blob: 9d46515abfb0f77ec6849ce1cb0e8887b7528429 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2008,2011 empolis GmbH and brox IT Solutions GmbH. All rights reserved. This program and the
* accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which accompanies this
* distribution, and is available at
* Contributors: Andreas Weber (Attensity Europe GmbH) - initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.smila.datamodel.json.test;
import java.util.Date;
import junit.framework.TestCase;
import org.eclipse.smila.datamodel.Any;
import org.eclipse.smila.datamodel.AnyMap;
import org.eclipse.smila.datamodel.AnySeq;
import org.eclipse.smila.datamodel.DataFactory;
import org.eclipse.smila.datamodel.DataFactoryCreator;
import org.eclipse.smila.datamodel.Record;
import org.eclipse.smila.datamodel.Value;
import org.eclipse.smila.datamodel.ValueFormatHelper;
import org.eclipse.smila.datamodel.json.JsonSerializationUtils;
import org.eclipse.smila.datamodel.xml.XmlSerializationUtils;
* Junit test class for class JsonSerializationUtils.
* @author aweber
public class TestJsonSerializationUtils extends TestCase {
/** Constant for attribute Title. */
public static final String ATT_TITLE = "Title";
/** Constant for attribute Author. */
public static final String ATT_AUTHOR = "Author";
/** Constant for attribute Date. */
public static final String ATT_DATE = "Date";
/** Constant for attribute Date. */
public static final String ATT_SIZE = "Size";
/** Constant for attribute Similarity. */
public static final String ATT_SIMILARITY = "Similarity";
/** Constant for attribute Flag. */
public static final String ATT_FLAG = "Flag";
/** Constant for attribute singleObject. */
public static final String ATT_SINGLEOBJECT = "singleObject";
/** Constant for attribute multiObject. */
public static final String ATT_MULTIOBJECT = "multiObject";
/** Constant for attribute sequenceObject. */
public static final String ATT_SEQUENCEOBJECT = "sequenceObject";
/** Constant for attachment Text. */
public static final String ATTACHMENT_TEXT = "Content";
/** Data factory. */
protected static final DataFactory DATA_FACTORY = DataFactoryCreator.createDefaultFactory();
/** for record<->JSON serialization. */
protected final JsonSerializationUtils _jsonSerializationUtils = new JsonSerializationUtils();
* @throws Exception
* unexpected error
public void testJSON() throws Exception {
System.out.println("=== testJSON ===");
final Record record = createRecord();
// convert record to JSON
final String s = _jsonSerializationUtils.record2JsonObject(record);
// re-convert JSON to record
final Record parsedRecord = _jsonSerializationUtils.jsonObject2record(s);
System.out.println("--- parsed ---");
// compare original and id of parsed record, which should be not set at all
compareRecords(record, parsedRecord);
* @throws Exception
* unexpected error
public void testJSONAny() throws Exception {
System.out.println("=== testJSONAny ===");
final ByteArrayInputStream mapInput =
new ByteArrayInputStream("{\"key1\": \"value1\", \"key2\": \"value2\"}".getBytes());
final Any map = _jsonSerializationUtils.jsonStream2any(mapInput);
assertEquals(2, map.size());
assertEquals("value1", ((AnyMap) map).getStringValue("key1"));
assertEquals("value2", ((AnyMap) map).getStringValue("key2"));
final ByteArrayInputStream seqInput = new ByteArrayInputStream("[ \"value1\", \"value2\" ]".getBytes());
final Any seq = _jsonSerializationUtils.jsonStream2any(seqInput);
assertEquals(2, seq.size());
assertEquals("value1", ((AnySeq) seq).getStringValue(0));
assertEquals("value2", ((AnySeq) seq).getStringValue(1));
final ByteArrayInputStream strInput = new ByteArrayInputStream("\"value\"".getBytes());
final Any strVal = _jsonSerializationUtils.jsonStream2any(strInput);
assertEquals("value", ((Value) strVal).asString());
final ByteArrayInputStream longInput = new ByteArrayInputStream("42".getBytes());
final Any longVal = _jsonSerializationUtils.jsonStream2any(longInput);
assertEquals(42, ((Value) longVal).asLong().intValue());
final ByteArrayInputStream doubleInput = new ByteArrayInputStream(Double.toString(Math.PI).getBytes());
final Any doubleVal = _jsonSerializationUtils.jsonStream2any(doubleInput);
assertEquals(Math.PI, ((Value) doubleVal).asDouble().doubleValue());
final ByteArrayInputStream boolInput = new ByteArrayInputStream("true".getBytes());
final Any boolVal = _jsonSerializationUtils.jsonStream2any(boolInput);
assertTrue(((Value) boolVal).asBoolean());
* @param record
* input record
* @param parsedRecord
* output record
* @throws Exception
* error
protected void compareRecords(final Record record, final Record parsedRecord) throws Exception {
// compare original and id of parsed record
assertEquals(record.getId(), parsedRecord.getId());
// compare original and parsed metadata
final AnyMap expected = record.getMetadata();
final AnyMap metadata = parsedRecord.getMetadata();
compareMap(expected, metadata);
assertEquals(expected.get(ATT_SINGLEOBJECT).size(), metadata.get(ATT_SINGLEOBJECT).size());
compareMap(expected.getMap(ATT_SINGLEOBJECT), expected.getMap(ATT_SINGLEOBJECT));
assertEquals(expected.get(ATT_MULTIOBJECT).size(), metadata.get(ATT_MULTIOBJECT).size());
compareMap(expected.getSeq(ATT_MULTIOBJECT).getMap(0), expected.getSeq(ATT_MULTIOBJECT).getMap(0));
compareMap(expected.getSeq(ATT_MULTIOBJECT).getMap(1), expected.getSeq(ATT_MULTIOBJECT).getMap(1));
assertEquals(expected.get(ATT_SEQUENCEOBJECT).size(), metadata.get(ATT_SEQUENCEOBJECT).size());
assertEquals(expected.getSeq(ATT_SEQUENCEOBJECT).get(0), expected.getSeq(ATT_SEQUENCEOBJECT).get(0));
assertEquals(expected.getSeq(ATT_SEQUENCEOBJECT).get(1), expected.getSeq(ATT_SEQUENCEOBJECT).get(1));
// attachments are not part of BON/JSON
* compare metadata map objects.
* @param expected
* created object
* @param parsed
* parsed object
protected void compareMap(final AnyMap expected, final AnyMap parsed) {
assertEquals(expected.size(), parsed.size());
// test ATT_TITLE
assertEquals(expected.get(ATT_TITLE), parsed.get(ATT_TITLE));
// test ATT_DATE
// test ATT_SIZE
assertEquals(expected.get(ATT_SIZE), parsed.get(ATT_SIZE));
assertEquals(expected.get(ATT_SIMILARITY), parsed.get(ATT_SIMILARITY));
// test ATT_FLAG
assertEquals(expected.get(ATT_FLAG), parsed.get(ATT_FLAG));
// test ATT_AUTHOR
assertEquals(expected.get(ATT_AUTHOR), parsed.get(ATT_AUTHOR));
* Utility method to create Record objects used in the tests.
* @return a Record
* @throws UnsupportedEncodingException
* if any error occurs
public Record createRecord() throws UnsupportedEncodingException {
final String idValue = "0815";
final String source = "testSource";
final String text = "Some test text without meaning.";
final Record record = DataFactoryCreator.createDefaultFactory().createRecord(idValue, source);
final AnyMap metadata = createMap();
// Map value
metadata.put(ATT_SINGLEOBJECT, createMap());
// Seq of Map
metadata.add(ATT_MULTIOBJECT, createMap());
metadata.add(ATT_MULTIOBJECT, createMap());
// Seq of Seq
final AnySeq sequenceObjects = DATA_FACTORY.createAnySeq();
metadata.put(ATT_SEQUENCEOBJECT, sequenceObjects);
record.setAttachment(ATTACHMENT_TEXT, text.getBytes());
return record;
* create a sequence metadata object.
* @return a sequence metadata object
protected AnySeq createSeq() {
final AnySeq seq = DATA_FACTORY.createAnySeq();
seq.add(new Long(1));
seq.add(new Long(0));
seq.add(new Long(2));
return seq;
* @return a map object
protected AnyMap createMap() {
final AnyMap metadata = DATA_FACTORY.createAnyMap();
final String title = "test title";
final String[] authors = { "karl", "heinz" };
final Date date = new Date();
final String text = "Some test text without meaning.";
final int size = text.length();
final double similarity = 0.75;
final boolean flag = true;
metadata.put(ATT_TITLE, title);
for (final String author : authors) {
metadata.add(ATT_AUTHOR, DATA_FACTORY.createStringValue(author));
metadata.put(ATT_DATE, DATA_FACTORY.createDateValue(date));
metadata.put(ATT_SIZE, size);
metadata.put(ATT_SIMILARITY, similarity);
metadata.put(ATT_FLAG, flag);
return metadata;