blob: d594563b278fbf227154be8768c3add856c254e1 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2010 Mukul Gandhi, and others
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* Mukul Gandhi - initial API and implementation
* Mukul Gandhi - bug 318313 - improvements to computation of typed values of nodes, when validated by XML Schema
* primitive types.
* Mukul Gandhi - bug 323900 - improving computing the typed value of element and attribute nodes, where the schema
* type of nodes are simple, with varieties 'list' and 'union'.
* Mukul Gandhi - bug 341862 - improvements to computation of typed value of xs:boolean nodes.
package org.eclipse.wst.xml.xpath2.processor.internal.types;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import org.apache.xerces.xs.XSConstants;
import org.eclipse.wst.xml.xpath2.processor.PsychoPathTypeHelper;
* A factory class implementation, to construct PsychoPath schema type representation corresponding
* to XML Schema types.
public class SchemaTypeValueFactory {
public static AnyType newSchemaTypeValue(short typeDef, String strValue) {
if (typeDef == XSConstants.ANYURI_DT) {
return new XSAnyURI(strValue);
if (typeDef == XSConstants.BOOLEAN_DT) {
String newStrValue = ("1".equals(strValue) || "true".equals(strValue)) ? "true" : "false";
return new XSBoolean(Boolean.valueOf(newStrValue).booleanValue());
if (typeDef == XSConstants.DATE_DT) {
return XSDate.parse_date(strValue);
if (typeDef == XSConstants.DATETIME_DT) {
return XSDateTime.parseDateTime(strValue);
// decimal and it's subtypes
if (typeDef == XSConstants.DECIMAL_DT) {
return new XSDecimal(new BigDecimal(strValue));
if (typeDef == XSConstants.INTEGER_DT) {
return new XSInteger(new BigInteger(strValue));
if (typeDef == XSConstants.LONG_DT) {
return new XSLong(new BigInteger(strValue));
if (typeDef == XSConstants.INT_DT) {
return new XSInt(new BigInteger(strValue));
if (typeDef == XSConstants.SHORT_DT) {
return new XSShort(new BigInteger(strValue));
if (typeDef == XSConstants.BYTE_DT) {
return new XSByte(new BigInteger(strValue));
if (typeDef == XSConstants.NONNEGATIVEINTEGER_DT) {
return new XSNonNegativeInteger(new BigInteger(strValue));
if (typeDef == XSConstants.POSITIVEINTEGER_DT) {
return new XSPositiveInteger(new BigInteger(strValue));
if (typeDef == XSConstants.UNSIGNEDLONG_DT) {
return new XSUnsignedLong(new BigInteger(strValue));
if (typeDef == XSConstants.UNSIGNEDINT_DT) {
return new XSUnsignedInt(new BigInteger(strValue));
if (typeDef == XSConstants.UNSIGNEDSHORT_DT) {
return new XSUnsignedShort(new BigInteger(strValue));
if (typeDef == XSConstants.UNSIGNEDBYTE_DT) {
return new XSUnsignedByte(new BigInteger(strValue));
if (typeDef == XSConstants.NONPOSITIVEINTEGER_DT) {
return new XSNonPositiveInteger(new BigInteger(strValue));
if (typeDef == XSConstants.NEGATIVEINTEGER_DT) {
return new XSNegativeInteger(new BigInteger(strValue));
// end of, decimal types
if (typeDef == XSConstants.DOUBLE_DT) {
return new XSDouble(Double.parseDouble(strValue));
// duration and it's subtypes
if (typeDef == XSConstants.DURATION_DT) {
return XSDuration.parseDTDuration(strValue);
if (typeDef == PsychoPathTypeHelper.DAYTIMEDURATION_DT) {
return XSDayTimeDuration.parseDTDuration(strValue);
if (typeDef == PsychoPathTypeHelper.YEARMONTHDURATION_DT) {
return XSYearMonthDuration.parseYMDuration(strValue);
// end of, duration types
if (typeDef == XSConstants.FLOAT_DT) {
return new XSFloat(Float.parseFloat(strValue));
if (typeDef == XSConstants.GDAY_DT) {
return XSGDay.parse_gDay(strValue);
if (typeDef == XSConstants.GMONTH_DT) {
return XSGMonth.parse_gMonth(strValue);
if (typeDef == XSConstants.GMONTHDAY_DT) {
return XSGMonthDay.parse_gMonthDay(strValue);
if (typeDef == XSConstants.GYEAR_DT) {
return XSGYear.parse_gYear(strValue);
if (typeDef == XSConstants.GYEARMONTH_DT) {
return XSGYearMonth.parse_gYearMonth(strValue);
if (typeDef == XSConstants.NOTATION_DT) {
return new XSString(strValue);
if (typeDef == XSConstants.QNAME_DT) {
return QName.parse_QName(strValue);
// string and it's subtypes
if (typeDef == XSConstants.STRING_DT) {
return new XSString(strValue);
if (typeDef == XSConstants.NORMALIZEDSTRING_DT) {
return new XSNormalizedString(strValue);
if (typeDef == XSConstants.TOKEN_DT) {
return new XSToken(strValue);
if (typeDef == XSConstants.NAME_DT) {
return new XSName(strValue);
if (typeDef == XSConstants.NCNAME_DT) {
return new XSNCName(strValue);
if (typeDef == XSConstants.ENTITY_DT) {
return new XSEntity(strValue);
if (typeDef == XSConstants.ID_DT) {
return new XSID(strValue);
if (typeDef == XSConstants.IDREF_DT) {
return new XSIDREF(strValue);
if (typeDef == XSConstants.NMTOKEN_DT) {
return new XSNMTOKEN(strValue);
// end of, string types
if (typeDef == XSConstants.TIME_DT) {
return XSTime.parse_time(strValue);
// create a XSString value, as fallback option
return new XSString(strValue);
} // newSchemaTypeValue