blob: 91dcc85a7efa5d2ec842750972d425d353969c02 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2014-2015 BSI Business Systems Integration AG.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* BSI Business Systems Integration AG - initial API and implementation
scout.PageLayout = function(outline, page) {, outline);
this.outline = outline; = page;
scout.inherits(scout.PageLayout, scout.AbstractLayout);
scout.PageLayout.prototype.layout = function($container) {
var containerSize, detailMenuBarSize, formTop,
htmlContainer =,
$text =$node.children('.text'),
titleHeight = 0,
nodeMenuBar = this.outline.nodeMenuBar,
nodeMenuBarSize = new scout.Dimension(),
nodeMenuBarMarginH = 0,
detailMenuBar = this.outline.detailMenuBar,
detailMenuBarHeight = 0;
containerSize = htmlContainer.getAvailableSize()
if (nodeMenuBar.rendered && nodeMenuBar.visible) {
nodeMenuBarMarginH = nodeMenuBar.htmlComp.getMargins().horizontal();
nodeMenuBarSize = nodeMenuBar.htmlComp.getPreferredSize();
nodeMenuBarSize.width = Math.min(nodeMenuBarSize.width, Math.round(containerSize.width / 2) - nodeMenuBarMarginH); // keep at least 50% for the $text
$text.cssWidth(containerSize.width - nodeMenuBarSize.width - nodeMenuBarMarginH);
if (detailMenuBar.rendered && detailMenuBar.visible) {
detailMenuBarHeight = detailMenuBar.htmlComp.getPreferredSize().height;
detailMenuBarSize = new scout.Dimension(containerSize.width, detailMenuBarHeight)
if (this.outline.detailContent) {
titleHeight = $text.outerHeight(true);
this.outline.detailContent.htmlComp.setSize(new scout.Dimension(containerSize.width, containerSize.height - titleHeight - detailMenuBarHeight));
scout.PageLayout.prototype.preferredLayoutSize = function($container) {
var prefSize, containerSize,
htmlContainer =,
detailContentPrefSize = new scout.Dimension(),
$text =$node.children('.text'),
titlePrefHeight = 0,
detailMenuBar = this.outline.detailMenuBar,
detailMenuBarPrefSize = new scout.Dimension(),
nodeMenuBar = this.outline.nodeMenuBar,
nodeMenuBarWidth = 0;
containerSize = htmlContainer.getSize()
if (nodeMenuBar.rendered && nodeMenuBar.visible) {
nodeMenuBarWidth = nodeMenuBar.htmlComp.getPreferredSize().width + nodeMenuBar.htmlComp.getMargins().horizontal();
// needs a width to be able to calculate the pref height -> container width needs to be correct already
titlePrefHeight =$text, true, {
widthHint: containerSize.width - nodeMenuBarWidth
if (detailMenuBar.rendered && detailMenuBar.visible) {
detailMenuBarPrefSize = detailMenuBar.htmlComp.getPreferredSize();
if (this.outline.detailContent) {
// Table row detail may contain wrapped text as well, but since it uses the full width there is no need to give a width hint
detailContentPrefSize = this.outline.detailContent.htmlComp.getPreferredSize();
prefSize = new scout.Dimension(Math.max(detailContentPrefSize.width, detailMenuBarPrefSize.width), titlePrefHeight + detailMenuBarPrefSize.height + detailContentPrefSize.height);
prefSize = prefSize.add(htmlContainer.getInsets());
return prefSize;