blob: 37bb893141078f535ac9baf25e3e37b49730b702 [file] [log] [blame]
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
public class FeatureLog {
public ProjectLog project;
public String feature;
public String version;
public Status status;
public List<LogLine> lines;
public int packed = 0;
public int skipped = 0;
public FeatureLog(ProjectLog p, String f, String v) {
this.project = p;
this.feature = f;
this.version = v;
lines = new ArrayList<LogLine>();
public void scan_for_status() {
this.status = Status.unknown;
Pattern[] ps = new Pattern[2];
Status[] ss = new Status[ps.length];
for (int i = 0; i < ss.length; i++) {
ss[i] = Status.success;
ps[0] = Pattern.compile("\\] Command completed successfully");
ps[1] = Pattern.compile("BUILD SUCCESSFUL");
Pattern[] pe = new Pattern[16];
Status[] se = new Status[pe.length];
for (int i = 0; i < se.length; i++) {
se[i] =;
pe[0] = Pattern.compile("\\] !MESSAGE Application error");
pe[1] = Pattern
.compile("\\] org.eclipse.core.runtime.AssertionFailedException: assertion failed: Plug-in version identifier, \\\"[^\"]+\\\", can contain a maximum of four components.");
se[1] = Status.fail_bad_version_number;
pe[2] = Pattern
.compile("\\] !MESSAGE An exception occured while downloading feature from");
pe[3] = Pattern.compile("\\] ");
se[3] = Status.fail_file_not_found;
pe[4] = Pattern
.compile("\\] Command failed. Please check log file");
pe[5] = Pattern
.compile("\\] !MESSAGE No matching features found");
se[5] = Status.no_matching_features;
pe[6] = Pattern
.compile("\\] !MESSAGE Unable to retrieve remote reference \\\".*\\\". \\[Server returned HTTP response code: \\\"404 Not Found\\\" for URL: ");
se[6] = Status.fail_file_not_found;
pe[7] = Pattern.compile("SIGSEGV");
se[7] = Status.internal_error;
pe[8] = Pattern.compile("java.lang.OutOfMemoryError");
se[8] = Status.internal_error;
pe[9] = Pattern
.compile("java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: invalid qualifier");
se[9] = Status.fail_bad_version_number;
pe[10] = Pattern.compile("No such file or directory");
se[10] = Status.fail_file_not_found;
pe[11] = Pattern.compile("Feature Missing:");
se[11] = Status.feature_not_in_site_xml;
pe[12] = Pattern.compile("The following ID was not found, so was skipped, and is not on miror site");
se[12] = Status.fail_file_not_found;
pe[13] = Pattern.compile("License Error");
se[13] = Status.license_error;
pe[14] = Pattern.compile("Error zero length file");
se[14] = Status.packing_corruption;
pe[15] = Pattern.compile("org.xml.sax.SAXParseException");
se[15] =;
for (Iterator<LogLine> iterator = lines.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
LogLine line =;
for (int i = 0; i < ps.length; i++) {
Pattern pattern = ps[i];
Matcher ms = pattern.matcher(line.line);
if (ms.find())
line.status = ss[i];
for (int i = 0; i < pe.length; i++) {
Pattern pattern = pe[i];
Matcher me = pattern.matcher(line.line);
if (me.find())
line.status = se[i];
this.status = this.status.combine(line.status);
public void setStatusBasedOnPack200() {
if (this.packed > 0 && this.skipped == 0)
this.status = this.status.addPack200Status(Pack200Type.All);
else if (this.packed == 0 && this.skipped > 0)
this.status = this.status.addPack200Status(Pack200Type.None);
else if (this.packed > 0 && this.skipped > 0)
this.status = this.status.addPack200Status(Pack200Type.Some);
// public void scanForPack200Status(List<ProjectLog> projects) {
// Pattern pRunningFeature = Pattern
// .compile("Running Pack on .*/features/([a-z][a-z0-9\\._]+)_");
// Pattern pSkippingFeature = Pattern
// .compile("Skipping .*/features/([a-z][a-z0-9\\._]+)_");
// for (Iterator<LogLine> iterator = lines.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
// LogLine line =;
// Matcher mRunningFeature = pRunningFeature.matcher(line.line);
// if (mRunningFeature.find()) {
// FeatureLog feature = findFeatureForFeature(mRunningFeature
// .group(1), projects);
// if( feature != null) feature.packed++;
// }
// Matcher mSkippingFeature = pSkippingFeature.matcher(line.line);
// if (mSkippingFeature.find()) {
// FeatureLog feature = findFeatureForFeature(mSkippingFeature
// .group(1), projects);
// if( feature != null) feature.skipped++;
// }
// // If I wanted to, I could also check for the plugins/* and then find the
// // feature for each plug-in and record that information as well. At the
// // moment I am assuming that a signed feature jar <=> signed plugins jars.
// }
// }
public FeatureLog findFeatureForFeature(String featureName,
List<ProjectLog> projects) {
for (Iterator<ProjectLog> iterator = projects.iterator(); iterator
.hasNext();) {
ProjectLog project =;
for (Iterator<FeatureLog> iterator2 = project.features.iterator(); iterator2
.hasNext();) {
FeatureLog feature =;
if (feature.feature.equals(featureName))
return feature;
return null;