blob: 3acc709cb5b8c00b42d5662a60d6fb88e8a80727 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2010, 2018 THALES GLOBAL SERVICES.
* This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
* Contributors:
* Obeo - initial API and implementation
* Felix Dorner <> - Bug 533002
package org.eclipse.sirius.tests.swtbot;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import org.eclipse.draw2d.Border;
import org.eclipse.draw2d.IFigure;
import org.eclipse.draw2d.geometry.Insets;
import org.eclipse.draw2d.geometry.Point;
import org.eclipse.draw2d.geometry.Rectangle;
import org.eclipse.draw2d.text.FlowPage;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.util.EcoreUtil;
import org.eclipse.emf.edit.domain.AdapterFactoryEditingDomain;
import org.eclipse.emf.edit.provider.IItemLabelProvider;
import org.eclipse.emf.edit.ui.provider.ExtendedImageRegistry;
import org.eclipse.emf.transaction.TransactionalEditingDomain;
import org.eclipse.gef.EditPart;
import org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.diagram.ui.editparts.NoteEditPart;
import org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.diagram.ui.figures.NoteFigure;
import org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.draw2d.ui.figures.WrappingLabel;
import org.eclipse.sirius.diagram.DDiagram;
import org.eclipse.sirius.diagram.ui.provider.DiagramUIPlugin;
import org.eclipse.sirius.viewpoint.DRepresentationDescriptor;
import org.eclipse.sirius.viewpoint.description.Viewpoint;
import org.eclipse.swtbot.eclipse.gef.finder.widgets.SWTBotGefEditPart;
import org.eclipse.swtbot.swt.finder.waits.DefaultCondition;
import org.eclipse.ui.PartInitException;
* Test class for double click tool and navigation operation.
* @author smonnier
public class NoteCreationTest extends AbstractSiriusSwtBotGefTestCase {
private static final String REPRESENTATION_INSTANCE_NAME = "root package entities";
private static final String REPRESENTATION_NAME = "Entities";
private static final String CLASSES_REPRESENTATION_NAME = "Classes";
private static final String MODEL = "2083.ecore";
private static final String SESSION_FILE = "2083.aird";
private static final String DATA_UNIT_DIR = "data/unit/tools/creation/note/";
private static final String FILE_DIR = "/";
private static final String P2_PACKAGE_NAME = "p2";
private static final String MY_NOTE = "My Note";
private UIResource sessionAirdResource;
private UILocalSession localSession;
private static final String NOTE_TOOL = "Note";
private static final String LINK_NOTE_TOOL = "Representation Link";
private static final String LINK_TARGET_NEW_NAME = "Renamed Representation";
private static final String SET_TARGET_REPRESENTATION = "Set target representation ...";
* Current editor.
protected SWTBotSiriusDiagramEditor editor;
protected void onSetUpBeforeClosingWelcomePage() throws Exception {
protected void onSetUpAfterOpeningDesignerPerspective() throws Exception {
changeDiagramUIPreference(, true);
sessionAirdResource = new UIResource(designerProject, FILE_DIR, SESSION_FILE);
localSession = designerPerspective.openSessionFromFile(sessionAirdResource);
editor = (SWTBotSiriusDiagramEditor) openRepresentation(localSession.getOpenedSession(), REPRESENTATION_NAME, REPRESENTATION_INSTANCE_NAME, DDiagram.class);
protected void tearDown() throws Exception {
// Restore the default zoom level, 1); // Set the focus on the diagram
// Go to the origin to avoid scroll bar
editor.scrollTo(0, 0);
// Reopen outline
new DesignerViews(bot).openOutlineView();
* Test method.
* @throws Exception
* Test error.
public void testNoteCreationInDiagramWithoutScroll() throws Exception {
* Test method.
* @throws Exception
* Test error.
public void testDLinkNoteCreationInDiagramWithoutScroll() throws Exception {
testNoteCreationInDiagramWithoutScroll(ZoomLevel.ZOOM_100, getDiagramLinkTarget());
* Test method.
* @throws Exception
* Test error.
public void testTLinkNoteCreationInDiagramWithoutScroll() throws Exception {
testNoteCreationInDiagramWithoutScroll(ZoomLevel.ZOOM_100, getTableLinkTarget());
* Test method.
* @throws Exception
* Test error.
public void testNoteCreationInDiagramWithoutScrollAndChangeZoom() throws Exception {
* Test method.
* @throws Exception
* Test error.
public void testDNoteCreationInDiagramWithoutScrollAndChangeZoom() throws Exception {
testNoteCreationInDiagramWithoutScroll(ZoomLevel.ZOOM_50, getDiagramLinkTarget());
* Test method.
* @throws Exception
* Test error.
public void testTNoteCreationInDiagramWithoutScrollAndChangeZoom() throws Exception {
testNoteCreationInDiagramWithoutScroll(ZoomLevel.ZOOM_50, getTableLinkTarget());
* Test method.
* @throws Exception
* Test error.
public void testNoteCreationInDiagramWithScroll() throws Exception {
* Test method.
* @throws Exception
* Test error.
public void testDNoteCreationInDiagramWithScroll() throws Exception {
testNoteCreationInDiagramWithScroll(ZoomLevel.ZOOM_100, getDiagramLinkTarget());
* Test method.
* @throws Exception
* Test error.
public void testTNoteCreationInDiagramWithScroll() throws Exception {
testNoteCreationInDiagramWithScroll(ZoomLevel.ZOOM_100, getTableLinkTarget());
* Test method.
* @throws Exception
* Test error.
public void testNoteCreationInDiagramWithScrollAndChangeZoom() throws Exception {
* Test method.
* @throws Exception
* Test error.
public void testDNoteCreationInDiagramWithScrollAndChangeZoom() throws Exception {
testNoteCreationInDiagramWithScroll(ZoomLevel.ZOOM_50, getDiagramLinkTarget());
* Test method.
* @throws Exception
* Test error.
public void testTNoteCreationInDiagramWithScrollAndChangeZoom() throws Exception {
testNoteCreationInDiagramWithScroll(ZoomLevel.ZOOM_50, getTableLinkTarget());
* Test method.
* @throws Exception
* Test error.
public void testNoteCreationInContainerWithoutScroll() throws Exception {
testNoteCreationInPackageContainer(ZoomLevel.ZOOM_100, "p1");
* Test method.
* @throws Exception
* Test error.
public void testDNoteCreationInContainerWithoutScroll() throws Exception {
testNoteCreationInPackageContainer(ZoomLevel.ZOOM_100, "p1", getDiagramLinkTarget());
* Test method.
* @throws Exception
* Test error.
public void testTNoteCreationInContainerWithoutScroll() throws Exception {
testNoteCreationInPackageContainer(ZoomLevel.ZOOM_100, "p1", getTableLinkTarget());
* Test method.
* @throws Exception
* Test error.
public void testNoteCreationInContainerWithoutScrollAndChangeZoom() throws Exception {
testNoteCreationInPackageContainer(ZoomLevel.ZOOM_50, "p1");
* Test method.
* @throws Exception
* Test error.
public void testDNoteCreationInContainerWithoutScrollAndChangeZoom() throws Exception {
testNoteCreationInPackageContainer(ZoomLevel.ZOOM_50, "p1", getDiagramLinkTarget());
* Test method.
* @throws Exception
* Test error.
public void testTNoteCreationInContainerWithoutScrollAndChangeZoom() throws Exception {
testNoteCreationInPackageContainer(ZoomLevel.ZOOM_50, "p1", getTableLinkTarget());
* Test method.
* @throws Exception
* Test error.
public void testNoteCreationInContainerWithScrollInDiagram() throws Exception {
testNoteCreationInPackageContainer(ZoomLevel.ZOOM_100, "p2");
* Test method.
* @throws Exception
* Test error.
public void testDNoteCreationInContainerWithScrollInDiagram() throws Exception {
testNoteCreationInPackageContainer(ZoomLevel.ZOOM_100, "p2", getDiagramLinkTarget());
* Test method.
* @throws Exception
* Test error.
public void testTNoteCreationInContainerWithScrollInDiagram() throws Exception {
testNoteCreationInPackageContainer(ZoomLevel.ZOOM_100, "p2", getTableLinkTarget());
* Test method.
* @throws Exception
* Test error.
public void testNoteCreationInContainerWithScrollInDiagramAndChangeZoom() throws Exception {
testNoteCreationInPackageContainer(ZoomLevel.ZOOM_50, "p2");
* Test method.
* @throws Exception
* Test error.
public void testDNoteCreationInContainerWithScrollInDiagramAndChangeZoom() throws Exception {
testNoteCreationInPackageContainer(ZoomLevel.ZOOM_50, "p2", getDiagramLinkTarget());
* Test method.
* @throws Exception
* Test error.
public void testTNoteCreationInContainerWithScrollInDiagramAndChangeZoom() throws Exception {
testNoteCreationInPackageContainer(ZoomLevel.ZOOM_50, "p2", getTableLinkTarget());
* Test method.
* @throws Exception
* Test error.
public void testNoteCreationInContainerWithScrollInContainer() throws Exception {
testNoteCreationInClassContainer(ZoomLevel.ZOOM_100, "C31");
* Test method.
* @throws Exception
* Test error.
public void testDNoteCreationInContainerWithScrollInContainer() throws Exception {
testNoteCreationInClassContainer(ZoomLevel.ZOOM_100, "C31", getDiagramLinkTarget());
* Test method.
* @throws Exception
* Test error.
public void testTNoteCreationInContainerWithScrollInContainer() throws Exception {
testNoteCreationInClassContainer(ZoomLevel.ZOOM_100, "C31", getTableLinkTarget());
* Test method.
* @throws Exception
* Test error.
public void testNoteCreationInContainerWithScrollInContainerAndChangeZoom() throws Exception {
testNoteCreationInClassContainer(ZoomLevel.ZOOM_50, "C31");
* Test method.
* @throws Exception
* Test error.
public void testDNoteCreationInContainerWithScrollInContainerAndChangeZoom() throws Exception {
testNoteCreationInClassContainer(ZoomLevel.ZOOM_50, "C31", getDiagramLinkTarget());
* Test method.
* @throws Exception
* Test error.
public void testTNoteCreationInContainerWithScrollInContainerAndChangeZoom() throws Exception {
testNoteCreationInClassContainer(ZoomLevel.ZOOM_50, "C31", getDiagramLinkTarget());
* Test method.
* @throws Exception
* Test error.
public void testNoteCreationInContainerWithScrollInContainerAndDiagram() throws Exception {
testNoteCreationInClassContainer(ZoomLevel.ZOOM_100, "C41");
* Test method.
* @throws Exception
* Test error.
public void testDNoteCreationInContainerWithScrollInContainerAndDiagram() throws Exception {
testNoteCreationInClassContainer(ZoomLevel.ZOOM_100, "C41", getDiagramLinkTarget());
* Test method.
* @throws Exception
* Test error.
public void testTNoteCreationInContainerWithScrollInContainerAndDiagram() throws Exception {
testNoteCreationInClassContainer(ZoomLevel.ZOOM_100, "C41", getTableLinkTarget());
* Test method.
* @throws Exception
* Test error.
public void testNoteCreationInContainerWithScrollInContainerAndDiagramAndChangeZoom() throws Exception {
testNoteCreationInClassContainer(ZoomLevel.ZOOM_50, "C41");
* Test method.
* @throws Exception
* Test error.
public void testDNoteCreationInContainerWithScrollInContainerAndDiagramAndChangeZoom() throws Exception {
testNoteCreationInClassContainer(ZoomLevel.ZOOM_50, "C41", getDiagramLinkTarget());
* Test method.
* @throws Exception
* Test error.
public void testTNoteCreationInContainerWithScrollInContainerAndDiagramAndChangeZoom() throws Exception {
testNoteCreationInClassContainer(ZoomLevel.ZOOM_50, "C41", getTableLinkTarget());
* Test method.
* @throws Exception
* Test error.
private void testNoteCreationInDiagramWithoutScroll(ZoomLevel zoomLevel) throws Exception {
testNoteCreationInDiagramWithoutScroll(zoomLevel, null);
* Test method.
* @throws Exception
* Test error.
private void testNoteCreationInDiagramWithoutScroll(ZoomLevel zoomLevel, DRepresentationDescriptor link) throws Exception {
// Get the insertion location for the not
Point location = new Point(2, 2);
executeTool(location.getScaled(zoomLevel.getAmount()).x, location.getScaled(zoomLevel.getAmount()).y, link);
validateNote(location, link);
private void testNoteCreationInDiagramWithScroll(ZoomLevel zoomLevel) throws Exception {
testNoteCreationInDiagramWithScroll(zoomLevel, null);
* Test method.
* @throws Exception
* Test error.
private void testNoteCreationInDiagramWithScroll(ZoomLevel zoomLevel, DRepresentationDescriptor link) throws Exception {
// Reveal p2 (to scroll in the diagram);
// Get the location of p2 package (relative the part visible on the
// screen)
Point p2Location = editor.getLocation(P2_PACKAGE_NAME, DNodeContainerEditPart.class);
// Get the absolute location of p2 package from origin (0, 0)
Point p2AbsoluteLocation = editor.getAbsoluteLocation(P2_PACKAGE_NAME, DNodeContainerEditPart.class);
// Get the insertion location for the note (use the relative coordinate,
// that's what is send to the request in reality)
Point delta = new Point(-2, -2);
Point location = p2Location.getTranslated(delta.getScaled(zoomLevel.getAmount()));
executeTool(location.x, location.y, link);
// Check note's label alignment
checkNoteLabelAlignment(editor.getEditPart(MY_NOTE), link);
validateNote(p2AbsoluteLocation.getTranslated(delta), link);
private void executeTool(int x, int y, DRepresentationDescriptor link) {
if (link != null) {
} else {
}, y);
if (link != null) {
// find the representation to link in the selection dialog
private void selectTargetRepresentation(DRepresentationDescriptor link) {
Viewpoint vp = (Viewpoint) link.getDescription().eContainer();
int size = DialectManager.INSTANCE.getRepresentations(link.getDescription(), localSession.getOpenedSession()).size();
bot.tree().expandNode(vp.getName(), link.getDescription().getName() + " (" + size + ")").getNode(link.getName()).select();
// doubleclick should open the editor for the targeted representation
private void validateLinkDoubleclick(DRepresentationDescriptor link) throws PartInitException {
SessionEditorInput seip = (SessionEditorInput) bot.activeEditor().getReference().getEditorInput();
assertEquals(EcoreUtil.getURI(link), seip.getRepDescUri());
private Image getIcon(DRepresentationDescriptor descriptor) {
AdapterFactoryEditingDomain domain = (AdapterFactoryEditingDomain) AdapterFactoryEditingDomain.getEditingDomainFor(descriptor);
IItemLabelProvider provider = (IItemLabelProvider) domain.getAdapterFactory().adapt(descriptor, IItemLabelProvider.class);
return ExtendedImageRegistry.INSTANCE.getImage(provider.getImage(descriptor));
private void validateNote(Point expectedLocation, DRepresentationDescriptor link) throws PartInitException {
assertNoteAtLocation(MY_NOTE, expectedLocation);
assertTrue(editor.selectedEditParts().size() == 1);
if (link != null) {
SWTBotGefEditPart note = editor.selectedEditParts().get(0);
validateDiagramNameCompartment(note, link.getName(), getIcon(link));
/* Doubleclick must open the target representation */
* Now change the target representation to something else. This
* loses the selection, so select the note again afterwards
DRepresentationDescriptor otherLink = getOtherLinkTarget(link);
note = editor.getEditPart(MY_NOTE).parent().select();
/* The header must have been updated to the other target name */
validateDiagramNameCompartment(note, otherLink.getName(), getIcon(otherLink));
/* Doubleclick must now open the other target */
/* Switch back to the original link target and reselect */
note = editor.getEditPart(MY_NOTE).parent().select();
* Rename the target representation, this should update the note
* header label
TransactionalEditingDomain ted = localSession.getOpenedSession().getTransactionalEditingDomain();
ted.getCommandStack().execute(new RenameRepresentationCommand(ted, link, LINK_TARGET_NEW_NAME));
validateDiagramNameCompartment(note, LINK_TARGET_NEW_NAME, getIcon(link));
* When the target representation is deleted, the note label and icon should reflect this. In particular,
* the note is no longer deleted automatically, to avoid locks in collab and to give the user a chance to
* decide what to do with the note text. See also
ted.getCommandStack().execute(new DeleteRepresentationCommand(localSession.getOpenedSession(), Collections.singleton(link)));
validateDiagramNameCompartment(note, DiagramUIPlugin.getPlugin().getString("palettetool.linkNote.deletedLabel"),
* When the deletion is undone, the note label and icon should flip back to the old state
validateDiagramNameCompartment(note, LINK_TARGET_NEW_NAME, getIcon(link));
private void validateDiagramNameCompartment(SWTBotGefEditPart note, String expectedLabel, Image expectedIcon) {
SWTBotGefEditPart namePartBot = null;
for (SWTBotGefEditPart child : note.children()) {
if (child.part() instanceof SiriusDiagramNameCompartmentEditPart) {
namePartBot = child;
assertNotNull("No name compartment edit part found", namePartBot);
SiriusDiagramNameCompartmentEditPart namePart = (SiriusDiagramNameCompartmentEditPart) namePartBot.part();
if (expectedLabel != null) {
bot.waitUntil(new DefaultCondition() {
public boolean test() throws Exception {
return expectedLabel.equals(namePart.getLabelDelegate().getText());
public String getFailureMessage() {
return "LinkNote name label expected: '" + expectedLabel + "' Was: '" + namePart.getLabelDelegate().getText() + "'";
if (expectedIcon != null) {
bot.waitUntil(new DefaultCondition() {
public boolean test() throws Exception {
return expectedIcon.equals(namePart.getLabelDelegate().getIcon(0));
public String getFailureMessage() {
return "LinkNote name icon expected: '" + expectedIcon + "' Was: '" + namePart.getLabelDelegate().getIcon(0) + "'";
private DRepresentationDescriptor getDiagramLinkTarget() {
return getRepresentationDescriptorWithName(localSession.getOpenedSession(), REPRESENTATION_NAME, "link target 1");
private DRepresentationDescriptor getTableLinkTarget() {
return getRepresentationDescriptorWithName(localSession.getOpenedSession(), CLASSES_REPRESENTATION_NAME, "link target 2");
private DRepresentationDescriptor getOtherLinkTarget(DRepresentationDescriptor current) {
return current == getDiagramLinkTarget() ? getTableLinkTarget() : getDiagramLinkTarget();
private void checkNoteLabelAlignment(SWTBotGefEditPart editPart, DRepresentationDescriptor link) {
assertNotNull("The edit part shouldn't be null for the note label", editPart);
EditPart part = editPart.part();
assertTrue("The edit part of the note label should an instance of SiriusDescriptionCompartmentEditPart", part instanceof SiriusDescriptionCompartmentEditPart);
// Retrieve the bounds of the Note
EditPart parentPart = part.getParent();
assertTrue("The edit part of the note should an instance of SiriusNoteEditPart", parentPart instanceof SiriusNoteEditPart);
IFigure noteFigure = ((SiriusNoteEditPart) parentPart).getFigure();
assertTrue("The figure of the note should an instance of NoteFigure", noteFigure instanceof NoteFigure);
Rectangle noteFigureBounds = noteFigure.getBounds();
Border noteFigureBorder = noteFigure.getBorder();
Insets noteFigureInsets = noteFigureBorder.getInsets(noteFigure);
// Retrieve the bounds of the label of the Note
IFigure wrapLabelFigure = ((SiriusDescriptionCompartmentEditPart) part).getFigure();
assertTrue("The figure of the note label should an instance of WrappingLabel", wrapLabelFigure instanceof WrappingLabel);
List<?> childrenFigure = wrapLabelFigure.getChildren();
assertSame("The figure of the note label should have only one child", 1, childrenFigure.size());
Object flowPageFigure = childrenFigure.get(0);
assertTrue("The figure of the note label child should be an instance of FlowPage", flowPageFigure instanceof FlowPage);
Rectangle flowPageBounds = ((FlowPage) flowPageFigure).getBounds();
// The label should be TOP & CENTER aligned.
int middleOfTheNoteX = noteFigureBounds.x + ((noteFigureBounds.width + noteFigureInsets.left - noteFigureInsets.right) / 2);
int middleOfTheLabelX = flowPageBounds.getCenter().x;
assertEquals("The label should be centered in the note", middleOfTheNoteX, middleOfTheLabelX, 2);
// if there's a link, the text is pushed below the horizontal centerline
// and the test fails, so test this only for 'normal' notes.
if (link == null) {
int middleOfTheNoteY = noteFigureBounds.getCenter().y;
int beginingOfTheLabelY = flowPageBounds.y;
int endOfTheLabelY = flowPageBounds.y + flowPageBounds.height;
assertTrue("The label should be at the top of the note", beginingOfTheLabelY < middleOfTheNoteY);
assertTrue("The label should be at the top of the note", endOfTheLabelY < middleOfTheNoteY);
// We do all of this because the following commented lines don't works
// assertSame("The note label should be centered",
// PositionConstants.CENTER, ((SiriusDescriptionCompartmentEditPart)
// part).getLabelDelegate().getTextJustification());
// assertSame("The note label should be on top", PositionConstants.TOP,
// ((SiriusDescriptionCompartmentEditPart)
// part).getLabelDelegate().getAlignment());
* Test method.
* @param zoomLevel
* The zoom factor
* @param packageNameToReveal
* the name of the package to reveal before inserting the note.
* @throws Exception
* Test error.
private void testNoteCreationInPackageContainer(ZoomLevel zoomLevel, String packageNameToReveal, DRepresentationDescriptor link) throws Exception {
// Reveal the package (and eventually scroll in the diagram)
// Get the location of the package (relative the part visible on the
// screen)
Point packageLocation = editor.getLocation(packageNameToReveal, DNodeContainerEditPart.class);
// Get the absolute location of the package from origin (0, 0)
Point packageAbsoluteLocation = editor.getAbsoluteLocation(packageNameToReveal, DNodeContainerEditPart.class);
// Get the insertion location for the note (use the relative coordinate,
// that's what is send to the request in reality)
Point delta = new Point(30, 30);
Point location = packageLocation.getTranslated(delta.getScaled(zoomLevel.getAmount()));
executeTool(location.x, location.y, link);
validateNote(packageAbsoluteLocation.getTranslated(delta), link);
private void testNoteCreationInPackageContainer(ZoomLevel zoomLevel, String packageNameToReveal) throws Exception {
testNoteCreationInPackageContainer(zoomLevel, packageNameToReveal, (DRepresentationDescriptor) null);
* Test method.
* @param zoomLevel
* The zoom factor
* @param packageNameToReveal
* the name of the package to reveal before inserting the note.
* @throws Exception
* Test error.
private void testNoteCreationInClassContainer(ZoomLevel zoomLevel, String classNameToReveal, DRepresentationDescriptor link) throws Exception {
// Reveal the class (and eventually scroll in the diagram and in the
// container)
// Get the location of the class (relative the part visible on the
// screen)
Point classLocation = editor.getLocation(classNameToReveal, DNodeList2EditPart.class);
// Get the absolute location of the class from origin (0, 0)
Point classAbsoluteLocation = editor.getAbsoluteLocation(classNameToReveal, DNodeList2EditPart.class);
// Get the insertion location for the note (use the relative coordinate,
// that's what is send to the request in reality)
Point delta = new Point(-30, -30);
Point location = classLocation.getTranslated(delta.getScaled(zoomLevel.getAmount()));
executeTool(location.x, location.y, link);
validateNote(classAbsoluteLocation.getTranslated(delta), link);
* Test method.
* @param zoomLevel
* The zoom factor
* @param packageNameToReveal
* the name of the package to reveal before inserting the note.
* @throws Exception
* Test error.
private void testNoteCreationInClassContainer(ZoomLevel zoomLevel, String classNameToReveal) throws Exception {
testNoteCreationInClassContainer(zoomLevel, classNameToReveal, null);
* Check that the note is near the expected location. We don't check
* precisely the location because the zoom can have round effect on the
* location.
* @param excpectedLocation
* the absolute position within the graphical viewer
private void assertNoteAtLocation(String noteLabel, Point excpectedLocation) {
Point noteLocation = editor.getAbsoluteLocation(noteLabel, NoteEditPart.class);
// assertTrue("The note has a bad location. expected:<" +
// excpectedLocation.toString() + "> but was:<" + noteLocation + ">",
// excpectedLocation.getDistance(noteLocation) < 2);
assertEquals("The note has been created at wrong location.", adaptLocation(excpectedLocation), noteLocation);
* Possibility to adapt the expected location according to some parameters
* (snap to grid, ...).
* @param expectedLocation
* The initial expected location
* @return The adapted location
protected Point adaptLocation(Point expectedLocation) {
return expectedLocation;