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<html><body><p><font size="+1"><strong>Package org.eclipse.wst.xml.xpath2.api</strong></font></p><hr><h2><font size="-1"><strong>org.eclipse.wst.xml.xpath2.api</strong></font><br>
Class DynamicContext</h2><br><hr><pre>public class <strong>DynamicContext</strong>
extends </pre>Interface for dynamic context. This covers the Dynamic Context as defined by the XPath2 specification, EXCEPT for
context item and size (handled in EvaluationContext)<p></p><hr><table width="100%" border="1"><tr cols="2" bgcolor="#CCCCFF"><td colspan="2" width="100%"><h2>Method Summary</h2></td></tr><tr valign="top"><td width="20%" align="right"><code>public org.eclipse.wst.xml.xpath2.api.CollationProvider</code></td><td width="" align="left"><code><a href="#method_getCollationProvider">getCollationProvider</a>()</code><br>
Actual collation providers available for use dynamically. This could
differ from the collations available statically, but would give
unexpected results.</td></tr><tr valign="top"><td width="20%" align="right"><code>public java.util.Map</code></td><td width="" align="left"><code><a href="#method_getCollections">getCollections</a>()</code><br>
[Definition: Available collections. This is a mapping of
strings onto sequences of nodes. The string represents the absolute URI
of a resource. The sequence of nodes represents the result of the
fn:collection function when that URI is supplied as the argument. ] The
set of available collections is not limited to the set of statically
known collections, and it may be empty. For every document node D that
is in the target of a mapping in available collections, or that is the
root of a tree containing such a node, the document-uri property of D
must either be absent, or must be a URI U such that available documents
contains a mapping from U to D." Note: This means that for any document
node $N retrieved using the fn:collection function, either directly or
by navigating to the root of a node that was returned, the result of
fn:doc(fn:document-uri($N)) is $N will always be True, unless
fn:document-uri($N) is an empty sequence. This implies a requirement
for the fn:doc and fn:collection functions to be consistent in their
effect. If the implementation uses catalogs or user-supplied URI
resolvers to dereference URIs supplied to the fn:doc function, the
implementation of the fn:collection function must take these mechanisms
into account. For example, an implementation might achieve this by
mapping the collection URI to a set of document URIs, which are then
resolved using the same catalog or URI resolver that is used by the
fn:doc function.</td></tr><tr valign="top"><td width="20%" align="right"><code>public java.util.GregorianCalendar</code></td><td width="" align="left"><code><a href="#method_getCurrentDateTime">getCurrentDateTime</a>()</code><br>
[Definition: Current dateTime. This
information represents an implementation-dependent point in time during
the processing of an expression, and includes an explicit timezone. It
can be retrieved by the fn:current-dateTime function. If invoked
multiple times during the execution of an expression, this function
always returns the same result.]
Returns the current date time using the GregorianCalendar.</td></tr><tr valign="top"><td width="20%" align="right"><code>public java.util.List</code></td><td width="" align="left"><code><a href="#method_getDefaultCollection">getDefaultCollection</a>()</code><br>
[Definition: Default collection. This is the sequence
of nodes that would result from calling the fn:collection function with
no arguments.] The value of default collection may be initialized by
the implementation.</td></tr><tr valign="top"><td width="20%" align="right"><code>public org.w3c.dom.Document</code></td><td width="" align="left"><code><a href="#method_getDocument">getDocument</a>( uri)</code><br>
[Definition: Available documents. This is a mapping of
strings onto document nodes. The string represents the absolute URI of
a resource. The document node is the root of a tree that represents
that resource using the data model. The document node is returned by
the fn:doc function when applied to that URI.] The set of available
documents is not limited to the set of statically known documents, and
it may be empty. If there are one or more URIs in available documents
that map to a document node D, then the document-uri property of D must
either be absent, or must be one of these URIs. Note: This means that
given a document node $N, the result of fn:doc(fn:document-uri($N)) is
$N will always be True, unless fn:document-uri($N) is an empty
sequence.</td></tr><tr valign="top"><td width="20%" align="right"><code>public org.w3c.dom.Node</code></td><td width="" align="left"><code><a href="#method_getLimitNode">getLimitNode</a>()</code><br>
Returns a "top" node which the XPath2 engine is not allowed to
leave</td></tr><tr valign="top"><td width="20%" align="right"><code>public javax.xml.datatype.Duration</code></td><td width="" align="left"><code><a href="#method_getTimezoneOffset">getTimezoneOffset</a>()</code><br>
[Definition: Implicit timezone. This
is the timezone to be used when a date, time, or dateTime value that
does not have a timezone is used in a comparison or arithmetic
operation. The implicit timezone is an implementation-defined value of
type xs:dayTimeDuration. See [XML Schema] for the range of legal values
of a timezone.]</td></tr><tr valign="top"><td width="20%" align="right"><code>public org.eclipse.wst.xml.xpath2.api.ResultSequence</code></td><td width="" align="left"><code><a href="#method_getVariable">getVariable</a>(javax.xml.namespace.QName name)</code><br>
Get variable.</td></tr><tr valign="top"><td width="20%" align="right"><code>public</code></td><td width="" align="left"><code><a href="#method_resolveUri">resolveUri</a>(java.lang.String uri)</code><br>
Resolve an URI</td></tr></table><hr><table cols="2" width="100%" border="1"><tr colspan="2" width="100%" bgcolor="#CCCCFF" align="left"><td><h2>
Methods Detail
</h2></td></tr></table><h2><a name="method_getCollationProvider">getCollationProvider</a></h2><p><code>public org.eclipse.wst.xml.xpath2.api.CollationProvider <strong>getCollationProvider</strong>()</code></p><p>Actual collation providers available for use dynamically. This could
differ from the collations available statically, but would give
unexpected results.</p><h3>Returns</h3><p><code>org.eclipse.wst.xml.xpath2.api.CollationProvider</code></p><hr><h2><a name="method_getCollections">getCollections</a></h2><p><code>public java.util.Map <strong>getCollections</strong>()</code></p><p>[Definition: Available collections. This is a mapping of
strings onto sequences of nodes. The string represents the absolute URI
of a resource. The sequence of nodes represents the result of the
fn:collection function when that URI is supplied as the argument. ] The
set of available collections is not limited to the set of statically
known collections, and it may be empty. For every document node D that
is in the target of a mapping in available collections, or that is the
root of a tree containing such a node, the document-uri property of D
must either be absent, or must be a URI U such that available documents
contains a mapping from U to D." Note: This means that for any document
node $N retrieved using the fn:collection function, either directly or
by navigating to the root of a node that was returned, the result of
fn:doc(fn:document-uri($N)) is $N will always be True, unless
fn:document-uri($N) is an empty sequence. This implies a requirement
for the fn:doc and fn:collection functions to be consistent in their
effect. If the implementation uses catalogs or user-supplied URI
resolvers to dereference URIs supplied to the fn:doc function, the
implementation of the fn:collection function must take these mechanisms
into account. For example, an implementation might achieve this by
mapping the collection URI to a set of document URIs, which are then
resolved using the same catalog or URI resolver that is used by the
fn:doc function.</p><h3>Returns</h3><p><code>java.util.Map</code></p><hr><h2><a name="method_getCurrentDateTime">getCurrentDateTime</a></h2><p><code>public java.util.GregorianCalendar <strong>getCurrentDateTime</strong>()</code></p><p>[Definition: Current dateTime. This
information represents an implementation-dependent point in time during
the processing of an expression, and includes an explicit timezone. It
can be retrieved by the fn:current-dateTime function. If invoked
multiple times during the execution of an expression, this function
always returns the same result.]
Returns the current date time using the GregorianCalendar.</p><h3>Returns</h3><p><code>java.util.GregorianCalendar</code> - The current date and time, which will always be same for the dynamic context.</p><hr><h2><a name="method_getDefaultCollection">getDefaultCollection</a></h2><p><code>public java.util.List <strong>getDefaultCollection</strong>()</code></p><p>[Definition: Default collection. This is the sequence
of nodes that would result from calling the fn:collection function with
no arguments.] The value of default collection may be initialized by
the implementation.</p><h3>Returns</h3><p><code>java.util.List</code></p><hr><h2><a name="method_getDocument">getDocument</a></h2><p><code>public org.w3c.dom.Document <strong>getDocument</strong>( uri)</code></p><p>[Definition: Available documents. This is a mapping of
strings onto document nodes. The string represents the absolute URI of
a resource. The document node is the root of a tree that represents
that resource using the data model. The document node is returned by
the fn:doc function when applied to that URI.] The set of available
documents is not limited to the set of statically known documents, and
it may be empty. If there are one or more URIs in available documents
that map to a document node D, then the document-uri property of D must
either be absent, or must be one of these URIs. Note: This means that
given a document node $N, the result of fn:doc(fn:document-uri($N)) is
$N will always be True, unless fn:document-uri($N) is an empty
sequence.</p><h3>Parameters</h3><p><code>uri</code> - is the URI of the document.</p><h3>Returns</h3><p><code>org.w3c.dom.Document</code> - document.</p><hr><h2><a name="method_getLimitNode">getLimitNode</a></h2><p><code>public org.w3c.dom.Node <strong>getLimitNode</strong>()</code></p><p>Returns a "top" node which the XPath2 engine is not allowed to
leave</p><h3>Returns</h3><p><code>org.w3c.dom.Node</code> - DOM node which limits axis navigation.</p><hr><h2><a name="method_getTimezoneOffset">getTimezoneOffset</a></h2><p><code>public javax.xml.datatype.Duration <strong>getTimezoneOffset</strong>()</code></p><p>[Definition: Implicit timezone. This
is the timezone to be used when a date, time, or dateTime value that
does not have a timezone is used in a comparison or arithmetic
operation. The implicit timezone is an implementation-defined value of
type xs:dayTimeDuration. See [XML Schema] for the range of legal values
of a timezone.]</p><h3>Returns</h3><p><code>javax.xml.datatype.Duration</code> - current date time and implicit timezone.</p><hr><h2><a name="method_getVariable">getVariable</a></h2><p><code>public org.eclipse.wst.xml.xpath2.api.ResultSequence <strong>getVariable</strong>(javax.xml.namespace.QName name)</code></p><p>Get variable.</p><h3>Parameters</h3><p><code>name</code> - is the name of the variable.</p><h3>Returns</h3><p><code>org.eclipse.wst.xml.xpath2.api.ResultSequence</code> - variable.</p><hr><h2><a name="method_resolveUri">resolveUri</a></h2><p><code>public <strong>resolveUri</strong>(java.lang.String uri)</code></p><p>Resolve an URI</p><h3>Parameters</h3><p><code>uri</code> - is the possibly relative URI to resolve</p><h3>Returns</h3><p><code></code> - the absolutized, resolved URI.</p><hr></body></html>