blob: 5dc800207b52a0cb5907297f2507fe5c56f5e4cd [file] [log] [blame]
These files perform in "batch mode"
bascially what "Hudson" normally does.
Handy for doing a "one time" aggregation, such as for
a "patched repo".
If these scripts are for, say "lunalimited", then they would
be exported (copyied, or scp copied) to /shared/simrel/lunalimited.
These are in addition to the normal "bootstrap" files, and, each of which
would be ran first, say, with
release=lunalimited ./
release=lunalimited ./
and finally
The "" file is here, since is shows how
I had to change it, to promote directly from the build machine,
to the "releases" directory. (Normally we "promote" from "staging"
directory). Seems in an ideal world ... it would be easier!