blob: 6dd8175745e24ae127e803e832d6a86b445fb7d3 [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!--Arbortext, Inc., 1988-2006, v.4002-->
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<task id="taddrdfn" xml:lang="en-us">
<title>Adding redefine elements</title>
<searchtitle>Adding redefine elements</searchtitle>
<shortdesc>You can use the <codeph>redefine</codeph> mechanism to redefine
simple and complex types, groups, and attribute groups obtained from external
schema files. When you redefine a component, you are modifying its contents.</shortdesc>
<keywords><indexterm>XML schema editor<indexterm>adding redefine elements</indexterm></indexterm>
<indexterm>XML schema files<indexterm>adding redefine elements</indexterm></indexterm>
<context><p>Like the <codeph>include</codeph> mechanism, <codeph>redefine</codeph> requires
the external components to be in the same target namespace as the redefining
schema, although external components from schemas that have no namespace can
also be redefined.</p><p>The following instructions were written for the Resource
perspective, but they will also work in many other perspectives.</p><p>To
add a redefine element, complete the following steps:</p></context>
<step><cmd>Open your XML schema in the XML schema editor. In the Outline view,
select your schema.</cmd><info>The entire schema and its contents are displayed
in the Design view.</info></step>
<step><cmd>In the Design view, right-click in the <b>Directives</b> section
and click <uicontrol>Add Redefine</uicontrol>.</cmd></step>
<step><cmd>In the Properties view, click the <b>General</b> tab and click
the <uicontrol>Browse</uicontrol> <image href="../images/Browse.gif"><alt>This
graphic is the Browse button</alt></image> button to the right of the <uicontrol>Schema
location</uicontrol> field.</cmd><info>The XML schema file you select must
have the same namespace as the current schema.</info></step>
<step><cmd>If you want to import an XML schema located in the workbench:</cmd>
<substep><cmd>Select <uicontrol>Workbench projects</uicontrol> and click <uicontrol>Next</uicontrol>. </cmd>
<substep><cmd>Select the schema you want to import and click <uicontrol>Finish</uicontrol>.</cmd>
<step><cmd>If you want to import an XML schema located on the Web:</cmd>
<substep><cmd>Select <uicontrol>HTTP</uicontrol> and click <uicontrol>Next</uicontrol>.</cmd>
<substep><cmd>Type the URL of the XML schema and click <uicontrol>Finish</uicontrol>.</cmd>
<info><note>A local copy of the schema will not be stored in the workbench.
Every time you validate your schema, the schema's contents will be checked
from the URL you specify.</note></info></substep>
</step><?Pub Caret?>
<step><cmd>The XML schema editor will retrieve the location of the included
XML schema file, and display it in the <uicontrol>Schema location</uicontrol> field.
This field can be edited at any time to reflect the location of the XML schema
<step><cmd>Click the <uicontrol>Documentation</uicontrol> tab if you want
to provide any information about this redefine element.</cmd><info>The <uicontrol>Documentation</uicontrol> page
is used for human readable material, such as a description.</info></step>
<step><cmd>Click the <uicontrol>Extensions</uicontrol> tab if you want to
add application information elements to your annotations of schema components.</cmd>
<info>The <uicontrol>Extensions</uicontrol> page allows you to specify the
schema and add XML content to your annotations.</info></step>
<result><p>Once you have added the redefine element to your XML schema, you
can redefine any of the simple and complex types, groups, and attribute groups
in the XML schema you selected in the redefine element. </p></result>
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