blob: f7edf7ed88d97e385398ec9313855e55ae70bb1a [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2014-2018 BSI Business Systems Integration AG.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* BSI Business Systems Integration AG - initial API and implementation
* This file contains helpers for graphical operations and JavaScript ports from java.awt classes
*/ = {
* Returns the preferred size of $elem.
* Precondition: $elem and it's parents must not be hidden (display: none. Visibility: hidden would be ok
* because in this case the browser reserves the space the element would be using).
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* includeMargin false Whether to include $elem's margins in the returned size.
* useCssSize false If true, the width and height properties are set to '' while
* measuring, thus allowing existing CSS rules to influence the
* sizes. If set to false, the sizes are set to 'auto' or the
* corresponding hint values (see below).
* widthHint undefined If useCssSize is false, this value is used as width (in pixels)
* instead of 'auto'. Useful to get the preferred height for a
* given width.
* heightHint undefined Same as 'widthHint' but for the height.
* restoreScrollPositions true By default, the $elem's scrolling position is saved and restored
* during the execution of this method (because applying
* intermediate styles for measurement might change the current
* position). If the calling method does that itself, you should
* set this option to false to prevent overriding the stored
* scrolling position in $elem's data attributes.
* animateClasses undefined If set, the $elem is checked for one of these classes.
* If one class is currently set on the $elem, a clone of the $elem without the class
* is created and measured instead. See also {@link #prefSizeWithoutAnimation}.
* @memberOf
* @param $elem
* the jQuery element to measure
* @param options
* an optional options object (see table above). Short-hand version: If a boolean is passed instead
* of an object, the value is automatically converted to the option "includeMargin".
prefSize: function($elem, options) {
// Return 0/0 if element is not displayed (display: none).
// We don't use isVisible by purpose because isVisible returns false for elements with visibility: hidden which is wrong here (we would like to be able to measure hidden elements)
if (!$elem[0] || !$elem.isVisible()) {
return new scout.Dimension(0, 0);
if (typeof options === 'boolean') {
options = {
includeMargin: options
} else {
options = options || {};
var defaults = {
includeMargin: false,
useCssSize: false,
widthHint: undefined,
heightHint: undefined,
restoreScrollPositions: true
options = $.extend({}, defaults, options);
if (options.animateClasses && options.animateClasses.length > 0) {
return this.prefSizeWithoutAnimation($elem, options);
var oldStyle = $elem.attr('style');
var oldScrollLeft = $elem.scrollLeft();
var oldScrollTop = $elem.scrollTop();
if (options.restoreScrollPositions) {
// UseCssSize is necessary if the css rules have a fix height or width set.
// Otherwise setting the width/height to auto could result in a different size
var newWidth = (options.useCssSize ? '' : scout.nvl(options.widthHint, 'auto'));
var newHeight = (options.useCssSize ? '' : scout.nvl(options.heightHint, 'auto'));
// modify properties which prevent reading the preferred size
'width': newWidth,
'height': newHeight
// measure
var bcr = $elem[0].getBoundingClientRect();
var prefSize = new scout.Dimension(bcr.width, bcr.height);
if (options.includeMargin) {
prefSize.width += $elem.cssMarginX();
prefSize.height += $elem.cssMarginY();
// reset the modified style attribute
$elem.attrOrRemove('style', oldStyle);
if (options.restoreScrollPositions) {
// Ensure resulting numbers are integers. getBoundingClientRect() might correctly return fractional values
// (because of the browser's sub-pixel rendering). However, if we use those numbers to set the size
// of an element using CSS, it gets rounded or cut off. The behavior is not defined amongst different
// browser engines.
// Example:
// - Measured size from this method: h = 345.239990234375
// - Set the size to an element: $elem.css('height', h + 'px')
// - Results:
// IE <div id="elem" style="height: 345.23px"> [Fractional part cut off after two digits]
// Firefox & Chrome <div id="elem" style="height: 345.24px"> [Fractional part rounded to three digits]
var exact = scout.nvl(options.exact, false);
if (!exact) {
prefSize.width = Math.ceil(prefSize.width);
prefSize.height = Math.ceil(prefSize.height);
return prefSize;
* If the $container is currently animated by CSS, create a clone, remove the animating CSS class and measure the clone instead.
* This may be necessary because the animation might change the size of the element.
* If prefSize is called during the animation, the current size is returned instead of the one after the animation.
prefSizeWithoutAnimation: function($elem, options) {
var animateClass = scout.arrays.find(options.animateClasses, function(cssClass) {
return $elem.hasClass(cssClass);
options = $.extend({}, options);
options.animateClasses = null;
if (!animateClass) {
return this.prefSize($elem, options);
var $clone = $elem
var prefSize =$clone, options);
return prefSize;
/* These functions are designed to be used with box-sizing:box-model. The only reliable
* way to set the size of a component when working with box model is to use css('width/height'...)
* in favor of width/height() functions.
* Returns the size of the element, insets included. The sizes are rounded up, unless the option 'exact' is set to true.
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* includeMargin false Whether to include $elem's margins in the returned size.
* exact false When set to true the returned dimensions may contain fractional digits, otherwise the sizes are rounded up.
* @param $elem
* the jQuery element to measure
* @param options
* an optional options object (see table above). Short-hand version: If a boolean is passed instead
* of an object, the value is automatically converted to the option "includeMargin".
size: function($elem, options) {
if (!$elem[0] || !$elem.isVisible()) {
return new scout.Dimension(0, 0);
if (typeof options === 'boolean') {
options = {
includeMargin: options
} else {
options = options || {};
var bcr = $elem[0].getBoundingClientRect();
var size = new scout.Dimension(bcr.width, bcr.height);
var includeMargin = scout.nvl(options.includeMargin, false);
if (includeMargin) {
size.width += $elem.cssMarginX();
size.height += $elem.cssMarginY();
// see comments in prefSize()
var exact = scout.nvl(options.exact, false);
if (!exact) {
size.width = Math.ceil(size.width);
size.height = Math.ceil(size.height);
return size;
* @returns {scout.Dimension} the size of the element specified by the style.
cssSize: function($elem) {
return new scout.Dimension($elem.cssWidth(), $elem.cssHeight());
setSize: function($comp, vararg, height) {
var size = vararg instanceof scout.Dimension ?
vararg : new scout.Dimension(vararg, height);
* Returns the inset-dimensions of the component (padding, margin, border).
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* includeMargin false Whether to include $elem's margins in the returned insets.
* includePadding true Whether to include $elem's paddings in the returned insets.
* includeBorder true Whether to include $elem's borders in the returned insets.
* @param $elem
* the jQuery element to measure
* @param options
* an optional options object (see table above). Short-hand version: If a boolean is passed instead
* of an object, the value is automatically converted to the option "includeMargin".
insets: function($comp, options) {
if (typeof options === 'boolean') {
options = {
includeMargin: options
} else {
options = options || {};
var i,
directions = ['top', 'right', 'bottom', 'left'],
insets = [0, 0, 0, 0],
includeMargin = scout.nvl(options.includeMargin, false),
includePadding = scout.nvl(options.includePadding, true),
includeBorder = scout.nvl(options.includeBorder, true);
for (i = 0; i < directions.length; i++) {
if (includeMargin) {
insets[i] += $comp.cssPxValue('margin-' + directions[i]);
if (includePadding) {
insets[i] += $comp.cssPxValue('padding-' + directions[i]);
if (includeBorder) {
insets[i] += $comp.cssPxValue('border-' + directions[i] + '-width');
return new scout.Insets(insets[0], insets[1], insets[2], insets[3]);
margins: function($comp) {
return$comp, {
includeMargin: true,
includePadding: false,
includeBorder: false
setMargins: function($comp, margins) {
marginLeft: margins.left,
marginRight: margins.right,
marginBottom: margins.bottom
paddings: function($comp) {
return$comp, {
includeMargin: false,
includePadding: true,
includeBorder: false
borders: function($comp) {
return$comp, {
includeMargin: false,
includePadding: false,
includeBorder: true
* Sets the location (CSS properties left, top) of the component.
* @param vararg integer value for X position OR instance of scout.Point
* @param y (optional) integer value for Y position
* @returns
setLocation: function($comp, vararg, y) {
var point = vararg instanceof scout.Point ?
vararg : new scout.Point(vararg, y);
* Returns a scout.Point consisting of the component's "cssLeft" and
* "cssTop" values (reverse operation to setLocation).
location: function($comp) {
return new scout.Point($comp.cssLeft(), $comp.cssTop());
* Returns the bounds of the element relative to the offset parent, insets included.
* The sizes are rounded up, unless the option 'exact' is set to true.
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* includeMargin false Whether to include $elem's margins in the returned size. X and Y are not affected by this option.
* exact false When set to true the returned size may contain fractional digits, otherwise the sizes are rounded up. X and Y are not affected by this option.
* @param $elem
* the jQuery element to measure
* @param options
* an optional options object (see table above). Short-hand version: If a boolean is passed instead
* of an object, the value is automatically converted to the option "includeMargin".
bounds: function($elem, options) {
return$elem, $elem.position(), options);
* @returns {scout.Point} the position relative to the offset parent ($elem.position()).
position: function($elem) {
var pos = $elem.position();
return new scout.Point(pos.left,;
* Returns the bounds of the element relative to the document, insets included.
* The sizes are rounded up, unless the option 'exact' is set to true.
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* includeMargin false Whether to include $elem's margins in the returned size. X and Y are not affected by this option.
* exact false When set to true the returned size may contain fractional digits, otherwise the sizes are rounded up. X and Y are not affected by this option.
* @param $elem
* the jQuery element to measure
* @param options
* an optional options object (see table above). Short-hand version: If a boolean is passed instead
* of an object, the value is automatically converted to the option "includeMargin".
offsetBounds: function($elem, options) {
return$elem, $elem.offset(), options);
* @returns {scout.Point} the position relative to the document ($elem.offset()).
offset: function($elem) {
var pos = $elem.offset();
return new scout.Point(pos.left,;
_bounds: function($elem, pos, options) {
var size =$elem, options);
return new scout.Rectangle(pos.left,, size.width, size.height);
setBounds: function($comp, vararg, y, width, height) {
var bounds = vararg instanceof scout.Rectangle ?
vararg : new scout.Rectangle(vararg, y, width, height);
* @returns {scout.Rectangle} the bounds of the element specified by the style.
cssBounds: function($elem) {
return new scout.Rectangle($elem.cssLeft(), $elem.cssTop(), $elem.cssWidth(), $elem.cssHeight());
debugOutput: function($comp) {
if (!$comp) {
return '$comp is undefined';
$comp = $.ensure($comp);
if ($comp.length === 0) {
return '$comp doesn\t match any elements';
var attrs = '';
if ($comp.attr('id')) {
attrs += 'id=' + $comp.attr('id');
if ($comp.attr('class')) {
attrs += ' class=' + $comp.attr('class');
if ($comp.attr('data-modelclass')) {
attrs += ' data-modelclass=' + $comp.attr('data-modelclass');
if (attrs.length === 0) {
var html = scout.nvl($comp.html(), '');
if (html.length > 30) {
html = html.substring(0, 30) + '...';
attrs = html;
if (!$comp.isAttached()) {
attrs += ' attached=false';
return 'Element[' + attrs.trim() + ']';
* JavaScript port from java.awt.Point.
scout.Point = function(vararg, y) {
if (vararg instanceof scout.Point) {
this.x = vararg.x;
this.y = vararg.y;
} else {
this.x = vararg || 0;
this.y = y || 0;
scout.Point.prototype.toString = function() {
return 'Point[x=' + this.x + ' y=' + this.y + ']';
scout.Point.prototype.equals = function(o) {
if (!o) {
return false;
return (this.x === o.x && this.y === o.y);
scout.Point.prototype.clone = function(o) {
return new scout.Point(this.x, this.y);
scout.Point.prototype.add = function(point) {
return new scout.Point(this.x + point.x, this.y + point.y);
scout.Point.prototype.subtract = function(point) {
return new scout.Point(this.x - point.x, this.y - point.y);
scout.Point.prototype.floor = function() {
return new scout.Point(Math.floor(this.x), Math.floor(this.y));
scout.Point.prototype.ceil = function() {
return new scout.Point(Math.ceil(this.x), Math.ceil(this.y));
* JavaScript port from java.awt.Dimension.
* @param vararg width (number) or otherDimension (scout.Dimension)
* @param height number or undefined (when vararg is scout.Dimension)
scout.Dimension = function(vararg, height) {
if (vararg instanceof scout.Dimension) {
this.width = vararg.width;
this.height = vararg.height;
} else {
this.width = vararg || 0;
this.height = height || 0;
scout.Dimension.prototype.toString = function() {
return 'Dimension[width=' + this.width + ' height=' + this.height + ']';
scout.Dimension.prototype.equals = function(o) {
if (!o) {
return false;
return (this.width === o.width && this.height === o.height);
scout.Dimension.prototype.clone = function() {
return new scout.Dimension(this.width, this.height);
scout.Dimension.prototype.subtract = function(insets) {
return new scout.Dimension(
this.width - insets.horizontal(),
this.height - insets.vertical());
scout.Dimension.prototype.add = function(insets) {
return new scout.Dimension(
this.width + insets.horizontal(),
this.height + insets.vertical());
scout.Dimension.prototype.floor = function() {
return new scout.Dimension(Math.floor(this.width), Math.floor(this.height));
scout.Dimension.prototype.ceil = function() {
return new scout.Dimension(Math.ceil(this.width), Math.ceil(this.height));
* JavaScript port from java.awt.Rectangle.
scout.Rectangle = function(vararg, y, width, height) {
if (vararg instanceof scout.Rectangle) {
this.x = vararg.x;
this.y = vararg.y;
this.width = vararg.width;
this.height = vararg.height;
} else {
this.x = vararg || 0;
this.y = y || 0;
this.width = width || 0;
this.height = height || 0;
scout.Rectangle.prototype.toString = function() {
return 'Rectangle[x=' + this.x + ' y=' + this.y + ' width=' + this.width + ' height=' + this.height + ']';
scout.Rectangle.prototype.equals = function(o) {
if (!o) {
return false;
return (this.x === o.x && this.y === o.y && this.width === o.width && this.height === o.height);
scout.Rectangle.prototype.clone = function(o) {
return new scout.Rectangle(this.x, this.y, this.width, this.height);
}; = function() {
return new scout.Point(this.x + this.width / 2, this.y + this.height / 2);
scout.Rectangle.prototype.right = function() {
return this.x + this.width;
scout.Rectangle.prototype.bottom = function() {
return this.y + this.height;
scout.Rectangle.prototype.contains = function(x, y) {
return y >= this.y && y < this.y + this.height && x >= this.x && x < this.x + this.width;
* Tests whether or not the specified rectangle intersects this rectangle.
* This means the two rectangles share at least one internal point.
* @param r the rectangle to test against
* @return true if the specified rectangle intersects this one
scout.Rectangle.prototype.intersects = function(r) {
if (!r) {
return false;
return r.width > 0 && r.height > 0 && this.width > 0 && this.height > 0 &&
r.x < this.right() && r.right() > this.x &&
r.y < this.bottom() && r.bottom() > this.y;
scout.Rectangle.prototype.subtract = function(insets) {
return new scout.Rectangle(
this.x + insets.left,
this.y +,
this.width - insets.horizontal(),
this.height - insets.vertical());
* Moves the rectangle the given distance.
* <p>
* @param dx the distance to move the rectangle along the x axis.
* @param dy the distance to move the rectangle along the y axis.
scout.Rectangle.prototype.translate = function(dx, dy) {
return new scout.Rectangle(
this.x + dx,
this.y + dy,
* @returns {scout.Point} property x and y of this instance as new Point instance
scout.Rectangle.prototype.point = function() {
return new scout.Point(this.x, this.y);
* @returns {scout.Dimension} property width and height of this instance as new Dimension instance
scout.Rectangle.prototype.dimension = function() {
return new scout.Dimension(this.width, this.height);
scout.Rectangle.prototype.union = function(r) {
var tx2 = this.width;
var ty2 = this.height;
if (tx2 < 0 || ty2 < 0) {
// This rectangle has negative dimensions...
// If r has non-negative dimensions then it is the answer.
// If r is non-existant (has a negative dimension), then both
// are non-existant and we can return any non-existant rectangle
// as an answer. Thus, returning r meets that criterion.
// Either way, r is our answer.
return new scout.Rectangle(r.x, r.y, r.width, r.height);
var rx2 = r.width;
var ry2 = r.height;
if (rx2 < 0 || ry2 < 0) {
return new scout.Rectangle(this.x, this.y, this.width, this.height);
var tx1 = this.x;
var ty1 = this.y;
tx2 += tx1;
ty2 += ty1;
var rx1 = r.x;
var ry1 = r.y;
rx2 += rx1;
ry2 += ry1;
if (tx1 > rx1) {
tx1 = rx1;
if (ty1 > ry1) {
ty1 = ry1;
if (tx2 < rx2) {
tx2 = rx2;
if (ty2 < ry2) {
ty2 = ry2;
tx2 -= tx1;
ty2 -= ty1;
// tx2,ty2 will never underflow since both original rectangles
// were already proven to be non-empty
// they might overflow, though...
if (tx2 > Number.MAX_VALUE) {
tx2 = Number.MAX_VALUE;
if (ty2 > Number.MAX_VALUE) {
ty2 = Number.MAX_VALUE;
return new scout.Rectangle(tx1, ty1, tx2, ty2);
scout.Rectangle.prototype.floor = function() {
return new scout.Rectangle(Math.floor(this.x), Math.floor(this.y), Math.floor(this.width), Math.floor(this.height));
scout.Rectangle.prototype.ceil = function() {
return new scout.Rectangle(Math.ceil(this.x), Math.ceil(this.y), Math.ceil(this.width), Math.ceil(this.height));
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* JavaScript port from java.awt.Insets.
scout.Insets = function(vararg, right, bottom, left) {
if (vararg instanceof scout.Insets) { =;
this.right = vararg.right;
this.bottom = vararg.bottom;
this.left = vararg.left;
} else { = vararg || 0;
this.right = right || 0;
this.bottom = bottom || 0;
this.left = left || 0;
scout.Insets.prototype.toString = function() {
return 'Insets[top=' + + ' right=' + this.right + ' bottom=' + this.bottom + ' left=' + this.left + ']';
scout.Insets.prototype.equals = function(o) {
return === &&
this.right === o.right &&
this.bottom === o.bottom &&
this.left === o.left;
scout.Insets.prototype.clone = function() {
return new scout.Insets(, this.right, this.bottom, this.left);
scout.Insets.prototype.horizontal = function() {
return this.right + this.left;
scout.Insets.prototype.vertical = function() {
return + this.bottom;
scout.Insets.prototype.floor = function() {
return new scout.Insets(Math.floor(, Math.floor(this.right), Math.floor(this.bottom), Math.floor(this.left));
scout.Insets.prototype.ceil = function() {
return new scout.Insets(Math.ceil(, Math.ceil(this.right), Math.ceil(this.bottom), Math.ceil(this.left));