blob: 94251db4261cd9d043b4fc27c17e85cef1ba073d [file] [log] [blame]
# Notices for Eclipse WTP Source Editing
This content is produced and maintained by the Eclipse WTP Source Editing
* Project home:
## Trademarks
Eclipse WTP Source Editing, and WTP Source Editing are trademarks of the Eclipse
## Copyright
All content is the property of the respective authors or their employers. For
more information regarding authorship of content, please consult the listed
source code repository logs.
## Declared Project Licenses
This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms
of the Eclipse Public License v. 2.0 which is available at
SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
## Source Code
The project maintains the following source code repositories:
## Third-party Content
This project leverages the following third party content.
Apache Commons Logging (1.0.4)
* License: Apache License, 2.0
Apache Struts Framework (1.1)
* License: Apache Software License 1.1
Apache Xerces (2.7.0)
* License: Apache License, 2.0
Apache Xerces (2.8)
* License: Apache License, 2.0
Apache Xerces (2.8.1)
* License: Apache License, 2.0, W3C License
BCEL.Jar (5.2)
* License: Apache License, 2.0
datatypes.dtd (versions 1.1, (1.3)
* License: W3C License
DOM Interfaces Version: Level 3 (n/a)
* License: W3C License
Facelet Taglib (1.0)
* License: Common Development and Distribution License
html dtds (4.0.1)
* License: W3C License
* Project:
* Source: (n/a)
* License: W3C-19980720
Ispell English Word Lists (a zip file with word lists): (3.1.20)
* License: iSpell Open Source License (based on Apache 1.1)
Java EE 6 XML Schemas Version: 6 (n/a)
* License: Common Development and Distribution License
java_cup runtime Version: 10k (n/a)
* License: Java Cup License (MIT Style)
JSF 2.0 XML Schemas Version (2.0)
* License: Common Development and Distribution License
OASIS xml catalog 1.1 XSD (1.1)
* License: OASIS license
* Project:
* Source:
Resolver.Jar (1.1)
* License: Apache Software License 1.1
resolver.jar (1.2)
* License: Apache License, 2.0
schema-for-xslt20.xsd (2.0)
* License: W3C License JSON Schemas Version June 30 2016 (n/a)
* License: Apache License, 2.0
serializer.jar (2.7.1)
* License: Apache License, 2.0
URLUTF8Encoder (n/a)
* License: W3C License
* Project:
* Source:
W3C DOM Level 1 Test Suite Version: 20040405 (n/a)
* License: W3C License
* Project:
* Source:
WAP/OMA DTD's (1.0)
* License: OMA Use Agreement
web-facesconfig_2_1.xsd (n/a)
* License: CDDL-1.1 OR GPL-2.0-WITH-classpath-exception
xalan 2.7.1 top level jar (2.7.1)
* License: Apache License, 2.0
xalan 2.7.1 top level jar (2.7.1)
* License: Apache License, 2.0
xalan 2.7.1 top level jar (2.7.1)
* License: Apache License, 2.0
xalan.jar (2.7.0)
* License: Apache License, 2.0
Xerces (2.9.0)
* License: Apache License, 2.0
Xerces (2.9.0)
* License: Apache License, 2.0
xerces 2.9.1 (2.9.1)
* License: Apache License, 2.0
* Project:
* Source:
Xerces Impl.Jar (2.8.1)
* License: Apache License, 2.0
Xerces Samples Jar (2.8.1)
* License: Apache License, 2.0
xercesSamples.jar (2.9)
* License: Apache License, 2.0
XHTML DTD's (1.0)
* License: W3C License
xinclude schema (1.0)
* License: W3C License
XML Catalog Test Suite (1.0)
* License: Eclipse Public License
xml-apis.jar (1.3.03)
* License: Apache License, 2.0, Public Domain, W3C
xml-apis.jar (1.3.04)
* License: Apache License, 2.0, Public Domain, W3C
xml.xsd (n/a)
* License: W3C License
XMLSchema.dtd (1.31)
* License: W3C License
XMLSchema.xsd (n/a)
* License: W3C License
XMLUnit (1.2)
* License: New BSD license
xslt.xsd (1.0)
* License: W3C license
## Cryptography
Content may contain encryption software. The country in which you are currently
may have restrictions on the import, possession, and use, and/or re-export to
another country, of encryption software. BEFORE using any encryption software,
please check the country's laws, regulations and policies concerning the import,
possession, or use, and re-export of encryption software, to see if this is