blob: 6f1adf5eeb41c2486c1d3571e1275ee60651aacd [file] [log] [blame]
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<!DOCTYPE concept PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DITA Concept//EN"
<concept id="cwwarovr" xml:lang="en-us">
<title>Web archive (WAR) files</title>
<keywords><indexterm>WAR files<indexterm>overview</indexterm></indexterm>
<p> A Web application is a group of HTML pages, JSP pages, servlets, resources
and source file, which can be managed as a single unit. A Web archive (WAR)
file is a packaged Web application. WAR files can be used to import a Web
application into a Web server.</p>
<p>In addition to project resources, the WAR file includes a Web deployment
descriptor file. The Web deployment descriptor is an XML file that contains
deployment information, MIME types, session configuration details, and other
settings for a Web application. The Web deployment descriptor file (<filepath>web.xml</filepath>)
provides information about the WAR file is shared with the developers, assemblers,
and deployers in a Java EE environment.</p>
<p>The Web development environment provides facilities for importing and exporting
WAR files, using the following wizards: <ul>
<li><ph>Import Resources from a WAR File</ph>, which requires that you to
specify a Web project. You can use existing projects or create them as you
use the wizard.</li>
<li><ph>Export Resources to a WAR File</ph>, which requires only an export
location and some optional settings</li>