| ############################################################################### |
| # Copyright (c) 2009, 2014 Xored Software Inc and others. |
| # All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials |
| # are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 |
| # which accompanies this distribution, and is available at |
| # http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html |
| # |
| # Contributors: |
| # Xored Software Inc - initial API and implementation and/or initial documentation |
| ############################################################################### |
| AddProjectReferencesDialog_Job=Add missing references |
| AddProjectReferencesDialog_Msg=Would you like to add missing references to the project?\n\n |
| AddProjectReferencesDialog_Title=Missing references |
| AddProjectReferencesDialog_ToggleText=Always add missing references automatically |
| AddTagAction_Job=Adding tags... |
| AddTagAction_Task=Adding tags... |
| AssertImageWindow_AssertKind_ContainsImage=Contains Image |
| AssertImageWindow_AssertKind_ContainsText=Contains text in region |
| AssertImageWindow_ImageLabel=Image: |
| AssertImageWindow_SelectionLabel=Selection: |
| AssertImageWindow_TextLabel=Text: |
| AssertImageWindow_Tilte=Add Image Assertion |
| AssertImageWindow_TypeLabel=Type: |
| AssertionPanelWindow_AddAssertButton=Add |
| AssertionPanelWindow_AssertImageButton=Assert Image |
| AssertionPanelWindow_CloseActionName=Close |
| AssertionPanelWindow_CollapseAllActionToolTip=Collapse All |
| AssertionPanelWindow_ColumnOperationName=Operation |
| AssertionPanelWindow_ColumnOperationToolTip=Assertion operation |
| AssertionPanelWindow_ColumnPropertyName=Property |
| AssertionPanelWindow_ColumnPropertyToolTip=Control property to assert |
| AssertionPanelWindow_DeselectAllActionToolTip=Deselect All |
| AssertionPanelWindow_ExpandAllActionToolTip=Expand All |
| AssertionPanelWindow_PropertiesGroupName=Properties |
| AssertionPanelWindow_SelectAllActionText=Select All |
| AssertionPanelWindow_SelectAllActionToolTip=Select All |
| AssertionPanelWindow_Title=Assertion and Verification |
| AssertionPanelWindow_ValueOperationName=Value |
| AssertionPanelWindow_ValueOperationToolTip=Property value |
| AUTComposite_AddButton=Add... |
| AUTComposite_RemoveButton=Remove |
| AUTSelectionDialog_Title=Select an Application Under Test |
| AUTViewComposite_ConfigureActionText=Configure... |
| AUTViewComposite_ConfigureActionToolTip=Configure... |
| AUTViewComposite_NewActionText=New... |
| AUTViewComposite_NewActionToolTip=New... |
| AUTViewComposite_RemoveActionText=Remove |
| AUTViewComposite_RemoveActionToolTip=Remove |
| AUTViewComposite_RunActionText=Run |
| AUTViewComposite_RunActionToolTip=Run |
| AUTViewComposite_StopActionText=Stop |
| AUTViewComposite_StopActionToolTip=Stop |
| AUTViewComposite_Title=Remove Application Under Test |
| BaseContextEditor_SaveErrorMsg=Cannot save context: {0} |
| BaseProjectsImportPage_12=Searching for projects |
| BaseProjectsImportPage_13=Processing results |
| BaseProjectsImportPage_14=Processing results |
| BaseProjectsImportPage_15=Processing results |
| BaseProjectsImportPage_16=Some projects cannot be imported because they already exist in the context |
| BaseProjectsImportPage_17=Select a directory to search for existing Eclipse projects. |
| BaseProjectsImportPage_18=No projects are found to import |
| BaseProjectsImportPage_19=Source file is not a valid Zip file. |
| BaseProjectsImportPage_20=Source file could not be read. |
| BaseProjectsImportPage_21=Source file is not a valid tar file. |
| BaseProjectsImportPage_22=Source file could not be read. |
| BaseProjectsImportPage_23=Internal error |
| BaseProjectsImportPage_24=Checking: {0} |
| BaseProjectsImportPage_25=Checking: {0} |
| BaseProjectsImportPage_26=Select root directory of the projects to import |
| BaseProjectsImportPage_27=Select archive containing the projects to import |
| BaseProjectsImportPage_28=Creation Problems |
| BaseProjectsImportPage_29=''{0}'' already exists. Would you like to overwrite it? |
| BaseProjectsImportPage_30=Overwrite ''{0}'' in folder ''{1}''? |
| BaseProjectsImportPage_31=Question |
| BaseProjectsImportPage_BrowseButton=B&rowse... |
| BaseProjectsImportPage_Description=Select a directory to search for existing Eclipse projects. |
| BaseProjectsImportPage_DeselectAllButton=&Deselect All |
| BaseProjectsImportPage_NoDirSpecifiedMsg=Select a directory to search for existing Eclipse projects. |
| BaseProjectsImportPage_ProjectsLabel=&Projects: |
| BaseProjectsImportPage_RefreshButton=R&efresh |
| BaseProjectsImportPage_SelectAllButton=&Select All |
| BaseProjectsImportPage_SelectArchiveFileRagioButton=Select &archive file: |
| BaseProjectsImportPage_SelectRootDirRadioButton=Select roo&t directory: |
| BaseProjectsImportPage_Title=Import Projects |
| BasicAUTComposite_MessageTitle=Select an Application Under Test |
| BasicAUTComposite_RemoveApprovalMsg=Are you sure want to delete selected Application(s) Under Test ({0}) ? |
| CollapseAllAction_ToolTip=Collapse All |
| ContextDeleteParticipant_ChangeName=Delete context resources |
| ContextDeleteParticipant_Name=Delete context refactoring participant |
| ContextEditor_EmptyContextType=Unexpected context type: {0} |
| ContextEditorPage_ApplyButtonText=Apply |
| ContextEditorPage_CaptureButtonText=Capture |
| ContextEditorPage_CaptureButtonToolTip=Create context snapshot from the target Application Under Test |
| ContextEditorPage_Name=Context |
| ContextSelectionDialog_CaptureButtonText=Capture... |
| ContextSelectionDialog_FilterText=Enter context name prefix or pattern (*, ?): |
| ContextSelectionDialog_Msg=Select existing context or use buttons to create empty context or capture context. |
| ContextSelectionDialog_NewButtonText=New... |
| ContextSelectionDialog_ShowCheckboxText=Show contexts from required projects only |
| ContextSelectionDialog_Title=Select context |
| ContextSelectionDialog_TopLabelText=Matching items: |
| ContextSnapshotAction_ErrorDialogMsg=Cannot capture context. This might happen when workspace is large. \ |
| To workaround this problem try to increase -Xms -Xmx AUT VM arguments:\n\ |
| 1. Select your application in Applications view\n\ |
| 2. Click 'Configure...' button on view toolbar\n\ |
| 3. Navigate to 'Arguments' tab |
| ContextSnapshotAction_ErrorDialogTitle=Context Capturing Error |
| ContextSnapshotAction_Job=Create context snapshot |
| ContextSnapshotAction_ToolTip=Create context snapshot from the target Application Under Test |
| ContextSnapshotAction_UnexpectedContextType=Unexpected context type: {0}. ''{1}'' is expected |
| ContextSnapshotAction_UnexpectedObject=Unexpected object: {0}. Context is expected |
| ContextsTable_Name=Contexts |
| ContextViewer_EmptyErrorMsg=Context viewer {0} can't be empty |
| ContextViewer_InvalidTypeErrorMsg=Invalid context type for context viewer: {0} |
| ControlPanelWindow_AssertShortcutToolTip={0} to start asserting |
| ControlPanelWindow_StartRecordShortcutToolTip={0} to start recording |
| ControlPanelWindow_StopRecordShortcutToolTip={0} to stop recording |
| ControlPanelWindow_ReplayShortcutToolTip={0} to replay |
| ControlPanelWindow_ErrorLocationButton=Go to error location... |
| ControlPanelWindow_ExecutionFailedDialogMsg={0}: {1} |
| ControlPanelWindow_ExecutionFailedDialogTitle_Context=Failed to apply "{0}" |
| ControlPanelWindow_ExecutionFailedDialogTitle_Script=Execution failed |
| ControlPanelWindow_RecordAction=Record |
| ControlPanelWindow_RecordShortcutToolTip={0} to continue recording |
| ControlPanelWindow_ReplayAction=Replay |
| ControlPanelWindow_ReturnActionTooltip=Return to RCPTT |
| ControlPanelWindow_SaveAction=Save |
| ControlPanelWindow_SaveAsAction=Save As... |
| ControlPanelWindow_SaveDialogMsg=Control Panel contains an unsaved test case. Save it? |
| ControlPanelWindow_SaveDialogTitle=Save Test Case |
| ControlPanelWindow_SavingOperationName=Saving... |
| ControlPanelWindow_StatusAsserting=\ [Asserting] |
| ControlPanelWindow_StatusConnection=\ [Connecting] |
| ControlPanelWindow_StatusImageRecognition=\ [Image Recognition] |
| ControlPanelWindow_StatusRecording=\ [Recording] |
| ControlPanelWindow_StatusReplaying=\ [Replaying] |
| ControlPanelWindow_StatusWaitingAUTToRestart=\ [Waiting for AUT Restart] |
| ControlPanelWindow_StopAction=Stop |
| ControlPanelWindow_SwitchToAssertModeActionToolTip=Switch to Assertion Mode |
| ControlPanelWindow_SwitchToRecognitionModeActionToolTip=Switch to Image Recognition Mode |
| ControlPanelWindow_SwitchToRecordModeActionToolTip=Switch to Recording Mode |
| ControlPanelWindow_Title=Control Panel |
| CopyAction_Text=Copy |
| CopyAction_ToolTip=Copy selected resource(s) |
| DeleteAction_ErrorDialogMsg=Operation is not allowed during test case execution. |
| DeleteAction_ErrorDialogTitle=Delete resources |
| DeleteContextInputPage_DeleteContentCheckbox=&Delete project contents on disk (cannot be undone) |
| DeleteContextInputPage_DeleteReferencesLabel=&Delete references? |
| DeleteContextInputPage_ManyElementsMsg=Are you sure you want to delete these {0} elements? |
| DeleteContextInputPage_OneElementMsg=Are you sure you want to delete ''{0}'' from the file system? |
| DeleteContextInputPage_SeeReferencesLink=See {0} reference(s) found. |
| DeleteContextProcessor_ChangeName=Delete context/verification change |
| DeleteContextReferenceChange_InvalidRefMsg=Cannot remove reference |
| DeleteReferenceChange_InvalidRefMsg=Cannot delete reference |
| DeleteContextReferenceChange_Name=Delete reference ''{0}'' from ''{1}'' |
| DeleteContextWizard_PageTitle=Delete Resources |
| DeleteContextWizard_Title=Delete Resources |
| DeleteContextWizard_ProgressText=Searching for references... |
| DeleteTagProcessor_ChangeName=Delete tag |
| DeleteTagProcessor_ProcessorName=Delete Tag |
| DeleteTagProcessor_TaskName=Delete tag "{0}" |
| DeleteTagProcessor_TaskName_SubTag=Delete sub tag "{0}" of tag "{1}" |
| DeleteTagReferenceChange_9=''{0}'' already has tag ''{1}'' |
| DeleteTagReferenceChange_Name=Delete tag "{0}" from {1} |
| DeleteTagReferenceChange_Name_Sub=Delete sub tag "{0}" from {1} |
| DeleteTagReferenceChange_NoTagMsg=''{0}'' hasn't tag ''{1}'' |
| DeleteTagReferenceChange_UndoName=Restore tag ''{0}'' from ''{1}'' |
| DeleteTagWizard_ManyTagsMsg=Are you sure you want to delete these {0} tags? |
| DeleteTagWizard_OneTagMsg=Are you sure you want to delete tag "{0}"? |
| DeleteTagWizard_PageTitle=Delete Tag |
| DeleteTagWizard_WindowTitle=Delete Tag |
| DescriptionComposite_ClearToolTip=Clear Description |
| DescriptionComposite_Name=Description |
| DetailsDialog_Context=Context *{0}* |
| DetailsDialog_EclCommand=*{0}* |
| DetailsDialog_Script=Script *{0}* |
| DetailsDialog_TestCase=Test case *{0}* |
| DetailsDialog_TimeFragment=time: {0} |
| DetailsDialog_Title=Execution details |
| DialogUtil_NewQ7ProjectDialogMsg=There is no RCPTT project available. Would you like to create new one? |
| DialogUtil_NewQ7ProjectDialogTitle=New RCPTT Project |
| EObjectTable_Add=Add... |
| EObjectTable_Down=Down |
| EObjectTable_Remove=Remove |
| EObjectTable_Up=Up |
| ExecutionView_ClearActionText=Clear Terminated |
| ExecutionView_ConnectionRefusedMsg=Connection refused: connect |
| ExecutionView_ConnectionResetMsg=Connection reset |
| ExecutionView_DetailsLabel=Details... |
| ExecutionView_ExecutionFailedMsg=Execution failed |
| ExecutionView_ExecutionHistoryActionToolTip=Execution History... |
| ExecutionView_HistoryActionText=History... |
| ExecutionView_HistoryListDialogMsg=Select an execution |
| ExecutionView_HistoryListDialogTitle=Executions |
| ExecutionView_MaxEntriesMsg=Maximum count of remembered executions |
| ExecutionView_MessageLabel=Message: |
| ExecutionView_NoConnectionEMsg=Connection to AUT has been terminated. |
| FeaturesComposite_CoreFeaturesGroup=Core Features |
| FeaturesComposite_RuntimeFeaturesGroup=Runtime Features |
| FileSelectionDialog_Title=Choose Location |
| FolderSelectionDialog_NewFolderButton=New folder |
| HistoryListAction_OutOfBoundsErrorMsg=Please enter a positive integer smaller than {0}. |
| HistoryListAction_RemoveAllButton=Remove All |
| HistoryListAction_RemoveButton=Remove |
| ImageDescriptorRegistry_InvalidDisplayMsg=Allocating image for wrong display. |
| LaunchUtils_CancellingMsg=Canceling... |
| LaunchUtils_CantCreateLaunchConfDialogMsg=Cannot create launch configuration |
| LaunchUtils_CantCreateLaunchConfDialogTitle=RCPTT Launch |
| LaunchUtils_LaunchConfigName_NoResources=Empty Test Suite |
| LaunchUtils_LaunchConfigName_TestSuite=Test Suite |
| LaunchUtils_NoQ7TestFoundDialogMsg=No RCPTT Test cases found. |
| LaunchUtils_NoQ7TestFoundTitle=RCPTT Launch |
| LaunchUtils_SelectionDialogDebugMsg=Select RCPTT configuration to debug |
| LaunchUtils_SelectionDialogRunMsg=Select RCPTT configuration to run |
| LaunchUtils_SelectionDialogTitle=Select a Test case launch configuration |
| ListControl_Add=Add |
| ListControl_Change=Change |
| ListControl_Clear=Clear |
| ListControl_Delete=Delete |
| LocationSelectionDialog_Q7ContainerSelectionGroupMsg=Select test case destination project/folder. |
| LocationSelectionDialog_Title=Select Location |
| LockSelectionAction_ToolTip=Scroll Lock |
| MoveAction_ErrorDialogMsg=Operation is not allowed during test case execution. |
| MoveAction_ErrorDialogTitle=Move resources |
| NamedElementEditor_InvalidInputFormat=RCPTT Editor could not open broken test case or context. |
| NamedElementEditor_InvalidInputType=Input is not supported. Only file editor inputs are supported. |
| NamedElementEditor_Job=Check References |
| NamedElementEditor_LoadingFailed=Can't load input file |
| NamedElementEditor_ResourceChangedDialogMsg=The file ''{0}'' has been changed on the file system. Do you want to replace the editor contents with these changes? |
| NamedElementEditor_ResourceChangedDialogTitle=File Changed |
| NamedElementEditor_ResourceDeletedDialogButtonClose=Close |
| NamedElementEditor_ResourceDeletedDialogButtonSave=Save |
| NamedElementEditor_ResourceDeletedDialogMsg=The file ''{0}'' has been deleted or is not accessible. Do you want to save your changes or close the editor without saving? |
| NamedElementEditor_ResourceDeletedDialogTitle=File Not Accessible |
| NamedElementEditorPage_AddTagButton=Add Tag... |
| NamedElementEditorPage_NameLabel=Name: |
| NamedElementEditorPage_RecordButton=Record |
| NamedElementEditorPage_ReplayButton=Replay |
| TestSuiteEditorPage_ExecuteButton=Execute |
| NamedElementEditorPage_RunCounterDialogDefaultValue=10 |
| NamedElementEditorPage_RunCounterDialogIncorrectIntErrorMsg=Incorrect number |
| NamedElementEditorPage_RunCounterDialogLabel=Times |
| NamedElementEditorPage_RunCounterDialogNeagtiveIntErrorMsg=Count should be greater than 0 |
| NamedElementEditorPage_RunCounterDialogTitle=Set execution count |
| NamedElementEditorPage_TagsLabel=Tags: |
| NamedElementLabelProvider_UnknownElementText=Unknown |
| NamedElementLabelProvider_UnresolvedElement=Unresolved ({0}) |
| NamedElementMoveParticipant_ChangeName=Move resource participant |
| NamedElementMoveParticipant_Name=Move context refactoring participant |
| NewContextWizard_WindowTitle=New Context Wizard |
| NewVerificationWizard_WindowTitle=New Verification Wizard |
| NewQ7ProjectWizard_Description=Create a new RCPTT project. |
| NewQ7ProjectWizard_Title=RCP Testing Tool Project |
| NewScenarioWizard_WindowTitle=New Test Case |
| NewTestSuiteWizard_WindowTitle=New Test Suite |
| OpenContextAction_WindowTitle=Select Context |
| OpenNamedElementAction_DialogMsg=Enter file path to open or select file from the one of the workspace contexts |
| OpenScenarioAction_WindowTitle=Select Test Case |
| OptionsComposite_Name=Options |
| PasteAction_DialogNewNameProposal=Copy of |
| PasteAction_DialogTitle=New Element |
| PasteAction_ErrorDialogMsg=Operation is not allowed during test case execution. |
| PasteAction_ErrorDialogTitle=Paste resources |
| PasteAction_Text=Paste |
| PasteAction_ToolTip=Paste selected resource(s) |
| PortableExportWizardPage_BrowseButton=Browse... |
| PortableExportWizardPage_Description=Export all projects to portable format |
| PortableExportWizardPage_DestinationLabel=To directory: |
| PortableExportWizardPage_DirectoryDialogMsg=Select directory to export to |
| PortableExportWizardPage_DirectoryDialogTitle=Export to Directory |
| PortableExportWizardPage_FailureMsg=Can't export projects. See Error Log for details |
| PortableExportWizardPage_NoFileMsg=Please enter a destination directory. |
| PortableExportWizardPage_NothingSelectedMsg=Please select projects to import. |
| PortableExportWizardPage_Title=Export |
| PortableImportPage_TaskName=Creating Projects |
| PortableImportWizard_WindowTitle=Import |
| ProjectRecord_ProjectLabelFormat={0} ({1}) |
| Q7ContainerSelectionGroup_NewFolder_ActionName=Create new folder |
| Q7ContainerSelectionGroup_NewFolder_WindowTitle=New Folder |
| Q7ContainerSelectionGroup_NewProject_ActionName=Create new project |
| Q7ContainerSelectionGroup_NewQ7Project_WindowTitle=New RCPTT Project |
| Q7Explorer_CopyLabel=Copy |
| Q7Explorer_CutLabel=Cut |
| Q7Explorer_DeleteLabel=Delete |
| Q7Explorer_PasteLabel=Paste |
| Q7Explorer_RefreshJob=Refresh Test Explorer |
| Q7Explorer_SelectAllLabel=Select All |
| Q7PreferencePage_AdvancedSectionLabel=Advanced options |
| Q7PreferencePage_AdvancedRunnerArgLink=<a>Runner arg</a> |
| Q7PreferencePage_CommandDelayLabel=Commands execution delay (ms): |
| Q7PreferencePage_IncorrectCommandDelayMsg=Delay should be a positive number |
| Q7PreferencePage_IncorrectLaunchTimeoutMsg=Timeout should be a positive number |
| Q7PreferencePage_LaunchTimeoutLabel=Launch timeout (sec): |
| Q7RenameResourceWizard_NewNameLabel=New na&me: |
| Q7RenameResourceWizard_PageTitle=Rename Resource |
| Q7RenameResourceWizard_WindowTitle=Rename Resource |
| Q7ResourceDropAdapterAssistant_ErrorDialogMsg=Operation is not allowed during test case execution. |
| Q7ResourceDropAdapterAssistant_ErrorDialogTitle=Move resources |
| Q7ResourcesCopyParticipant_Name=Copy test resources |
| Q7UIPlugin_NoActiveWindowErrorMsg=Cannot find active window |
| RecordingSupport_CantLaunchMsg=Couldn't launch the test case |
| RecordingSupport_CircularDependenciesMsg=Cannot run because of circular dependencies. |
| RecordingSupport_ConnectingOp=Connecting... |
| RecordingSupport_ConnectionTimeoutMsg=Connection timeout. |
| RecordingSupport_ExecutingElementTask=Executing: {0} |
| RecordingSupport_FailedToStartECLSessionMsg=Failed to start ECL session |
| RecordingSupport_InitialStateOp=Setting up initial state... |
| RecordingSupport_ReplayingOp=Replaying... |
| RecordingSupport_TestCaseContainsErrorsMsg=Test case contains errors |
| RecordingSupport_TimeoutMsg=Timeout |
| RecordingSupport_WaitingOp=Waiting for AUT restart... |
| RefactoringSaveHelper_MustSaveMsg=Some modified resources must be saved before this operation. |
| RefactoringSaveHelper_SaveAllResourcesMsg=Save Modified Resources |
| RefactoringUtils_Context=Context "{0}" |
| RefactoringUtils_Element=Element "{0}" |
| RefactoringUtils_TagOutOfSyncMsg=Tag "{0}" is out of sync. |
| RefactoringUtils_TestCase=Test "{0}" |
| RemoveFromFileToDateChange_Name=Remove file {0} timestamp |
| RemoveFromFileToDateChange_UndoName=Restore file {0} timestamp |
| RenameAction_ErrorDialogMsg=Operation is not allowed during test case execution. |
| RenameAction_ErrorDialogTitle=Rename resources |
| RenameContainerChange_Msg=Rename resource "{0}" to "{1}" |
| RenameContainerChange_ProgressMsg=Rename resource |
| RenameDialog_FileNameLabel=File name: |
| RenameDialog_NewNameLabel=New &name: |
| RenameNamedElementChange_Msg=Rename resource "{0}" to "{1}" |
| RenameNamedElementChange_ProgressMsg=Rename resource |
| RenameNamedElementInputPage_FileNameLabel=File name: |
| RenameNamedElementInputPage_NewNameLabel=New &name: |
| RenameTagProcessor_ProcessorName=Rename Tag |
| RenameTagProcessor_TaskName=Rename tag "{0}" |
| RenameTagProcessor_TaskName_SubTag=Rename sub tag "{0}" of tag"{1}" |
| RenameTagWizard_NewNameLabel=New &name: |
| RenameTagWizard_PageTitle=Rename Tag |
| RenameTagWizard_WindowTitle=Rename Tag |
| ReportAction_Name=Report |
| ReportDialog_BrowseButton=Browse... |
| ReportDialog_LocationLabel=Location: |
| ReportDialog_SaveButton=Save |
| ReportDialog_SelectLocationDialogText=Select Location to Save Report to |
| ReportDialog_Title=Generate Execution Report |
| ReportDialog_TitleLabel=Title: |
| ReportDialog_TitleText=RCPTT Execution Report - {0} |
| ReportMainPage_BrowseButton=Browse... |
| ReportMainPage_Description=Use various options to select general options to generated report. |
| ReportMainPage_EmptyReportNameMsg=Please specify non empty report name |
| ReportMainPage_FormatLabel=Format: |
| ReportMainPage_GenerateInFileSystemButton=Generate to &file system |
| ReportMainPage_GenerateInWorkspaceButton=Generate to &workspace |
| ReportMainPage_IncorrectLocationMsg=Please specify correct output location |
| ReportMainPage_LocationLabel=Location: |
| ReportMainPage_Name=Execution Report |
| ReportMainPage_NameLabel=Name: |
| ReportMainPage_NoOutputLocationMsg=Please specify correct output location |
| ReportMainPage_OutputLabel=Output location |
| ReportMainPage_SelectLocationDialogText=Specify report location |
| ReportWizard_FileOverwriteDialogMsg_ManyFiles=The files {0} already exist. Do you want to replace the existing files? |
| ReportWizard_FileOverwriteDialogMsg_OneFile=The file {0} already exists. Do you want to replace the existing file? |
| ReportWizard_FileOverwriteDialogTitle=Question |
| RunFailedAction_ToolTip=Run Failed Test Cases |
| RunSelectedAction_ToolTip=Run Selected |
| ScenarioEditorPage_ExternalReferenceLabel=External Reference: |
| ScenarioEditorPage_ExternalReferenceToolTip=Reference to external system (for example URL of a wiki page, or issue in a bugtracker) |
| ScenarioEditorPage_Name=Test Case |
| TestSuiteEditorPage_Name=Test Suite |
| ScenariosLaunchTab_AddFolderButton=Add Folder |
| ScenariosLaunchTab_AddFolderDialogTitle=Select project or folder with test cases: |
| ScenariosLaunchTab_AddTestCaseButton=Add Test Case |
| ScenariosLaunchTab_AddTestCaseDailogMsg=Enter file path to open or select file from the one of the workspace contexts |
| ScenariosLaunchTab_AddTestCaseDailogTitle=Select Test Case |
| ScenariosLaunchTab_ColumnLocationText=Location |
| ScenariosLaunchTab_ColumnTestCaseText=Test Case |
| ScenariosLaunchTab_DefaultLaunchName=Test Suite |
| ScenariosLaunchTab_DefaultSortColumn=Test Case |
| ScenariosLaunchTab_MoveDownButton=Move Down |
| ScenariosLaunchTab_MoveUpButton=Move Up |
| ScenariosLaunchTab_Name=Test Suite |
| ScenariosLaunchTab_NothingSelectedMsg=Nothing selected |
| ScenariosLaunchTab_RemoveAllButton=Remove All |
| ScenariosLaunchTab_RemoveButton=Remove |
| ScenariosLaunchTab_AutomaticAutSelection=Automatic AUT Selection |
| ScriptComposite_ClearActionOp=Clear Script |
| ScriptComposite_ClearActionToolTip=Clear Script |
| ScriptComposite_Name=Script |
| ScriptComposite_ScrollLockActionToolTip=Scroll Lock |
| SearchControl_ClearResult=Clear filter field |
| SearchControl_ClearToolTip=Clear |
| SearchControl_InitialText=type filter text |
| SearchJob_Name=Searching workspace |
| SearchJob_TaskName=Searching... |
| SelectionAction_Copy=Copy |
| SelectionAction_Cut=Cut |
| SelectionAction_Paste=Paste |
| SelectionAction_Remove=Remove |
| SelectProjectComponent_NoQ7ProjectsComboText=No RCPTT projects |
| SelectProjectComponent_NoQ7ProjectSelectedMsg=Select RCPTT project |
| SelectProjectComponent_NoQ7ProjectsExistMsg=Create RCPTT project first |
| SelectProjectComponent_ProjectLabel=Project: |
| SelectTagDialog_InitialTagName=Tag name |
| SelectTagDialog_TagWithManyOccurrencesFormat={0} ({1} occurrences) |
| SelectTagDialog_TagWithOneOccurrenceFormat={0} (1 occurrence) |
| SelectTagDialog_Title=Select Tag(s) to Add |
| ShowControlPanel_ErrorDialogMsg=Failed to start recording. Please, see error log |
| ShowControlPanel_ErrorDialogTitle=Recording failed |
| ShowControlPanel_DebuggingSorryTitle=Snippet recording |
| ShowControlPanel_DebuggingSorryMessage=Sorry, it is not possible to record a snippet while debugging. |
| StatisticPanel_FailuresLabel=Failures: |
| StatisticPanel_RunsLabel=Runs: |
| StatisticPanel_StopsLabel=Stops: |
| StatisticPanel_TotalTimeLabel=Total time: |
| StatusBarComposite_ErrorDialogMsg=An internal error occurred during ''{0}'' |
| StatusBarComposite_ErrorDialogTitle=Problem Occurred |
| StopAction_ToolTip=Stop Execution |
| StopOnFirstFailAction_ToolTip=Stop on First Failure |
| TagsView_RefreshActionName=Refresh |
| TagsView_ReplayActionName=Replay |
| TagsView_TagLabelFormat={0} ({1}) |
| TagsView_UntaggedLabelFormat=<Untagged> ({0}) |
| TextViewerActionsSupport_CopyLabel=Copy |
| TextViewerActionsSupport_CutLabel=Cut |
| TextViewerActionsSupport_DeleteLabel=Delete |
| TextViewerActionsSupport_PasteLabel=Paste |
| TextViewerActionsSupport_RedoLabel=Redo |
| TextViewerActionsSupport_SelectAllLabel=Select All |
| TextViewerActionsSupport_UndoLabel=Undo |
| UndoDeleteContextReferenceChange_InvalidRefMsg=Cannot restore reference |
| UndoDeleteReferenceChange_InvalidRefMsg=Cannot restore reference |
| UndoDeleteContextReferenceChange_Name=Restore reference ''{0}'' from ''{1}'' |
| UpdateTagReferenceChange_InvalidStateMsg={0} doesn't contain tag {1} |
| UpdateTagReferenceChange_Name=Update tag "{0}" in {1} |
| WizardContextPage_DuplicateContextMsg=Resource with this name already exists |
| WizardContextPage_EmptyNameMsg=Context name must be specified |
| WizardContextPage_NameLabel=Name: |
| WizardContextPage_NoTypeSelectedMsg=Context type must be specified |
| WizardContextPage_Title=Create a new test context |
| WizardExecutablePage_BrowseButton=Browse... |
| WizardExecutablePage_EmptyParentMsg=Select the parent folder in RCPTT project |
| WizardExecutablePage_LocationLabel=Location: |
| WizardExecutablePage_NotExistingFolderMsg=Select the existing parent folder in RCPTT project |
| WizardScenarioPage_DefaultMsg=Create a new test case |
| WizardTestSuitePage_DefaultMsg=Create a new test suite |
| WizardScenarioPage_DuplicateTestCaseMsg=Test case with this name already exists |
| WizardTestSuitePage_DuplicateTestCaseMsg=Test suite with this name already exists |
| WizardScenarioPage_EmptyNameMsg=Name cannot be empty |
| WizardScenarioPage_NameLabel=Name: |
| WizardScenarioPage_PageName=Test Case |
| WizardTestSuitePage_PageName=Test Suite |
| WizardVerificationPage_Title=Create a new verification |
| WizardVerificationPage_NameLabel=Name: |
| WizardVerificationPage_NoTypeSelectedMsg=Verification type must be specified |
| WizardVerificationPage_EmptyNameMsg=Verification name must be specified |
| WizardVerificationPage_DuplicateMsg=Resource with this name already exists |
| VerificationSnapshotAction_ToolTip=Create verification snapshot from the target Application Under Test |
| VerificationViewer_EmptyErrorMsg=Verification viewer {0} can't be empty |
| VerificationEditor_EmptyVerificationType=Unexpected verification type: {0} |
| VerificationEditorPage_Name=Verification |
| VerificationEditorPage_CaptureButtonText=Capture |
| VerificationEditorPage_VerifyButtonText=Verify |
| VerificationsTable_Name=Verifications |
| VerificationSelectionDialog_CaptureButtonText=Capture... |
| VerificationSelectionDialog_FilterText=Enter verification name prefix or pattern (*, ?): |
| VerificationSelectionDialog_Msg=Select existing verification or use buttons to create or capture a new verification. |
| VerificationSelectionDialog_NewButtonText=New... |
| VerificationSelectionDialog_ShowCheckboxText=Show verifications from required projects only |
| VerificationSelectionDialog_Title=Select verification |
| VerificationSelectionDialog_TopLabelText=Matching items: |
| DetailsDialog_Verifications=Verification *{0} ({1})* |
| VerificationSnapshotAction_Job=Create verification snapshot |
| VerificationSnapshotAction_UnexpectedObject=Unexpected object: {0}. Verification is expected |
| VerificationSnapshotAction_UnexpectedType=Unexpected verification type: {0}. ''{1}'' is expected |
| VerificationSnapshotAction_ErrorDialogTitle=Verification Capturing Error |
| VerificationSnapshotAction_ErrorDialogMsg=Cannot capture verification. This might happen when workspace is large. \ |
| To workaround this problem try to increase -Xms -Xmx AUT VM arguments:\n\ |
| 1. Select your application in Applications view\n\ |
| 2. Click 'Configure...' button on view toolbar\n\ |
| 3. Navigate to 'Arguments' tab |