blob: 22369d3e9e0e91e6226a8784972ad3a768baff4b [file] [log] [blame]
download and patch the reqif.cmof file from OMG:
=> run ant script 'ant/reqif10/0_prepare.xml' using the launch config /launch/ReqIF - 00 Prepare.launch
The patch will make sure, that primitive types in cmof are properly found
generate the ecore files
=> Open 'gen/reqif10/reqif.cmof' and convert package ReqIF to ecore.
Make sure that 'camel case names' is set to 'Ignore'.
This will create a new file 'gen/reqif10/ReqIF.ecore' and types.ecore
patch the ecore files.
This makes sure that
- order of elements are correct
- mapping of xml names are properly set
- all estructural features are explicitly set to unsettable
- redundant back linkages are removed.
=> run ant script 'ant/reqif10/2_patchEcoreFiles.xml'.
Make sure that the ant files is executed in the same JVM as the current Eclipse Runtime
Make sure that QVTO is installed in your Eclipse IDE
copy the generated ecore files to
regenerate code
select the genmodel in org.eclipse.rmf.reqif10/model
right-click -> reload...
generate "model"
fix the plugin.xml
take section
<extension point="org.eclipse.emf.ecore.content_parser">
and move it into