blob: 8fa3227af319af6c56e1f5ff179e54f41a84014d [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2004, 2007 IBM Corporation and others.
# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
# are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
# Contributors:
# IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
JSPIndexManager_0=Updating JSP Index
JSPIndexManager_2=JSP Indexer indexing {0} files
JSP_Search=JSP Search -
JSPDocumentLoader_1=Program Error: structured model had no structuredDocument
JSPEL_Syntax=EL Syntax Error
JSPEL_Token=Unable to analyse EL expression due to lexical analysis error
JSPFContentPropertiesManager_Updating=Updating JSP Fragment Content Settings
JSPFContentPropertiesManager_Problems_Updating=Problem saving JSP Fragment Content Settings for {0}
JSPDirectiveValidator_0={0} is a reserved prefix. Try another
JSPDirectiveValidator_1=Cannot find the tag library descriptor for {0}
JSPDirectiveValidator_2=The prefix {0} is used more than once
JSPDirectiveValidator_3=A {0} value is required in this directive
JSPDirectiveValidator_4=Fragment {0} was not be found at expected path {1}
JSPDirectiveValidator_5=Missing required attribute "{0}"
JSPDirectiveValidator_6=Undefined attribute name ({0})
JSPDirectiveValidator_7=A {0} or {1} value is required in this directive
JSPActionValidator_0=Tag ({0}) must be empty
JSPBatchValidator_0=Gathering files in {0}