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<title>Links view</title>
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<h1 class="topictitle1">Links view</h1>
<div><p>The Links view (<span class="menucascade"><span class="uicontrol">Window</span> &gt; <span class="uicontrol">Show
View</span> &gt; <span class="uicontrol">Links</span></span> or clicking on
the <img src="../images/viewlink.gif" alt="Links Icon" /> icon
in the Web perspective) shows the files in your projects, the
links between them and the characteristics of those links. This view helps
you distinguish between different types of links, shows you the number of
links to target files and indicates where documents have broken links or links
to external files.</p>
<p>The Links view is like the Project Explorer view in that you can open files
by double-clicking on the file icons it displays. Similarly, the Project Explorer
view shows you a file system hierarchical view of your project and the Links
view shows you the hierarchical relationship of your files, based on the links
between them.</p>
<p>When files contain links to other files, they can be described as having
parent-child relationships. When a file is in focus in the Links view, you
can see the hierarchical relationships between it and the files to which it
links. You can look at the parents (the files to the left) that contain links
to the file in focus and the children (the files to the right) that are the
targets of the links.</p>
<div class="p">Hypertext links in HTML files are displayed as arrows between the files
in the Links view. Hypertext links can be divided into different types. The
following are examples of the most common kinds of links: <dl><dt class="bold"><img src="../images/nwlnkbrk.gif" alt="Broken link" /></dt>
<dd>The arrow with two lines through it indicates that the link is broken
or that the link is to a file outside the WebContent folder.<div class="note"><span class="notetitle">Note: </span> Broken
links are also displayed in the Problems View and are indicated by the <img src="../images/nwlnktsk.gif" alt="Task list problem" /> icon
in the first column.) </div>
<p>The <img src="../images/nwlnkcss.gif" alt="Cascading stylesheet" /> icon indicates that the link
is to a cascading stylesheet.</p>
<dt class="bold"><img src="../images/nwlnknum.gif" alt="Number of links" /> </dt>
<dd>The arrow with a number on it indicates the number of times the file in
focus links to the file to which it points. <p> The <img src="../images/nwlnkgr.gif" alt="Graphic icon" /> or <img src="../images/nwlnkgr-l.gif" alt="Graphic icon" /> icons indicate that the link is to
a graphic. Links to graphics are sometimes referred to as an embedded links
because they are rendered as part of the same HTTP request (appear on the
same page).</p>
<dt class="bold"><img src="../images/nwlnkque.gif" alt="Unknown link" /> </dt>
<dd>The arrow with a question mark on it indicates that the validity of the
link cannot be verified. <p>The <img src="../images/nwlnkind.gif" alt="Industry standard link" /> icon indicates that the link is one of a number of industry
standard link types. The <img src="../images/nwlnkmal.gif" alt="Mailto icon" /> icon indicates that the link is to a mailing address.
Links to file types that are not recognized are represented by the <img src="../images/nwlnkotr.gif" alt="File link" /> icon.</p>
<div><p><b class="reltaskshd">Related tasks</b><br />
<a href="tjlnkrfr.html" title="">Refreshing the Links view</a><br />
<a href="tjlnknav.html">Viewing and navigating links</a><br />
<a href="twlnkfix.html" title="">Fixing broken links using the Fixup link references wizard</a><br />