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<html><head><META http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"><title>Schema Aware</title><link href="book.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"><link href="../book.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"><meta content="DocBook XSL Stylesheets V1.74.0" name="generator"><link rel="home" href="index.html" title="XPath 2.0 Processor User Manual"><link rel="up" href="ch02.html" title="Using PsychoPath XPath 2.0 API"><link rel="prev" href="ch02.html" title="Using PsychoPath XPath 2.0 API"><link rel="next" href="ch02s03.html" title="How to use the XPath 2.0 grammar with PsychoPath"></head><body bgcolor="white" text="black" link="#0000FF" vlink="#840084" alink="#0000FF"><div class="section" lang="en"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h2 class="title" style="clear: both"><a name="Schema_Aware"></a>Schema Aware</h2></div></div></div><p></p><pre class="programlisting">/**
* First load and optionally validate the XML document
SchemaFactory schemaFactory = new XMLSchemaFactory();
URL schemaURL = new File("XPexample.xsd").toURL();
Schema jaxpschema = schemaFactory.newSchema(schemaURL);
// Create an InputStream from the XML document
InputStream is = new FileInputStream(&ldquo;XPexample.xml&rdquo;);
// Initializing the Xerces DOM loader.
DOMLoader loader = new XercesLoader(jaxpschema);
// Optionally set flag to validate XML document loader.setvalidating(validate);
// Loads the XML document and stores the DOM root
Document doc = loader.load(is);
* Dynamic contexts must be initialised to defaults
* dependent on the XML Schema.
// Initialising the DynamicContext.
DynamicContext dc = new DefaultDynamicContext(jaxpschema, doc);
// Register the namespaces of the XPath 2.0 predefined datatypes
// Register the XPath 2.0 standard functions
dc.addfunctionlibrary(new FnFunctionLibrary());
dc.addfunctionlibrary(new XSCtrLibrary());
* Parsing the XPath 2.0 expression into an AST representation
// Initialises PsychoPath&rsquo;s supplied parser.
XPathParser xpp = new JflexCupParser();
// Parses the XPath expression.
XPath xp = xpp.parse(xpath);
* Static check the AST to verift structural validity of
* XPath 2.0 expression
// Initilising StaticChecker.
StaticChecker namecheck = new StaticNameResolver(sc);
// Static Checking the Xpath expression &rsquo;Hello World!&rsquo; namecheck.check(xp);
* Evaluate the XPath 2.0 expression
// Initialising the evaluator with DynamicContext and the name
// of the XML document XPexample.xml as parameters.
Evaluator eval = new DefaultEvaluator(dc, doc);
// Evaluates the XPath 2.0 expression, storing the result
// in the ResultSequence
ResultSequence rs = eval.evaluate(xp);
</pre><p>XPath 2.0 defines everything to be a sequence of items, including
the arguments to expressions and the result of operations. Thus, the
overall result of an XPath expression evaluation is also a sequence of
items. PsychoPath uses the class ResultSequence as a Collections wrapper
to store these sequences and therefore, the result of an evaluation is
of this type also. The ResultSequence consists of zero or more items; an
item may be a node or a simple-value. &ldquo;Hello World!&rdquo; is an example of a
single value with length 1. A general sequence could be written as (&ldquo;a&rdquo;,
&ldquo;s&rdquo;, &ldquo;d&rdquo;, &ldquo;f&rdquo;).</p><p>Extraction of certain items from the ResultSequence class is
described below, with details of the different operations that one might
apply on the ResultSequence. Consider that &rsquo;rs&rsquo; is the ResultSequence,
then:</p><p></p><pre class="programlisting">// Will return the number of elements in the sequence, in this
// case of &rsquo;Hello World!&rsquo; expression size = 1.
// Will return the n&rsquo;th element in the sequence, in this case of
// &rsquo;Hello World!&rsquo;, if n = 1, then it will return
// XSString of &ldquo;Hello World!&rdquo;, but if n = 2, it will return
// Empty Result.
//Will return true if the sequence is empty.
// Will return the first element of the sequence,
// in this example it will return XSString of &ldquo;Hello World!&rdquo;
</pre><p>However, all the items extracted will be of the type&rsquo;s base class
AnyType and need to be casted into its actual subtype.</p><p>Certain operations always return a particular type and using this
knowledge, the extracted item can be immediately casted. In our example
&ldquo;Hello World!&rdquo; returns a string (easily known as it is inside the quotes
&rsquo; &rsquo; ), so this can safely be casted as such:</p><p><pre class="programlisting">XSString xsstring = XSString)(rs.first());</pre>The
actual result can now be extracted from this XSString in the following
manner: <pre class="programlisting">String str = xsstring.value();</pre></p><p>The details of how to cast extracted items from AnyType into their
actual subtypes with examples is in the next section on How to use each
production in the grammar.</p><p>However, if the expected return type is unknown or multiple types
are possible, the types hierarchy can be traversed in a breadth first
manner making use of the Java instanceof operator to ascertain the
actual type.&nbsp;</p></div></body></html>