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This is a page of some of the technical stuff that I've written using various
programming languages. Click on the links to learn more about the projects or
to see the source code.<BR>
<I>Note: Feel free to copy, steal, modify, destroy what you will...</I><BR><BR>
<H2> Programs and Utilities </H2>
<LI><A href="makemake.html"> <I> Automatic
Makefile Utility: </I></A> This generates a Makefile and updates it according
to the files currently in your directory.
Take a gander at the source here: <A
href="makemake.c"> <I> makemake.c
</LI><LI><A href="" > <I>
mail file sorter: </I> </A>
This utility parses a mail file and creates another mail file containing only
the messages specified by paramaters. For example, parse a mail archive file
(old-mail-Jan-2000) and extract all of the messages from or
with the subject Marillion. This guy was whipped up in Perl.
</LI><LI><A href="electronicNotes.html" > <I>
Electronic Notes: </I> </A> This is an original idea (gasp!) that I developed which is a
system for keeping little reminders to yourself during the day and having them
sent to you all in one convenient file via email at the end of the day.
</LI><LI><A href="header.html" > <I> C/C++ Header file
to Implementation file converter: </I> </A>
This is a very useful tool written in C++ that converts .h files to empty
implementation (.C) files.
</LI><LI><A href="matrix.html" > <I> Matrix Manipulation
Package: </I></A> This is a package that does all sorts of cool manipulations
with matrices, such as Gaussian Elimination, Normal Equations, Vandermonde
Matrices, Cholesky Factorization, Error Analysis, and more stuff than you would
ever want to do with a matrix. It is written in good ol' C.
<BR ><BR >
<A href="lisp.html" > <I>Set Operations: </I></A> <I></I> A program that performs set
operations on a list. This is written in Lisp, of all things. There's also
some examples of my own interpretations of some Lisp functions. Lisp is a good
language for AI and things of that nature.
It relies heavily on recursion, so it takes a different
mindset to program in this language. But used correctly and for its intended
purpose, Lisp is a very unique and powerful programming language.
<BR ><BR >
<A href="loc.html" > <I> Lines Of Code Counter:
</I></A><I></I> This is is LOC counter that I wrote in Perl that calculates the number of
uncommented lines of code in a program. This works for any programming
language as you can supply the comment character on the command line. This is
an extremely useful program for use in software metrics.
<BR abc="def"><BR abc="def" >
</LI><LI><A href="linwin.html"> <I> Simple *nix to
windows text converter </I></A> This takes files written in Linux (and in vi or
an editor with automatic line breaks after every 80 or so chars) and
formats it so it will display properly in Windows environment should you be
forced to do so.
Peruse (peruse, mind you. I don't want to see any <I>browsing</I>) the source here: <A
href="linwin.c"> <I> linwin.c
<BR abc = "def"><BR abc = "def">
</LI><LI><B> Regression and Standard Deviation: </B>
A math class written in Java using Object Oriented design principles. The main
aspects of the program are for figuring out Standard Deviation and the
Regression, when you input a set of x and y values. Regression calculations
are often used in Software Metrics to to help in estimating length of code, and
time spent on the project.<BR>
<A href="RegressionCalc.html" >
<I> </I> </A> This is the main class that does the
calculations. It calculates B1, B0, and r^2, which are all parameters of
<BR abc= "def">
<A href="MathClass.html" >
<I> </I> </A> This is simply a small class which calculates the
mean and the standard deviation of a vector of numbers. This is used by the
RegressionCalc class in its calculations.
<BR abc ="def">
<A href="Regression.html" >
<I> </I> </A> This is basically the main routine, or where the
program starts. It puts all of the input from the command line into two
separate vectors for the x and y values.<BR><BR>
An example of the usage of this program would be: <BR>
If you had a history of data on your estimated Lines Of Code (LOC) per class,
as well as the actual LOC per class, you could put these in the formula and
find out the Regression of the data (or how far away each point is from the
function line.)
You would input the data for the estimated LOC, separated by a comma, and
followed by the actual LOC. The result would be the regression calculation.
%java Regression 130 650 99 150 , 186 699 132 272
X Data = [ 130.0 650.0 99.0 150.0 ]
Y Data = [ 186.0 699.0 132.0 272.0 ]
N = 4
Beta0 = 72.6905030780361
Beta1 = 0.9701049443030667
rSquared = 2212.504697673689
<H2> Knowledge </H2>
<LI><A href="vim.html"> <I> Espousing my love
for vim! </I></A> vim just rocks, okay. Really. If I had to choose between,
like, sex, or using vim--let's just say I'd be one masterful-editing monk.
<A href="MBR-LILO.txt">
<I> Lost LILO? Recover.</I> </A> If you have Linux installed in a multi-boot
environment, and you overwrite your MBR, you can lose LILO. I reinstalled
Windows (hey, I needed to play Final Fantasy VIII!) and couldn't boot into
Linux. Here's how I recovered.