blob: 00869295583bf53d49c52387d62f8f3ca2b5ba2c [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2011, 2012 EclipseSource and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* EclipseSource - initial API and implementation
qx.Class.define( "org.eclipse.rwt.test.tests.GridRowContainerTest", {
extend : qx.core.Object,
// NOTE : Many of these tests use the Tree as an intermediate layer for tests.
// This is for historical reasons and should be adapted step by step.
members : {
testCreate : function() {
var cont = this._createContainer();
assertTrue( cont instanceof rwt.widgets.base.GridRowContainer );
testCreateTreeRowsWithAppearance : function() {
var cont = this._createContainer();
cont.setBaseAppearance( "table" );
cont.setRowHeight( 50 );
cont.setHeight( 501 );
assertEquals( 11, cont.getChildren().length );
assertEquals( "table-row", cont.getChildren()[ 0 ].getAppearance() );
testAddTreeRowsOnTreeResize : function() {
var tree = new rwt.widgets.Grid( { "appearance": "tree" } );
tree.setItemHeight( 50 );
tree.setHeight( 501 );
tree.setHeight( 551 );
var clientArea = tree._rowContainer;
assertEquals( 12, clientArea.getChildren().length );
testAddOneAdditionalRow : function() {
var tree = new rwt.widgets.Grid( { "appearance": "tree" } );
tree.setItemHeight( 50 );
var clientArea = tree._rowContainer;
tree.setHeight( 499 );
assertEquals( 10, clientArea.getChildren().length );
tree.setHeight( 500 );
assertEquals( 11, clientArea.getChildren().length );
tree.setHeight( 501 );
assertEquals( 11, clientArea.getChildren().length );
testAddTreeRowsOnRowResize : function() {
var tree = new rwt.widgets.Grid( { "appearance": "tree" } );
tree.setItemHeight( 50 );
tree.setHeight( 501 );
tree.setItemHeight( 25 );
var clientArea = tree._rowContainer;
assertEquals( 21, clientArea.getChildren().length );
testRemoveTreeRowsOnTreeResize : function() {
var tree = new rwt.widgets.Grid( { "appearance": "tree" } );
tree.setItemHeight( 50 );
tree.setHeight( 501 );
tree.setHeight( 401 );
var clientArea = tree._rowContainer;
assertEquals( 9, clientArea.getChildren().length );
testRemoveTreeRowsOnRowResize : function() {
var tree = new rwt.widgets.Grid( { "appearance": "tree" } );
tree.setItemHeight( 50 );
tree.setHeight( 501 );
tree.setItemHeight( 100 );
var clientArea = tree._rowContainer;
assertEquals( 6, clientArea.getChildren().length );
testTreeRowBounds : function() {
var TestUtil = org.eclipse.rwt.test.fixture.TestUtil;
var tree = this._createDefaultTree();
var sample = tree._rowContainer._getTargetNode().childNodes[ 10 ];
var bounds = TestUtil.getElementBounds( sample );
assertEquals( 0, bounds.left );
assertEquals( 200, );
assertEquals( 500, bounds.width );
assertEquals( 20, bounds.height );
testRenderEmptyRowOnHoverBug : function() {
// See Bug 349310 - Mouseover on invisible items in SWT Tree
var TestUtil = org.eclipse.rwt.test.fixture.TestUtil;
var tree = this._createDefaultTree();
tree.setItemCount( 1 );
var root = new rwt.widgets.GridItem( tree.getRootItem(), 0 );
root.setItemCount( 10 );
for( var i = 0; i < 10; i++ ) {
var item = new rwt.widgets.GridItem( root, i );
item.setTexts( [ "item" + i ] );
root.setExpanded( true );
var node = tree._rowContainer._children[ 2 ]._getTargetNode();
assertEquals( "item1", node.firstChild.innerHTML );
root.setExpanded( false );
assertEquals( "", node.firstChild.innerHTML );
TestUtil.mouseOver( tree._rowContainer._children[ 2 ] );
assertEquals( "", node.firstChild.innerHTML );
testRenderEmptyRowsBackground : function() {
var TestUtil = org.eclipse.rwt.test.fixture.TestUtil;
var tree = this._createDefaultTree();
var grad1 = [ [ 0, "red" ], [ 1, "yellow" ] ];
var grad2 = [ [ 0, "yellow" ], [ 1, "red" ] ];
TestUtil.fakeAppearance( "tree-row", {
style : function( states ) {
return {
"itemBackground" : states.selected ? "red" : "blue",
"itemBackgroundGradient" : states.selected ? grad1 : grad2,
"itemBackgroundImage" : states.selected ? "foo.jpg" : "bar.jpg",
"itemForeground" : "undefined",
"overlayBackground" : states.selected ? "red" : "blue",
"overlayBackgroundGradient" : states.selected ? grad1 : grad2,
"overlayBackgroundImage" : states.selected ? "foo.jpg" : "bar.jpg",
"overlayForeground" : "undefined",
"backgroundImage" : null
} );
tree.setItemCount( 1 );
var root = new rwt.widgets.GridItem( tree.getRootItem(), 0 );
root.setItemCount( 1 );
var item = new rwt.widgets.GridItem( root, 0 );
root.setExpanded( true );
tree.selectItem( item );
var row = tree._rowContainer._children[ 1 ];
assertEquals( "red", row.getBackgroundColor() );
assertEquals( "foo.jpg", row.getBackgroundImage() );
assertIdentical( grad1, row.getBackgroundGradient() );
root.setExpanded( false );
assertNull( row.getBackgroundColor() );
assertNull( row.getBackgroundImage() );
assertNull( row.getBackgroundGradient() );
testChangeTreeRowBounds : function() {
var TestUtil = org.eclipse.rwt.test.fixture.TestUtil;
var tree = this._createDefaultTree();
var sample = tree._rowContainer._getTargetNode().childNodes[ 10 ];
tree.setWidth( 400 );
tree.setItemHeight( 15 );
var bounds = TestUtil.getElementBounds( sample );
assertEquals( 0, bounds.left );
assertEquals( 150, );
assertEquals( 500, bounds.width );
assertEquals( 15, bounds.height );
testGridLinesState : function() {
var TestUtil = org.eclipse.rwt.test.fixture.TestUtil;
var tree = this._createDefaultTree( true );
tree.setLinesVisible( true );
var row = tree._rowContainer._children[ 0 ];
assertTrue( row.hasState( "linesvisible" ) );
tree.setLinesVisible( false );
assertFalse( row.hasState( "linesvisible" ) );
testZIndex : function() {
var TestUtil = org.eclipse.rwt.test.fixture.TestUtil;
var tree = this._createDefaultTree( true );
tree.setLinesVisible( true );
var row = tree._rowContainer._children[ 0 ];
assertEquals( 0, row.getZIndex() );
assertEquals( 1, tree._rowContainer._vertGridLines[ 0 ].style.zIndex );
testGridLinesStateOnNewRows : function() {
var TestUtil = org.eclipse.rwt.test.fixture.TestUtil;
var tree = this._createDefaultTree( true );
tree.setLinesVisible( true );
var row = tree._rowContainer._children[ 24 ];
assertTrue( row.hasState( "linesvisible" ) );
tree.setHeight( 1000 );
row = tree._rowContainer._children[ 28 ];
assertTrue( row.hasState( "linesvisible" ) );
testGridLinesHorizontal : function() {
var TestUtil = org.eclipse.rwt.test.fixture.TestUtil;
var tree = this._createDefaultTree();
var row = tree._rowContainer._children[ 0 ];
assertFalse( TestUtil.hasCssBorder( row.getElement() ) );
tree.setLinesVisible( true );
var border = tree._rowContainer._getHorizontalGridBorder();
assertIdentical( border, row.getBorder() );
testInitialGridLinesHorizontal : function() {
var TestUtil = org.eclipse.rwt.test.fixture.TestUtil;
var tree = this._createDefaultTree( true );
tree.setHeight( 0 );
tree.setLinesVisible( true );
tree.setHeight( 100 );
var border = tree._rowContainer._getHorizontalGridBorder();
var row = tree._rowContainer._children[ 0 ];
assertIdentical( border, row.getBorder() );
testGetConfig : function() {
var cont = this._createContainer();
var config = cont.getRenderConfig();
assertEquals( null, config.textColor );
assertEquals( null, config.font );
assertEquals( true, config.enabled );
assertEquals( false, config.focused );
assertEquals( false, config.linesVisible );
assertEquals( false, config.fullSelection );
assertEquals( false, config.hasCheckBoxes );
assertEquals( null, config.checkBoxLeft );
assertEquals( null, config.checkBoxWidth );
assertEquals( null, config.variant );
assertEquals( null, config.selectionPadding );
assertEquals( [], config.alignment );
assertEquals( [], config.itemLeft );
assertEquals( [], config.itemWidth );
assertEquals( [], config.itemImageLeft );
assertEquals( [], config.itemImageWidth );
assertEquals( [], config.itemTextLeft );
assertEquals( [], config.itemTextWidth );
assertEquals( 16, config.indentionWidth );
assertEquals( 0, config.columnCount);
assertEquals( 0, config.treeColumn );
// Helper
// TODO [tb] : refactor to create TreeRowContainer
_createDefaultTree : function( noflush ) {
var TestUtil = org.eclipse.rwt.test.fixture.TestUtil;
var tree = new rwt.widgets.Grid( {
"appearance": "tree",
"fullSelection": true,
"selectionPadding" : [ 2, 4 ],
"indentionWidth" : 16
} );
tree.setItemHeight( 20 );
tree.setLeft( 0 );
tree.setTop( 0 );
tree.setWidth( 500 );
tree.setHeight( 500 );
tree.setItemMetrics( 0, 0, 500, 0, 0, 0, 500 );
tree.setColumnCount( 1 )
tree.setItemMetrics( 1, 0, 500, 0, 0, 0, 500 );
tree.setItemMetrics( 2, 0, 500, 0, 0, 0, 500 );
if( !noflush ) {
return tree;
_fakeAppearance : function() {
var TestUtil = org.eclipse.rwt.test.fixture.TestUtil;
var empty = {
style : function( states ) {
return {
"itemBackground" : "undefined",
"itemBackgroundGradient" : "undefined",
"itemBackgroundImage" : null,
"itemForeground" : "undefined",
"overlayBackground" : "undefined",
"overlayBackgroundGradient" : "undefined",
"overlayBackgroundImage" : null,
"overlayForeground" : "undefined",
"backgroundImage" : null
TestUtil.fakeAppearance( "tree-indent", empty );
TestUtil.fakeAppearance( "tree-row", empty );
_createContainer : function() {
var result = new rwt.widgets.base.GridRowContainer();
result.setBaseAppearance( "tree" );
return result;
} );