Introduce GerritClient#createProject(ProjectInput)

The parameter list of the old createProject() method became quite
lengthy and was not easily extendable. Latest Gerrit versions,
for example, have a new option --plugin-config that could not be
used with the old createProject() method.

This patch introduces GerritClient#createProject(ProjectOptions)
with a new helper class ProjectOptions inspired by the ProjectInput
enity of the Gerrit REST API. It supports all currently known
options of Gerrit's project creation REST API.

The old createProject() method has been deprecated and has been
reimplemented to use createProject(ProjectInput) internally.

Change-Id: I5b0604f1ca4fce529eae0be58f8acc23d01bcb4b
Signed-off-by: Michael Ochmann <>
8 files changed