blob: 0eea03f00c3341e1e4a33d616d112fa10509bc00 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright: 2004, 2012 1&1 Internet AG, Germany,,
* and EclipseSource
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which accompanies this
* distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* 1&1 Internet AG and others - original API and implementation
* EclipseSource - adaptation for the Eclipse Rich Ajax Platform
* This class is one of the most important parts of qooxdoo's
* object-oriented features.
* Its {@link #define} method is used to create qooxdoo classes.
* Each instance of a class defined by {@link #define} has
* the following keys attached to the constructor and the prototype:
* <table>
* <tr><th><code>classname</code></th><td>The fully-qualified name of the class (e.g. <code>"qx.ui.core.Widget"</code>).</td></tr>
* <tr><th><code>basename</code></th><td>The namespace part of the class name (e.g. <code>"qx.ui.core"</code>).</td></tr>
* <tr><th><code>constructor</code></th><td>A reference to the constructor of the class.</td></tr>
* <tr><th><code>superclass</code></th><td>A reference to the constructor of the super class.</td></tr>
* </table>
* Each method may access static members of the same class by using
* <code>this.self(arguments)</code> ({@link qx.core.Object#self}):
* <pre class='javascript'>
* statics : { FOO : "bar" },
* members: {
* baz: function(x) {
* this.self(arguments).FOO;
* ...
* }
* }
* </pre>
* Each overriding method may call the overridden method by using
* <code>this.base(arguments [, ...])</code> ({@link qx.core.Object#base}). This is also true for calling
* the constructor of the superclass.
* <pre class='javascript'>
* members: {
* foo: function(x) {
* this.base(arguments, x);
* ...
* }
* }
* </pre>
statics :
_normalizeConfig : function( config ) {
if (!config) {
var config = {};
if (config.include && !(config.include instanceof Array)) {
config.include = [config.include];
if (config.implement && !(config.implement instanceof Array)) {
config.implement = [config.implement];
if (!config.hasOwnProperty("extend") && !config.type) {
config.type = "static";
return config;
* Define a new class using the qooxdoo class system. This sets up the
* namespace for the class and generates the class from the definition map.
* Example:
* <pre class='javascript'>
* qx.Class.define("name",
* {
* extend : Object, // superclass
* implement : [Interfaces],
* include : [Mixins],
* statics:
* {
* CONSTANT : 3.141,
* publicMethod: function() {},
* _protectedMethod: function() {},
* __privateMethod: function() {}
* },
* properties:
* {
* "tabIndexOld": { type: "number", defaultValue : -1, _legacy : true }
* "tabIndex": { check: "Number", init : -1 }
* },
* members:
* {
* publicField: "foo",
* publicMethod: function() {},
* _protectedField: "bar",
* _protectedMethod: function() {},
* __privateField: "baz",
* __privateMethod: function() {}
* }
* });
* </pre>
* @type static
* @param name {String} Name of the class
* @param config {Map ? null} Class definition structure. The configuration map has the following keys:
* <table>
* <tr><th>Name</th><th>Type</th><th>Description</th></tr>
* <tr><th>type</th><td>String</td><td>
* Type of the class. Valid types are "abstract", "static" and "singleton".
* If unset it defaults to a regular non-static class.
* </td></tr>
* <tr><th>extend</th><td>Class</td><td>The super class the current class inherits from.</td></tr>
* <tr><th>implement</th><td>Interface | Interface[]</td><td>Single interface or array of interfaces the class implements.</td></tr>
* <tr><th>include</th><td>Mixin | Mixin[]</td><td>Single mixin or array of mixins, which will be merged into the class.</td></tr>
* <tr><th>construct</th><td>Function</td><td>The constructor of the class.</td></tr>
* <tr><th>statics</th><td>Map</td><td>Map of static members of the class.</td></tr>
* <tr><th>properties</th><td>Map</td><td>Map of property definitions. For a description of the format of a property definition see
* {@link qx.core.Property} or the legacy version {@link qx.core.LegacyProperty}.</td></tr>
* <tr><th>members</th><td>Map</td><td>Map of instance members of the class.</td></tr>
* <tr><th>settings</th><td>Map</td><td>Map of settings for this class. For a description of the format of a setting see
* {@link qx.core.Setting}.</td></tr>
* <tr><th>variants</th><td>Map</td><td>Map of settings for this class. For a description of the format of a setting see
* {@link qx.core.Variant}</td></tr>
* <tr><th>events</th><td>Map</td><td>
* Map of events the class fires. The keys are the names of the events and the values are the
* corresponding event type class names.
* </td></tr>
* <tr><th>defer</th><td>Function</td><td>Function that is called at the end of processing the class declaration. It allows access to the declared statics, members and properties.</td></tr>
* <tr><th>destruct</th><td>Function</td><td>The destructor of the class.</td></tr>
* </table>
* @return {void}
* @throws TODOC
define : function(name, config) {
if( this._stopLoading ) {
throw new Error( "Stop loading " + name );
try {
config = this._normalizeConfig( config );
this.__validateConfig( name, config );
var clazz;
if( !config.extend ) {
clazz = config.statics || {};
} else {
if( !config.construct ) {
config.construct = this.__createDefaultConstructor();
clazz = this.__wrapConstructor(config.construct, name, config.type);
if( config.statics ) {
var key;
for(var i=0, a=qx.lang.Object.getKeys(config.statics), l=a.length; i<l; i++) {
key = a[i];
clazz[key] = config.statics[key];
var basename = this.createNamespace(name, clazz, false); = clazz.classname = name;
clazz.basename = basename;
this.__registry[ name ] = clazz;
// Attach toString
if (!clazz.hasOwnProperty("toString")) {
clazz.toString = this.genericToString;
if( config.extend ) {
var superproto = config.extend.prototype;
var helper = this.__createEmptyFunction();
helper.prototype = superproto;
var proto = new helper;
clazz.prototype = proto; = proto.classname = name;
proto.basename = basename;
config.construct.base = clazz.superclass = config.extend;
config.construct.self = clazz.constructor = proto.constructor = clazz;
if( config.destruct ) {
clazz.$$destructor = config.destruct;
var that = this;
clazz.$$initializer = function() {
//console.log( "init " + name );
if( ) {
that.__addProperties(clazz,, true);
if( config.members ) {
that.__addMembers(clazz, config.members, true, true, false);
if( ) {
that.__addEvents(clazz,, true);
if( config.include ) {
for (var i=0, l=config.include.length; i<l; i++) {
that.__addMixin(clazz, config.include[i], false);
if( config.variants ) {
for (var key in config.variants) {
qx.core.Variant.define(key, config.variants[key].allowedValues, config.variants[key].defaultValue);
if( config.defer ) {
this.__initializeClass( clazz );
config.defer.self = clazz;
config.defer(clazz, clazz.prototype, {
add : function( name, config ) {
var properties = {};
properties[name] = config;
qx.Class.__addProperties(clazz, properties, true);
} );
} catch( ex ) {
alert( "Error loading class " + name + ": " + ex );
this._stopLoading = true;
throw ex;
* Creates a namespace and assigns the given object to it.
* @type static
* @param name {String} The complete namespace to create. Typically, the last part is the class name itself
* @param object {Object} The object to attach to the namespace
* @return {Object} last part of the namespace (typically the class name)
* @throws TODOC
createNamespace : function(name, object)
var splits = name.split(".");
var parent = window;
var part = splits[0];
for (var i=0, l=splits.length-1; i<l; i++, part=splits[i])
if (!parent[part]) {
parent = parent[part] = {};
} else {
parent = parent[part];
if (parent[part] === undefined) {
parent[part] = object;
// return last part name (i.e. classname)
return part;
* Whether the given class exists
* @type static
* @param name {String} class name to check
* @return {Boolean} true if class exists
isDefined : function(name) {
return this.getByName(name) !== undefined;
* Determine the total number of classes
* @type static
* @return {Number} the total number of classes
getTotalNumber : function() {
return qx.lang.Object.getLength(this.__registry);
* Find a class by its name
* @type static
* @param name {String} class name to resolve
* @return {Class} the class
getByName : function(name) {
return this.__registry[name];
* Include all features of the given mixin into the class. The mixin must
* not include any methods or properties that are already available in the
* class. This would only be possible using the {@link #patch} method.
* @type static
* @param clazz {Class} An existing class which should be modified by including the mixin.
* @param mixin {Mixin} The mixin to be included.
include : function(clazz, mixin)
qx.Class.__addMixin(clazz, mixin, false);
* Include all features of the given mixin into the class. The mixin may
* include features which are already defined in the target class. Existing
* features of equal name will be overwritten.
* Please keep in mind that this functionality is not intented for regular
* use, but as a formalized way (and a last resort) in order to patch
* existing classes.
* <b>WARNING</b>: You may break working classes and features.
* @type static
* @param clazz {Class} An existing class which should be modified by including the mixin.
* @param mixin {Mixin} The mixin to be included.
patch : function(clazz, mixin)
qx.Class.__addMixin(clazz, mixin, true);
* Whether a class is a direct or indirect sub class of another class,
* or both classes coincide.
* @type static
* @param clazz {Class} the class to check.
* @param superClass {Class} the potential super class
* @return {Boolean} whether clazz is a sub class of superClass.
isSubClassOf : function(clazz, superClass)
if (!clazz) {
return false;
if (clazz == superClass) {
return true;
if (clazz.prototype instanceof superClass) {
return true;
return false;
* Returns the definition of the given property. Returns null
* if the property does not exist.
* TODO: Correctly support refined properties?
* @type member
* @param clazz {Class} class to check
* @param name {String} name of the event to check for
* @return {Map|null} whether the object support the given event.
getPropertyDefinition : function(clazz, name)
while (clazz)
if (clazz.$$properties && clazz.$$properties[name]) {
return clazz.$$properties[name];
clazz = clazz.superclass;
return null;
* Returns the class or one of its superclasses which contains the
* declaration for the given property in its class definition. Returns null
* if the property is not specified anywhere.
* @param clazz {Class} class to look for the property
* @param name {String} name of the property
* @return {Class | null} The class which includes the property
getByProperty : function(clazz, name)
while (clazz)
if (clazz.$$properties && clazz.$$properties[name]) {
return clazz;
clazz = clazz.superclass;
return null;
* Whether a class has the given property
* @type member
* @param clazz {Class} class to check
* @param name {String} name of the property to check for
* @return {Boolean} whether the class includes the given property.
hasProperty : function(clazz, name) {
return !!this.getPropertyDefinition(clazz, name);
* Returns the event type of the given event. Returns null if
* the event does not exist.
* @type member
* @param clazz {Class} class to check
* @param name {String} name of the event
* @return {Map|null} Event type of the given event.
getEventType : function(clazz, name)
var clazz = clazz.constructor;
while (clazz.superclass)
if (clazz.$$events && clazz.$$events[name] !== undefined) {
return clazz.$$events[name];
clazz = clazz.superclass;
return null;
* Whether a class supports the given event type
* @type member
* @param clazz {Class} class to check
* @param name {String} name of the event to check for
* @return {Boolean} whether the class supports the given event.
supportsEvent : function(clazz, name) {
return !!this.getEventType(clazz, name);
* Whether a class directly includes a mixin.
* @type static
* @param clazz {Class} class to check
* @param mixin {Mixin} the mixin to check for
* @return {Boolean} whether the class includes the mixin directly.
hasOwnMixin: function(clazz, mixin) {
return clazz.$$includes && clazz.$$includes.indexOf(mixin) !== -1;
* Returns the class or one of its superclasses which contains the
* declaration for the given mixin. Returns null if the mixin is not
* specified anywhere.
* @param clazz {Class} class to look for the mixin
* @param mixin {Mixin} mixin to look for
* @return {Class | null} The class which directly includes the given mixin
getByMixin : function(clazz, mixin)
var list, i, l;
while (clazz)
if (clazz.$$includes)
list = clazz.$$flatIncludes;
for (i=0, l=list.length; i<l; i++)
if (list[i] === mixin) {
return clazz;
clazz = clazz.superclass;
return null;
* Returns a list of all mixins available in a given class.
* @param clazz {Class} class which should be inspected
* @return {Mixin[]} array of mixins this class uses
getMixins : function(clazz)
var list = [];
while (clazz)
if (clazz.$$includes) {
list.push.apply(list, clazz.$$flatIncludes);
clazz = clazz.superclass;
return list;
* Whether a given class or any of its superclasses includes a given mixin.
* @type static
* @param clazz {Class} class to check
* @param mixin {Mixin} the mixin to check for
* @return {Boolean} whether the class includes the mixin.
hasMixin: function(clazz, mixin) {
return !!this.getByMixin(clazz, mixin);
* Whether a given class directly includes a interface.
* This function will only return "true" if the interface was defined
* in the class declaration (@link qx.Class#define}) using the "implement"
* key.
* @type static
* @param clazz {Class} class or instance to check
* @param iface {Interface} the interface to check for
* @return {Boolean} whether the class includes the mixin directly.
hasOwnInterface : function(clazz, iface) {
return clazz.$$implements && clazz.$$implements.indexOf(iface) !== -1;
* Returns the class or one of its superclasses which contains the
* declaration of the given interface. Returns null if the interface is not
* specified anywhere.
* @param clazz {Class} class to look for the interface
* @param iface {Interface} interface to look for
* @return {Class | null} the class which directly implements the given interface
getByInterface : function(clazz, iface)
var list, i, l;
while (clazz)
if (clazz.$$implements)
list = clazz.$$flatImplements;
for (i=0, l=list.length; i<l; i++)
if (list[i] === iface) {
return clazz;
clazz = clazz.superclass;
return null;
* Returns a list of all mixins available in a class.
* @param clazz {Class} class which should be inspected
* @return {Mixin[]} array of mixins this class uses
getInterfaces : function(clazz)
var list = [];
while (clazz)
if (clazz.$$implements) {
list.push.apply(list, clazz.$$flatImplements);
clazz = clazz.superclass;
return list;
* Whether a given class or any of its superclasses includes a given interface.
* This function will return "true" if the interface was defined
* in the class declaration (@link qx.Class#define}) of the class
* or any of its super classes using the "implement"
* key.
* @type static
* @param clazz {Class|Object} class or instance to check
* @param iface {Interface} the interface to check for
* @return {Boolean} whether the class includes the interface.
hasInterface : function(clazz, iface) {
return !!this.getByInterface(clazz, iface);
* Whether a given class conforms to an interface.
* Checks whether all methods defined in the interface are
* implemented in the class. The class does not need to implement
* the interface explicitly.
* @type static
* @param clazz {Class} class to check
* @param iface {Interface} the interface to check for
* @return {Boolean} whether the class conforms to the interface.
implementsInterface : function(clazz, iface)
return false;
* Helper method to handle singletons
* @type static
* @internal
* @return {var} TODOC
getInstance : function()
if (!this.$$instance)
this.$$allowconstruct = true;
this.$$instance = new this;
delete this.$$allowconstruct;
return this.$$instance;
* This method will be attached to all classes to return
* a nice identifier for them.
* @internal
* @return {String} The class identifier
genericToString : function() {
return "[Class " + this.classname + "]";
/** Stores all defined classes */
__registry : qx.core.Bootstrap.__registry,
/** {Map} allowed keys in non-static class definition */
__allowedKeys :"qx.debug",
"type" : "string", // String
"extend" : "function", // Function
"implement" : "object", // Interface[]
"include" : "object", // Mixin[]
"construct" : "function", // Function
"statics" : "object", // Map
"properties" : "object", // Map
"members" : "object", // Map
"settings" : "object", // Map
"variants" : "object", // Map
"events" : "object", // Map
"defer" : "function", // Function
"destruct" : "function" // Function
"default" : null
/** {Map} allowed keys in static class definition */
__staticAllowedKeys :"qx.debug",
"type" : "string", // String
"statics" : "object", // Map
"settings" : "object", // Map
"variants" : "object", // Map
"defer" : "function" // Function
"default" : null
* Validates an incoming configuration and checks for proper keys and values
* @type static
* @param name {String} The name of the class
* @param config {Map} Configuration map
* @return {void}
* @throws TODOC
__validateConfig :"qx.debug",
"on": function(name, config)
// Validate type
if (config.type && !(config.type === "static" || config.type === "abstract" || config.type === "singleton")) {
throw new Error('Invalid type "' + config.type + '" definition for class "' + name + '"!');
// Validate keys
var allowed = config.type === "static" ? this.__staticAllowedKeys : this.__allowedKeys;
for (var key in config)
if (!allowed[key]) {
throw new Error('The configuration key "' + key + '" in class "' + name + '" is not allowed!');
if (config[key] == null) {
throw new Error('Invalid key "' + key + '" in class "' + name + '"! The value is undefined/null!');
if (typeof config[key] !== allowed[key]) {
throw new Error('Invalid type of key "' + key + '" in class "' + name + '"! The type of the key must be "' + allowed[key] + '"!');
// Validate maps
var maps = [ "statics", "properties", "members", "settings", "variants", "events" ];
for (var i=0, l=maps.length; i<l; i++)
var key = maps[i];
if (config[key] !== undefined && (config[key] instanceof Array || config[key] instanceof RegExp || config[key] instanceof Date || config[key].classname !== undefined)) {
throw new Error('Invalid key "' + key + '" in class "' + name + '"! The value needs to be a map!');
// Validate include definition
if (config.include)
if (config.include instanceof Array)
for (var i=0, a=config.include, l=a.length; i<l; i++)
if (a[i] == null || a[i].$$type !== "Mixin") {
throw new Error('The include definition in class "' + name + '" contains an invalid mixin at position ' + i + ': ' + a[i]);
throw new Error('Invalid include definition in class "' + name + '"! Only mixins and arrays of mixins are allowed!');
// Validate implement definition
if (config.implement)
if (config.implement instanceof Array)
for (var i=0, a=config.implement, l=a.length; i<l; i++)
if (a[i] == null || a[i].$$type !== "Interface") {
throw new Error('The implement definition in class "' + name + '" contains an invalid interface at position ' + i + ': ' + a[i]);
throw new Error('Invalid implement definition in class "' + name + '"! Only interfaces and arrays of interfaces are allowed!');
// Check mixin compatibility
if (config.include)
try {
} catch(ex) {
throw new Error('Error in include definition of class "' + name + '"! ' + ex.message);
// Validate variants
if (config.variants)
for (var key in config.variants)
if (key.substr(0, key.indexOf(".")) != name.substr(0, name.indexOf("."))) {
throw new Error('Forbidden variant "' + key + '" found in "' + name + '". It is forbidden to define a variant for an external namespace!');
"default" : function() {}
* Attach events to the class
* @param clazz {Class} class to add the events to
* @param events {Map} map of event names the class fires.
* @param patch {Boolean ? false} Enable redefinition of event type?
__addEvents : function(clazz, events, patch)
if (clazz.$$events)
for (var key in events) {
clazz.$$events[key] = events[key];
clazz.$$events = events;
* Attach properties to classes
* @type static
* @param clazz {Class} class to add the properties to
* @param properties {Map} map of properties
* @param patch {Boolean ? false} Overwrite property with the limitations of a property
which means you are able to refine but not to replace (esp. for new properties)
__addProperties : function(clazz, properties, patch)
var config;
if (patch === undefined) {
patch = false;
var attach = !!clazz.$$propertiesAttached;
for (var name in properties)
config = properties[name];
// Store name into configuration = name;
// Add config to local registry
if (!config.refine)
if (clazz.$$properties === undefined) {
clazz.$$properties = {};
clazz.$$properties[name] = config;
// Store init value to prototype. This makes it possible to
// overwrite this value in derived classes.
if (config.init !== undefined) {
clazz.prototype["__init$" + name] = config.init;
// register event name
if (config.event !== undefined) {
var event = {}
event[config.event] = "qx.event.type.ChangeEvent";
this.__addEvents(clazz, event, patch);
// Remember inheritable properties
if (config.inheritable) {
qx.core.Property.$$inheritable[name] = true;
// If instances of this class were already created, we
// need to attach the new style properties functions, directly.
if (attach) {
qx.core.Property.attachMethods(clazz, name, config);
// Create old style properties
if (config._fast) {
qx.core.LegacyProperty.addFastProperty(config, clazz.prototype);
} else if (config._cached) {
qx.core.LegacyProperty.addCachedProperty(config, clazz.prototype);
} else if (config._legacy) {
qx.core.LegacyProperty.addProperty(config, clazz.prototype);
* @param clazz {Class} class to add property to
* @param name {String} name of the property
* @param config {Map} configuration map
* @param patch {Boolean ? false} enable refine/patch?
__validateProperty :"qx.debug",
"on": function(clazz, name, config, patch)
var has = this.hasProperty(clazz, name);
var compat = config._legacy || config._fast || config._cached;
if (has)
var existingProperty = this.getPropertyDefinition(clazz, name);
var existingCompat = existingProperty._legacy || existingProperty._fast || existingProperty._cached;
if (compat != existingCompat) {
throw new Error("Could not redefine existing property '" + name + "' of class '" + clazz.classname + "'.");
if (config.refine && existingProperty.init === undefined) {
throw new Error("Could not refine a init value if there was previously no init value defined. Property '" + name + "' of class '" + clazz.classname + "'.");
if (!has && config.refine) {
throw new Error("Could not refine non-existent property: " + name + "!");
if (has && !patch) {
throw new Error("Class " + clazz.classname + " already has a property: " + name + "!");
if (has && patch && !compat)
if (!config.refine) {
throw new Error('Could not refine property "' + name + '" without a "refine" flag in the property definition! This class: ' + clazz.classname + ', original class: ' + this.getByProperty(clazz, name).classname + '.');
for (var key in config)
if (key !== "init" && key !== "refine") {
throw new Error("Class " + clazz.classname + " could not refine property: " + name + "! Key: " + key + " could not be refined!");
if (compat) {
// Check 0.7 keys
var allowed = ? qx.core.Property.$$allowedGroupKeys : qx.core.Property.$$allowedKeys;
for (var key in config)
if (allowed[key] === undefined) {
throw new Error('The configuration key "' + key + '" of property "' + name + '" in class "' + clazz.classname + '" is not allowed!');
if (config[key] === undefined) {
throw new Error('Invalid key "' + key + '" of property "' + name + '" in class "' + clazz.classname + '"! The value is undefined: ' + config[key]);
if (allowed[key] !== null && typeof config[key] !== allowed[key]) {
throw new Error('Invalid type of key "' + key + '" of property "' + name + '" in class "' + clazz.classname + '"! The type of the key must be "' + allowed[key] + '"!');
if (config.transform != null)
if (!(typeof config.transform == "string")) {
throw new Error('Invalid transform definition of property "' + name + '" in class "' + clazz.classname + '"! Needs to be a String.');
if (config.check != null)
if (!(typeof config.check == "string" ||config.check instanceof Array || config.check instanceof Function)) {
throw new Error('Invalid check definition of property "' + name + '" in class "' + clazz.classname + '"! Needs to be a String, Array or Function.');
if (config.event != null && !this.isSubClassOf(clazz, qx.core.Target))
throw new Error("Invalid property '"+name+"' in class '"+clazz.classname+"': Properties defining an event can only be defined in sub classes of 'qx.core.Target'!");
"default" : null
* Attach members to a class
* @param clazz {Class} clazz to add members to
* @param members {Map} The map of members to attach
* @param patch {Boolean ? false} Enable patching of
* @param base (Boolean ? true) Attach base flag to mark function as members
* of this class
* @param wrap {Boolean ? false} Whether the member method should be wrapped.
* this is needed to allow base calls in patched mixin members.
* @return {void}
__addMembers : function(clazz, members, patch, base, wrap)
var proto = clazz.prototype;
var key, member;
for (var i=0, a=qx.lang.Object.getKeys(members), l=a.length; i<l; i++)
key = a[i];
member = members[key];
// Added helper stuff to functions
// Hint: Could not use typeof function because RegExp objects are functions, too
if (base !== false && member instanceof Function)
if (wrap == true)
// wrap "patched" mixin member
member = this.__mixinMemberWrapper(member, proto[key]);
// Configure extend (named base here)
// Hint: proto[key] is not yet overwritten here
if (proto[key]) {
member.base = proto[key];
member.self = clazz;
// Attach member
proto[key] = member;
* Wraps a member function of a mixin, which is included using "patch". This
* allows "base" calls in the mixin member function.
* @param member {Function} The mixin method to wrap
* @param base {Function} The overwritten method
* @return {Function} the wrapped mixin member
__mixinMemberWrapper : function(member, base)
if (base)
return function()
var oldBase = member.base;
member.base = base;
var retval = member.apply(this, arguments);
member.base = oldBase;
return retval;
return member;
* Include all features of the mixin into the given class (recursive).
* @param clazz {Class} A class previously defined where the mixin should be attached.
* @param mixin {Mixin} Include all features of this mixin
* @param patch {Boolean} Overwrite existing fields, functions and properties
__addMixin : function(clazz, mixin, patch)
// Attach content
var list = qx.Mixin.flatten([mixin]);
var entry;
for (var i=0, l=list.length; i<l; i++)
entry = list[i];
// Attach events
if (entry.$$events) {
this.__addEvents(clazz, entry.$$events, patch);
// Attach properties (Properties are already readonly themselve, no patch handling needed)
if (entry.$$properties) {
this.__addProperties(clazz, entry.$$properties, patch);
// Attach members (Respect patch setting, but dont apply base variables)
if (entry.$$members) {
this.__addMembers(clazz, entry.$$members, patch, patch, patch);
// Store mixin reference
if (clazz.$$includes)
clazz.$$flatIncludes.push.apply(clazz.$$flatIncludes, list);
clazz.$$includes = [mixin];
clazz.$$flatIncludes = list;
* Returns the default constructor.
* This constructor just calles the constructor of the base class.
* @type static
* @return {Function} The default constructor.
__createDefaultConstructor : function()
function defaultConstructor() {
arguments.callee.base.apply(this, arguments);
return defaultConstructor;
* Returns an empty function. This is needed to get an empty function with an empty closure.
* @type static
* @return {Function} empty function
__createEmptyFunction : function() {
return function() {};
__initializeClass : function( clazz ) {
if( clazz.$$initializer ) {
var inits = [];
var target = clazz;
while( target.$$initializer ) {
inits.push( target );
target = target.superclass;
while( inits.length > 0 ) {
target = inits.pop();
delete target.$$initializer;
* Generate a wrapper of the original class constructor in order to enable
* some of the advanced OO features (e.g. abstract class, singleton, mixins)
* @param construct {Function} the original constructor
* @param name {String} name of the class
* @param type {String} the user specified class type
__wrapConstructor : function(construct, name, type)
var init = this.__initializeClass;
var wrapper = function() {
// We can access the class/statics using arguments.callee
var clazz=arguments.callee.constructor;
init( clazz );
// Attach local properties
// Execute default constructor
var retval=clazz.$$original.apply(this,arguments);
// Initialize local mixins
if(clazz.$$includes){var mixins=clazz.$$flatIncludes;
for(var i=0,l=mixins.length;i<l;i++){
// Mark instance as initialized
if(this.classname===', name, '.classname)this.$$initialized=true;
// Return optional return value
return retval;
// Add singleton getInstance()
if (type === "singleton") {
wrapper.getInstance = this.getInstance;
// Store original constructor
wrapper.$$original = construct;
// Store wrapper into constructor (needed for base calls etc.)
construct.wrapper = wrapper;
// Return generated wrapper
return wrapper;