tree: ad420a569c8ad886942ef5291c99791a176f1eee [path history] [tgz]
  1. .settings/
  2. lib/
  3. lib_src/
  4. META-INF/
  5. src/
  6. webapp/
  7. .classpath
  8. .project
  9. about.html
  12. plugin.xml
  13. pom.xml


The code in this plug-in is experimental. It is made available for interested people to experiment with it, but is not supported.

Note that it does not build out-of-the box, so by default it is not integrated into the main build: it depends on Eclipse Sprotty 0.6.0 which at this time can not be easily consumed by other “classical” Eclipse projects (at least ones made of Eclipse Platform Plug-ins).

If you want to build it, you will need to:

  1. Get the official Sprotty 0.6.0 JARs from Maven Central (here with their SHA1) and put them inside the lib and lib_src folders inside this plug-ins:

    • 9080e69f2669a0e7c64072b98bc75beb0667abac lib/org.eclipse.sprotty-0.6.0.jar
    • 66ac6d156cd92241a87448b75a55503174ba8006 lib/org.eclipse.sprotty.layout-0.6.0.jar
    • ba72351a960b3d9d60c654b65ad48369a447db69 lib/org.eclipse.sprotty.server-0.6.0.jar
    • 6557f422ccd50cb861feb24b03073cd7fc80f8b4 lib_src/org.eclipse.sprotty-0.6.0-javadoc.jar
    • bd2b961981f8f810e060c8e0569b65bf64a18626 lib_src/org.eclipse.sprotty-0.6.0-sources.jar
    • dd6b278a592376c59530bee3603401229b2be1fa lib_src/org.eclipse.sprotty.layout-0.6.0-javadoc.jar
    • ee9378042abd40ed9d5aaac635492122ab6e8178 lib_src/org.eclipse.sprotty.layout-0.6.0-sources.jar
    • b193cb530b4393949c5070563a534a45929dfa26 lib_src/org.eclipse.sprotty.server-0.6.0-javadoc.jar
    • 81d229f90609a3d96cc1002c2f935424e7c9f716 lib_src/org.eclipse.sprotty.server-0.6.0-sources.jar
  2. In packaging/org.eclipse.sirius.parent/pom.xml, enable the org.eclipse.sirius.server.diagram.sprotty module (found inside the headless-server profile), which is commented out by default.

  3. In packaging/org.eclipse.sirius.server.feature/feature.xml, enable the org.eclipse.sirius.server.diagram.sprotty plug-in, which is commented out by default.