blob: 79fb41afb17dce9ccee6ac07ed1f862f7b3020f2 [file] [log] [blame]
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<toc label="Managing Servers" topic="topics/twmanage.html">
<topic label="Managing servers " href="topics/twmanage.html">
<topic label="Adding projects to a server " href="topics/twaddprj.html"/>
<topic label="Removing a project from a server" href="topics/twremprj.html"/>
<topic label="Starting a server" href="topics/twsrtins.html">
<topic label="Starting a server in debug mode" href="topics/twsrtdbg.html"/>
<topic label="Stopping a server" href="topics/twstpins.html"/>
<topic label="Setting a default server" href="topics/twprefin.html"/>
<topic label="Displaying or hiding the metadata of the server" href="topics/tmetasrv.html"/>
<topic label="Cleaning projects published on the server" href="topics/tclean.html"/>