blob: 497dbbd2e211ccd25bd9af4c7b382bda338d26f9 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2010, 2012 EclipseSource and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* EclipseSource - initial API and implementation
( function() {
var Animation = rwt.animation.Animation;
var AnimationRenderer = rwt.animation.AnimationRenderer;
var EventHandlerUtil = rwt.event.EventHandlerUtil;
rwt.qx.Mixin.define( "rwt.animation.VisibilityAnimationMixin", {
properties : {
animation : {
check : "Object",
nullable : false,
init : null,
apply : "_applyAnimation",
themeable : true
construct : function() {
this.hide(); // forces _applyVisibility to be called on show() - not a good practice
this.addEventListener( "changeVisibility", this._blockUserEvents, this );
this.addEventListener( "destroy", this._onDestroyAnim, this );
if( this instanceof rwt.widgets.Composite ) {;
destruct : function() {
if( this._appearAnimation != null ) {
this._appearAnimation = null;
if( this._disappearAnimation != null ) {
this._disappearAnimation = null;
members : {
_appearAnimation : null, // Declaration in constructor would be too late (mixin)
_disappearAnimation : null,
_animateDestroy : false,
_applyAnimation : function( newValue, oldValue ) {
this._configureAppearAnimation( newValue );
this._configureDisappearAnimation( newValue );
// Appear animations
_configureAppearAnimation : function( config ) {
if( this._appearAnimation !== null ) {
this._appearAnimation.getDefaultRenderer().setActive( false );
for( var type in config ) {
switch( type ) {
case "fadeIn":
this._configureFadeIn( config[ type ] );
case "slideIn":
this._configureSlideIn( config[ type ] );
case "flyInTop":
case "flyInLeft":
case "flyInRight":
case "flyInBottom":
this._configureFlyIn( config[ type ], type );
_configureFadeIn : function( props ) {
var animation = this._getAppearAnimation();
animation.setProperties( props );
animation.getDefaultRenderer().animate( this, "opacity", AnimationRenderer.ANIMATION_APPEAR );
_configureSlideIn : function( props ) {
var animation = this._getAppearAnimation();
animation.setProperties( props );
var renderer = animation.getDefaultRenderer();
var animationType = AnimationRenderer.ANIMATION_APPEAR | AnimationRenderer.ANIMATION_CHANGE;
renderer.animate( this, "height", animationType );
animation.addEventListener( "init", this._initSlideAnimation, this );
animation.addEventListener( "cancel", this._finishSlideAnimation, this );
_configureFlyIn : function( props, type ) {
var animation = this._getAppearAnimation();
animation.setProperties( props );
var renderer = animation.getDefaultRenderer();
var animationType = AnimationRenderer.ANIMATION_APPEAR;
switch( type ) {
case "flyInTop":
renderer.animate( this, "top", animationType );
renderer.setInvisibilityGetter( rwt.animation.VisibilityAnimationMixin.hideTop );
case "flyInBottom":
renderer.animate( this, "top", animationType );
renderer.setInvisibilityGetter( rwt.animation.VisibilityAnimationMixin.hideBottom );
case "flyInLeft":
renderer.animate( this, "left", animationType );
renderer.setInvisibilityGetter( rwt.animation.VisibilityAnimationMixin.hideLeft );
case "flyInRight":
renderer.animate( this, "left", animationType );
renderer.setInvisibilityGetter( rwt.animation.VisibilityAnimationMixin.hideRight );
_getAppearAnimation : function() {
if( this._appearAnimation === null ) {
this._appearAnimation = new Animation();
if( rwt.client.Client.isMshtml() && this instanceof rwt.widgets.Shell) {
this._appearAnimation.setExclusive( true );
this._appearAnimation.getDefaultRenderer().setActive( true );
return this._appearAnimation;
// Disappear Animations
_onDestroyAnim : function() {
var result = true;
if( this._animateDestroy ) {
result = false;
this._disappearAnimation.addEventListener( "cancel", this._finishDestroyAnimation, this );
return result;
_finishDestroyAnimation : function() {
this._animateDestroy = false;
delete this._isInGlobalDisposeQueue;
_configureDisappearAnimation : function( config ) {
if( this._disappearAnimation !== null ) {
this._disappearAnimation.getDefaultRenderer().setActive( false );
this._animateDestroy = false;
for( var type in config ) {
switch( type ) {
case "fadeOut":
this._configureFadeOut( config[ type ] );
case "slideOut":
this._configureSlideOut( config[ type ] );
case "flyOutTop":
case "flyOutLeft":
case "flyOutRight":
case "flyOutBottom":
this._configureFlyOut( config[ type ], type );
_configureFadeOut : function( props ) {
var animation = this._getDisappearAnimation();
var renderer = animation.getDefaultRenderer();
renderer.animate( this, "opacity", AnimationRenderer.ANIMATION_DISAPPEAR );
animation.setProperties( props );
_configureSlideOut : function( props ) {
var animation = this._getDisappearAnimation();
var renderer = animation.getDefaultRenderer();
renderer.animate( this, "height", AnimationRenderer.ANIMATION_DISAPPEAR );
animation.addEventListener( "init", this._initSlideAnimation, this );
animation.addEventListener( "cancel", this._finishSlideAnimation, this );
animation.setProperties( props );
_configureFlyOut : function( props, type ) {
var animation = this._getDisappearAnimation();
animation.setProperties( props );
var renderer = animation.getDefaultRenderer();
var animationType = AnimationRenderer.ANIMATION_DISAPPEAR;
switch( type ) {
case "flyOutTop":
renderer.animate( this, "top", animationType );
renderer.setInvisibilityGetter( rwt.animation.VisibilityAnimationMixin.hideTop );
case "flyOutBottom":
renderer.animate( this, "top", animationType );
renderer.setInvisibilityGetter( rwt.animation.VisibilityAnimationMixin.hideBottom );
case "flyOutLeft":
renderer.animate( this, "left", animationType );
renderer.setInvisibilityGetter( rwt.animation.VisibilityAnimationMixin.hideLeft );
case "flyOutRight":
renderer.animate( this, "left", animationType );
renderer.setInvisibilityGetter( rwt.animation.VisibilityAnimationMixin.hideRight );
_getDisappearAnimation : function() {
if( this._disappearAnimation === null ) {
this._disappearAnimation = new Animation();
if( this instanceof rwt.widgets.Shell ) {
this._disappearAnimation.addEventListener( "init", this._lockActiveState, this );
this._disappearAnimation.addEventListener( "cancel", this._unlockActiveState, this );
if( rwt.client.Client.isMshtml() ) {
this._disappearAnimation.setExclusive( true );
this._disappearAnimation.getDefaultRenderer().setActive( true );
this._animateDestroy = true;
return this._disappearAnimation;
// helper
_initSlideAnimation : function( event ) {
this.setContainerOverflow( false );
_finishSlideAnimation : function( event ) {
// TODO : could container overflow just be generally false, or use _applyHeight instead?
this.setContainerOverflow( true );
_blockUserEvents : function( changeEvent ) {
var element = this.getElement();
if( element ) {
EventHandlerUtil.blockUserDomEvents( element, !changeEvent.getValue() );
_lockActiveState : function() {
//this._setActiveState = rwt.util.Functions.returnNull;
this.getWindowManager().blockActiveState = true;
_unlockActiveState : function() {
var manager = rwt.widgets.base.Window.getDefaultWindowManager();
manager.blockActiveState = false;
if( !this.isDisposed() && !this._isInGlobalDisposeQueue ) {
//delete this._setActiveState;
this._setActiveState( this.getActive() );
var active = manager.getActiveWindow();
if( active && active !== this ) {
active._setActiveState( true );
statics : {
hideTop : function( widget ) {
return parseInt( widget.getHeightValue(), 10 ) * -1;
hideBottom : function( widget ) {
return widget.getParent().getInnerHeight();
hideLeft : function( widget ) {
return parseInt( widget.getWidthValue(), 10 ) * -1;
hideRight : function( widget ) {
return widget.getParent().getInnerWidth();
} );