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<meta name="abstract" content="If desired, you can change various aspects of how the XML source code is displayed in the Source view of the XML editor, such as the colors the tags will be displayed in." />
<meta name="description" content="If desired, you can change various aspects of how the XML source code is displayed in the Source view of the XML editor, such as the colors the tags will be displayed in." />
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<title>Setting source highlighting styles</title>
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<h1 class="topictitle1">Setting source highlighting styles</h1>
<div><p>If desired, you can change various aspects of how the XML source
code is displayed in the Source view of the XML editor, such as the colors
the tags will be displayed in.</p>
<div class="section"><p>To set highlighting styles for the XML code, follow these steps:</p>
<li><span>Click <span class="menucascade"><span class="uicontrol">Window</span> &gt; <span class="uicontrol">Preferences</span>
&gt; <span class="uicontrol">Web and XML</span> &gt; <span class="uicontrol">XML Files</span> &gt; <span class="uicontrol"> XML
<li><span>In the <span class="uicontrol">Content type</span> list, select the source
tag type that you wish to set a highlighting style for. You can also click
text in the sample text to specify the source tag type that you wish to set
a highlighting style for.</span></li>
<li><span>Click the <span class="uicontrol">Foreground</span> box.</span></li>
<li><span>Select the color that you want the text of the tag to appear in
and click <span class="uicontrol">OK</span>.</span></li>
<li><span>Click the <span class="uicontrol">Background</span> box.</span></li>
<li><span>Select the color that you want to appear behind the tag and click <span class="uicontrol">OK</span>.</span>
<li><span>Select the <span class="uicontrol">Bold</span> check box if you want to
make the type bold.</span></li>
<li><span>Click <span class="uicontrol">Restore Default</span> to set the highlighting
styles back to their default values. If you only want to reset the value for
a particular content type, select it in the <span class="uicontrol">Content type </span> field,
the click the <span class="uicontrol">Restore Default</span> button next to it. </span>
<li><span>Click <span class="uicontrol">OK</span> to save your changes.</span></li>
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<div><div class="reltasks"><strong>Related tasks</strong><br />
<div><a href="../topics/txedtsrc.html" title="You can use the Source view to view and work with a file's source code directly.">Editing in the Source view</a></div>