blob: 2575ca6b12d47af9bcc07e589d8c559cbb1ee64a [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2001, 2004 IBM Corporation and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.wst.xsd.ui.internal;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.EventObject;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IFile;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IPath;
import org.eclipse.emf.common.command.BasicCommandStack;
import org.eclipse.emf.common.command.Command;
import org.eclipse.emf.common.command.CommandStackListener;
import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.URI;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EPackage;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.Resource;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.ResourceSet;
import org.eclipse.jface.text.IDocument;
import org.eclipse.jface.util.IPropertyChangeListener;
import org.eclipse.jface.util.PropertyChangeEvent;
import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ISelection;
import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ISelectionProvider;
import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.SelectionChangedEvent;
import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.StructuredSelection;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Control;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display;
import org.eclipse.ui.IEditorInput;
import org.eclipse.ui.IEditorPart;
import org.eclipse.ui.IEditorSite;
import org.eclipse.ui.IFileEditorInput;
import org.eclipse.ui.IPartListener;
import org.eclipse.ui.IWorkbenchPage;
import org.eclipse.ui.IWorkbenchPart;
import org.eclipse.ui.IWorkbenchWindow;
import org.eclipse.ui.PartInitException;
import org.eclipse.ui.PlatformUI;
import org.eclipse.ui.internal.editors.text.JavaFileEditorInput;
import org.eclipse.wst.sse.core.internal.provisional.INodeAdapter;
import org.eclipse.wst.sse.core.internal.provisional.INodeNotifier;
import org.eclipse.wst.sse.core.internal.provisional.IStructuredModel;
import org.eclipse.wst.sse.core.internal.provisional.exceptions.SourceEditingRuntimeException;
import org.eclipse.wst.sse.core.internal.undo.IStructuredTextUndoManager;
import org.eclipse.wst.sse.ui.internal.StructuredTextEditor;
import org.eclipse.wst.xml.core.internal.provisional.document.IDOMModel;
import org.eclipse.wst.xsd.ui.internal.graph.XSDGraphViewer;
import org.eclipse.wst.xsd.ui.internal.util.OpenOnSelectionHelper;
import org.eclipse.wst.xsd.ui.internal.util.XSDDOMHelper;
import org.eclipse.xsd.XSDConcreteComponent;
import org.eclipse.xsd.XSDPackage;
import org.eclipse.xsd.XSDSchema;
import org.eclipse.xsd.impl.XSDSchemaImpl;
import org.eclipse.xsd.util.XSDConstants;
import org.w3c.dom.Attr;
import org.w3c.dom.Document;
import org.w3c.dom.Element;
import org.w3c.dom.Node;
import org.w3c.dom.ProcessingInstruction;
// public class XSDEditor extends StructuredTextMultiPageEditorPart
public class XSDEditor extends XSDMultiPageEditorPart implements ITabbedPropertySheetPageContributor
protected XSDTextEditor textEditor;
IFile resourceFile;
XSDSelectionManager xsdSelectionManager;
private IStructuredModel result;
public XSDEditor()
xsdSelectionManager = new XSDSelectionManager();
InternalPartListener partListener = new InternalPartListener(this);
// show outline view - defect 266116
public void init(IEditorSite site, IEditorInput editorInput) throws PartInitException
super.init(site, editorInput);
IWorkbenchWindow dw=PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getActiveWorkbenchWindow();
IWorkbenchPage page=dw.getActivePage();
if (page != null)
// page.showView("org.eclipse.ui.views.ContentOutline");
} catch (PartInitException e)
// e.printStackTrace();
// For team support
// protected PropertyDirtyChangeListener propertyChangeListener;
* Creates the pages of this multi-page editor.
* <p>
* Subclasses of <code>MultiPageEditor</code> must implement this method.
* </p>
protected void createPages()
if (!loadFile())
// source page MUST be created before design page, now
// comment this line out to hide the graph page
int pageIndexToShow = getDefaultPageTypeIndex();
catch (PartInitException exception)
throw new SourceEditingRuntimeException(XSDEditorPlugin.getXSDString("An_error_has_occurred_when1_ERROR_")); //$NON-NLS-1$ = "An error has occurred when initializing the input for the the editor's source page."
public String[] getPropertyCategories()
return new String[] { "general", "namespace", "other", "attributes", "documentation", "facets" }; //$NON-NLS-1$
* @see
public String getContributorId()
return "org.eclipse.wst.xsd.ui.internal.XSDEditor";
//return getSite().getId();
protected CommandStackListener commandStackListener;
protected void addCommandStackListener()
if (commandStackListener == null)
IStructuredTextUndoManager undoManager = getModel().getUndoManager();
commandStackListener = new CommandStackListener()
* @see org.eclipse.emf.common.command.CommandStackListener#commandStackChanged(EventObject)
public void commandStackChanged(EventObject event)
Object obj = event.getSource();
if (obj instanceof BasicCommandStack)
BasicCommandStack stack = (BasicCommandStack) obj;
Command recentCommand = stack.getMostRecentCommand();
Command redoCommand = stack.getRedoCommand();
Command undoCommand = stack.getUndoCommand();
if (recentCommand == redoCommand)
// there must have been an undo reset info tasks
//TODO WTP Port undoManager.getCommandStack().addCommandStackListener(commandStackListener);
protected void pageChange(int arg)
protected void removeCommandStackListener()
if (commandStackListener != null)
IStructuredTextUndoManager undoManager = getModel().getUndoManager();
//TODO WTP Port undoManager.getCommandStack().removeCommandStackListener(commandStackListener);
// This is from the IValidateEditEditor interface
/* public void undoChange()
StructuredTextUndoManager undoManager = textEditor.getModel().getUndoManager();
// Make the editor clean
} */
private class PreferenceStoreListener implements IPropertyChangeListener
* @see org.eclipse.jface.util.IPropertyChangeListener#propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent)
public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent event)
protected IPropertyChangeListener preferenceStoreListener = new PreferenceStoreListener();
protected int getDefaultPageTypeIndex()
int pageIndex = sourcePageIndex;
if (XSDEditorPlugin.getPlugin().getDefaultPage().equals(XSDEditorPlugin.GRAPH_PAGE))
if (graphPageIndex != -1)
pageIndex = graphPageIndex;
return pageIndex;
int currentPage = -1;
public String getCurrentPageType()
// should update pref. for valid pages
if (getActivePage() != -1)
currentPage = getActivePage();
if (currentPage == graphPageIndex)
return XSDEditorPlugin.GRAPH_PAGE;
return XSDEditorPlugin.SOURCE_PAGE;
public Object getActivePart()
return getSite().getWorkbenchWindow().getActivePage().getActivePart();
public void dispose()
// propertyChangeListener.dispose();
protected boolean loadFile()
Object input = getEditorInput();
if (input instanceof IFileEditorInput)
resourceFile = ((IFileEditorInput) input).getFile();
else if (input instanceof JavaFileEditorInput)
IPath path = ((JavaFileEditorInput)input).getPath(input);
String ext = path.getFileExtension();
if (ext != null && ext.equals("xsd"))
return true;
return false;
// XSDEditorPlugin.getPlugin().getMsgLogger().write("###Error...XSDEditor::createPages() .. Can't find input..Exiting..");
return false;
return true;
* Method openOnGlobalReference.
* The comp argument is a resolved xsd schema object from another file. This is created and called from another
* schema model to allow F3 navigation to open a new editor and choose the referenced object within that editor context
* @param comp
public void openOnGlobalReference(XSDConcreteComponent comp)
protected OpenOnSelectionHelper openOnSelectionHelper;
public OpenOnSelectionHelper getOpenOnSelectionHelper()
return openOnSelectionHelper;
* @see org.eclipse.wst.xsd.ui.internal.XSDMultiPageEditorPart#createTextEditor()
protected StructuredTextEditor createTextEditor()
return new XSDTextEditor(this);
* @see StructuredTextMultiPageEditorPart#createSourcePage()
protected void createSourcePage() throws PartInitException
textEditor = (XSDTextEditor) getTextEditor();
openOnSelectionHelper = new OpenOnSelectionHelper(textEditor);
int sourcePageIndex = -1;
* Adds the source page of the multi-page editor.
protected void addSourcePage() throws PartInitException {
sourcePageIndex = addPage(textEditor, getEditorInput());
setPageText(sourcePageIndex, XSDEditorPlugin.getXSDString("_UI_TAB_SOURCE"));
// defect 223043 ... do textEditor.setModel() here instead of in createSourcePage()
// the update's critical, to get viewer selection manager and highlighting to work
IEditorInput editorInput = getEditorInput();
if (editorInput instanceof IFileEditorInput)
// textEditor.setModel(editorInput);
int graphPageIndex = -1;
XSDGraphViewer graphViewer;
* Creates the graph page and adds it to the multi-page editor.
protected void createAndAddGraphPage() throws PartInitException
graphViewer = new XSDGraphViewer(this);
Control graphControl = graphViewer.createControl(getContainer());
graphPageIndex = addPage(graphControl);
setPageText(graphPageIndex, XSDEditorPlugin.getXSDString("_UI_TAB_GRAPH"));
// graphViewer.setViewerSelectionManager(textEditor.getViewerSelectionManager());
// this forces the editor to initially select the top level schema object
getSelectionManager().setSelection(new StructuredSelection(textEditor.getXSDSchema()));
* @see IAdaptable#getAdapter(Class)
public Object getAdapter(Class key)
Object result = null;
if (key == ISelectionProvider.class)
result = xsdSelectionManager;
result = textEditor.getAdapter(key);
return result;
public XSDSelectionManager getSelectionManager()
return xsdSelectionManager;
* @see org.eclipse.wst.xsd.ui.internal.XSDMultiPageEditorPart#doSaveAs()
public void doSaveAs()
public void doSave(org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor monitor)
protected XSDSchema xsdSchema;
protected ResourceSet resourceSet;
public void reparseSchema()
Document document = ((IDOMModel)getModel()).getDocument();
public XSDSchema createSchema(Node node)
EPackage.Registry reg = EPackage.Registry.INSTANCE;
XSDPackage xsdPackage = (XSDPackage)reg.getEPackage(XSDPackage.eNS_URI);
xsdSchema = xsdPackage.getXSDFactory().createXSDSchema();
// Force the loading of the "meta" schema for schema instance instance.
String schemaForSchemaNamespace = node.getNamespaceURI();
resourceSet = XSDSchemaImpl.createResourceSet();
resourceSet.setURIConverter(new XSDURIConverter(resourceFile));
String pathName = "";
Resource resource = null;
// If the resource is in the workspace....
// otherwise the user is trying to open an external file
if (resourceFile != null)
pathName = resourceFile.getFullPath().toString();
if (resourceFile.exists())
resource = resourceSet.getResource(URI.createPlatformResourceURI(pathName), true);
// get resource from File URI. This happens when we try to open the imported schema
// from the importing schema that was opened via the Open External File action.
resource = resourceSet.getResource(URI.createFileURI(pathName), true);
// This is the case where open external xsd file is attempted
IEditorInput input = getEditorInput();
if (input instanceof JavaFileEditorInput) // for some reason it is a JavaFileEditorInput
IPath path = ((JavaFileEditorInput)input).getPath(input);
URI uri = URI.createFileURI(path.toString());
resource = resourceSet.getResource(uri, true);
if (resource != null)
Object obj = resource.getContents().get(0);
if (obj instanceof XSDSchema)
xsdSchema = (XSDSchema)obj;
catch (StackOverflowError e)
// XSDEditorPlugin.getPlugin().getMsgLogger().write("Stack overflow encountered. Possibly an invalid recursive circular schema");
catch (Exception ex)
// ex.printStackTrace();
return xsdSchema;
class XSDDocumentAdapter extends DocumentAdapter
INodeNotifier currentNotifier;
int currentEventType;
public XSDDocumentAdapter(Document document)
boolean handlingNotifyChanged = false;
public void notifyChanged(INodeNotifier notifier, int eventType, Object feature, Object oldValue, Object newValue, int index)
if (!handlingNotifyChanged)
handlingNotifyChanged = true;
// delay handle events only in the source view
if (getCurrentPageType() == XSDEditorPlugin.SOURCE_PAGE &&
!(getActivePart() instanceof PropertySheet) &&
!(getActivePart() instanceof org.eclipse.ui.views.contentoutline.ContentOutline)) {
startDelayedEvent(notifier, eventType, feature, oldValue, newValue, index);
else // all other views, just handle the events right away
handleNotifyChange(notifier, eventType, feature, oldValue, newValue, index);
catch (Exception e)
// XSDEditorPlugin.getPlugin().getMsgLogger().write(e);
handlingNotifyChanged = false;
public void handleNotifyChange(INodeNotifier notifier, int eventType, Object feature, Object oldValue, Object newValue, int index)
// System.out.println(eventType + " : HandleNotifyChange " + notifier.hashCode() + " notifier " + notifier);
switch (eventType)
case INodeNotifier.ADD:
if (newValue instanceof Element)
// Add updateParentForDerivation(node, listener);
case INodeNotifier.REMOVE:
Node node = (Node)notifier;
XSDConcreteComponent listener = xsdSchema.getCorrespondingComponent(node);
if (listener instanceof XSDSchema)
// we want to reset the schema's external elements when the directive is deleted
if (feature instanceof Element)
Element elem = (Element)feature;
if (XSDDOMHelper.inputEquals(elem, XSDConstants.INCLUDE_ELEMENT_TAG, false) ||
XSDDOMHelper.inputEquals(elem, XSDConstants.IMPORT_ELEMENT_TAG, false) ||
XSDDOMHelper.inputEquals(elem, XSDConstants.REDEFINE_ELEMENT_TAG, false))
case INodeNotifier.CHANGE:
Node node = (Node)notifier;
XSDConcreteComponent listener = xsdSchema.getCorrespondingComponent(node);
if (node.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE)
else if (node.getNodeType() == Node.DOCUMENT_NODE)
case INodeNotifier.CONTENT_CHANGED:
Node node = (Node)notifier;
XSDConcreteComponent listener = xsdSchema.getCorrespondingComponent(node);
if (node.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE)
else if (node.getNodeType() == Node.DOCUMENT_NODE)
Element docElement = ((Document)node).getDocumentElement();
// Need to add check if doc element is being edited in the source
if (docElement != null)
String prefix = docElement.getPrefix();
String xmlnsString = prefix == null? "xmlns" : "xmlns:" + prefix;
Attr attr = docElement.getAttributeNode(xmlnsString);
boolean doParse = false;
if (attr != null)
if (attr.getValue().equals(XSDConstants.SCHEMA_FOR_SCHEMA_URI_2001) && docElement.getLocalName().equals("schema"))
// We have a viable schema so parse it
doParse = true;
if (doParse)
protected DelayedEvent delayedTask;
protected void startDelayedEvent(INodeNotifier notifier, int eventType, Object feature, Object oldValue, Object newValue, int index)
// System.out.println("start delayed event");
// check if there is already a delayed task for the same notifier and eventType
// if (delayedTask != null)
// {
// Notifier aNotifier = delayedTask.getNotifier();
// int anEventType = delayedTask.getEventType();
// if (notifier == aNotifier && anEventType == eventType)
// {
// // same event, just different data, delay new event
// delayedTask.setCancel(true);
// }
// }
delayedTask = new DelayedEvent();
class DelayedEvent implements Runnable
INodeNotifier notifier;
int eventType;
Object feature;
Object oldValue;
Object newValue;
int index;
boolean cancelEvent = false;
* @see Runnable#run()
public void run()
if (!cancelEvent)
handleNotifyChange(notifier, eventType, feature, oldValue, newValue, index);
if (delayedTask == this)
delayedTask = null;
public void setCancel(boolean flag)
cancelEvent = flag;
public void setNotifier(INodeNotifier notifier)
this.notifier = notifier;
public void setEventType(int eventType)
this.eventType = eventType;
public void setFeature(Object feature)
this.feature = feature;
public void setOldValue(Object oldValue)
this.oldValue = oldValue;
public void setNewValue(Object newValue)
this.newValue = newValue;
public void setIndex(int index)
this.index = index;
public INodeNotifier getNotifier()
return notifier;
public int getEventType()
return eventType;
public Object getNewValue()
return newValue;
public Object getOldValue()
return oldValue;
abstract class DocumentAdapter implements INodeAdapter
public DocumentAdapter(Document document)
public void adapt(Element element)
if (((INodeNotifier)element).getExistingAdapter(this) == null)
for (Node child = element.getFirstChild(); child != null; child = child.getNextSibling())
if (child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE)
public boolean isAdapterForType(Object type)
return type == this;
abstract public void notifyChanged
(INodeNotifier notifier, int eventType, Object feature, Object oldValue, Object newValue, int index);
* Method createDefaultSchemaNode. Should only be called to insert a schema node into an empty document
public void createDefaultSchemaNode()
Document document = ((IDOMModel)getModel()).getDocument();
if (document.getChildNodes().getLength() == 0)
// if it is a completely empty file, then add the encoding and version processing instruction
//TODO String encoding = EncodingHelper.getDefaultEncodingTag();
String encoding = "UTF-8";
ProcessingInstruction instr = document.createProcessingInstruction("xml", "version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"" + encoding + "\"");
// Create a default schema tag now
// String defaultPrefixForTargetNamespace = getFileResource().getProjectRelativePath().removeFileExtension().lastSegment();
String defaultPrefixForTargetNamespace = "tns";
String prefixForSchemaNamespace = "";
String schemaNamespaceAttribute = "xmlns";
if (XSDEditorPlugin.getPlugin().isQualifyXMLSchemaLanguage())
// Added this if check before disallowing blank prefixes in the preferences...
// Can take this out. See also NewXSDWizard
if (XSDEditorPlugin.getPlugin().getXMLSchemaPrefix().trim().length() > 0)
prefixForSchemaNamespace = XSDEditorPlugin.getPlugin().getXMLSchemaPrefix() + ":";
schemaNamespaceAttribute += ":" + XSDEditorPlugin.getPlugin().getXMLSchemaPrefix();
Element element = document.createElement(prefixForSchemaNamespace + XSDConstants.SCHEMA_ELEMENT_TAG);
String defaultTargetURI = XSDEditorPlugin.getPlugin().getXMLSchemaTargetNamespace();
element.setAttribute(XSDConstants.TARGETNAMESPACE_ATTRIBUTE, defaultTargetURI);
element.setAttribute("xmlns:" + defaultPrefixForTargetNamespace, defaultTargetURI);
public void buildXSDModel()
Document document = ((IDOMModel)getModel()).getDocument();
if (document.getChildNodes().getLength() == 0)
// this is an empty document. Create a default schema tag now
XSDDocumentAdapter documentAdapter =
new XSDDocumentAdapter(((IDOMModel)getModel()).getDocument());
catch (Exception e)
// XSDEditorPlugin.getPlugin().getMsgLogger().write("Failed to create Model");
// XSDEditorPlugin.getPlugin().getMsgLogger().write(e);
// e.printStackTrace();
// XSDResourceFactoryImpl.validate(xsdSchema, input.getFile().getContents(true));
// private void updateParentForDerivation(Node node, XSDConcreteComponent correspondingComponent)
// {
// if (XSDDOMHelper.inputEquals(node, XSDConstants.SIMPLECONTENT_ELEMENT_TAG, false)||
// XSDDOMHelper.inputEquals(node,XSDConstants.COMPLEXCONTENT_ELEMENT_TAG,false))
// {
// XSDComplexTypeDefinition xsdComplexTypeDefinition =
// correspondingComponent.getContainer() instanceof XSDComplexTypeDefinition ?
// (XSDComplexTypeDefinition)correspondingComponent.getContainer() :
// null;
// if (xsdComplexTypeDefinition != null)
// {
// xsdComplexTypeDefinition.elementContentsChanged(xsdComplexTypeDefinition.getElement());
// }
// }
// }
// private void checkUnion(Node node, XSDConcreteComponent correspondingComponent, int i)
// {
// // bug 219967 - union changes to restriction
// if (XSDDOMHelper.inputEquals(node, XSDConstants.UNION_ELEMENT_TAG, false))
// {
//// XSDConcreteComponent comp = correspondingComponent.getContainer();
//// if (comp != null)
//// {
//// switch (i)
//// {
//// case 1:
//// comp.elementAttributesChanged((Element)node);
//// break;
//// case 4:
//// comp.elementContentsChanged((Element)node);
//// break;
//// }
//// }
// }
// else
// {
// switch (i)
// {
// case 1:
// case 4:
// // do both types of updates since sometimes the attributes have changed indirectly
// // because the content has changed
// correspondingComponent.elementAttributesChanged((Element)node);
// correspondingComponent.elementContentsChanged((Element)node);
// break;
// }
// }
// }
// private void updateMap(XSDConcreteComponent listener, Element documentElement)
// {
// boolean handleChangeInSchema = false;
// if (listener instanceof XSDSchema)
// {
// if (!handleChangeInSchema)
// {
// handleChangeInSchema = true;
// XSDSchema xsdSchema = (XSDSchema)listener;
// java.util.Map prefixToNameSpaceMap = xsdSchema.getQNamePrefixToNamespaceMap();
// String targetNamespace = xsdSchema.getTargetNamespace();
//// System.out.println("targetNamespace = " + targetNamespace);
// NamedNodeMap attributes = documentElement.getAttributes();
// int length = attributes.getLength();
// ArrayList keyList = new ArrayList();
// keyList.addAll(prefixToNameSpaceMap.keySet());
// String key;
// // update the map when the prefix is changed
// CHECK: for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
// {
// Attr attr = (Attr)attributes.item(i);
// String name = attr.getNodeName();
// if (isValidXMLNSAttribute(name))
//// if (name.startsWith("xmlns"))
// {
// String value = attr.getNodeValue();
// if (value == null)
// {
// break CHECK;
// }
// int index = name.indexOf(":");
// key = index == -1 ? null : name.substring(index + 1);
//// System.out.println(" Attribute key is " + key + " , value = " + value);
//// System.out.println(" map.get(key) = " + prefixToNameSpaceMap.get(key));
// if (!prefixToNameSpaceMap.containsKey(key))
// {
// for (Iterator iter = keyList.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); )
// {
// String aPrefix = (String);
//// System.out.println(" --> A Map Prefix is " + aPrefix);
//// System.out.println(" --> model map.get(prefix) " + prefixToNameSpaceMap.get(aPrefix));
// if (prefixToNameSpaceMap.get(aPrefix) != null)
// {
// if (prefixToNameSpaceMap.get(aPrefix).equals(value))
// {
// prefixToNameSpaceMap.remove(aPrefix);
// }
// }
// }
// }
// else if (prefixToNameSpaceMap.containsKey(key))
// {
// if (prefixToNameSpaceMap.get(key) != null)
// {
// if (!prefixToNameSpaceMap.get(key).equals(value))
// {
// Set entrySet = prefixToNameSpaceMap.entrySet();
// for (Iterator iter = entrySet.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); )
// {
// Map.Entry aMapEntry = (Map.Entry);
// if ( (key != null && (aMapEntry.getKey() != null && aMapEntry.getKey().equals(key)))
// || (key == null && (aMapEntry.getKey() == null)))
// {
// aMapEntry.setValue(value);
// }
// }
// }
// }
// else
// {
// Set entrySet = prefixToNameSpaceMap.entrySet();
// for (Iterator iter = entrySet.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); )
// {
// Map.Entry aMapEntry = (Map.Entry);
// if ( (key != null && (aMapEntry.getKey() != null && aMapEntry.getKey().equals(key)))
// || (key == null && (aMapEntry.getKey() == null)))
// {
// aMapEntry.setValue(value);
// }
// }
// }
// }
// }
// }
// boolean modelMapPrefixFound = false;
// for (Iterator iter = keyList.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); )
// {
// String aPrefix = (String);
// modelMapPrefixFound = false;
// attributes = documentElement.getAttributes();
// length = attributes.getLength();
// for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
// {
// Attr attr = (Attr)attributes.item(i);
// if (attr != null)
// {
// String name = attr.getNodeName();
// // if (name.startsWith("xmlns"))
// if (isValidXMLNSAttribute(name))
// {
// String value = attr.getNodeValue();
// int index = name.indexOf(":");
// key = index == -1 ? null : name.substring(index + 1);
// if (aPrefix == null && key == null)
// {
// modelMapPrefixFound = true;
// }
// else if (aPrefix != null && (aPrefix.equals(key)))
// {
// modelMapPrefixFound = true;
// if ((prefixToNameSpaceMap.get(key) != null && !prefixToNameSpaceMap.get(key).equals(value))
// || (prefixToNameSpaceMap.get(key) == null && value != null))
// {
// if (value != null && value.length() > 0)
// {
// prefixToNameSpaceMap.put(aPrefix, value);
// }
// }
// }
// else if (key != null && (key.equals(aPrefix)))
// {
// modelMapPrefixFound = true;
// }
// }
// }
// }
// if (!modelMapPrefixFound)
// {
// prefixToNameSpaceMap.remove(aPrefix);
// }
// }
// // to ensure map is recreated
//// XSDSchemaHelper.updateElement(xsdSchema);
//// reparseSchema();
// handleChangeInSchema = false;
//// System.out.println("XSDeditor Map is " + prefixToNameSpaceMap.values());
//// System.out.println("XSDeditor Map keys are " + prefixToNameSpaceMap.keySet());
// }
// }
// }
* Returns the xsdSchema.
* @return XSDSchema
public XSDSchema getXSDSchema()
return xsdSchema;
* Returns the resourceFile.
* @return IFile
public IFile getFileResource()
return resourceFile;
* Get the IDocument from the text viewer
public IDocument getEditorIDocument()
IDocument document = textEditor.getTextViewer().getDocument();
return document;
* Create ref integrity tasks in task list
public void createTasksInTaskList(ArrayList messages)
// DisplayErrorInTaskList tasks = new DisplayErrorInTaskList(getEditorIDocument(), getFileResource(), messages);
public void resetInformationTasks()
// DisplayErrorInTaskList.removeInfoMarkers(getFileResource());
public XSDGraphViewer getGraphViewer()
return graphViewer;
// /**
// * @see org.eclipse.ui.part.MultiPageEditorPart#handlePropertyChange(int)
// */
// protected void handlePropertyChange(int propertyId)
// {
// super.handlePropertyChange(propertyId);
// if (propertyId == IEditorPart.PROP_INPUT)
// {
// setInput(textEditor.getEditorInput());
// resourceFile = ((IFileEditorInput) getEditorInput()).getFile();
// setTitle(resourceFile.getName());
//// outline.setModel(getModel());
// // even though we've set title etc., several times already!
// // only now is all prepared for it.
// firePropertyChange(IWorkbenchPart.PROP_TITLE);
// firePropertyChange(PROP_DIRTY);
// }
// else if (propertyId == IEditorPart.PROP_TITLE)
// {
// if (getEditorInput() != textEditor.getEditorInput())
// {
// setInput(textEditor.getEditorInput());
// }
// }
// }
public IEditorPart getActiveEditorPage()
return getActiveEditor();
public XSDTextEditor getXSDTextEditor()
return textEditor;
class InternalPartListener implements IPartListener
XSDEditor editor;
public InternalPartListener(XSDEditor editor)
this.editor = editor;
public void partActivated(IWorkbenchPart part)
if (part == editor)
ISelection selection = getSelectionManager().getSelection();
if (selection != null)
if (getCurrentPageType().equals(XSDEditorPlugin.GRAPH_PAGE))
getSelectionManager().selectionChanged(new SelectionChangedEvent(editor.getGraphViewer().getComponentViewer(), selection));
else if (getCurrentPageType().equals(XSDEditorPlugin.SOURCE_PAGE))
public void partBroughtToTop(IWorkbenchPart part)
public void partClosed(IWorkbenchPart part)
public void partDeactivated(IWorkbenchPart part)
public void partOpened(IWorkbenchPart part)