blob: 02de795c0b5f38b098db1782da35b4aa0535df97 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2007, 2012 Innoopract Informationssysteme GmbH.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* Innoopract Informationssysteme GmbH - initial API and implementation
* EclipseSource - ongoing development
* This class contains static helper functions for widgets.
qx.Class.define( "org.eclipse.swt.WidgetUtil", {
statics : {
setPropertyParam : function( widget, propertyName, propertyValue ) {
var widgetManager = org.eclipse.swt.WidgetManager.getInstance();
var id = widgetManager.findIdByWidget( widget );
var req = org.eclipse.swt.Request.getInstance();
req.addParameter( id + "." + propertyName, propertyValue );
* workaround for IE bug
* div's have the height of the font even if they are empty
fixIEBoxHeight : "qx.client", {
"mshtml" : function( widget ) {
widget.setStyleProperty( "fontSize", "0" );
widget.setStyleProperty( "lineHeight", "0" );
"default" : qx.lang.Function.returnTrue
} ),
getControl : function( widget ) {
var widgetManager = org.eclipse.swt.WidgetManager.getInstance();
var result = widget;
while( result != null && !widgetManager.isControl( result ) ) {
result = result.getParent ? result.getParent() : null;
return result;
* Can be used simulate mouseEvents on the qooxdoo event-layer.
* Manager and handler that are usually notified by
* org.eclipse.rwt.EventHandler will not receive the event.
_fakeMouseEvent : function( originalTarget, type ) {
var domTarget = originalTarget._getTargetNode();
var EventHandlerUtil = org.eclipse.rwt.EventHandlerUtil;
var target = EventHandlerUtil.getTargetObject( null, originalTarget, true );
var domEvent = {
"type" : type,
"target" : domTarget,
"button" : 0,
"wheelData" : 0,
"detail" : 0,
"pageX" : 0,
"pageY" : 0,
"clientX" : 0,
"clientY" : 0,
"screenX" : 0,
"screenY" : 0,
"shiftKey" : false,
"ctrlKey" : false,
"altKey" : false,
"metaKey" : false,
"preventDefault" : function(){}
var event = new qx.event.type.MouseEvent( type,
null );
target.dispatchEvent( event );