blob: c2c69e28781a38a0e7c1001493aebef13ac9da2b [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2014-2018 BSI Business Systems Integration AG.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* BSI Business Systems Integration AG - initial API and implementation
import {arrays, objects, strings, DefaultStatus, ParsingFailedStatus, ValidationFailedStatus, ObjectFactory} from '../index';
import * as $ from 'jquery';
export default class Status {
constructor(model) {
this.message = null;
this.severity = Status.Severity.ERROR;
this.code = 0;
this.children = null;
this.deletable = true;
$.extend(this, model);
// severity may be a string (e.g. if set in a model json file) -> convert to real severity
if (typeof this.severity === 'string') {
this.severity = Status.Severity[this.severity.toUpperCase()];
// children
if (model && model.children && Array.isArray(model.children)) {
this.children = {
return Status.ensure(child);
static Severity = {
OK: 0x01,
INFO: 0x100,
WARNING: 0x10000,
ERROR: 0x1000000
static SEVERITY_CSS_CLASSES = 'error warning info ok';
cssClass() {
return Status.cssClassForSeverity(this.severity);
* @returns {boolean} true if severity is OK or INFO, false if severity is WARNING or ERROR.
isValid() {
return this.severity === Status.Severity.OK ||
this.severity === Status.Severity.INFO;
isError() {
return this.severity === Status.Severity.ERROR;
isWarning() {
return this.severity === Status.Severity.WARNING;
isInfo() {
return this.severity === Status.Severity.INFO;
isOk() {
return this.severity === Status.Severity.OK;
* @returns {Status[]} status including children as flat list.
asFlatList() {
return Status.asFlatList(this);
* @return {Status} a clone of this Status instance.
clone() {
var modelClone = $.extend({}, this);
return new Status(modelClone);
equals(o) {
if (!(o instanceof Status)) {
return false;
if (!objects.equalsRecursive(this.children, o.children)) {
return false;
return objects.propertiesEquals(this, o, ['severity', 'message', 'invalidDate', 'invalidTime']);
* Note: we cannot 'overload' this function, because predicates and status-types are both functions,
* thus we cannot distinct them by type or instanceof.
* @param {object} statusType
* @return {boolean} whether or not this status contains a child with the give type
containsStatus(statusType) {
return this.containsStatusByPredicate(function(status) {
return status instanceof statusType;
containsStatusByPredicate(predicate) {
return this.asFlatList().some(predicate);
addStatus(status) {
if (this.hasChildren()) {
} else {
this.children = [status];
* Removes all children of the given type from this status. The type is checked by inheritance.
* @param {object} statusType
removeAllStatus(statusType) {
this.removeAllStatusByPredicate(function(status) {
return status instanceof statusType;
removeAllStatusByPredicate(predicate) {
if (this.hasChildren()) {
this.children.forEach(function(status) {
var newChildren = this.children.filter(function(status) {
// when status is not deletable we must add it as child again, thus --> true
if (!status.deletable) {
return true;
return !predicate(status); // negate predicate
this.children = newChildren;
_updateProperties() {
if (!this.hasChildren()) {
this.message = null;
this.severity = Status.Severity.OK;
this.code = 0;
var firstStatus = this.asFlatList().sort(function(a, b) {
return calcPriority(b) - calcPriority(a);
function calcPriority(status) {
var multiplier = 1;
if (status instanceof ParsingFailedStatus) {
multiplier = 4;
} else if (status instanceof ValidationFailedStatus) {
multiplier = 2;
return multiplier * status.severity;
this.message = firstStatus.message;
this.severity = firstStatus.severity;
this.code = firstStatus.code;
* @return {boolean} whether this status has children (= multi status)
hasChildren() {
return !!(this.children && this.children.length > 0);
* In some cases we need to transform an error status without children to a multi-status with children.
* If the instance already has children, this function returns a clone of the instance.
* If the instance is not yet a multi-status, we return a new instance with the current instance as first child.
* @returns {Status}
ensureChildren() {
if (objects.isArray(this.children)) {
return this.clone();
var childStatus = this;
var newStatus = this.clone();
newStatus.children = [childStatus];
return newStatus;
/* --- STATIC HELPERS ------------------------------------------------------------- */
* Null-safe static clone method.
static clone(original) {
return original ? original.clone() : null;
* @param {number} severity
* @returns {string}
* @static
static cssClassForSeverity(severity) {
var cssSeverity,
Severity = Status.Severity;
switch (severity) {
case Severity.OK:
cssSeverity = 'ok';
case Severity.INFO:
cssSeverity = 'info';
case Severity.WARNING:
cssSeverity = 'warning';
case Severity.ERROR:
cssSeverity = 'error';
return cssSeverity;
static animateStatusMessage($status, message) {
if (strings.endsWith(message, '...')) {
var $ellipsis = $status.makeSpan('ellipsis');
for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
$ellipsis.append($status.makeSpan('animate-dot delay-' + i, '.'));
message = message.substring(0, message.length - 3);
} else {
static ensure(status) {
if (!status) {
return status;
if (status instanceof Status) {
return status;
// May return a specialized sub-class of Status
if (!status.objectType) {
status.objectType = 'Status';
return ObjectFactory.get().create(status);
* @returns {Status} a Status object with severity OK.
static ok(model) {
return new Status(Status.ensureModel(model, Status.Severity.OK));
* @returns {Status} a Status object with severity INFO.
static info(model) {
return new Status(Status.ensureModel(model, Status.Severity.INFO));
* @returns {Status} a Status object with severity WARNING.
* @deprecated do not use this legacy function, use Status.warning() instead!
static _warnDeprecationLogged = false;
static warn(model) {
if (!Status._warnDeprecationLogged && window.console && (window.console.warn || window.console.log)) {
(window.console.warn || window.console.log)('scout.Status.warn() is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Please use Status.warning() instead.');
Status._warnDeprecationLogged = true; // only warn once
return Status.warning(model);
* @returns {Status} a Status object with severity WARNING.
static warning(model) {
return new Status(Status.ensureModel(model, Status.Severity.WARNING));
* @returns {Status} a Status object with severity ERROR.
static error(model) {
return new Status(Status.ensureModel(model, Status.Severity.ERROR));
* @returns {object}
static ensureModel(model, severity) {
if (typeof model === 'string') {
model = {
message: model
} else {
model = model || {};
return $.extend({}, model, {
severity: severity
* @returns {Status[]} all Status objects as flat list (goes through the status hierarchy)
static asFlatList(status) {
if (!status) {
return [];
var list = [];
if (status.hasChildren()) {
status.children.forEach(function(childStatus) {
arrays.pushAll(list, Status.asFlatList(childStatus));
} else {
return list;
* Returns a constructor function for the given class-name.
* <p>
* The key of this map is a string which is equals to the objectType string, the value is a reference to the constructor function.
* This map is required because in JavaScript we don't have the class-name at runtime.
* <p>
* Note: we cannot initialize this map as static variable, because webpack dependencies are not resolved in the moment the variable
* is initialized.
* @param {string} className
* @returns {function} Status constructor
static classForName(className) {
return {
Status: Status,
DefaultStatus: DefaultStatus,
ParsingFailedStatus: ParsingFailedStatus,
ValidationFailedStatus: ValidationFailedStatus