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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE chapter PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.5//EN"
<chapter id="XSLPreferences">
<?dbhtml filename="preferences/xslpreferences.html" ?>
<title>XSL Tools Preferences</title>
<para> The XSL Preference pages has several sub sections. Each of these allow for
configuration of various aspects of the preferences. From the controlling of the
default XSL processor to be used during transformations. To extending the content
assist support of the XPath functions available in the XML editor.</para>
<figure id="fig_XSLPreferences">
<title>XSL Tools Preferences</title>
<imagedata align="center" fileref="../images/preferences/xslpreferences.png"
<section id="XSLFeatures">
<?dbhtml filename="preferences/xslfeatures.html" ?>
<para> The XSL Features preference page allows for the configuration of features
for a particular processor. XSL Tools comes with Xalan 2.7.0 by default.
Adopters can extend and include their own specific features for their own
procesoors. An adopter could extend the tooling to support XSLT 2.0
transformations, and features particular to that parser.</para>
<imagedata align="center" format="PNG"
<emphasis role="bold">Processor Type</emphasis>
allows you to set features for a specific processor. In this case this is for
the processor that is being installed. XSL Tools comes with Xalan 2.7.0, and
it is the only available processor type by default.
<para> The feature table lists the features that are specific to the processor
that was selected. As you select each of the features, information regarding
that feature and it's abilities is displayed in the description box. By
clicking in the value column, next to the feature you want to set the value
for, the user can set the feature.</para>
<section id="XSLProcessors">
<?dbhtml filename="preferences/xslprocessors.html" ?>
<title>Installed Processors</title>
<para> The installed processors page lets you pick which of the installed XSLT
processors will be used by default. The default is the System Default
Procesoor, but you can select any of the available processors to be used as
the default processor.</para>
<imagedata align="center"
fileref="../images/preferences/xsl_InstalledProcessors.png" format="PNG"/>
<section id="XSLOutputProperties">
<?dbhtml filename="preferences/xsloutputproperties.html" ?>
<title>Output Properties</title>
<para> The various xsl processors support a wide variety of processor specific
tweaks. However there are several Standard processor features that all XSLT
processors support. These options can be set and will act as the defaults for
all transformations unless they are specifically overriden by the stylesheet
or the launch configuration.</para>
<imagedata align="center"
fileref="../images/preferences/xsl_outputproperties.png" format="PNG"/>
<para> In addition to the Standard Output Properties, each XSLT processor can have
processors specific features.</para>
<section id="XPathTemplates">
<?dbhtml filename="preferences/xpathtemplates.html" ?>
<title>XPath Templates</title>
<para> XPath template proposal is supported by the XSL Tooling project through the
built in template functionality of eclipse. Users and Adopters can add their
own specific xpath extensions for processor specific extensions. An example
would be to add the EXSLT extensions for proposal support.</para>
<title>XPath Templates</title>
<imagedata align="center" fileref="../images/preferences/XPathTemplates.png"
<para> The following content types are available:</para>
<emphasis role="bold">axis</emphasis>
- an XPath navigation axis statement.
<emphasis role="bold">exslt</emphasis>
- An XPath statement that is defined by the
<ulink url="">EXSLT</ulink>
library. Xalan and most other processors have built in support for the
EXSLT library.
<emphasis role="bold">xpath</emphasis>
- Represents an XPATH 1.0 function. These are functions as defined by
the XPath 1.0 specification.
<emphasis role="bold">xpath 2.0</emphasis>
- Represents an XPath 2.0 function.
<emphasis>Note: That currently XSL Tools only ships with
templates defined for XPath 1.0 .</emphasis>
<emphasis role="bold">operator</emphasis>
- An xpath logical operator like AND, OR, etc.
<section id="XPathTemplateNew">
<?dbhtml filename="preferences/xpathtemplatenew.html" ?>
<title>Creating New Templates</title>
<!-- TODO: Create Additional information on creating new templates-->
<para> Add documentation about creating new templates.</para>
<section id="XPathImport">
<?dbhtml filename="preferences/xpathimport.html" ?>
<title>Import XPath Templates</title>
<para> Add documentation about importing new templates.</para>
<section id="XPathExport">
<?dbhtml filename="preferences/xpathexport.html" ?>
<title>Import XPath Templates</title>
<para> Add documentation about importing new templates.</para>
<section id="pref_ProjectValidationPreferences">
<?dbhtml filename="preferences/validation.html" ?>
<title>Project Validation Preferences</title>
XSL Tools has the ability to set both workspace wide preferences for
validation as well as project level preferences. These preferences, as shown
<xref linkend="fig_ProjectLevelPreferences"/>
allow for the fine grain control of what the validator will consider to be an
syntax error.
<figure id="fig_ProjectLevelPreferences">
<title>Project Level Validation Preferences</title>
<imagedata align="center"
fileref="../images/preferences/projectLevelValidation.png" format="PNG"/>
<para> These preferences are accessed via the Projects properties dialog.</para>
<section id="pref_SyntaxColoring">
<?dbhtml filename="preferences/syntaxColoring.html" ?>
<title>XSLT Syntax Coloring</title>
XSL Tools also has the ability to syntax color the XSLT namespace items a different
color than the rest of the XML syntax included. The default is for all XSL syntax to be
<emphasis role="bold">bold</emphasis>.
<figure id="fig_XSLSyntaxColoringPreference">
<title>XSL Tools Syntax Coloring Preference</title>
<imagedata align="center"
fileref="../images/preferences/xslSyntaxColoring.png" format="PNG"/>
<title>XML Colors</title>
The color for standard XML is still handled by the XML Files syntax coloring
preference page. Changes made there are reflected in the XSL editor as well.