Improve Scout JS archetype

- Removed obsolete scout.ajax (is now part of the runtime)
- Removed unnecessary config property from launch file
- Moved creation of desktop to object factory file -> shows how to use
the object factories
- Fixed name of test folder
- Removed warning on startup (locale)
- Moved namespace from repository to DOs -> Gives the possibility to
share DOs and Repositories between projects (with different namespaces)

Change-Id: I22ac4dae61d18bc095445d3cdab106ee8f111c5c
Tested-by: CI Bot
Reviewed-by: Claudio Guglielmo <>
11 files changed
tree: 8b5934ea7c6440c9fb34fb8d1354fa6731ed7b04
  1. license_files/
  2. org.eclipse.scout.sdk/
  3. org.eclipse.scout.sdk-feature/
  4. org.eclipse.scout.sdk-repository/
  5. org.eclipse.scout.sdk-settings/
  6. org.eclipse.scout.sdk-target/
  7. org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core/
  8. org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s/
  9. org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s.test/
  10. org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.test/
  11. org.eclipse.scout.sdk.p2/
  12. org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e/
  13. org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.doc/
  14. org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.nls/
  15. org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.releng/
  16. org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.test/
  17. org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.ui/
  18. scout-hellojs-app/
  19. scout-helloworld-app/
  20. scout-jaxws-module/
  21. shell_scripts/
  22. updatesite-maven-plugin/
  23. .gitattributes
  24. .gitignore
  25. .gitreview
  28. pom.xml

Eclipse Scout - SDK

[Eclipse Scout] 1 is a mature and open framework for modern, service oriented business applications. It substantially boosts developer productivity and is simple to learn.

This repository Eclipse Scout SDK contains the source of the tooling components for the Eclipse IDE, allowing to efficiently develop a Scout Application.


The content of this repository is build on the Eclipse infrastructure and the different versions are available on several [P2 Update Sites] 2.

The easiest way to start with Eclipse Scout is to download Eclipse for Scout Developers Eclipse for Scout Developers on the [Eclipse downloads page] 3.

Documentation & Links

  • [Eclipse Scout Documentation] 4
  • [Eclipse Scout Forum] 5
  • [Eclipse Bugzilla] 6 (Product=Scout; Component=Scout SDK)

Contribution Guidelines

We welcome any kind of contributions (Bug report, documentation, code contribution...). Please read the [Eclipse Scout Contribution page] 7 to know more about it.

The contribution process of Eclipse Scout is hosted on tools deployed by the Eclipse Foundation (involing [Bugzilla] 6, Gerrit, Hudson, MediaWiki...).

External tools like the GitHub tracker and pull requests are not supported.

Get in Touch

To get in touch with the Eclipse Scout community, please open a thread in the [Eclipse Scout Forum] 5 or send a mail to [our mailing list] 8:


[Eclipse Public License (EPL) v1.0] 9