blob: bb03412b8722a208b58188a957d916b9adc1ce6b [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2006 IBM Corporation and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.wst.xml.core.internal.validation.errorcustomization;
import junit.framework.TestCase;
* Tests for the ErrorCustomizationRegistry class.
public class ErrorCustomizationRegistryTest extends TestCase
private ErrorCustomizationRegistry registry = null;
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see junit.framework.TestCase#setUp()
protected void setUp() throws Exception
registry = new ErrorCustomizationRegistryWrapper();
* Test the AddErrorMessageCustomizerToRegistry method with the following tests:
* 1. Test that adding an error customizer for a namespace is successful.
* 2. Test that adding two error customizers for a namespace returns both customizers.
* 3. Test that adding an entry with a null namespace adds the entry for the empty string
* namespace.
public void testAddErrorMessageCustomizerToRegistry()
// 1. Test that adding an error customizer for a namespace is successful.
String namespace1 = "http://namespace1";
IErrorMessageCustomizer customizer = new IErrorMessageCustomizer(){
public String customizeMessage(ElementInformation elementInfo, String errorKey, Object[] arguments)
// This stub for testing does not require an implementation.
return null;
registry.addErrorMessageCustomizer(namespace1, customizer);
IErrorMessageCustomizer[] registeredCustomizers = registry.getCustomizers(namespace1);
assertEquals("1. There should only be 1 customizer registered for the namespace but there are " + registeredCustomizers.length, 1, registeredCustomizers.length);
assertEquals("1. The IErrorMessageCustomizer returned is not the same one registered.", customizer, registeredCustomizers[0]);
// 2. Test that adding two error customizers for a namespace returns both customizers.
IErrorMessageCustomizer customizer2 = new IErrorMessageCustomizer(){
public String customizeMessage(ElementInformation elementInfo, String errorKey, Object[] arguments)
// This stub for testing does not require an implementation.
return null;
registry.addErrorMessageCustomizer(namespace1, customizer2);
registeredCustomizers = registry.getCustomizers(namespace1);
assertEquals("2. There should be 2 customizers registered for the namespace but there are " + registeredCustomizers.length, 2, registeredCustomizers.length);
assertEquals("2. The first IErrorMessageCustomizer returned is not the same one registered.", customizer, registeredCustomizers[0]);
assertEquals("2. The second IErrorMessageCustomizer returned is not the same one registered.", customizer2, registeredCustomizers[1]);
// 3. Test that adding an entry with a null namespace adds the entry for the empty string namespace.
registry.addErrorMessageCustomizer(null, customizer);
registeredCustomizers = registry.getCustomizers("");
assertEquals("3. There should be 1 customizers registered for the namespace but there are " + registeredCustomizers.length, 1, registeredCustomizers.length);
assertEquals("3. The IErrorMessageCustomizer returned is not the same one registered.", customizer, registeredCustomizers[0]);
* Test the getCustomizers method with the following tests:
* 1. Test that requesting an error customizer array for a namespace that has not been
* registered produces an empty array.
* 2. Test that requesting an error customizer array for the null namespace returns the
* one registered customizer.
* 3. Test that requesting an error customizer array for the empty string namespace returns
* the one registered customizer.
public void testGetCustomizers()
// 1. Test that requesting an error customizer list for a namespace that has not been
// registered produces an empty list.
IErrorMessageCustomizer[] customizers = registry.getCustomizers("http://nonregisterednamespace");
assertEquals("1. The array of customizers for an unregistered namespace is not empty.", 0, customizers.length);
// 2. Test that requesting an error customizer array for the null namespace returns the
// one registered customizer.
IErrorMessageCustomizer customizer = new IErrorMessageCustomizer(){
public String customizeMessage(ElementInformation elementInfo, String errorKey, Object[] arguments)
// This stub for testing does not require an implementation.
return null;
registry.addErrorMessageCustomizer(null, customizer);
customizers = registry.getCustomizers(null);
assertEquals("2. The array of customizers for a registered customizer for the null namespace does not contain 1 customizer.", 1, customizers.length);
assertEquals("2. The customizer for the null namespace was not successfully returned.", customizer, customizers[0]);
// 3. Test that requesting an error customizer array for the empty string namespace returns
// the one registered customizer for the null namespace.
customizers = registry.getCustomizers("");
assertEquals("3. The array of customizers for a registered customizer for the null namespace does not contain 1 customizer for the empty string namespace.", 1, customizers.length);
assertEquals("3. The customizer for the empty string namespace was not successfully returned.", customizer, customizers[0]);