blob: a23743abd14e158d1c605910ef3f8733cbaae34c [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2001, 2004 IBM Corporation and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
* Jens Lukowski/Innoopract - initial renaming/restructuring
package org.eclipse.wst.xml.core.internal.cleanup;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import org.eclipse.jface.text.BadLocationException;
import org.eclipse.text.edits.InsertEdit;
import org.eclipse.text.edits.MultiTextEdit;
import org.eclipse.wst.sse.core.exceptions.SourceEditingRuntimeException;
import org.eclipse.wst.sse.core.internal.cleanup.IStructuredCleanupHandler;
import org.eclipse.wst.sse.core.text.IStructuredDocument;
import org.eclipse.wst.sse.core.text.IStructuredDocumentRegion;
import org.eclipse.wst.sse.core.text.ITextRegion;
import org.eclipse.wst.sse.core.text.ITextRegionList;
import org.eclipse.wst.sse.core.util.StringUtils;
import org.eclipse.wst.xml.core.document.XMLAttr;
import org.eclipse.wst.xml.core.document.XMLDocument;
import org.eclipse.wst.xml.core.document.XMLElement;
import org.eclipse.wst.xml.core.document.XMLGenerator;
import org.eclipse.wst.xml.core.document.XMLModel;
import org.eclipse.wst.xml.core.document.XMLNode;
import org.eclipse.wst.xml.core.internal.contentmodel.CMAttributeDeclaration;
import org.eclipse.wst.xml.core.internal.contentmodel.CMElementDeclaration;
import org.eclipse.wst.xml.core.internal.contentmodel.CMNamedNodeMap;
import org.eclipse.wst.xml.core.internal.contentmodel.modelquery.ModelQuery;
import org.eclipse.wst.xml.core.internal.modelquery.ModelQueryUtil;
import org.eclipse.wst.xml.core.parser.XMLRegionContext;
import org.w3c.dom.Document;
import org.w3c.dom.Element;
import org.w3c.dom.NamedNodeMap;
import org.w3c.dom.Node;
import org.w3c.dom.NodeList;
public class ElementNodeCleanupHandler extends NodeCleanupHandler {
protected static final char DOUBLE_QUOTE = '\"'; //$NON-NLS-1$
protected static final String DOUBLE_QUOTES = "\"\""; //$NON-NLS-1$
protected static final String EMPTY_TAG_CLOSE = "/>"; //$NON-NLS-1$
protected static final String END_TAG_OPEN = "</"; //$NON-NLS-1$
protected static final char SINGLE_QUOTE = '\''; //$NON-NLS-1$
protected static final String SINGLE_QUOTES = "''"; //$NON-NLS-1$
/** Non-NLS strings */
protected static final String START_TAG_OPEN = "<"; //$NON-NLS-1$
protected static final String TAG_CLOSE = ">"; //$NON-NLS-1$
public Node cleanup(Node node) {
Node newNode = cleanupChildren(node);
XMLNode renamedNode = newNode instanceof XMLNode ? (XMLNode) newNode : null;
// call quoteAttrValue() first so it will close any unclosed attr
// quoteAttrValue() will return the new start tag if there is a
// structure change
renamedNode = quoteAttrValue(renamedNode);
// insert tag close if missing
// if node is not comment tag
// and not implicit tag
if (!isCommentTag(renamedNode) && !isImplicitTag(renamedNode)) {
XMLModel structuredModel = renamedNode.getModel();
// save start offset before insertTagClose()
// or else renamedNode.getStartOffset() will be zero if
// renamedNode replaced by insertTagClose()
int startTagStartOffset = renamedNode.getStartOffset();
// for start tag
IStructuredDocumentRegion startTagStructuredDocumentRegion = renamedNode.getStartStructuredDocumentRegion();
insertTagClose(structuredModel, startTagStructuredDocumentRegion);
// update renamedNode and startTagStructuredDocumentRegion after
// insertTagClose()
renamedNode = (XMLNode) structuredModel.getIndexedRegion(startTagStartOffset);
startTagStructuredDocumentRegion = renamedNode.getStartStructuredDocumentRegion();
// for end tag
IStructuredDocumentRegion endTagStructuredDocumentRegion = renamedNode.getEndStructuredDocumentRegion();
if (endTagStructuredDocumentRegion != startTagStructuredDocumentRegion)
insertTagClose(structuredModel, endTagStructuredDocumentRegion);
// call insertMissingTags() next, it will generate implicit tags if
// there are any
// insertMissingTags() will return the new missing start tag if one is
// missing
renamedNode = insertMissingTags(renamedNode);
renamedNode = compressEmptyElementTag(renamedNode);
renamedNode = insertRequiredAttrs(renamedNode);
return renamedNode;
protected Node cleanupChildren(Node node) {
Node parentNode = node;
if (node != null) {
Node childNode = node.getFirstChild();
while (childNode != null) {
// get cleanup handler
IStructuredCleanupHandler cleanupHandler = getCleanupHandler(childNode);
// cleanup each child
childNode = cleanupHandler.cleanup(childNode);
// get new parent node
parentNode = (XMLNode) childNode.getParentNode();
// get next child node
childNode = (XMLNode) childNode.getNextSibling();
return parentNode;
private XMLNode compressEmptyElementTag(XMLNode node) {
boolean compressEmptyElementTags = getCleanupPreferences().getCompressEmptyElementTags();
XMLNode newNode = node;
IStructuredDocumentRegion startTagStructuredDocumentRegion = newNode.getFirstStructuredDocumentRegion();
IStructuredDocumentRegion endTagStructuredDocumentRegion = newNode.getLastStructuredDocumentRegion();
if (compressEmptyElementTags && startTagStructuredDocumentRegion != endTagStructuredDocumentRegion && startTagStructuredDocumentRegion != null) {
ITextRegionList regions = startTagStructuredDocumentRegion.getRegions();
ITextRegion lastRegion = regions.get(regions.size() - 1);
// format children and end tag if not empty element tag
if (lastRegion.getType() != XMLRegionContext.XML_EMPTY_TAG_CLOSE) {
NodeList childNodes = newNode.getChildNodes();
if (childNodes == null || childNodes.getLength() == 0 || (childNodes.getLength() == 1 && (childNodes.item(0)).getNodeType() == Node.TEXT_NODE && ((childNodes.item(0)).getNodeValue().trim().length() == 0))) {
XMLModel structuredModel = newNode.getModel();
IStructuredDocument structuredDocument = structuredModel.getStructuredDocument();
int startTagStartOffset = newNode.getStartOffset();
int offset = endTagStructuredDocumentRegion.getStart();
int length = endTagStructuredDocumentRegion.getLength();
structuredDocument.replaceText(structuredDocument, offset, length, ""); //$NON-NLS-1$
newNode = (XMLNode) structuredModel.getIndexedRegion(startTagStartOffset); // save
offset = startTagStructuredDocumentRegion.getStart() + lastRegion.getStart();
structuredDocument.replaceText(structuredDocument, offset, 0, "/"); //$NON-NLS-1$
newNode = (XMLNode) structuredModel.getIndexedRegion(startTagStartOffset); // save
return newNode;
protected IStructuredCleanupHandler getCleanupHandler(Node node) {
short nodeType = node.getNodeType();
IStructuredCleanupHandler cleanupHandler = null;
switch (nodeType) {
case org.w3c.dom.Node.ELEMENT_NODE : {
cleanupHandler = new ElementNodeCleanupHandler();
case org.w3c.dom.Node.TEXT_NODE : {
cleanupHandler = new NodeCleanupHandler();
default : {
cleanupHandler = new NodeCleanupHandler();
// init CleanupPreferences
return cleanupHandler;
protected ModelQuery getModelQuery(Node node) {
if (node.getNodeType() == Node.DOCUMENT_NODE) {
return ModelQueryUtil.getModelQuery((Document) node);
} else {
return ModelQueryUtil.getModelQuery(node.getOwnerDocument());
protected List getRequiredAttrs(Node node) {
List result = new ArrayList();
ModelQuery modelQuery = getModelQuery(node);
if (modelQuery != null) {
CMElementDeclaration elementDecl = modelQuery.getCMElementDeclaration((Element) node);
if (elementDecl != null) {
CMNamedNodeMap attrMap = elementDecl.getAttributes();
Iterator it = attrMap.iterator();
CMAttributeDeclaration attr = null;
while (it.hasNext()) {
attr = (CMAttributeDeclaration);
if (attr.getUsage() == CMAttributeDeclaration.REQUIRED) {
return result;
private XMLNode insertEndTag(XMLNode node) {
XMLNode newNode = node;
XMLElement element = (XMLElement) node;
if (element.isCommentTag())
return node; // do nothing
int startTagStartOffset = node.getStartOffset();
XMLModel structuredModel = node.getModel();
if (isEmptyElement(element)) {
IStructuredDocument structuredDocument = structuredModel.getStructuredDocument();
IStructuredDocumentRegion startStructuredDocumentRegion = node.getStartStructuredDocumentRegion();
ITextRegionList regions = startStructuredDocumentRegion.getRegions();
ITextRegion lastRegion = regions.get(regions.size() - 1);
structuredDocument.replaceText(structuredDocument, startStructuredDocumentRegion.getStartOffset(lastRegion), lastRegion.getLength(), EMPTY_TAG_CLOSE);
if (regions.size() > 1) {
ITextRegion regionBeforeTagClose = regions.get(regions.size() - 1 - 1);
// insert a space separator before tag close if the previous
// region does not have extra spaces
if (regionBeforeTagClose.getTextLength() == regionBeforeTagClose.getLength())
structuredDocument.replaceText(structuredDocument, startStructuredDocumentRegion.getStartOffset(lastRegion), 0, " "); //$NON-NLS-1$
} else {
String tagName = node.getNodeName();
String endTag = END_TAG_OPEN.concat(tagName).concat(TAG_CLOSE);
XMLNode lastChild = (XMLNode) node.getLastChild();
int endTagStartOffset = 0;
if (lastChild != null)
// if this node has children, insert the end tag after the
// last child
endTagStartOffset = lastChild.getEndOffset();
// if this node does not has children, insert the end tag
// after the start tag
endTagStartOffset = node.getEndOffset();
IStructuredDocument structuredDocument = structuredModel.getStructuredDocument();
structuredDocument.replaceText(structuredDocument, endTagStartOffset, 0, endTag);
newNode = (XMLNode) structuredModel.getIndexedRegion(startTagStartOffset); // save
// new
// node
return newNode;
private XMLNode insertMissingTags(XMLNode node) {
boolean insertMissingTags = getCleanupPreferences().getInsertMissingTags();
XMLNode newNode = node;
if (insertMissingTags) {
IStructuredDocumentRegion startTagStructuredDocumentRegion = node.getStartStructuredDocumentRegion();
if (startTagStructuredDocumentRegion == null) {
// implicit start tag; generate tag for it
newNode = insertStartTag(node);
startTagStructuredDocumentRegion = newNode.getStartStructuredDocumentRegion();
IStructuredDocumentRegion endTagStructuredDocumentRegion = newNode.getEndStructuredDocumentRegion();
ITextRegionList startStructuredDocumentRegionRegions = startTagStructuredDocumentRegion.getRegions();
if (startTagStructuredDocumentRegion != null && startStructuredDocumentRegionRegions != null && (startStructuredDocumentRegionRegions.get(startStructuredDocumentRegionRegions.size() - 1)).getType() == XMLRegionContext.XML_EMPTY_TAG_CLOSE) {
} else {
if (startTagStructuredDocumentRegion == null) {
// start tag missing
if (isStartTagRequired(newNode))
newNode = insertStartTag(newNode);
} else if (endTagStructuredDocumentRegion == null) {
// end tag missing
if (isEndTagRequired(newNode))
newNode = insertEndTag(newNode);
return newNode;
private XMLNode insertRequiredAttrs(XMLNode node) {
boolean insertRequiredAttrs = getCleanupPreferences().getInsertRequiredAttrs();
XMLNode newNode = node;
if (insertRequiredAttrs) {
List requiredAttrs = getRequiredAttrs(newNode);
if (requiredAttrs.size() > 0) {
NamedNodeMap currentAttrs = node.getAttributes();
List insertAttrs = new ArrayList();
if (currentAttrs.getLength() == 0)
else {
for (int i = 0; i < requiredAttrs.size(); i++) {
String requiredAttrName = ((CMAttributeDeclaration) requiredAttrs.get(i)).getAttrName();
boolean found = false;
for (int j = 0; j < currentAttrs.getLength(); j++) {
String currentAttrName = currentAttrs.item(j).getNodeName();
if (requiredAttrName.compareToIgnoreCase(currentAttrName) == 0) {
found = true;
if (!found)
if (insertAttrs.size() > 0) {
IStructuredDocumentRegion startStructuredDocumentRegion = newNode.getStartStructuredDocumentRegion();
int index = startStructuredDocumentRegion.getEndOffset();
ITextRegion lastRegion = startStructuredDocumentRegion.getLastRegion();
if (lastRegion.getType() == XMLRegionContext.XML_TAG_CLOSE) {
lastRegion = startStructuredDocumentRegion.getRegionAtCharacterOffset(index - 1);
} else if (lastRegion.getType() == XMLRegionContext.XML_EMPTY_TAG_CLOSE) {
index = index - 2;
lastRegion = startStructuredDocumentRegion.getRegionAtCharacterOffset(index - 1);
MultiTextEdit multiTextEdit = new MultiTextEdit();
try {
for (int i = insertAttrs.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
CMAttributeDeclaration attrDecl = (CMAttributeDeclaration) insertAttrs.get(i);
String requiredAttributeName = attrDecl.getAttrName();
String defaultValue = attrDecl.getDefaultValue();
if (defaultValue == null)
defaultValue = ""; //$NON-NLS-1$
String nameAndDefaultValue = " "; //$NON-NLS-1$
if (i == 0 && lastRegion.getLength() > lastRegion.getTextLength())
nameAndDefaultValue = ""; //$NON-NLS-1$
nameAndDefaultValue += requiredAttributeName + "=\"" + defaultValue + "\""; //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
multiTextEdit.addChild(new InsertEdit(index, nameAndDefaultValue));
// BUG3381: MultiTextEdit applies all child
// TextEdit's basing on offsets
// in the document before the first TextEdit, not
// after each
// child TextEdit. Therefore, do not need to
// advance the index.
//index += nameAndDefaultValue.length();
} catch (BadLocationException e) {
throw new SourceEditingRuntimeException(e);
return newNode;
private XMLNode insertStartTag(XMLNode node) {
XMLNode newNode = node;
if (isCommentTag(node))
return node; // do nothing
String tagName = node.getNodeName();
String startTag = START_TAG_OPEN.concat(tagName).concat(TAG_CLOSE);
int startTagStartOffset = node.getStartOffset();
XMLModel structuredModel = node.getModel();
IStructuredDocument structuredDocument = structuredModel.getStructuredDocument();
structuredDocument.replaceText(structuredDocument, startTagStartOffset, 0, startTag);
newNode = (XMLNode) structuredModel.getIndexedRegion(startTagStartOffset); // save
// new
// node
return newNode;
private void insertTagClose(XMLModel structuredModel, IStructuredDocumentRegion flatNode) {
if (flatNode != null) {
ITextRegionList flatnodeRegions = flatNode.getRegions();
if (flatnodeRegions != null) {
ITextRegion lastRegion = flatnodeRegions.get(flatnodeRegions.size() - 1);
if (lastRegion != null) {
String regionType = lastRegion.getType();
if ((regionType != XMLRegionContext.XML_EMPTY_TAG_CLOSE) && (regionType != XMLRegionContext.XML_TAG_CLOSE)) {
IStructuredDocument structuredDocument = structuredModel.getStructuredDocument();
// insert ">" after lastRegion of flatNode
// as in "<a</a>" if flatNode is for start tag, or in
// "<a></a" if flatNode is for end tag
structuredDocument.replaceText(structuredDocument, flatNode.getTextEndOffset(lastRegion), 0, ">"); //$NON-NLS-1$
* @param renamedNode
* @return
private boolean isCommentTag(Node renamedNode) {
boolean result = false;
if (renamedNode instanceof XMLElement) {
XMLElement element = (XMLElement) renamedNode;
result = element.isCommentTag();
return result;
private boolean isEmptyElement(XMLElement element) {
Document document = element.getOwnerDocument();
if (document == null)
// undefined tag, return default
return false;
ModelQuery modelQuery = ModelQueryUtil.getModelQuery(document);
if (modelQuery == null)
// undefined tag, return default
return false;
CMElementDeclaration decl = modelQuery.getCMElementDeclaration(element);
if (decl == null)
// undefined tag, return default
return false;
return (decl.getContentType() == CMElementDeclaration.EMPTY);
private boolean isEndTagRequired(XMLNode node) {
if (node == null)
return false;
return node.isContainer();
* A tag is implicit if it has not corresponding region in document.
* @param renamedNode
* @return
private boolean isImplicitTag(XMLNode renamedNode) {
return renamedNode.getStartStructuredDocumentRegion() == null;
* The end tags of HTML EMPTY content type, such as IMG, and HTML
* undefined tags are parsed separately from the start tags. So inserting
* the missing start tag is useless and even harmful.
private boolean isStartTagRequired(XMLNode node) {
if (node == null)
return false;
return node.isContainer();
private boolean isXMLType(XMLModel structuredModel) {
boolean result = false;
if (structuredModel != null && structuredModel != null) {
XMLDocument document = structuredModel.getDocument();
if (document != null)
result = document.isXMLType();
return result;
private XMLNode quoteAttrValue(XMLNode node) {
XMLNode newNode = node;
//XMLElement element = (XMLElement) node;
if (isCommentTag(node))
return node; // do nothing
boolean quoteAttrValues = getCleanupPreferences().getQuoteAttrValues();
if (quoteAttrValues) {
NamedNodeMap attributes = newNode.getAttributes();
if (attributes != null) {
int attributesLength = attributes.getLength();
XMLGenerator generator = node.getModel().getGenerator();
for (int i = 0; i < attributesLength; i++) {
attributes = newNode.getAttributes();
attributesLength = attributes.getLength();
XMLAttr eachAttr = (XMLAttr) attributes.item(i);
//ITextRegion oldAttrValueRegion =
// eachAttr.getValueRegion();
String oldAttrValue = eachAttr.getValueRegionText();
if (oldAttrValue == null) {
XMLModel structuredModel = node.getModel();
if (isXMLType(structuredModel)) {
String newAttrValue = "\"" + eachAttr.getNameRegionText() + "\""; //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
IStructuredDocument structuredDocument = structuredModel.getStructuredDocument();
if (eachAttr.getEqualRegion() != null)
// equal region exists
structuredDocument.replaceText(structuredDocument, eachAttr.getEndOffset(), 0, newAttrValue);
// no equal region
structuredDocument.replaceText(structuredDocument, eachAttr.getNameRegionTextEndOffset(), 0, "=".concat(newAttrValue)); //$NON-NLS-1$
newNode = (XMLNode) structuredModel.getIndexedRegion(node.getStartOffset()); // save
// new
// node
} else {
//String oldAttrValue = oldAttrValueRegion.getText();
char quote = StringUtils.isQuoted(oldAttrValue) ? oldAttrValue.charAt(0) : DOUBLE_QUOTE;
String newAttrValue = generator.generateAttrValue(eachAttr, quote);
// There is a problem in
// StructuredDocumentRegionUtil.getAttrValue(ITextRegion)
// when the region is instanceof ContextRegion.
// Workaround for now...
if (oldAttrValue.length() == 1) {
char firstChar = oldAttrValue.charAt(0);
if (firstChar == SINGLE_QUOTE)
newAttrValue = SINGLE_QUOTES;
else if (firstChar == DOUBLE_QUOTE)
newAttrValue = DOUBLE_QUOTES;
if (newAttrValue != null) {
if (newAttrValue.compareTo(oldAttrValue) != 0) {
int attrValueStartOffset = eachAttr.getValueRegionStartOffset();
int attrValueLength = oldAttrValue.length();
int startTagStartOffset = node.getStartOffset();
XMLModel structuredModel = node.getModel();
IStructuredDocument structuredDocument = structuredModel.getStructuredDocument();
structuredDocument.replaceText(structuredDocument, attrValueStartOffset, attrValueLength, newAttrValue);
newNode = (XMLNode) structuredModel.getIndexedRegion(startTagStartOffset); // save
// new
// node
return newNode;