blob: a5a9ab1af6674b66663693914ab3ee75c7c12421 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2014 EclipseSource and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* EclipseSource - initial API and implementation
describe( "Style", function() {
var Style = rwt.html.Style;
var Client = rwt.client.Client;
var css3 = Client.supportsCss3();
var TestUtil = org.eclipse.rwt.test.fixture.TestUtil;
var vGradientObject = [ [ 0, "rgb(255, 0, 255)" ], [ 1, "rgb(0, 255, 0)" ] ];
var hGradientObject = [ [ 0, "rgb(255, 0, 255)" ], [ 1, "rgb(0, 255, 0)" ] ];
hGradientObject.horizontal = true;
var vGradientString = (function() {
var result;
if( rwt.client.Client.isWebkit() ) {
result = "gradient(linear, 0% 0%, 0% 100%, from(rgb(255, 0, 255)), to(rgb(0, 255, 0)))";
} else if( rwt.client.Client.isGecko() ) {
result = "gradient(-90deg, rgb(255, 0, 255) 0%, rgb(0, 255, 0) 100%)";
} else if( rwt.client.Client.isTrident() && rwt.client.Client.getMajor() === 9 ) {
result = "url(\"data:image/svg+xml;charset=utf-8,"
+ encodeURIComponent( "<svg xmlns=''><linearGradient id='g' x2='0' y2='1'><stop offset='0%' stop-color='rgb(255, 0, 255)'/><stop offset='100%' stop-color='rgb(0, 255, 0)'/></linearGradient><rect fill='url(#g)' width='100%' height='100%'/></svg>" ) + "\")";
} else {
result = "gradient(180deg, rgb(255, 0, 255) 0%, rgb(0, 255, 0) 100%)";
return result;
}() );
var hGradientString = (function() {
var result;
if( rwt.client.Client.isWebkit() ) {
result = "gradient(linear, 0% 0%, 100% 0%, from(rgb(255, 0, 255)), to(rgb(0, 255, 0)))";
} else if( rwt.client.Client.isGecko() ) {
result = "gradient(0deg, rgb(255, 0, 255) 0%, rgb(0, 255, 0) 100%)";
} else if( rwt.client.Client.isTrident() && rwt.client.Client.getMajor() === 9 ) {
result = "url(\"data:image/svg+xml;charset=utf-8,"
+ encodeURIComponent( "<svg xmlns=''><linearGradient id='g'><stop offset='0%' stop-color='rgb(255, 0, 255)'/><stop offset='100%' stop-color='rgb(0, 255, 0)'/></linearGradient><rect fill='url(#g)' width='100%' height='100%'/></svg>" ) + "\")";
} else {
result = "gradient(90deg, rgb(255, 0, 255) 0%, rgb(0, 255, 0) 100%)";
return result;
}() );
var webkitFlatGradient = "gradient(linear, 0% 0%, 0% 100%, from(rgb(255, 0, 0)), to(rgb(255, 0, 0)))";
var color = "rgb(255, 0, 0)";
var image = "foo.png";
var element;
beforeEach( function() {
element = document.createElement( "div" );
} );
if( css3 ) {
describe( "setBackgroundGradient", function() {
it( "sets background property for vertical gradient", function() {
Style.setBackgroundGradient( element, vGradientObject );
expect( TestUtil.getCssGradient( element ) ).toBe( vGradientString );
} );
it( "sets background property for horizontal gradient", function() {
Style.setBackgroundGradient( element, hGradientObject );
expect( TestUtil.getCssGradient( element ) ).toBe( hGradientString );
} );
it( "vertical gradient is returned by getBackgroundGradient in standard syntax", function() {
Style.setBackgroundGradient( element, vGradientObject );
var expected = "linear-gradient( to bottom, rgb(255, 0, 255) 0%, rgb(0, 255, 0) 100% )";
expect( Style.getBackgroundGradient( element ) ).toBe( expected );
} );
it( "horizontal gradient is returned by getBackgroundGradient in standard syntax", function() {
Style.setBackgroundGradient( element, hGradientObject );
var expected = "linear-gradient( to right, rgb(255, 0, 255) 0%, rgb(0, 255, 0) 100% )";
expect( Style.getBackgroundGradient( element ) ).toBe( expected );
} );
it( "clears background property", function() {
Style.setBackgroundGradient( element, vGradientObject );
Style.setBackgroundGradient( element, null );
expect( TestUtil.getCssGradient( element ) ).toBe( "" );
expect( TestUtil.getCssBackgroundColor( element ) ).toBeNull();
} );
it( "overwrites background color", function() {
Style.setBackgroundColor( element, "#FF0000" );
Style.setBackgroundGradient( element, vGradientObject );
expect( TestUtil.getCssGradient( element ) ).toBe( vGradientString );
} );
it( "does not overwrite background image", function() {
Style.setBackgroundImage( element, image );
Style.setBackgroundGradient( element, vGradientObject );
expect( TestUtil.getCssBackgroundImage( element ) ).toContain( image );
} );
it( "restores background color when set to null", function() {
Style.setBackgroundColor( element, "#FF0000" );
Style.setBackgroundGradient( element, vGradientObject );
Style.setBackgroundGradient( element, null );
if( Client.isWebkit() ) {
expect( TestUtil.getCssGradient( element ) ).toBe( webkitFlatGradient );
} else {
expect( TestUtil.getCssGradient( element ) ).toBe( "" );
var cssColor = rwt.util.Colors.stringToRgb( );
expect( cssColor ).toEqual( [ 255, 0, 0 ] );
} );
} );
describe( "setBackgroundImage", function() {
it( "sets background property", function() {
Style.setBackgroundImage( element, image );
expect( TestUtil.getCssBackgroundImage( element ) ).toContain( image );
} );
it( "value is returned by getBackgroundImage", function() {
Style.setBackgroundImage( element, image );
expect( Style.getBackgroundImage( element ) ).toBe( "url(" + image + ")" );
} );
it( "sets background property together with background color", function() {
Style.setBackgroundColor( element, color );
Style.setBackgroundImage( element, image );
var cssColor = rwt.util.Colors.stringToRgb( TestUtil.getCssBackgroundColor( element ) );
expect( cssColor ).toEqual( [ 255, 0, 0 ] );
expect( TestUtil.getCssBackgroundImage( element ) ).toContain( image );
} );
it( "overwrites background gradient", function() {
Style.setBackgroundGradient( element, vGradientObject );
Style.setBackgroundImage( element, image );
expect( TestUtil.getCssGradient( element ) ).toBe( "" );
} );
it( "clears background property", function() {
Style.setBackgroundImage( element, image );
Style.setBackgroundImage( element, null );
expect( TestUtil.getCssBackgroundImage( element ) ).toBe( "" );
expect( TestUtil.getCssBackgroundColor( element ) ).toBeNull();
} );
} );
describe( "setBackgroundRepeat", function() {
it( "sets background property when image is set first", function() {
Style.setBackgroundImage( element, image );
Style.setBackgroundRepeat( element, "no-repeat" );
expect( ).toBe( "no-repeat" );
} );
it( "sets background property when repeat is set first", function() {
Style.setBackgroundRepeat( element, "no-repeat" );
Style.setBackgroundImage( element, image );
expect( ).toBe( "no-repeat" );
} );
} );
describe( "setBackgroundPosition", function() {
it( "sets background property when image is set first", function() {
Style.setBackgroundImage( element, image );
Style.setBackgroundPosition( element, "40% 60%" );
expect( ).toBe( "40% 60%" );
} );
it( "sets background property when position is set first", function() {
Style.setBackgroundPosition( element, "40% 60%" );
Style.setBackgroundImage( element, image );
expect( ).toBe( "40% 60%" );
} );
} );
describe( "setBackgroundSize", function() {
it( "sets background property when image is set first", function() {
Style.setBackgroundImage( element, image );
Style.setBackgroundSize( element, "cover" );
expect( ).toBe( "cover" );
} );
it( "sets background property when size is set first", function() {
Style.setBackgroundSize( element, "cover" );
Style.setBackgroundImage( element, image );
expect( ).toBe( "cover" );
} );
} );
describe( "setBackgroundColor", function() {
it( "sets background property", function() {
Style.setBackgroundColor( element, color );
var cssColor = rwt.util.Colors.stringToRgb( TestUtil.getCssBackgroundColor( element ) );
expect( cssColor ).toEqual( [ 255, 0, 0 ] );
} );
it( "value is returned by getBackgroundColor", function() {
Style.setBackgroundColor( element, color );
expect( Style.getBackgroundColor( element ) ).toBe( color );
} );
it( "sets background property together with background image", function() {
Style.setBackgroundImage( element, image );
Style.setBackgroundColor( element, color );
var cssColor = rwt.util.Colors.stringToRgb( TestUtil.getCssBackgroundColor( element ) );
expect( cssColor ).toEqual( [ 255, 0, 0 ] );
expect( TestUtil.getCssBackgroundImage( element ) ).toContain( image );
} );
it( "sets background color and image in correct order", function() {
Style.setBackgroundImage( element, image );
Style.setBackgroundColor( element, "#f1f2f3" );
var background =;
var colorOffset = background.indexOf( "rgb(241, 242, 243)" );
var imageOffset = background.indexOf( "url(" );
var gradientOffset = background.indexOf( "gradient" );
if( colorOffset === -1 ) {
colorOffset = background.indexOf( "#f1f2f3" );
if( Client.isWebkit() ) {
expect( imageOffset ).toBeLessThan( gradientOffset );
expect( gradientOffset ).toBeLessThan( colorOffset );
} else {
expect( imageOffset ).toBeLessThan( colorOffset );
expect( gradientOffset ).toBe( -1 );
} );
it( "clears background property if set to null", function() {
Style.setBackgroundColor( element, color );
Style.setBackgroundColor( element, null );
expect( TestUtil.getCssBackgroundColor( element ) ).toBeNull();
if( Client.isTrident() ) {
expect( ).toBe( "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)" );
} );
it( "clears background property if set to transparent", function() {
Style.setBackgroundColor( element, color );
Style.setBackgroundColor( element, "transparent" );
expect( TestUtil.getCssBackgroundColor( element ) ).toBeNull();
if( Client.isTrident() ) {
expect( ).toBe( "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)" );
} );
// see bug 428717
it( "sets background gradient for color in webkit", function() {
Style.setBackgroundColor( element, color );
if( Client.isWebkit() ) {
expect( TestUtil.getCssGradient( element ) ).toBe( webkitFlatGradient );
} else {
expect( TestUtil.getCssGradient( element ) ).toBe( "" );
} );
it( "don't set two gradients in webkit", function() {
Style.setBackgroundGradient( element, vGradientObject );
Style.setBackgroundColor( element, color );
var background =;
var firstGradient = background.indexOf( "gradient" );
var lastGradient = background.lastIndexOf( "gradient" );
expect( firstGradient ).toBe( lastGradient );
} );
it( "removes background gradient on webkit", function() {
Style.setBackgroundColor( element, "#FF0000" );
Style.setBackgroundColor( element, null );
expect( TestUtil.getCssGradient( element ) ).toBe( "" );
} );
if( css3 ) {
it( "does nothing if gradient is already set", function() {
Style.setBackgroundGradient( element, vGradientObject );
Style.setBackgroundColor( element, "#FF0000" );
expect( TestUtil.getCssGradient( element ) ).toBe( vGradientString );
} );
} );
describe( "userSelect", function() {
it( "is set with vendor prefix", function() {
Style.setUserSelect( element, "none" );
var userSelect =[ Style.VENDOR_PREFIX_PROPERTY + "UserSelect" ]
expect( userSelect ).toBe( "none" );
} );
it( "is get without vendor prefix", function() {
Style.setUserSelect( element, "none" );
expect( Style.getUserSelect( element ) ).toBe( "none" );
} );
} );
describe( "setTransition", function() {
if(!Client.isTrident() || !Client.getVersion() < 10) {
it("sets transition with or without vendor prefix", function() {
Style.setTransition( element, "opacity 1s");
var style =;
var transition = style.transition || style.webkitTransition || style.MozTransition;
expect( transition ).toContain( "opacity 1s" );
} );