blob: 280482cb99301d3a0b9005374cbd7a8cca647984 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2018 CEA.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* CEA - initial API and implementation and/or initial documentation
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.util.Iterator;
import org.json.JSONArray;
import org.json.JSONException;
import org.json.JSONObject;
* @author Etienne Gandrille
public class JsonUtil {
public static final String NAME_KEY = "name";
public static final String TYPE_KEY = "type";
public static final String VALUE_KEY = "value";
public static JSONObject createObject(Object... keysValues) throws JSONException {
JSONObject retval = new JSONObject();
for (int i = 0; i < keysValues.length; i += 2) {
retval.put((String) keysValues[i], keysValues[i + 1]);
return retval;
public static JSONArray createArray(Object... elements) throws JSONException {
JSONArray jsonArray = new JSONArray();
for (Object element : elements) {
return jsonArray;
public static JSONObject createNameTypeValue(String name, String type, Object value) throws JSONException {
JSONObject retval = new JSONObject();
if (value == null)
throw new RuntimeException("value is null (name=" + name + " type=" + type + ")");
// Types definition
final String intType = int.class.toString(); // int
final String integerType = Integer.class.getName(); // java.lang.Integer
final String bigDecimalType = BigDecimal.class.getName(); // java.math.BigDecimal
final String doubleType = double.class.toString(); // double
final String objectDoubleType = Double.class.getName(); // java.lang.Double
final String booleanType = boolean.class.toString(); // boolean
final String objectBooleanType = Boolean.class.getName(); // java.lang.Boolean
final String stringType = String.class.getName(); // java.lang.String
final String JSONObjectType = JSONObject.class.getName(); // org.json.JSONObject
retval.put(NAME_KEY, name);
// Integer
if (intType.equals(type) || integerType.equals(type) || bigDecimalType.equals(type)) {
retval.put(TYPE_KEY, integerType);
if (value instanceof Integer) {
retval.put(VALUE_KEY, ((Integer) value).intValue());
return retval;
} else if (value instanceof String) {
retval.put(VALUE_KEY, Integer.parseInt((String) value));
return retval;
} else if (value instanceof BigDecimal) {
retval.put(VALUE_KEY, ((BigDecimal) value).intValue());
return retval;
} else {
throw new RuntimeException("expected type is " + type + " but value is of type " + value.getClass().getName());
// Double
if (doubleType.equals(type) || objectDoubleType.equals(type)) {
retval.put(TYPE_KEY, objectDoubleType);
if (value instanceof Double) {
retval.put(VALUE_KEY, ((Double) value).doubleValue());
return retval;
} else if (value instanceof BigDecimal) {
retval.put(VALUE_KEY, ((BigDecimal) value).doubleValue());
return retval;
} else if (value instanceof String) {
retval.put(VALUE_KEY, Double.parseDouble((String) value));
return retval;
} else {
throw new RuntimeException("expected type is " + type + " but value is of type " + value.getClass().getName());
// Boolean
if (booleanType.equals(type) || objectBooleanType.equals(type)) {
retval.put(TYPE_KEY, objectBooleanType);
if (value instanceof Boolean) {
retval.put(VALUE_KEY, ((Boolean) value).booleanValue());
return retval;
} else if (value instanceof String) {
retval.put(VALUE_KEY, Boolean.parseBoolean((String) value));
return retval;
} else {
throw new RuntimeException("expected type is " + type + " but value is of type " + value.getClass().getCanonicalName());
// String
if (stringType.equals(type) || "string".equals(type)) {
retval.put(TYPE_KEY, stringType);
if (value instanceof String) {
String val = (String) value;
if (val.length() >= 2) {
if ((val.startsWith("\"") && val.endsWith("\"")) || (val.startsWith("'") && val.endsWith("'"))) {
val = val.substring(1, val.length() - 1);
retval.put(VALUE_KEY, val);
return retval;
} else {
throw new RuntimeException("expected type is " + type + " but value is of type " + value.getClass().getCanonicalName());
// JSON Object
if (JSONObjectType.equals(type)) {
retval.put(TYPE_KEY, JSONObjectType);
if (value instanceof JSONObject) {
retval.put(VALUE_KEY, (JSONObject) value);
return retval;
} else if (value instanceof String) {
retval.put(VALUE_KEY, new JSONObject((String) value));
return retval;
} else {
throw new RuntimeException("expected type is " + type + " but value is of type " + value.getClass().getCanonicalName());
// Other...
throw new RuntimeException("Should never happen");
public static String prettyPrintJsonArray(JSONArray array, boolean fullMessage) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
try {
if (array.length() == 0) {
sb.append("<empty array>");
} else if (array.length() == 1) {
sb.append("1 element : ");
} else {
sb.append(array.length() + " elements");
if (fullMessage) {
for (int i = 0; i < array.length(); i++) {
sb.append("\n * " + array.getString(i));
} catch (JSONException e) {
return "<Error during JSON decoding>";
return sb.toString();
public static String prettyPrintJsonObject(JSONObject object) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
try {
boolean begin = true;
Iterator<?> keys = object.keys();
while (keys.hasNext()) {
String key = (String);
String value = object.get(key).toString();
if (begin)
begin = false;
sb.append(" * ").append(key).append(" = ").append(value);
} catch (JSONException e) {
return "<Error during JSON decoding>";
return sb.toString();