blob: 7ae27ad817269387c4009321327a7d3f18f00c2c [file] [log] [blame]
// * Copyright (c) 2000, 2006 IBM Corporation and others.
// * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
// * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
// * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
// *
// *
// * Contributors:
// * IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
// *******************************************************************************/
//package org.eclipse.ui.tests.dialogs;
//import java.util.List;
//import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IAdaptable;
//import org.eclipse.jface.wizard.IWizardPage;
//import org.eclipse.swt.SWT;
//import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Composite;
//import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Event;
//import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Table;
//import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.TableItem;
//import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Tree;
//import org.eclipse.ui.IWorkingSet;
//import org.eclipse.ui.dialogs.IWorkingSetPage;
//import org.eclipse.ui.internal.WorkbenchPlugin;
//import org.eclipse.ui.internal.dialogs.WorkingSetNewWizard;
//import org.eclipse.ui.internal.dialogs.WorkingSetTypePage;
//import org.eclipse.ui.internal.registry.WorkingSetDescriptor;
//import org.eclipse.ui.internal.registry.WorkingSetRegistry;
//import org.eclipse.ui.tests.harness.util.ArrayUtil;
//import org.eclipse.ui.tests.harness.util.DialogCheck;
// * Tests the WorkingSetNewWizard.
// * Tests input validation, presence of type page and correct edit page
// * and wizard page texts.
// */
//public class UINewWorkingSetWizardAuto extends UIWorkingSetWizardsAuto {
// public UINewWorkingSetWizardAuto(String name) {
// super(name);
// }
// protected void doSetUp() throws Exception {
// fWizard = getWorkbench().getWorkingSetManager().createWorkingSetNewWizard(null);
// super.doSetUp();
// }
// public void testTypePage() throws Throwable {
// IWizardPage page = fWizardDialog.getCurrentPage();
// WorkingSetDescriptor[] descriptors = getEditableWorkingSetDescriptors();
// // the first page must be the type selection page iff there is more than one working set type
// assertEquals(descriptors.length > 1, (page instanceof WorkingSetTypePage));
// /*
// * Should have at least resourceWorkingSetPage and MockWorkingSet
// */
// assertTrue(descriptors.length >= 2);
// if (page instanceof WorkingSetTypePage) {
// WorkingSetTypePage typePage = (WorkingSetTypePage) page;
// List widgets = getWidgets((Composite) page.getControl(),
// Table.class);
// Table table = (Table) widgets.get(0);
// /*
// * Test initial page state
// */
// assertEquals(descriptors.length, table.getItemCount());
// assertTrue(typePage.canFlipToNextPage() == false);
// assertTrue(fWizard.canFinish() == false);
// /*
// * Test page state with page complete input
// */
// table.setSelection(descriptors.length - 1);
// table.notifyListeners(SWT.Selection, new Event());
// assertTrue(typePage.canFlipToNextPage());
// assertTrue(fWizard.canFinish() == false);
// /*
// * Check page texts
// */
// DialogCheck.assertDialogTexts(fWizardDialog, this);
// }
// }
// public void testEditPage() throws Throwable {
// WorkingSetRegistry registry = WorkbenchPlugin.getDefault()
// .getWorkingSetRegistry();
// IWizardPage page = fWizardDialog.getCurrentPage();
// IWizardPage defaultEditPage = registry.getDefaultWorkingSetPage();
// String defaultEditPageClassName = defaultEditPage.getClass().getName();
// WorkingSetDescriptor[] descriptors = getEditableWorkingSetDescriptors();
// // the first page must be the type selection page iff there is more than one working set type
// assertEquals(descriptors.length > 1, (page instanceof WorkingSetTypePage));
// if (page instanceof WorkingSetTypePage) {
// /*
// * Select the default (Resource) working set type
// * and advance to edit page.
// */
// List widgets = getWidgets((Composite) page.getControl(),
// Table.class);
// Table table = (Table) widgets.get(0);
// TableItem[] items = table.getItems();
// String workingSetName = null;
// for (int descriptorIndex = 0; descriptorIndex < descriptors.length; descriptorIndex++) {
// WorkingSetDescriptor descriptor = descriptors[descriptorIndex];
// if (defaultEditPageClassName.equals(descriptor
// .getPageClassName())) {
// workingSetName = descriptor.getName();
// break;
// }
// }
// assertNotNull(workingSetName);
// boolean found = false;
// for (int i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
// if (items[i].getText().equals(workingSetName)) {
// table.setSelection(i);
// found = true;
// break;
// }
// }
// assertTrue(found);
// fWizardDialog.showPage(fWizard.getNextPage(page));
// }
// page = fWizardDialog.getCurrentPage();
// assertTrue(page instanceof IWorkingSetPage);
// /*
// * Verify that correct working set edit page is displayed
// */
// assertTrue(page.getClass() == defaultEditPage.getClass());
// /*
// * Test initial page state
// */
// assertFalse(page.canFlipToNextPage());
// assertFalse(fWizard.canFinish());
// assertNull(page.getErrorMessage());
// assertNull(page.getMessage());
// /*
// * Test page state with partial page input
// */
// setTextWidgetText(WORKING_SET_NAME_1, page);
// assertFalse(page.canFlipToNextPage());
// assertTrue(fWizard.canFinish()); // allow for empty sets
// assertNull(page.getErrorMessage());
// assertNotNull(page.getMessage());
// /*
// * Test page state with page complete input
// */
// checkTreeItems();
// assertFalse(page.canFlipToNextPage());
// assertTrue(fWizard.canFinish());
// assertNull(page.getErrorMessage());
// assertNull(page.getMessage());
// fWizard.performFinish();
// IWorkingSet workingSet = ((WorkingSetNewWizard) fWizard).getSelection();
// IAdaptable[] workingSetItems = workingSet.getElements();
// assertEquals(WORKING_SET_NAME_1, workingSet.getName());
// List widgets = getWidgets((Composite) page.getControl(), Tree.class);
// Tree tree = (Tree) widgets.get(0);
// assertEquals(workingSetItems.length, tree.getItemCount());
// assertTrue(ArrayUtil.contains(workingSetItems, p1));
// assertTrue(ArrayUtil.contains(workingSetItems, p2));
// /*
// * Check page texts
// */
// DialogCheck.assertDialogTexts(fWizardDialog, this);
// }