blob: 0f7f000ad742e6f74289412892b0477130cfa617 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Copyright (c) 2016 IBM Corporation and others.
# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
# are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
# Contributors:
# IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
# Utility function to convert repo site metadata files to XZ compressed files.
# See
# The utility makes the strong assumptions that the metadata files are in
# jar format already. Converts those to their original XML, invoke 'xz -e' on those
# XML files, and then (re-)create the p2.index file.
# One use case is to include this script in another, and invoke it in another,
# such as following to convert a whole sub-tree of repositories.
# source ${HOME}/bin/createXZ.shsource
# find . -maxdepth 3 -name content.jar -execdir '{}' \;
# The function 'createXZ' takes as input the absolute path of the simple repo.
# Returns 0 upon successful completion, else greater than 0 if there
# is an error of any sort.
function createXZ
# First get back to XML file
# Then XZ compress that xml file
# then add p2.index
# The BUILDMACHINE_SITE is the absolute directory to the simple repo directory.
# (We typically create on the build machine, before copying (rsync'ing) to downloads server).
# If a value is passed to this script as the first argument, it is assumed to be the simple repo to process.
# Otherwise, we require BUILDMACHINE_SITE to be defined as an environment variable with the simple repo to process.
if [[ -n "$1" ]]; then
if [[ -z "${BUILDMACHINE_SITE}" ]]; then
echo -e "\n\tERROR: this script requires env variable of BUILDMACHINE_SITE,"
echo " \tthat is, the directory of the simple repo, that contains content.jar and artifacts.jar."
return 1
# confirm both content.jar and artifacts.jar exist at this site. Note: strong assumption the jar already exists.
# In theory, if it did not, we could create the jars from the content.xml and artifacts.xml file,
# And then create the XZ compressed version of the XML file, but for now this is assumed to be a
# rare case, so we do not handle it.
if [[ ! -e "${CONTENT_JAR_FILE}" ]]; then
echo -e "\n\tERROR: content.jar file did not exist at ${BUILDMACHINE_SITE}."
return 1
if [[ ! -e "${ARTIFACTS_JAR_FILE}" ]]; then
echo -e "\n\tERROR: artifacts.jar file did not exist at ${BUILDMACHINE_SITE}."
return 1
# As an extra sanity check, if compositeContent.jar/xml or compositeArtifacts.jar/xml
# exist at the same site, we also bale out, with error message, since this script isn't prepared
# to handle those hybrid sites.
echo -e "\n\tERROR: composite files exists at this site, ${BUILDMACHINE_SITE},"
echo -e "\n\t but this script is not prepared to process hybrid sites, so exiting."
return 1
# We do a small heuristic test if this site has already been converted. If it has, touching the files, again, will
# call mirrors to be think they are "out of sync".
# If someone does want to "re-generate", then may have to delete p2.index file first, to get past this check.
# If p2.index file exists, check if it contains the "key" value of 'content.xml.xz' and if it does, assume this
# site has already been converted.
if [[ -e "${P2_INDEX_FILE}" ]]; then
grep "content.xml.xz" "${P2_INDEX_FILE}" 1>/dev/null
# For grep, an RC of 1 means "not found", in which case we continue.
# An RC of 0 means "found", so then check for 'artifacts.xml.xz if it
# it too is not found, then we assume the repo has already been converted,
# and we do not touch anything and bail out.
# An RC of 2 or greater means some sort of error, we will bail out anyway, but with
# different message.
if [[ $RC = 0 ]]; then
grep "artifacts.xml.xz" "${P2_INDEX_FILE}" 1>/dev/null
if [[ $RC = 0 ]]; then
echo -e "\n\tINFO: Will exit, since contents of p2.index file implies already converted this site at "
echo -e " \t${BUILDMACHINE_SITE}"
return 0
if [[ $RC > 1 ]]; then
echo -e "\n\tERROR: Will exit, since grep returned an error code of $RC"
return $RC
if [[ $RC > 1 ]]; then
echo -e "\n\tERROR: Will exit, since grep returned an error code of $RC"
return $RC
# Notice we overwrite the XML files, if they already exists.
if [[ $RC != 0 ]]; then
echo "ERROR: could not unzip ${CONTENT_JAR_FILE}."
return $RC
# Notice we overwrite the XML files, if they already exists.
if [[ $RC != 0 ]]; then
echo "ERROR: could not unzip ${ARTIFACTS_JAR_FILE}."
return $RC
# We will check the content.xml and artifacts.xml files really exists. In some strange world, the jars could contain something else.
if [[ ! -e "${CONTENT_XML_FILE}" || ! -e "${ARTIFACTS_XML_FILE}" ]]; then
echo -e "\n\tERROR: content.xml or artifacts.xml file did not exist as expected at ${BUILDMACHINE_SITE}."
return 1
# finally, compress them, using "extra effort"
# Nice thing about xz, relative to other compression methods, it can take longer to compress it, but not longer to decompress it.
# We use 'which' to find the executable, just so we can test if it happens to not exist on this particular machine, for some reason.
# Notice we use "force" to over write any existing file, presumably there from a previous run?
XZ_EXE=$(which xz)
if [[ $? != 0 || -z "${XZ_EXE}" ]]; then
echo -e "\n\tERROR: xz executable did not exist."
return 1
echo -e "\n\tXZ compression of ${CONTENT_XML_FILE} ... "
$XZ_EXE -e --force "${CONTENT_XML_FILE}"
if [[ $RC != 0 ]]; then
echo "ERROR: could not compress, using $XZ_EXE -e ${CONTENT_XML_FILE}."
return $RC
echo -e "\tXZ compression of ${ARTIFACTS_XML_FILE} ... "
$XZ_EXE -e --force "${ARTIFACTS_XML_FILE}"
if [[ $RC != 0 ]]; then
echo "ERROR: could not compress, using $XZ_EXE -e ${ARTIFACTS_XML_FILE}."
return $RC
# Notice we just write over any existing p2.index file.
# May want to make backup of this and other files, for production use.
echo "version=1" > "${P2_INDEX_FILE}"
echo "metadata.repository.factory.order= content.xml.xz,content.xml,!" >> "${P2_INDEX_FILE}"
echo "artifact.repository.factory.order= artifacts.xml.xz,artifacts.xml,!" >> "${P2_INDEX_FILE}"
echo -e "\tCreated ${P2_INDEX_FILE}"
# In the distant future, there might be a time we'd provide only the xz compressed version.
# If so, the p2.index file would be as follows. See bug
# version=1
# metadata.repository.factory.order= content.xml.xz,!
# artifact.repository.factory.order= artifacts.xml.xz,!
return 0
createXZ "${1}"