroundColor) c['background-color'] = backgroundColor;
return "<div class=\"leaf\" style=\"" + this.toStyle(c) + "\">"
+ + "</div>";
Method: setColor
Calculates an hexa color string based on the _$color_ data node property.
This method is called by <TM.leafBox> to assign an hexadecimal color to each leaf node.
This color is calculated by making a linear interpolation between _$color_ max and min values and
RGB max and min values so that
> hex = (maxColorValue - minColorValue) / (maxValue - minValue) * (x - minValue) + minColorValue
where _x_ range is [minValue, maxValue] and
- _minValue_
- _maxValue_
- _minColorValue_
- _maxColorValue_
are defined in the <TM> configuration object.
This method is called by <TM.leafBox> iif _Color.allow_ is setted to _true_.
Sometimes linear interpolation for coloring is just not enough. In that case you can re-implement this
method so that it fits your coloring needs.
Some people might find useful to implement their own coloring interpolation method and to assign the resulting hex string
to the _$color_ property. In that case we could re-implement the <TM.setColor> method like this
(start code js)
//TM.Strip, TM.SliceAndDice also work
'setColor': function(json) {
(end code)
So that it returns the previously assigned hex string.
json - A JSON tree node.
A String that represents a color in hex value.
setColor: function(json) {
var c = this.config.Color,
maxcv = c.maxColorValue,
mincv = c.minColorValue,
maxv = c.maxValue,
minv = c.minValue,
diff = maxv - minv,
x = ($color - 0);
//linear interpolation
var comp = function(i, x) {
return Math.round((((maxcv[i] - mincv[i]) / diff) * (x - minv) + mincv[i]));
return $rgbToHex([ comp(0, x), comp(1, x), comp(2, x) ]);
Method: enter
Sets the _elem_ parameter as root and performs the layout.
elem - A JSON Tree node. See also <Loader.loadJSON>.
enter: function(elem) {
Method: onLeftClick
Sets the _elem_ parameter as root and performs the layout.
This method is called when _addLeftClickHandler_ is *true* and a
node is left-clicked. You can override this method to add some custom behavior
when the node is left clicked though.
An Example for overriding this method could be
(start code js)
//TM.Strip or TM.SliceAndDice also work
'onLeftClick': function(elem) {
//some custom code...
(end code)
elem - A JSON Tree node. See also <Loader.loadJSON>.
See also:
onLeftClick: function(elem) {
Method: out
Sets the _parent_ node of the currently shown subtree as root and performs the layout.
out: function() {
var parent = TreeUtil.getParent(this.tree,;
if(parent) {
TreeUtil.prune(parent, this.config.levelsToShow);
Method: onRightClick
Sets the _parent_ node of the currently shown subtree as root and performs the layout.
This method is called when _addRightClickHandler_ is *true* and a
node is right-clicked. You can override this method to add some custom behavior
when the node is right-clicked though.
An Example for overriding this method could be
(start code js)
//TM.Strip or TM.SliceAndDice also work
'onRightClick': function() {
//some custom code...
(end code)
See also:
onRightClick: function() {
Method: view
Sets the root of the treemap to the specified node id and performs the layout.
id - A node identifier
view: function(id) {
var config = this.config, that = this;
var post = {
onComplete: function() {
if (this.controller.request) {
var TUtil = TreeUtil;
TUtil.loadSubtrees(TUtil.getSubtree(this.tree, id),
$merge(this.controller, post));
} else {
Method: resetPath
Sets an 'in-path' className for _leaf_ and _head_ elements which belong to the path between the given tree node
and the visualization's root node.
tree - A JSON tree node. See also <Loader.loadJSON>.
resetPath: function(tree) {
var root = this.rootId, previous = this.resetPath.previous;
this.resetPath.previous = tree || false;
function getParent(c) {
var p = c.parentNode;
return p && ( != root) && p;
function toggleInPath(elem, remove) {
if(elem) {
var container = $get(;
if(container) {
var parent = getParent(container);
while(parent) {
elem = parent.childNodes[0];
if($hasClass(elem, 'in-path')) {
if(remove == undefined || !!remove) $removeClass(elem, 'in-path');
} else {
if(!remove) $addClass(elem, 'in-path');
parent = getParent(parent);
toggleInPath(previous, true);
toggleInPath(tree, false);
Method: initializeElements
Traverses the DOM tree applying the onCreateElement method.
The onCreateElement controller method should attach events and add some behavior to the DOM element
node created. *By default, the Treemap wont add any event to its elements.*
initializeElements: function() {
var cont = this.controller, that = this;
var ff = $lambda(false), tipsAllow = cont.Tips.allow;
this.each(function(content, isLeaf, elem1, elem2) {
var tree = TreeUtil.getSubtree(that.tree,;
cont.onCreateElement(content, tree, isLeaf, elem1, elem2);
//eliminate context menu when right clicking
if(cont.addRightClickHandler) elem1.oncontextmenu = ff;
//add click handlers
if(cont.addLeftClickHandler || cont.addRightClickHandler) {
$addEvent(elem1, 'mouseup', function(e) {
var rightClick = (e.which == 3 || e.button == 2);
if (rightClick) {
if(cont.addRightClickHandler) that.onRightClick();
else {
if(cont.addLeftClickHandler) that.onLeftClick(elem1);
//prevent default
if (e.preventDefault)
e.returnValue = false;
//add path selection on hovering nodes
if(cont.selectPathOnHover || tipsAllow) {
$addEvent(elem1, 'mouseover', function(e){
if(cont.selectPathOnHover) {
if (isLeaf) {
$addClass(elem1, 'over-leaf');
else {
$addClass(elem1, 'over-head');
$addClass(content, 'over-content');
if (
cont.Tips.onShow(that.tip, tree, isLeaf, elem1);
$addEvent(elem1, 'mouseout', function(e){
if(cont.selectPathOnHover) {
if (isLeaf) {
$removeClass(elem1, 'over-leaf');
else {
$removeClass(elem1, 'over-head');
$removeClass(content, 'over-content');
if(tipsAllow) = 'none';
if(tipsAllow) {
//Add mousemove event handler
$addEvent(elem1, 'mousemove', function(e, win){
var tip = that.tip;
//get mouse position
win = win || window;
e = e || win.event;
var doc = win.document;
doc = doc.html || doc.body;
var page = {
x: e.pageX || e.clientX + doc.scrollLeft,
y: e.pageY || e.clientY + doc.scrollTop
}; = '';
//get window dimensions
win = {
'height': document.body.clientHeight,
'width': document.body.clientWidth
//get tooltip dimensions
var obj = {
'width': tip.offsetWidth,
'height': tip.offsetHeight
//set tooltip position
var style =, x = cont.Tips.offsetX, y = cont.Tips.offsetY; = ((page.y + y + obj.height > win.height)?
(page.y - obj.height - y) : page.y + y) + 'px';
style.left = ((page.x + obj.width + x > win.width)?
(page.x - obj.width - x) : page.x + x) + 'px';
Method: destroyElements
Traverses the tree applying the onDestroyElement method.
The onDestroyElement controller method should detach events and garbage collect the element.
*By default, the Treemap adds some garbage collect facilities for IE.*
destroyElements: function() {
if(this.controller.onDestroyElement != $empty) {
var cont = this.controller, that = this;
this.each(function(content, isLeaf, elem1, elem2) {
cont.onDestroyElement(content, TreeUtil.getSubtree(that.tree,, isLeaf, elem1, elem2);
Method: empty
Empties the Treemap container (trying also to garbage collect things).
empty: function() {
Method: loadTree
Loads the subtree specified by _id_ and plots it on the layout container.
id - A subtree id.
loadTree: function(id) {
this.loadJSON(TreeUtil.getSubtree(this.tree, id));
Class: TM.SliceAndDice
A JavaScript implementation of the Slice and Dice Treemap algorithm.
The <TM.SliceAndDice> constructor takes an _optional_ configuration object described in <TM>.
This visualization (as all other Treemap visualizations) is fed with JSON Tree structures.
The _$area_ node data key is required for calculating rectangles dimensions.
The _$color_ node data key is required if _Color_ _allow_ is *true* and is used for calculating
leaves colors.
config - Configuration defined in <TM>.
Here's a way of instanciating the <TM.SliceAndDice> will all its _optional_ configuration features
(start code js)
var tm = new TM.SliceAndDice({
orientation: "h",
titleHeight: 13,
rootId: 'infovis',
levelsToShow: 3,
addLeftClickHandler: false,
addRightClickHandler: false,
selectPathOnHover: false,
Color: {
allow: false,
minValue: -100,
maxValue: 100,
minColorValue: [255, 0, 50],
maxColorValue: [0, 255, 50]
Tips: {
allow: false,
offsetX; 20,
offsetY: 20,
onShow: function(tooltip, node, isLeaf, domElement) {}
onBeforeCompute: function(node) {
//Some stuff on before compute...
onAfterCompute: function() {
//Some stuff on after compute...
onCreateElement: function(content, node, isLeaf, head, body) {
//Some stuff onCreateElement
onDestroyElement: function(content, node, isLeaf, head, body) {
//Some stuff onDestroyElement
request: false
(end code)
TM.SliceAndDice = new Class({
Implements: TM,
Method: loadJSON
Loads the specified JSON tree and lays it on the main container.
json - A JSON Tree. See also <Loader.loadJSON>.
loadJSON: function (json) {
var container = $get(this.rootId),
config = this.config,
width = container.offsetWidth,
height = container.offsetHeight;
var p = {
'coord': {
'top': 0,
'left': 0,
'width': width,
'height': height + config.titleHeight + config.offset
if(this.tree == null) this.tree = json;
this.shownTree = json;
this.compute(p, json, this.layout.orientation);
container.innerHTML = this.plot(json);
Method: compute
Called by loadJSON to calculate recursively all node positions and lay out the tree.
par - The parent node of the json subtree.
json - A JSON subtree. See also <Loader.loadJSON>.
orientation - The current orientation. This value is switched recursively.
compute: function(par, json, orientation) {
var config = this.config,
coord = par.coord,
offst = config.offset,
width = coord.width - offst,
height = coord.height - offst - config.titleHeight,
pdata =,
fact = (pdata && ("$area" in pdata))?$area / pdata.$area : 1;
var otherSize, size, dim, pos, pos2;
var horizontal = (orientation == "h");
if(horizontal) {
orientation = 'v';
otherSize = height;
size = Math.round(width * fact);
dim = 'height';
pos = 'top';
pos2 = 'left';
} else {
orientation = 'h';
otherSize = Math.round(height * fact);
size = width;
dim = 'width';
pos = 'left';
pos2 = 'top';
json.coord = {
var offsetSize = 0, tm = this;
$each(json.children, function(elem){
tm.compute(json, elem, orientation);
elem.coord[pos] = offsetSize;
elem.coord[pos2] = 0;
offsetSize += Math.floor(elem.coord[dim]);
Class: TM.Area
Abstract Treemap class containing methods that are common to
aspect ratio related algorithms such as <TM.Squarified> and <TM.Strip>.
Implemented by:
<TM.Squarified>, <TM.Strip>
TM.Area = new Class({
Method: loadJSON
Loads the specified JSON tree and lays it on the main container.
json - A JSON tree. See also <Loader.loadJSON>.
loadJSON: function (json) {
var container = $get(this.rootId),
width = container.offsetWidth,
height = container.offsetHeight,
offst = this.config.offset,
offwdth = width - offst,
offhght = height - offst - this.config.titleHeight;
json.coord = {
'height': height,
'width': width,
'top': 0,
'left': 0
var coord = $merge(json.coord, {
'width': offwdth,
'height': offhght
this.compute(json, coord);
container.innerHTML = this.plot(json);
if(this.tree == null) this.tree = json;
this.shownTree = json;
Method: computeDim
Computes dimensions and positions of a group of nodes
according to a custom layout row condition.
tail - An array of nodes.
initElem - An array of nodes (containing the initial node to be laid).
w - A fixed dimension where nodes will be layed out.
coord - A coordinates object specifying width, height, left and top style properties.
comp - A custom comparison function
computeDim: function(tail, initElem, w, coord, comp) {
if(tail.length + initElem.length == 1) {
var l = (tail.length == 1)? tail : initElem;
this.layoutLast(l, w, coord);
if(tail.length >= 2 && initElem.length == 0) {
initElem = [tail[0]];
tail = tail.slice(1);
if(tail.length == 0) {
if(initElem.length > 0) this.layoutRow(initElem, w, coord);
var c = tail[0];
if(comp(initElem, w) >= comp([c].concat(initElem), w)) {
this.computeDim(tail.slice(1), initElem.concat([c]), w, coord, comp);
} else {
var newCoords = this.layoutRow(initElem, w, coord);
this.computeDim(tail, [], newCoords.dim, newCoords, comp);
Method: worstAspectRatio
Calculates the worst aspect ratio of a group of rectangles.
See also:
ch - An array of nodes.
w - The fixed dimension where rectangles are being laid out.
The worst aspect ratio.
worstAspectRatio: function(ch, w) {
if(!ch || ch.length == 0) return Number.MAX_VALUE;
var areaSum = 0, maxArea = 0, minArea = Number.MAX_VALUE;
for(var i=0; i<ch.length; i++) {
var area = ch[i]._area;
areaSum += area;
minArea = (minArea < area)? minArea : area;
maxArea = (maxArea > area)? maxArea : area;
var sqw = w * w, sqAreaSum = areaSum * areaSum;
return Math.max(sqw * maxArea / sqAreaSum,
sqAreaSum / (sqw * minArea));
Method: avgAspectRatio
Calculates the average aspect ratio of a group of rectangles.
See also:
ch - An array of nodes.
w - The fixed dimension where rectangles are being laid out.
The average aspect ratio.
avgAspectRatio: function(ch, w) {
if(!ch || ch.length == 0) return Number.MAX_VALUE;
var arSum = 0;
for(var i=0; i<ch.length; i++) {
var area = ch[i]._area;
var h = area / w;
arSum += (w > h)? w / h : h / w;
return arSum / ch.length;
Performs the layout of the last computed sibling.
ch - An array of nodes.
w - A fixed dimension where nodes will be layed out.
coord - A coordinates object specifying width, height, left and top style properties.
layoutLast: function(ch, w, coord) {
ch[0].coord = coord;
Class: TM.Squarified
A JavaScript implementation of the Squarified Treemap algorithm.
The <TM.Squarified> constructor takes an _optional_ configuration object described in <TM>.
This visualization (as all other Treemap visualizations) is fed with JSON Tree structures.
The _$area_ node data key is required for calculating rectangles dimensions.
The _$color_ node data key is required if _Color_ _allow_ is *true* and is used for calculating
leaves colors.
<TM> and <TM.Area>
config - Configuration defined in <TM>.
Here's a way of instanciating the <TM.Squarified> will all its _optional_ configuration features
(start code js)
var tm = new TM.Squarified({
titleHeight: 13,
rootId: 'infovis',
levelsToShow: 3,
addLeftClickHandler: false,
addRightClickHandler: false,
selectPathOnHover: false,
Color: {
allow: false,
minValue: -100,
maxValue: 100,
minColorValue: [255, 0, 50],
maxColorValue: [0, 255, 50]
Tips: {
allow: false,
offsetX: 20,
offsetY: 20,
onShow: function(tooltip, node, isLeaf, domElement) {}
onBeforeCompute: function(node) {
//Some stuff on before compute...
onAfterCompute: function() {
//Some stuff on after compute...
onCreateElement: function(content, node, isLeaf, head, body) {
//Some stuff onCreateElement
onDestroyElement: function(content, node, isLeaf, head, body) {
//Some stuff onDestroyElement
request: false
(end code)
TM.Squarified = new Class({
Implements: [TM, TM.Area],
Method: compute
Called by loadJSON to calculate recursively all node positions and lay out the tree.
json - A JSON tree. See also <Loader.loadJSON>.
coord - A coordinates object specifying width, height, left and top style properties.
compute: function(json, coord) {
if (!(coord.width >= coord.height && this.layout.horizontal()))
var ch = json.children, config = this.config;
if(ch.length > 0) {
this.processChildrenLayout(json, ch, coord);
for(var i=0; i<ch.length; i++) {
var chcoord = ch[i].coord,
offst = config.offset,
height = chcoord.height - (config.titleHeight + offst),
width = chcoord.width - offst;
coord = {
this.compute(ch[i], coord);
Method: processChildrenLayout
Computes children real areas and other useful parameters for performing the Squarified algorithm.
par - The parent node of the json subtree.
ch - An Array of nodes
coord - A coordinates object specifying width, height, left and top style properties.
processChildrenLayout: function(par, ch, coord) {
//compute children real areas
var parentArea = coord.width * coord.height;
var i, totalChArea=0, chArea = [];
for(i=0; i < ch.length; i++) {
chArea[i] = parseFloat(ch[i].data.$area);
totalChArea += chArea[i];
for(i=0; i<chArea.length; i++) {
ch[i]._area = parentArea * chArea[i] / totalChArea;
var minimumSideValue = (this.layout.horizontal())? coord.height : coord.width;
ch.sort(function(a, b) { return (a._area <= b._area) - (a._area >= b._area); });
var initElem = [ch[0]];
var tail = ch.slice(1);
this.squarify(tail, initElem, minimumSideValue, coord);
Method: squarify
Performs an heuristic method to calculate div elements sizes in order to have a good aspect ratio.
tail - An array of nodes.
initElem - An array of nodes, containing the initial node to be laid out.
w - A fixed dimension where nodes will be laid out.
coord - A coordinates object specifying width, height, left and top style properties.
squarify: function(tail, initElem, w, coord) {
this.computeDim(tail, initElem, w, coord, this.worstAspectRatio);
Method: layoutRow
Performs the layout of an array of nodes.
ch - An array of nodes.
w - A fixed dimension where nodes will be laid out.
coord - A coordinates object specifying width, height, left and top style properties.
layoutRow: function(ch, w, coord) {
if(this.layout.horizontal()) {
return this.layoutV(ch, w, coord);
} else {
return this.layoutH(ch, w, coord);
layoutV: function(ch, w, coord) {
var totalArea = 0, rnd = Math.round;
$each(ch, function(elem) { totalArea += elem._area; });
var width = rnd(totalArea / w), top = 0;
for(var i=0; i<ch.length; i++) {
var h = rnd(ch[i]._area / width);
ch[i].coord = {
'height': h,
'width': width,
'top': + top,
'left': coord.left
top += h;
var ans = {
'height': coord.height,
'width': coord.width - width,
'left': coord.left + width
//take minimum side value.
ans.dim = Math.min(ans.width, ans.height);
if(ans.dim != ans.height) this.layout.change();
return ans;
layoutH: function(ch, w, coord) {
var totalArea = 0, rnd = Math.round;
$each(ch, function(elem) { totalArea += elem._area; });
var height = rnd(totalArea / w),
top =,
left = 0;
for(var i=0; i<ch.length; i++) {
ch[i].coord = {
'height': height,
'width': rnd(ch[i]._area / height),
'top': top,
'left': coord.left + left
left += ch[i].coord.width;
var ans = {
'height': coord.height - height,
'width': coord.width,
'top': + height,
'left': coord.left
ans.dim = Math.min(ans.width, ans.height);
if(ans.dim != ans.width) this.layout.change();
return ans;
Class: TM.Strip
A JavaScript implementation of the Strip Treemap algorithm.
The <TM.Strip> constructor takes an _optional_ configuration object described in <TM>.
This visualization (as all other Treemap visualizations) is fed with JSON Tree structures.
The _$area_ node data key is required for calculating rectangles dimensions.
The _$color_ node data key is required if _Color_ _allow_ is *true* and is used for calculating
leaves colors.
<TM> and <TM.Area>
config - Configuration defined in <TM>.
Here's a way of instanciating the <TM.Strip> will all its _optional_ configuration features
(start code js)
var tm = new TM.Strip({
titleHeight: 13,
orientation: "h",
rootId: 'infovis',
levelsToShow: 3,
addLeftClickHandler: false,
addRightClickHandler: false,
selectPathOnHover: false,
Color: {
allow: false,
minValue: -100,
maxValue: 100,
minColorValue: [255, 0, 50],
maxColorValue: [0, 255, 50]
Tips: {
allow: false,
offsetX: 20,
offsetY: 20,
onShow: function(tooltip, node, isLeaf, domElement) {}
onBeforeCompute: function(node) {
//Some stuff on before compute...
onAfterCompute: function() {
//Some stuff on after compute...
onCreateElement: function(content, node, isLeaf, head, body) {
//Some stuff onCreateElement
onDestroyElement: function(content, node, isLeaf, head, body) {
//Some stuff onDestroyElement
request: false
(end code)
TM.Strip = new Class({
Implements: [ TM, TM.Area ],
Method: compute
Called by loadJSON to calculate recursively all node positions and lay out the tree.
json - A JSON subtree. See also <Loader.loadJSON>.
coord - A coordinates object specifying width, height, left and top style properties.
compute: function(json, coord) {
var ch = json.children, config = this.config;
if(ch.length > 0) {
this.processChildrenLayout(json, ch, coord);
for(var i=0; i<ch.length; i++) {
var chcoord = ch[i].coord,
offst = config.offset,
height = chcoord.height - (config.titleHeight + offst),
width = chcoord.width - offst;
coord = {
this.compute(ch[i], coord);
Method: processChildrenLayout
Computes children real areas and other useful parameters for performing the Strip algorithm.
par - The parent node of the json subtree.
ch - An Array of nodes
coord - A coordinates object specifying width, height, left and top style properties.
processChildrenLayout: function(par, ch, coord) {
//compute children real areas
var area = coord.width * coord.height;
var dataValue = parseFloat($area);
$each(ch, function(elem) {
elem._area = area * parseFloat($area) / dataValue;
var side = (this.layout.horizontal())? coord.width : coord.height;
var initElem = [ch[0]];
var tail = ch.slice(1);
this.stripify(tail, initElem, side, coord);
Method: stripify
Performs an heuristic method to calculate div elements sizes in order to have
a good compromise between aspect ratio and order.
tail - An array of nodes.
initElem - An array of nodes.
w - A fixed dimension where nodes will be layed out.
coord - A coordinates object specifying width, height, left and top style properties.
stripify: function(tail, initElem, w, coord) {
this.computeDim(tail, initElem, w, coord, this.avgAspectRatio);
Method: layoutRow
Performs the layout of an array of nodes.
ch - An array of nodes.
w - A fixed dimension where nodes will be laid out.
coord - A coordinates object specifying width, height, left and top style properties.
layoutRow: function(ch, w, coord) {
if(this.layout.horizontal()) {
return this.layoutH(ch, w, coord);
} else {
return this.layoutV(ch, w, coord);
layoutV: function(ch, w, coord) {
//TODO(nico): handle node dimensions properly
var totalArea = 0, rnd = function(x) { return x; }; //Math.round;
$each(ch, function(elem) { totalArea += elem._area; });
var width = rnd(totalArea / w), top = 0;
for(var i=0; i<ch.length; i++) {
var h = rnd(ch[i]._area / width);
ch[i].coord = {
'height': h,
'width': width,
'top': + (w - h - top),
'left': coord.left
top += h;
var ans = {
'height': coord.height,
'width': coord.width - width,
'left': coord.left + width,
'dim': w
return ans;
layoutH: function(ch, w, coord) {
var totalArea = 0, rnd = function(x) { return x; }; //Math.round;
$each(ch, function(elem) { totalArea += elem._area; });
var height = rnd(totalArea / w),
top = coord.height - height,
left = 0;
for(var i=0; i<ch.length; i++) {
ch[i].coord = {
'height': height,
'width': rnd(ch[i]._area / height),
'top': top,
'left': coord.left + left
left += ch[i].coord.width;
var ans = {
'height': coord.height - height,
'width': coord.width,
'left': coord.left,
'dim': w
return ans;