blob: c64970c383534060f5f1956ee312c5acecbd91db [file] [log] [blame]
import org.eclipse.xsd.XSDConcreteComponent;
// cs: This interface is intended to suppliment the NodeFilter class
// that can be specified via the customization extensions point.
// When the initial list of a category's objects is displayed
// we'll use a NodeFilter to prune the list. If the NodeFilter
// implements this interface we'll call this interface's isApplicableContext
// method instead of the NodeFilter's DOM node based method. This provides
// are a more convenient interface for clients who are only interested in
// filter the list presented via the AddExtensionComponentDialog.
// See the class ExtensionsSection for more details.
public interface ExtensionItemFilter
public boolean isApplicableContext(XSDConcreteComponent parent, XSDConcreteComponent candidate);