blob: 7a9cac361c80862f5ea58496aea9bfdf52e15455 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2008 empolis GmbH and brox IT Solutions GmbH. All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying
* materials are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which accompanies this distribution,
* and is available at
* Contributors: Thomas Menzel (brox IT Solution GmbH) - initial creator
package org.eclipse.smila.solr;
import static org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils.join;
import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrQuery;
import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrServerException;
import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.response.QueryResponse;
import org.apache.solr.common.SolrDocument;
import org.apache.solr.common.SolrDocumentList;
import org.eclipse.smila.blackboard.BlackboardAccessException;
import org.eclipse.smila.blackboard.impl.BlackboardFactoryImpl;
import org.eclipse.smila.datamodel.AnyMap;
import org.eclipse.smila.datamodel.AnySeq;
import org.eclipse.smila.datamodel.DataFactoryCreator;
import org.eclipse.smila.datamodel.Record;
import org.eclipse.smila.datamodel.xml.XmlSerializationUtils;
import org.eclipse.smila.solr.index.SolrIndexPipelet;
import org.eclipse.smila.solr.util.SolrQueryUtils;
* this class uses the embedded solr to do its tests and hence needs the .solr config folder. since we want to test the
* {@link SolrIndexPipelet} indexing is done thru this class while the check is done with solr classes directly and not
* the {@link SolrSearchPipelet} to not a) duplicate/mingle the test units and also to have this as a
* reference/regression against solr.
* @author tmenzel
public class SolrIndexPipelet_Index_Test extends SolrPipeletTestBase {
/** value of the data to be indexed in that field. */
private String _fieldValue;
* name of the solr doc field containing the path. It is intentionally diff from REC_FIELD to show that the mappings
* works.
private static final String SOLR_DOC_FIELD = "Path";
/** name of the rec field to be put into SOLR_DOC_FIELD */
private static final String REC_FIELD = "Folder";
/** The _pipelet. */
SolrIndexPipelet _pipelet = new SolrIndexPipelet();
protected void setUp() throws Exception {
_fieldValue = "c:\\data\\folder with spaces/mixed-delim$folder/and:other^sepcial&chars";
// <rec:Val key="ExecutionMode">ADD</rec:Val>
// <rec:Val key="CoreName">DefaultCore</rec:Val>
// <rec:Seq key="CoreFields">
// <rec:Map>
// <rec:Val key="FieldName">Folder</rec:Val>
// <rec:Val key="RecSourceName">Path</rec:Val>
// <rec:Val key="RecSourceType">ATTRIBUTE</rec:Val>
// </rec:Map>
final AnySeq configCoreFields = _config.getSeq(SolrConstants.CORE_FIELDS, true);
final AnyMap fieldConfig = DataFactoryCreator.createDefaultFactory().createAnyMap();
fieldConfig.put(SolrConstants.CORE_FIELD_NAME, SOLR_DOC_FIELD);
fieldConfig.put(SolrConstants.SOURCE_NAME, REC_FIELD);
_blackboard = new BlackboardFactoryImpl().createTransientBlackboard();
_record = createRecord();
_solrServer = Activator.getInstance().getSolrManager().getSolrServer(SolrConstants.DEFAULT_CORE);
// clear the index in advance before the (next) test
* creates and adds the record to the BB of this test, but not to solr.
private Record createRecord(final String... idModifiers) throws BlackboardAccessException {
final Record record = DataFactoryCreator.createDefaultFactory().createRecord();
final String id = "test:\" " + getName() + "-" + join(idModifiers);
record.getMetadata().put(REC_FIELD, _fieldValue);
return record;
* tests that a document is actually added
public void test_AddAndSearch() throws Exception {
final String queryString = SolrQueryUtils.toConstQueryOnField("_recordid", _record.getId());
final QueryResponse response = search(queryString);
final SolrDocument solrDocument = response.getResults().get(0);
assertEquals(_fieldValue, solrDocument.getFieldValue(SOLR_DOC_FIELD));
* tests that umlauts are working properly.
public void test_AddAndSearch_Umlauts() throws Exception {
// aendern
_fieldValue = "\u00e4ndern";
_record.getMetadata().put(REC_FIELD, _fieldValue);
final String queryString = SolrQueryUtils.toConstQueryOnField(SOLR_DOC_FIELD, _fieldValue);
final QueryResponse response = search(queryString);
final SolrDocument solrDocument = response.getResults().get(0);
assertEquals(_fieldValue, solrDocument.getFieldValue(SOLR_DOC_FIELD));
private QueryResponse search(final String queryString) throws SolrServerException {
final SolrQuery solrQuery = new SolrQuery();
final QueryResponse response = _solrServer.query(solrQuery);
return response;
private void indexAndCommit() throws Exception {
private void indexAndCommit(final String id) throws Exception {
_pipelet.process(_blackboard, new String[] { id });
_solrServer.commit(true, true);
* indexes 2 indentical records (except id) but boosts the 2nd. the result should contain the 2nd @ pos 1 and its
* score should be greater!
public void test_DocumentBoosting() throws Exception {
final String id0 = _record.getId();
_record = createRecord("1");
final String id1 = _record.getId();
_record.getMetadata().put(SolrConstants.DOC_BOOST, 2.0);
final QueryResponse search = search(SolrQueryUtils.toConstQueryOnField(SOLR_DOC_FIELD, _fieldValue));
final SolrDocumentList results = search.getResults();
assertEquals(2, results.getNumFound());
// since id1 is boosted it should be 1st
assertEquals(id1, results.get(0).getFieldValue(SolrConstants.CORE_FIELD_ID));
assertEquals(id0, results.get(1).getFieldValue(SolrConstants.CORE_FIELD_ID));
// score: id0 < id1
final float score0 = (Float) results.get(0).getFieldValue(SolrConstants.CORE_FIELD_SCORE);
final float score1 = (Float) results.get(1).getFieldValue(SolrConstants.CORE_FIELD_SCORE);
assertTrue(score0 > score1);
assertEquals(score0, score1 * 2); // this might fail in certain circumstances but is the stricted test
* indexes 2 indentical records (except id) but boosts the 2nd. the result should contain the 2nd @ pos 1 and its
* score should be greater!
public void test_SearchForIdwithSpecialChars() throws Exception {
assertSearchForIdWithSpecialChars("E:\\test-data\\Testdaten_TelekomTraining\\tt_ag\\Seminarunterlagen\\TP\\Informationstechnologie\\Offenes_Programm\\K000655_NET@Routing+Switching\\durchführungsrelevante_Dateien\\Dateisammlung\\Routing&Switching\\Weber Rolf\\Routing und Switching_Labguide_V2.7.doc");
private void assertSearchForIdWithSpecialChars(final String id) throws Exception, SolrServerException {
final Record copy = _blackboard.getDataFactory().cloneRecord(_record, id);
final QueryResponse search = search(SolrQueryUtils.toConstQueryOnField(SolrConstants.CORE_FIELD_ID, id));
final SolrDocumentList results = search.getResults();
assertEquals(1, results.getNumFound());