blob: d88615ed609d4cc2e4d504e2e5dc42fc857ab03c [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2000, 2004 IBM Corporation and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.wst.html.ui.internal.text;
// taken from package org.eclipse.jdt.ui.text;
* Symbols for the heuristic java scanner.
* @see Eclipse 3.0
interface Symbols {
int TokenEOF = -1;
int TokenLBRACE = 1;
int TokenRBRACE = 2;
int TokenLBRACKET = 3;
int TokenRBRACKET = 4;
int TokenLPAREN = 5;
int TokenRPAREN = 6;
int TokenSEMICOLON = 7;
int TokenOTHER = 8;
int TokenCOLON = 9;
int TokenQUESTIONMARK = 10;
int TokenCOMMA = 11;
int TokenEQUAL = 12;
int TokenLESSTHAN = 13;
int TokenGREATERTHAN = 14;
int TokenIF = 109;
int TokenDO = 1010;
int TokenFOR = 1011;
int TokenTRY = 1012;
int TokenCASE = 1013;
int TokenELSE = 1014;
int TokenBREAK = 1015;
int TokenCATCH = 1016;
int TokenWHILE = 1017;
int TokenRETURN = 1018;
int TokenSTATIC = 1019;
int TokenSWITCH = 1020;
int TokenFINALLY = 1021;
int TokenSYNCHRONIZED = 1022;
int TokenGOTO = 1023;
int TokenDEFAULT = 1024;
int TokenNEW = 1025;
int TokenCLASS = 1026;
int TokenINTERFACE = 1027;
int TokenENUM = 1028;
int TokenIDENT = 2000;