blob: 9eade1210ded4db6e1511c92ade82ca8f5dd7950 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2001, 2004 IBM Corporation and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
* Jens Lukowski/Innoopract - initial renaming/restructuring
package org.eclipse.wst.dtd.core;
import org.eclipse.wst.dtd.core.internal.DTDCorePlugin;
import org.eclipse.wst.dtd.core.internal.text.RegionIterator;
import org.eclipse.wst.dtd.core.parser.DTDRegionTypes;
import org.eclipse.wst.sse.core.text.IStructuredDocumentRegion;
import org.eclipse.wst.sse.core.text.ITextRegion;
// external node contains code to help set and get public ids
public class Entity extends ExternalNode {
private static String setExternalEntity = DTDCorePlugin.getDTDString("_UI_LABEL_ENTITY_SET_EXT_ENTITY"); //$NON-NLS-1$
private static String setGeneralEntity = DTDCorePlugin.getDTDString("_UI_LABEL_ENTITY_SET_GENERAL_ENTITY"); //$NON-NLS-1$
private static String setInternalEntity = DTDCorePlugin.getDTDString("_UI_LABEL_ENTITY_SET_INT_ENTITY"); //$NON-NLS-1$
private static String setParameterEntity = DTDCorePlugin.getDTDString("_UI_LABEL_ENTITY_SET_PARM_ENTITY"); //$NON-NLS-1$
public Entity(DTDFile file, IStructuredDocumentRegion flatNode) {
super(file, flatNode, DTDRegionTypes.ENTITY_TAG);
public Image getImage() {
return DTDCorePlugin.getInstance().getImage(DTDResource.ENTITYICON);
* Get the value of notationName.
* @return value of notationName.
public String getNotationName() {
ITextRegion ndataRegion = getNextRegion(iterator(), DTDRegionTypes.NDATA_VALUE);
if (ndataRegion != null) {
return getStructuredDTDDocumentRegion().getText(ndataRegion);
return ""; //$NON-NLS-1$
public ITextRegion getPercentRegion() {
return getNextRegion(iterator(), DTDRegionTypes.PERCENT);
* Get the value of value.
* @return value of value.
public String getValue() {
if (!isExternalEntity()) {
ITextRegion valueRegion = getNextQuotedLiteral(iterator());
if (valueRegion != null) {
return getValueFromQuotedRegion(valueRegion);
return ""; //$NON-NLS-1$
* Get the value of externalEntity.
* @return value of externalEntity.
public boolean isExternalEntity() {
return getPublicKeywordRegion(iterator()) != null || getSystemKeywordRegion(iterator()) != null;
* Get the value of isParameterEntity.
* @return value of isParameterEntity.
public boolean isParameterEntity() {
return getPercentRegion() != null;
private void removeNData(Object requestor) {
ITextRegion ndataRegion = null;
// see if we have an NDATA keyword
ndataRegion = getNextRegion(iterator(), DTDRegionTypes.NDATA_KEYWORD);
int startOffset = 0, endOffset = 0;
if (ndataRegion != null) {
startOffset = getStructuredDTDDocumentRegion().getStartOffset(ndataRegion);
endOffset = getStructuredDTDDocumentRegion().getEndOffset(ndataRegion);
ITextRegion value = getNextRegion(iterator(), DTDRegionTypes.NDATA_VALUE);
if (value != null) {
if (startOffset == 0) {
startOffset = getStructuredDTDDocumentRegion().getStartOffset(value);
endOffset = getStructuredDTDDocumentRegion().getEndOffset(value);
replaceText(requestor, startOffset, endOffset - startOffset, ""); //$NON-NLS-1$
* Set the value of externalEntity.
* @param v
* Value to assign to externalEntity.
public void setExternalEntity(boolean isExternalEntity) {
if (isExternalEntity() != isExternalEntity) {
// externalEntity = v;
beginRecording(this, isExternalEntity ? setExternalEntity : setInternalEntity);
if (isExternalEntity) {
// we need to get rid of the value literal
ITextRegion quote = getNextRegion(iterator(), DTDRegionTypes.SINGLEQUOTED_LITERAL);
if (quote == null) {
quote = getNextRegion(iterator(), DTDRegionTypes.DOUBLEQUOTED_LITERAL);
if (quote != null) {
replaceText(this, getStructuredDTDDocumentRegion().getStartOffset(quote), quote.getLength(), ""); //$NON-NLS-1$
setSystemID(""); //$NON-NLS-1$
} else {
// we need to get rid of text between end of name region and
// the last double quoted literal
RegionIterator iter = iterator();
ITextRegion keyword = getSystemKeywordRegion(iter);
int startOffset = 0;
int length = 0;
if (keyword == null) {
// reset the iterator
iter = iterator();
keyword = getPublicKeywordRegion(iter);
if (keyword != null) {
startOffset = getStructuredDTDDocumentRegion().getStartOffset(keyword);
// start with a length just equal to the keyword for now
length = keyword.getLength();
} else {
// reset the iterator since we didn't find the keyword
iter = iterator();
// just go from after the name
startOffset = getStructuredDTDDocumentRegion().getEndOffset(getNameRegion());
// now that we have the start, look for the end
ITextRegion lastRegion = null;
if (lastRegion == null) {
// then look for last quoted literal
while (iter.hasNext()) {
ITextRegion literal = getNextQuotedLiteral(iter);
if (literal != null) {
lastRegion = literal;
if (lastRegion != null) {
length = getStructuredDTDDocumentRegion().getEndOffset(lastRegion) - startOffset;
replaceText(this, startOffset, length, "\"\""); //$NON-NLS-1$
public void setNotationName(Object requestor, String newNotation) {
if (!getNotationName().equals(newNotation)) {
if (!newNotation.equals("")) { //$NON-NLS-1$
ITextRegion ndataRegion = getNextRegion(iterator(), DTDRegionTypes.NDATA_VALUE);
if (ndataRegion != null) {
replaceText(requestor, getStructuredDTDDocumentRegion().getStartOffset(ndataRegion), ndataRegion.getLength(), newNotation);
} else {
// time to create one
int startOffset = 0;
String string = ""; //$NON-NLS-1$
RegionIterator iter = iterator();
ITextRegion ndataKeyword = getNextRegion(iter, DTDRegionTypes.NDATA_KEYWORD);
if (ndataKeyword == null) {
// we'll need to create one after the last quoted
// literal
// Reset iterator
string += " NDATA "; //$NON-NLS-1$
iter = iterator();
ITextRegion lastQuotedLiteral = null;
while (iter.hasNext()) {
ITextRegion literal = getNextQuotedLiteral(iter);
if (literal != null) {
lastQuotedLiteral = literal;
if (lastQuotedLiteral != null) {
startOffset = getStructuredDTDDocumentRegion().getEndOffset(lastQuotedLiteral);
} else {
// created after the system or public keyword
ITextRegion keyword = getPublicKeywordRegion(iterator());
if (keyword == null) {
keyword = getSystemKeywordRegion(iterator());
// we shouldn't be null here since we check if we
// were external already
startOffset = getStructuredDTDDocumentRegion().getEndOffset(keyword);
} else {
startOffset = getStructuredDTDDocumentRegion().getEndOffset(ndataKeyword);
replaceText(requestor, startOffset, 0, string + newNotation);
} else {
// need to remove the ndata stuff
* Set the value of notationName.
* @param newNotation
* Value to assign to notationName.
public void setNotationName(String newNotation) {
beginRecording(this, "NDATA " + DTDCorePlugin.getDTDString("_UI_LABEL_ENTITY_NDATA_CHANGE")); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
setNotationName(this, newNotation);
* Set the value of isParameterEntity.
* @param v
* Value to assign to isParameterEntity.
public void setParameterEntity(boolean v) {
if (isParameterEntity() != v) {
beginRecording(this, v ? setParameterEntity : setGeneralEntity);
if (v) {
RegionIterator iter = iterator();
ITextRegion startTag = getNextRegion(iter, DTDRegionTypes.ENTITY_TAG);
int startOffset = 0, length = 0;
if (iter.hasNext()) {
ITextRegion region =;
startOffset = getStructuredDTDDocumentRegion().getStartOffset(region);
if (region.getType() == DTDRegionTypes.WHITESPACE && region.getLength() > 1) {
length = 1;
} else {
startOffset = getStructuredDTDDocumentRegion().getEndOffset(startTag);
replaceText(this, startOffset, length, " %"); //$NON-NLS-1$
// now get rid of any NData since it is only allowed if the
// entity is a general entity and not a parameter entity
} else {
// get rid of percent region
ITextRegion percentRegion = getPercentRegion();
replaceText(this, getStructuredDTDDocumentRegion().getStartOffset(percentRegion), percentRegion.getLength(), ""); //$NON-NLS-1$
* Set the value of value.
* @param v
* Value to assign to value.
public void setValue(Object requestor, String v) {
if (!isExternalEntity()) {
if (!getValue().equals(v)) {
// then it makes sense to change the value
ITextRegion valueRegion = getNextQuotedLiteral(iterator());
String quoteChar = v.indexOf("\"") == -1 ? "\"" : "'"; //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ //$NON-NLS-3$
if (valueRegion != null) {
replaceText(requestor, getStructuredDTDDocumentRegion().getStartOffset(valueRegion), valueRegion.getLength(), quoteChar + v + quoteChar);
} else {
int startOffset = 0, length = 0;
RegionIterator iter = iterator();
ITextRegion region = getNextRegion(iter, DTDRegionTypes.NAME);
if (region == null) {
// create it after the percent if there is one
region = getPercentRegion();
if (region == null) {
// if still null, then create it after the element tag
region = getStartTag(iterator());
if (region != null) {
startOffset = getStructuredDTDDocumentRegion().getEndOffset(region);
replaceText(requestor, startOffset, 0, quoteChar + v + quoteChar);
* Set the value of value.
* @param v
* Value to assign to value.
public void setValue(String v) {
beginRecording(this, DTDCorePlugin.getDTDString("_UI_LABEL_ENTITY_VALUE_CHG")); //$NON-NLS-1$
setValue(this, v);