blob: 2e404684bef76017fcc218031d344ad942fa16d2 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2001, 2004 IBM Corporation and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
* Jens Lukowski/Innoopract - initial renaming/restructuring
package org.eclipse.wst.sse.ui;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.NullProgressMonitor;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Platform;
import org.eclipse.jface.text.BadLocationException;
import org.eclipse.jface.text.IDocument;
import org.eclipse.jface.text.IDocumentPartitioner;
import org.eclipse.jface.text.ITextInputListener;
import org.eclipse.jface.text.ITextViewer;
import org.eclipse.jface.text.ITypedRegion;
import org.eclipse.jface.text.reconciler.DirtyRegion;
import org.eclipse.jface.text.reconciler.IReconcilingStrategy;
import org.eclipse.jface.text.reconciler.IReconcilingStrategyExtension;
import org.eclipse.jface.text.reconciler.Reconciler;
import org.eclipse.wst.sse.core.IModelLifecycleListener;
import org.eclipse.wst.sse.core.IModelManager;
import org.eclipse.wst.sse.core.IModelManagerPlugin;
import org.eclipse.wst.sse.core.IStructuredModel;
import org.eclipse.wst.sse.core.ModelLifecycleEvent;
import org.eclipse.wst.sse.core.text.IStructuredDocument;
import org.eclipse.wst.sse.core.text.IStructuredDocumentRegion;
import org.eclipse.wst.sse.core.text.IStructuredDocumentRegionList;
import org.eclipse.wst.sse.ui.internal.reconcile.IStructuredReconcilingStrategy;
import org.eclipse.wst.sse.ui.internal.reconcile.validator.ValidatorStrategy;
import org.eclipse.wst.sse.ui.util.Assert;
* Reconciler that maps different partitions to different strategies.
* Strategies contain one or more Steps Steps contain code that validates
* dirty regions
* Is aware of StructuredDocumentEvents which determine if a reconcile should
* be done or not. On partition change events in the document, all strategies
* are called.
* @author pavery
public class StructuredTextReconciler extends Reconciler implements IStructuredDocumentListener, IModelLifecycleListener {
* Reconclies the entire document when the document in the viewer is
* changed. This happens when the document is initially opened, as well as
* after a save-as.
* Also see processPostModelEvent(...) for similar behavior when document
* for the model is changed.
private class SourceTextInputListener implements ITextInputListener {
public void inputDocumentAboutToBeChanged(IDocument oldInput, IDocument newInput) {
// do nothing
public void inputDocumentChanged(IDocument oldInput, IDocument newInput) {
// don't bother if reconciler not installed
if (isInstalled()) {
* Cancels any running reconcile operations via progress monitor. Ensures
* that strategies are released on close of the editor.
private class SourceWidgetDisposeListener implements DisposeListener {
public void widgetDisposed(DisposeEvent e) {
// release all strategies
if (fDefaultStrategy != null && fDefaultStrategy instanceof IReleasable) {
((IReleasable) fDefaultStrategy).release();
fDefaultStrategy = null;
if (!fStrategyTypes.isEmpty()) {
Iterator it = fStrategyTypes.iterator();
IReconcilingStrategy strategy = null;
while (it.hasNext()) {
strategy = getReconcilingStrategy((String);
if (strategy instanceof IReleasable) {
((IReleasable) strategy).release();
strategy = null;
public static final String TRACE_FILTER = "reconciler"; //$NON-NLS-1$
/** strategy called for unmapped partitions */
IReconcilingStrategy fDefaultStrategy;
/** to cancel any long running reconciles if someone closes the editor */
private SourceWidgetDisposeListener fDisposeListener = null;
* set true after first install to prevent duplicate work done in the
* install method (since install gets called multiple times)
private boolean fIsInstalled = false;
/** local queue of dirty regions (created here) to be reconciled */
private List fLocalDirtyRegionQueue = null;
/** document that this reconciler works on */
private IDocument fLocalDocument = null;
// use our own local for now until we resolve abstract calling it on every
// document change
// resulting in some of our strategies getting cut short and not
// adding/removing annotations correctly
private IProgressMonitor fLocalProgressMonitor = null;
/** local copy of model manager */
private IModelManager fModelManager = null;
/** the list of partition types for which there are strategies */
List fStrategyTypes = null;
/** for initital reconcile when document is opened */
private SourceTextInputListener fTextInputListener = null;
/** flag set via structured document events */
private boolean fValidationNeeded = false;
* the strategy that runs validators contributed via reconcileValidator
* ext point
private ValidatorStrategy fValidatorStrategy;
* Creates a new StructuredTextReconciler
public StructuredTextReconciler() {
* This method reduces the dirty region queue to the least common dirty
* region. (the region that overlaps all dirty regions)
* @return a condensed DirtyRegion representing all that was in the queue
* at the time this was called, or <code>null</code> if the
* queue is empty
private DirtyRegion compactDirtyRegionQueue() {
DirtyRegion result = null;
StringBuffer traceInfo = new StringBuffer();
if (Logger.isTracing(TRACE_FILTER))
traceInfo.append("[reconciler] COMPACTING STARTING... localDirtyRegionQueue.size():" + fLocalDirtyRegionQueue.size()); //$NON-NLS-1$
if (fLocalDirtyRegionQueue.size() == 1)
return (DirtyRegion) fLocalDirtyRegionQueue.remove(0);
if (!fLocalDirtyRegionQueue.isEmpty()) {
result = formNewDirtyRegion(traceInfo);
return result;
private void configure() {
fStrategyTypes = new ArrayList();
// we are always incremental
//setProgressMonitor(new NullProgressMonitor());
setLocalProgressMonitor(new NullProgressMonitor());
fDisposeListener = new SourceWidgetDisposeListener();
fTextInputListener = new SourceTextInputListener();
fLocalDirtyRegionQueue = new ArrayList();
private DirtyRegion createDirtyRegion(int offset, int length, String type) {
DirtyRegion durty = null;
IDocument doc = getDocument();
// safety for BLE
int docLen = doc.getLength();
if (offset + length > docLen)
length = docLen - offset;
if (doc != null) {
try {
durty = new DirtyRegion(offset, length, type, doc.get(offset, length));
} catch (BadLocationException e) {
return durty;
private DirtyRegion createDirtyRegion(ITypedRegion tr, String type) {
return createDirtyRegion(tr.getOffset(), tr.getLength(), type);
private DirtyRegion formNewDirtyRegion(StringBuffer traceInfo) {
DirtyRegion result;
int min = -1;
int max = -1;
DirtyRegion dr = null;
for (int i = 0; i < fLocalDirtyRegionQueue.size(); i++) {
dr = (DirtyRegion) fLocalDirtyRegionQueue.get(i);
if (dr == null)
if (Logger.isTracing(TRACE_FILTER))
traceInfo.append("\r\n\r\n -> compacting dirty region (" + i + ")" + " start:" + dr.getOffset() + " length:" + dr.getLength()); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ //$NON-NLS-3$ //$NON-NLS-4$
//possibly expand the dirty region start
if (min == -1 || min > dr.getOffset())
min = dr.getOffset();
// possibly expand the dirty region end
if (max == -1 || max < dr.getOffset() + dr.getLength())
max = dr.getOffset() + dr.getLength();
result = (min != -1) ? createDirtyRegion(min, max - min, DirtyRegion.INSERT) : null;
if (Logger.isTracing(TRACE_FILTER)) {
traceInfo.append("\r\n\r\nCOMPACTING DONE... dirtyRangeStart:" + min + " dirtyRangeEnd:" + max + "\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ //$NON-NLS-3$
Logger.trace(TRACE_FILTER, traceInfo.toString());
return result;
* Gets a strategy that is made to handle the given dirtyRegion.
* @param dirtyRegion
* @return a strategy that is made to handle the given dirtyRegion, or the
* default strategy for this reconciler if there isn't one
protected IReconcilingStrategy getAppropriateStrategy(DirtyRegion dirtyRegion) {
String[] partitions = getPartitions(dirtyRegion);
// for now just grab first partition type in dirty region
IReconcilingStrategy rs = null;
if (partitions.length > 0)
rs = getReconcilingStrategy(partitions[0]);
return rs != null ? rs : fDefaultStrategy;
* Gets the default strategy for this reconciler.
* @return the default strategy
protected IReconcilingStrategy getDefaultStrategy() {
return fDefaultStrategy;
* We use our own local progress monitor to cancel long running
* strategies/steps. Currently used when widget is disposed (user is
* trying to close the editor), and on uninstall.
* @return the local progress monitor
IProgressMonitor getLocalProgressMonitor() {
return fLocalProgressMonitor;
* Avoid excessive calls to Platform.getPlugin(ModelPlugin.ID)
* @return sse model manager
protected IModelManager getModelManager() {
if (this.fModelManager == null)
this.fModelManager = ((IModelManagerPlugin) Platform.getPlugin(IModelManagerPlugin.ID)).getModelManager();
return this.fModelManager;
* assumes isInstalled() == true
* @return the document partitioner for the document this reconciler is
* working on.
protected IDocumentPartitioner getPartitioner() {
return getDocument().getDocumentPartitioner();
* Utility method to get partitions of a dirty region
* @param dirtyRegion
* @return
protected String[] getPartitions(DirtyRegion dirtyRegion) {
ITypedRegion[] regions = getPartitioner().computePartitioning(dirtyRegion.getOffset(), dirtyRegion.getLength());
String[] partitions = new String[regions.length];
for (int i = 0; i < regions.length; i++)
partitions[i] = regions[i].getType();
return partitions;
* Remember to release model after use!!
* @return
public IStructuredModel getStructuredModelForRead(IDocument doc) {
IStructuredModel sModel = null;
if (doc != null)
sModel = getModelManager().getExistingModelForRead(doc);
return sModel;
* Get the strategy that runs validators from the reconcileValidator
* extension point.
* @param the
* ValidatorStrategy
public ValidatorStrategy getValidatorStrategy() {
return fValidatorStrategy;
* @param document
private void hookUpModelLifecycleListener(IDocument document) {
IStructuredModel sModel = getStructuredModelForRead(document);
try {
if (sModel != null) {
} finally {
if (sModel != null)
protected void initialProcess() {
// only happens ONCE on first dirty region in queue (not on doucment
// open)
// not useful to us at the moment
* @see org.eclipse.jface.text.reconciler.IReconciler#install(ITextViewer)
public void install(ITextViewer textViewer) {
// we might be called multiple times with the same viewer,
// maybe after being uninstalled as well, so track separately
if (!isInstalled()) {
* @param dirtyRegion
* @return
private boolean isEntireDocumentChange(DirtyRegion dirtyRegion) {
return getDocument().getLength() == dirtyRegion.getLength();
* The viewer has been set on this Reconciler.
* @return true if the viewer has been set on this Reconciler, false
* otherwise.
public boolean isInstalled() {
return fIsInstalled;
* @return Returns the needsValidation.
public boolean isValidationNeeded() {
return fValidationNeeded;
public void newModel(NewDocumentEvent structuredDocumentEvent) {
// do nothing
public void noChange(NoChangeEvent structuredDocumentEvent) {
// do nothing
public void nodesReplaced(StructuredDocumentRegionsReplacedEvent structuredDocumentEvent) {
Logger.trace(StructuredTextReconciler.TRACE_FILTER, "[trace reconciler] >StructuredTextReconciler: *NODES REPLACED"); //$NON-NLS-1$
// if partition changed, create a full document dirty region
// (causes processAll)
DirtyRegion dr = partitionChanged(structuredDocumentEvent) ? createDirtyRegion(0, getDocument().getLength(), DirtyRegion.INSERT) : createDirtyRegion(structuredDocumentEvent.getOriginalStart(), structuredDocumentEvent.getLength(), DirtyRegion.INSERT);
* Checks if the StructuredDocumentEvent involved a partition change. If
* there's a partition change, we know we should run all strategies just
* to be sure we cover the new regions and remove obsolete annotations.
* A primitive check for now.
* @param structuredDocumentEvent
* @return
private boolean partitionChanged(StructuredDocumentRegionsReplacedEvent structuredDocumentEvent) {
boolean changed = false;
IDocumentPartitioner partitioner = structuredDocumentEvent.getStructuredDocument().getDocumentPartitioner();
IStructuredDocumentRegionList oldNodes = structuredDocumentEvent.getOldStructuredDocumentRegions();
IStructuredDocumentRegionList newNodes = structuredDocumentEvent.getNewStructuredDocumentRegions();
IStructuredDocumentRegion oldNode = (oldNodes.getLength() > 0) ? oldNode = oldNodes.item(0) : null;
IStructuredDocumentRegion newNode = (newNodes.getLength() > 0) ? newNodes.item(0) : null;
if (oldNode != null && newNode != null)
changed = partitioner.getContentType(oldNode.getStartOffset()).equals(partitioner.getContentType(newNode.getStartOffset()));
return changed;
* We keep a local copy of the dirty region queue for compacting.
* @see org.eclipse.jface.text.reconciler.AbstractReconciler#process(org.eclipse.jface.text.reconciler.DirtyRegion)
protected void process(DirtyRegion dirtyRegion) {
// this is called from the background thread in AbstractReconciler
// called here so that it only kick off after .5 seconds
// but fNeedsValidation flag is set in structuredDoucmentsEvents below
if (isInstalled()) {
* Process the entire StructuredDocument. Much more resource intensive
* than simply running a strategy on a dirty region.
protected void processAll() {
if (!isInstalled())
Logger.trace(StructuredTextReconciler.TRACE_FILTER, "[trace reconciler] >StructuredTextReconciler: PROCESSING ALL"); //$NON-NLS-1$
IDocument doc = getDocument();
DirtyRegion durty = null;
ITypedRegion tr[] = doc.getDocumentPartitioner().computePartitioning(0, doc.getLength());
IReconcilingStrategy s = null;
for (int i = 0; i < tr.length; i++) {
durty = createDirtyRegion(tr[i], DirtyRegion.INSERT);
s = getReconcilingStrategy(tr[i].getType());
if (s != null) {
if (s instanceof IStructuredReconcilingStrategy)
((IStructuredReconcilingStrategy) s).reconcile(durty, durty, true);
s.reconcile(durty, durty);
// run validator strategy every time, it figures out if it has a
// validator for this partition
// pass in true for "refreshAll" flag = true indicating that the
// entire document is being reconciled, only do it once
if (fValidatorStrategy != null)
fValidatorStrategy.reconcile(tr[i], durty, true);
// we ran the whole doc already now we can reset the strategies
* Process a subsection of the document.
protected void processPartial(DirtyRegion durty) {
if (!isInstalled())
IDocument doc = getDocument();
HashSet alreadyRan = new HashSet();
ITypedRegion tr[] = doc.getDocumentPartitioner().computePartitioning(durty.getOffset(), durty.getLength());
IReconcilingStrategy s = null;
for (int i = 0; i < tr.length; i++) {
durty = createDirtyRegion(tr[i], DirtyRegion.INSERT);
// keeping track of already ran might not be the way to do it...
if (!alreadyRan.contains(tr[i].getType())) {
s = getReconcilingStrategy(tr[i].getType());
if (s != null)
s.reconcile(durty, durty);
// run validator strategy every time, it figures out if it has a
// validator for this parition
if (fValidatorStrategy != null)
fValidatorStrategy.reconcile(tr[i], durty, false);
* @see org.eclipse.wst.sse.core.IModelLifecycleListener#processPostModelEvent(org.eclipse.wst.sse.core.ModelLifecycleEvent)
public void processPostModelEvent(ModelLifecycleEvent event) {
// if underlying StructuredDocument changed, need to reconnect it
// here...
// ex. file is modified outside the workbench
if (event.getType() == ModelLifecycleEvent.MODEL_DOCUMENT_CHANGED) {
// check that it's this model that changed
IStructuredModel thisModel = getStructuredModelForRead(getDocument());
try {
if (thisModel != null && event.getModel().equals(thisModel)) {
IStructuredDocument sDoc = event.getModel().getStructuredDocument();
if (Logger.isTracing(TRACE_FILTER)) {
System.out.println("======================================================"); //$NON-NLS-1$
System.out.println("StructuredTextReconciler: DOCUMENT MODEL CHANGED TO: "); //$NON-NLS-1$
System.out.println("======================================================"); //$NON-NLS-1$
// propagate document change
// ensure that the document is re-reconciled
} finally {
if (thisModel != null)
* @see org.eclipse.wst.sse.core.IModelLifecycleListener#processPreModelEvent(org.eclipse.wst.sse.core.ModelLifecycleEvent)
public void processPreModelEvent(ModelLifecycleEvent event) {
if (event.getType() == ModelLifecycleEvent.MODEL_DOCUMENT_CHANGED) {
// clear the dirty region queue
// note: old annotations are removed via the strategies on
// AbstractStructuredTextReconcilingStrategy#setDocument(...)
* Reinitializes listeners and sets new document onall strategies.
* @see org.eclipse.jface.text.reconciler.AbstractReconciler#reconcilerDocumentChanged(IDocument)
protected void reconcilerDocumentChanged(IDocument document) {
// unhook old lifecycle listner
// add new lifecycle listener
if (fLocalDocument != null && fLocalDocument instanceof IStructuredDocument)
((IStructuredDocument) fLocalDocument).removeDocumentChangedListener(this);
if (document != null && document instanceof IStructuredDocument)
((IStructuredDocument) fLocalDocument).addDocumentChangedListener(this);
public void regionChanged(RegionChangedEvent structuredDocumentEvent) {
Logger.trace(StructuredTextReconciler.TRACE_FILTER, "[trace reconciler] >StructuredTextReconciler: *REGION CHANGED: \r\n\r\n created dirty region from flat model event >> :" + structuredDocumentEvent.getOriginalStart() + ":" + structuredDocumentEvent.getLength() + "\r\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ //$NON-NLS-3$
String dirtyRegionType = structuredDocumentEvent.getDeletedText().equals("") ? DirtyRegion.INSERT : DirtyRegion.REMOVE; //$NON-NLS-1$
DirtyRegion dr = createDirtyRegion(structuredDocumentEvent.getOriginalStart(), structuredDocumentEvent.getLength(), dirtyRegionType);
public void regionsReplaced(RegionsReplacedEvent structuredDocumentEvent) {
Logger.trace(StructuredTextReconciler.TRACE_FILTER, "[trace reconciler] >StructuredTextReconciler: *REGIONS REPLACED: \r\n\r\n created dirty region from flat model event >> :" + structuredDocumentEvent.getOriginalStart() + ":" + structuredDocumentEvent.getLength() + "\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ //$NON-NLS-3$
DirtyRegion dr = createDirtyRegion(structuredDocumentEvent.getOriginalStart(), structuredDocumentEvent.getLength(), DirtyRegion.INSERT);
* Resets any flags that were set (eg. flags set during processAll())
protected void resetStrategies() {
Iterator it = fStrategyTypes.iterator();
String type = null;
while (it.hasNext()) {
type = (String);
if (getReconcilingStrategy(type) instanceof IStructuredReconcilingStrategy)
((IStructuredReconcilingStrategy) getReconcilingStrategy(type)).reset();
* Runs the appropriate strategies on the dirty region queue. The
* reconciler currently handles these reconciling scenarios:
* <ul>
* <li>partition change</li>
* <li>routine text edits</li>
* <li>entire document change</li>
* <li>the default strategy</li>
* </ul>
private void runStrategies() {
DirtyRegion dirtyRegion = null;
while (fDefaultStrategy != null && isInstalled() && isValidationNeeded()) {
// this flag may be set to true if more dirty regions come in
// while this method is running
dirtyRegion = compactDirtyRegionQueue();
// will be null if there is nothing in the queue
if (dirtyRegion != null) {
Logger.trace(TRACE_FILTER, "RUNNING with dirty region:" + dirtyRegion.getOffset() + ":" + dirtyRegion.getLength()); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
try {
if (isEntireDocumentChange(dirtyRegion))
} catch (Exception e) {
* Sets the default reconciling strategy.
* @param strategy
public void setDefaultStrategy(IReconcilingStrategy strategy) {
Assert.isNotNull(strategy, "Can't set default strategy to null"); //$NON-NLS-1$
fDefaultStrategy = strategy;
if (fDefaultStrategy instanceof IReconcilingStrategyExtension)
((IReconcilingStrategyExtension) fDefaultStrategy).setProgressMonitor(getLocalProgressMonitor());
public void setDocument(IDocument doc) {
// making sure local document is always up to date
fLocalDocument = doc;
* Propagates a new document to all strategies and steps.
* @param document
protected void setDocumentOnAllStrategies(IDocument document) {
if (isInstalled()) {
// default strategies
if (fDefaultStrategy != null)
// external validator strategy
if (fValidatorStrategy != null)
// set document on all regular strategies
protected void setEntireDocumentDirty(IDocument document) {
// make the entire document dirty
// this also happens on a "save as"
if (document != null && isInstalled() && fLocalDirtyRegionQueue.size() == 0) {
// since we're marking the entire doc dirty
DirtyRegion entireDocument = createDirtyRegion(0, document.getLength(), DirtyRegion.INSERT);
// set this so reconcile won't be "short circuited"
* @param isInstalled
* The isInstalled to set.
public void setInstalled(boolean isInstalled) {
fIsInstalled = isInstalled;
private void setLocalProgressMonitor(IProgressMonitor pm) {
fLocalProgressMonitor = pm;
// set on default strategy
if (fDefaultStrategy != null && fDefaultStrategy instanceof IReconcilingStrategyExtension)
((IReconcilingStrategyExtension) fDefaultStrategy).setProgressMonitor(pm);
// set on all other strategies
if (!fStrategyTypes.isEmpty()) {
Iterator it = fStrategyTypes.iterator();
String type = null;
while (it.hasNext()) {
type = (String);
if (getReconcilingStrategy(type) instanceof IReconcilingStrategyExtension)
((IReconcilingStrategyExtension) getReconcilingStrategy(type)).setProgressMonitor(pm);
* Sets the strategy for a given contentType (partitionType)
* @see org.eclipse.jface.text.reconciler.Reconciler#setReconcilingStrategy(org.eclipse.jface.text.reconciler.IReconcilingStrategy,
* java.lang.String)
public void setReconcilingStrategy(IReconcilingStrategy strategy, String contentType) {
super.setReconcilingStrategy(strategy, contentType);
if (strategy != null) {
if (strategy instanceof IReconcilingStrategyExtension) {
((IReconcilingStrategyExtension) strategy).setProgressMonitor(getLocalProgressMonitor());
* @param needsValidation
* The needsValidation to set.
public void setValidationNeeded(boolean needsValidation) {
fValidationNeeded = needsValidation;
* Set the strategy that runs validators from the reconcileValidator
* extension point.
* @param the
* ValidatorStrategy
public void setValidatorStrategy(ValidatorStrategy strategy) {
fValidatorStrategy = strategy;
if (fValidatorStrategy != null)
* @param document
private void unhookModelLifecycleListener(IDocument document) {
IStructuredModel sModel = getStructuredModelForRead(document);
try {
if (sModel != null) {
} finally {
if (sModel != null)
* Cleanup listeners.
* @see org.eclipse.jface.text.reconciler.IReconciler#uninstall()
public void uninstall() {
if (isInstalled()) {
if (fLocalDocument != null && fLocalDocument instanceof IStructuredDocument) {
// remove structured document listener
((IStructuredDocument) fLocalDocument).removeDocumentChangedListener(this);
// remove lifecycle listener on the model