blob: 9ca3d6cf715a94377a461c988d16bd78070b5843 [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!--Arbortext, Inc., 1988-2008, v.4002-->
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<task id="taddsmpt" xml:lang="en-us">
<title>Adding simple types</title>
<searchtitle>Adding simple types</searchtitle>
<shortdesc>Simple types are used to create derived data types. They
provide a set of constraints on the value space (a set of values)
and the lexical space (a set of valid literals) of a datatype.</shortdesc>
<keywords><indexterm>XML schema editor<indexterm>simple types</indexterm></indexterm>
<indexterm>XML schema files<indexterm>simple types</indexterm></indexterm>
<context><p>A simple type cannot have element content and cannot carry
attributes. Elements that contain numbers (and strings, and dates,
and so on) but do not contain any sub-elements have a simple type.</p><p>The
following instructions were written for the Resource perspective,
but they will also work in many other perspectives.</p><p>To add a
simple type, complete the following steps:</p></context>
<step><cmd>Open your XML schema in the XML schema editor.</cmd></step>
<step><cmd>In the Outline view, right-click <b>Types</b>, and click <uicontrol>Add
Simple Type</uicontrol>.</cmd></step>
<step><cmd>In the Outline view, select the new simple type.</cmd></step>
<step><cmd>In the Properties view, click the <uicontrol>General</uicontrol> tab.</cmd>
<step><cmd>Type a new name for the simple type in the <uicontrol>Name</uicontrol> field.</cmd>
<step><cmd>You can select the following options from the <uicontrol>Variety</uicontrol> list:</cmd>
<choice><uicontrol>atomic</uicontrol>: atomic types are all the simple
types built into the XML schema language.</choice>
<choice><uicontrol>list</uicontrol>: list types are comprised of sequences
of atomic types. They have values that are comprised of finite-length
sequences of atomic values. </choice>
<choice><uicontrol>union</uicontrol>: union types enable an element
or attribute value to be one or more instances of one type drawn from
the union of multiple atomic and list types.</choice>
<step><cmd>If you selected <uicontrol>atomic</uicontrol> or <uicontrol>list</uicontrol> from
the <uicontrol>Variety</uicontrol> list, click <uicontrol>Browse</uicontrol> <image
href="../images/Browse.gif"><alt>This graphic is the Browse button</alt>
</image> next to the <uicontrol>Base type</uicontrol> or <uicontrol>Item
type</uicontrol> field to specify a base type for the simple type. </cmd>
<info>The Set Type dialog box lists all built-in and user-defined
types currently available. You can change the <uicontrol>Scope</uicontrol> of
the list by selecting one of the following options:<ul>
<li><uicontrol>Workspace</uicontrol>: lists all of the types available
in your workspace. </li>
<li><uicontrol>Enclosing Project</uicontrol>: lists all of the types
available in the project that contains your file. </li>
<li>(Default) <uicontrol>Current Resource</uicontrol>: lists all of
the types available in your current file.</li>
<li><uicontrol>Working Sets</uicontrol>: lists all the types available
within the selected working set.</li>
<step><cmd>If you selected <uicontrol>union</uicontrol> from the <uicontrol>Variety</uicontrol> list,
click <uicontrol>Browse</uicontrol> <image href="../images/Browse.gif">
<alt>This graphic is the Browse button</alt></image> next to the <uicontrol>Member
types</uicontrol> field to specify the member types for the simple
type. </cmd><info>You can select to add both <uicontrol>Built-in simple
types</uicontrol> and <uicontrol>User-defined simple types</uicontrol> to
the member types value list. </info></step>
<step><cmd>To set specific constraint values on your simple type,
such as length constraints, enumerations, and patterns, click the <uicontrol>Constraints</uicontrol> tab.</cmd>
<substep><cmd>You can use <i>enumerations</i> to define a set of valid
values for simple types. They are the actual values the simple type
can take as valid values in the instance document. You can add one
enumeration or several enumerations at a time:</cmd><info><ul>
<li>To add one enumeration at a time, under <uicontrol>Specific constraint
values</uicontrol>, select <uicontrol>Enumerations</uicontrol> and
click <uicontrol>Add</uicontrol> and specify a value for the enumeration.</li>
<li>To add several enumerations at one time:<ol>
<li>Select <uicontrol>Enumerations</uicontrol> and click <uicontrol>Add</uicontrol>.</li>
<li>Enter the value of each enumeration. Each value must be separated
by the <uicontrol>Delimiter character</uicontrol>. For example: <codeph>First,
Second</codeph> will create two enumerations, one with the value "First"
and one with the value "Second".</li>
<li>Select the <uicontrol>Preserve leading and trailing whitespace</uicontrol> check
box if you want any white space around your enumeration values to
be preserved. If you select this check box, the values of <codeph>First,
Second</codeph> will show up as "First" and " Second" (there is a
space before Second) because you put a space before "Second" when
entering the value.</li>
<li>Click <uicontrol>OK</uicontrol>. Your enumerations will be created
and appear in the Properties view.</li>
<substep><cmd>You can use <i>patterns</i> to place certain constraints
regarding allowable values. </cmd><info>For example, you could restrict
the field to only accept input which follows the pattern "five digits
followed by two upper-case ASCII letters". To set a pattern constraint:<ol>
<li>Select <uicontrol>Patterns</uicontrol> and click <uicontrol>Add</uicontrol>.</li>
<li>Create the regular expression pattern you wish to use as your
constraint using the <uicontrol>Regular Expression</uicontrol> wizard.</li>
<li>Click <uicontrol>Finish</uicontrol>.</li>
<step><cmd>Click the <uicontrol>Documentation</uicontrol> tab if you
want to provide any information about this simple type. </cmd><info>The <uicontrol>Documentation</uicontrol> page
is used for human readable material, such as a description.</info>
<step><cmd>Click the <uicontrol>Extensions</uicontrol> tab if you
want to add application information elements to your annotations of
schema components. </cmd><info>The <uicontrol>Extensions</uicontrol> page
allows you to specify the schema and add XML content to your annotations.</info>
<step><cmd>If you do not want the simple type to be used to derive
other types, click the <uicontrol>Advanced</uicontrol> tab and, in
the <uicontrol>Final</uicontrol> list, select if derivations should
be prevented by <uicontrol>list</uicontrol>, <uicontrol>restriction</uicontrol>, <uicontrol>union</uicontrol> or <uicontrol>#all</uicontrol>.</cmd><?Pub
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