blob: 4a3a95485bf0e2f7195776bfb979bb3430bec463 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2004 IBM Corporation and others.
# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
# are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
# Contributors:
# IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
# --------------- General UI ---------------
install=Download and Ins&tall...
installDir=Tomcat installation &directory:
installedJREs=&Installed JREs...
selectInstallDir=Select Tomcat installation directory.
runtimeDefaultJRE=Workbench default JRE
# New Tomcat server wizard
wizardTitle=Tomcat Server
wizardDescription=Specify the installation directory
# --------------- Editors ---------------
# General text used in both editors
# --- Configuration Editor ---
configurationEditorWebModulesPageTitle=Web Modules
configurationEditorWebModulesSection=Web Modules
configurationEditorWebModulesDescription=Configure the Web Modules on this server.
configurationEditorMimeMappingsSection=MIME Mappings
configurationEditorMimeMappingsDescription=Configure MIME type mappings.
configurationEditorPortsDescription=Modify the server ports.
# Fields
configurationEditorPortNameColumn=Port Name
configurationEditorPortValueColumn=Port Number
configurationEditorDocBaseColumn=Document Base
configurationEditorReloadColumn=Auto Reload
configurationEditorProjectMissing={0} missing
configurationEditorAddProjectModule=Add Web Module...
configurationEditorAddExternalModule=Add External Web Module...
# Add/Edit Mime Mapping dialog
configurationEditorMimeMapppingDialogTitleEdit=Edit MIME Mapping
configurationEditorMimeMapppingDialogTitleAdd=Add MIME Mapping
configurationEditorMimeMapppingDialogMimeType=MIME &type:
configurationEditorMimeMapppingDialogMimeExtension=MIME &extension:
# Add/Edit Web Module dialog
configurationEditorWebModuleDialogTitleEdit=Edit Web Module
configurationEditorWebModuleDialogTitleAdd=Add Web Module
configurationEditorWebModuleDialogDocumentBase=&Document base:
configurationEditorWebModuleDialogReloadEnabled=Auto r&eloading enabled
configurationEditorWebModuleDialogSelectDirectory=Select the Web module directory.
errorMissingWebModule=The Web module at the following location cannot be found: {0}.
# --- Server Editor ---
serverEditorLocationsSection=Server Locations
serverEditorLocationsDescription=Specify the server and deploy paths. Server must be published with no modules present to make changes.
serverEditorLocationsDescription2=Specify the server path (i.e. catalina.base) and deploy path. Server must be published with no modules present to make changes.
serverEditorGeneralSection=Server Options
serverEditorGeneralDescription=Enter settings for the server.
# Link Fields
serverEditorSetInternalServerDirLink=Set server path to internally supplied location
serverEditorSetInternalServerDirLink2=Set server path to internally supplied location (currently set)
serverEditorSetInstallServerDirLink=Set server path to the location of the Tomcat installation
serverEditorSetInstallServerDirLink2=Set server path to the location of the Tomcat installation (currently set)
serverEditorSetDefaultDeployDirLink=Set deploy path to the default value
serverEditorSetDefaultDeployDirLink2=Set deploy path to the default value (currently set)
# Fields
# Note: The argument for the following two strings will be the string for
# one of serverEditorDoesNotModify or serverEditorTakesControl or and empty string.
serverEditorServerDirMetadata=Use workspace metadata {0}
serverEditorServerDirInstall=Use Tomcat installation {0}
serverEditorServerDirCustom=Use custom location {0}
serverEditorServerDir=Server path:
serverEditorDeployDir=Deploy path:
serverEditorSecure=Enable security
serverEditorDebugMode=Enable Tomcat debug mode (v4.x and above only)
serverEditorTestEnvironment=Run modules directly from the workspace (do not modify the Tomcat installation)
# Note: The argument for the following string will be the serverEditorNotSupported string or an empty string
serverEditorNoPublish=Serve modules without publishing {0}
errorServerDirIsRoot=The server path may not be set to the the root of your workspace.
errorServerDirUnderRoot=The server path may not be under the \"{0}\" folder of your workspace unless it is the workspace metadata location.
# Note: The argument for the following string will be the string for serverEditorServerDirMetadata with a blank string for its argument
errorServerDirCustomNotMetadata=Only the \"{0}\" selection may set the server path to the workspace metadata location.
# Note: The argument for the following string will be the string for serverEditorServerDirInstall with a blank string for its argument
errorServerDirCustomNotInstall=Only the \"{0}\" selection may set the server path to the Tomcat installation.
errorDeployDirNotSpecified=A deploy path must be specified.
serverEditorNotSupported=(not supported by this Tomcat version)
serverEditorDoesNotModify=(does not modify Tomcat installation)
serverEditorTakesControl=(takes control of Tomcat installation)
errorNoPublishServerMustBeStopped=The server must be stopped before a change to the \"{0}\" setting can be saved.
# Browse for Server dialog
serverEditorBrowseServerMessage=Select a server directory.
# Browse for Deploy dialog
serverEditorBrowseDeployMessage=Select a deploy directory.
# --- Clean Work Directory ---
confirmCleanWorkDirTitle=Confirm Clean
cleanServerStateChanging=The state of {0} is in transition or unknown. Try again when the server has reached a stable state.
cleanModuleWorkDir=Clean work directory for module {0} on {1}.
cleanServerWorkDir=Clean work directories for all Web applications on {0}.
cleanServerRunning=The server must be stopped to clean the work directory. Clicking OK will include stopping and restaring the server.
cleanServerTask=Cleaning server work directory...
# --- Error Strings ---
errorDefaultDialogTitle=Tomcat Server Error
# --- Clean Work Directory Errors ---
errorCleanModuleTitle=Clean Module Work Directory Error
errorCleanServerTitle=Clean Server Work Directory Error
errorCouldNotCleanModule=Could not clean {0} work directory on {1}.
errorCouldNotCleanServer=Could not clean work directory on {0}.
errorCouldNotCleanStateChange=Clean aborted because the server changed state after confirmation dialog was displayed.
errorCouldNotCleanCantStop="Server can not be stopped at this time. Try again when the server is stopped or can be stopped.
errorCouldNotCleanStopFailed=Server failed to stop. Try again when the server is stopped or can be stopped.
errorCleanFailedModule=Clean failed for {0} work directory on {1}.
errorCleanFailedServer=Clean failed for work directory on {0}.
errorCantIdentifyWebApp=Selected module could not be associated with a Web application on the server.
errorCantIdentifyWebAppWasRunning=Selected module could not be associated with a Web application on the server. Server will not be restarted.
errorErrorDuringClean=An error occurred while cleaning the work directory.
errorErrorDuringCleanWasRunning=An error occurred while cleaning the work directory. Server will not be restarted.
errorCleanNoRestartModule=Module {0} was successfully cleaned, but server is unable to restart.
errorCleanNoRestartServer=Server {0} was successfully cleaned, but is unable to restart.
errorCleanCantRestart=Server is unable to restart at this time.
errorCleanRestartFailed=Server restart was not successful or did not complete in the expected amount of time.