blob: 1b0415f2c5cbcd35976be4786b2470e165ce4569 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2014-2015 BSI Business Systems Integration AG.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* BSI Business Systems Integration AG - initial API and implementation
scout.PlannerLayout = function(planner) {;
this.planner = planner;
scout.inherits(scout.PlannerLayout, scout.AbstractLayout);
scout.PlannerLayout.prototype.layout = function($container) {
var menuBarSize,
$header = this.planner._header.$container,
$scale = this.planner.$scale,
$grid = this.planner.$grid,
menuBar = this.planner.menuBar,
$yearContainer = this.planner._yearPanel.$container,
menuBarHeight = 0,
gridHeight = 0,
yearContainerHeight = 0,
gridTop = 0,
scaleTop = 0,
htmlMenuBar = menuBar.htmlComp,
htmlContainer = this.planner.htmlComp,
containerSize = htmlContainer.availableSize()
if (menuBar.visible) {
menuBarSize = scout.MenuBarLayout.size(htmlMenuBar, containerSize);
menuBarHeight = menuBarSize.height;
if (menuBar.position === 'top') {
scaleTop += menuBarHeight;
if ($header.isVisible()) {
scaleTop +=$header).height;
$scale.css('top', scaleTop);
gridTop += scaleTop +$scale).height;
$grid.css('top', gridTop);
yearContainerHeight = scaleTop + $yearContainer.cssMarginY();
gridHeight = gridTop + $grid.cssMarginY();
if (menuBar.visible && menuBar.position === 'bottom') {
yearContainerHeight += menuBarHeight;
gridHeight += menuBarHeight;
$yearContainer.css('height', 'calc(100% - ' + yearContainerHeight + 'px)');
$grid.css('height', 'calc(100% - ' + gridHeight + 'px)');
// immediate update to prevent flickering, due to reset in layoutScaleLines
scout.scrollbars.update(this.planner.$grid, true);
* Min width is necessary for horizontal scrollbar
scout.PlannerLayout.prototype._updateMinWidth = function() {
var minWidth = this._minWidth(),
$scaleTitle = this.planner.$scaleTitle,
$timeline = this.planner.$timeline;
if (!$timeline) {
// May be null if no view range is rendered
$timeline.css('min-width', minWidth);
minWidth += $scaleTitle.outerWidth(true);
this.planner.resources.forEach(function(resource) {
resource.$resource.css('min-width', minWidth);
* Positions the scale lines and set to correct height
scout.PlannerLayout.prototype._layoutScaleLines = function() {
var height, $smallScaleItems, $largeScaleItems, scrollLeft,
$timelineSmall = this.planner.$timelineSmall,
$timelineLarge = this.planner.$timelineLarge;
if (!$timelineSmall) {
// May be null if no view range is rendered
$smallScaleItems = $timelineSmall.children('.scale-item');
$largeScaleItems = $timelineLarge.children('.scale-item');
// First loop through every item and set height to 0 in order to get the correct scrollHeight
$largeScaleItems.each(function() {
var $scaleItemLine = $(this).data('scale-item-line');
$smallScaleItems.each(function() {
var $scaleItemLine = $(this).data('scale-item-line');
if ($scaleItemLine) {
// also make sure there is no scrollbar anymore which could influence scrollHeight
// Loop again and update height and left
height = this.planner.$grid[0].scrollHeight;
scrollLeft = this.planner.$scale[0].scrollLeft;
$largeScaleItems.each(function() {
var $scaleItem = $(this),
$scaleItemLine = $'scale-item-line');
$scaleItemLine.cssLeft(scrollLeft + $scaleItem.position().left)
$smallScaleItems.each(function() {
var $scaleItem = $(this),
$scaleItemLine = $'scale-item-line');
if ($scaleItemLine) {
$scaleItemLine.cssLeft(scrollLeft + $scaleItem.position().left)
scout.PlannerLayout.prototype._minWidth = function() {
var $scaleItemsLarge = this.planner.$timelineLarge.children('.scale-item'),
$scaleItemsSmall = this.planner.$timelineSmall.children('.scale-item'),
numScaleItemsLarge = $scaleItemsLarge.length,
numScaleItemsSmall = $scaleItemsSmall.length,
displayMode = scout.Planner.DisplayMode,
cellInsets =$scaleItemsSmall, {includeBorder: false}),
minWidth = numScaleItemsSmall*cellInsets.horizontal(); //no matter what, this width must never be deceeded
if (this.planner.displayMode === displayMode.DAY) {
return Math.max(minWidth, numScaleItemsLarge * 52);
} if (scout.isOneOf(this.planner.displayMode, displayMode.WORK_WEEK, displayMode.WEEK)) {
return Math.max(minWidth, numScaleItemsLarge * 160);
} if (this.planner.displayMode === displayMode.MONTH) {
return Math.max(minWidth, numScaleItemsSmall * 23);
} if (this.planner.displayMode === displayMode.CALENDAR_WEEK) {
return Math.max(minWidth, numScaleItemsSmall * 23);
} if (this.planner.displayMode === displayMode.YEAR) {
return Math.max(minWidth, numScaleItemsSmall * 90);