blob: 2051222cfd3c04cf4a464f5c8c1d7204a2eff702 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2001, 2010 IBM Corporation and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
* Jens Lukowski/Innoopract - initial renaming/restructuring
package org.eclipse.wst.xml.core.internal.document;
import org.eclipse.wst.sse.core.internal.provisional.text.IStructuredDocumentRegion;
import org.eclipse.wst.sse.core.internal.provisional.text.ITextRegion;
import org.eclipse.wst.sse.core.internal.provisional.text.ITextRegionContainer;
import org.eclipse.wst.sse.core.internal.provisional.text.ITextRegionList;
import org.eclipse.wst.xml.core.internal.XMLCoreMessages;
import org.eclipse.wst.xml.core.internal.provisional.IXMLCharEntity;
import org.eclipse.wst.xml.core.internal.provisional.document.IDOMDocument;
import org.w3c.dom.Attr;
import org.w3c.dom.Node;
public class SourceValidator {
private NodeImpl node = null;
public SourceValidator(Node node) {
if (node != null) {
this.node = (NodeImpl) node;
public String convertSource(String source) {
if (source == null)
return null;
if (this.node == null)
return null; // error
// setup conversion conditions
boolean acceptTag = false;
boolean acceptClose = false;
boolean acceptQuote = false;
boolean acceptAmpersand = false;
boolean acceptEntityRef = true;
boolean acceptJSPEnd = true;
String endTagName = null;
if (this.node.getNodeType() == Node.ATTRIBUTE_NODE) {
IDOMDocument document = (IDOMDocument) this.node.getOwnerDocument();
if (document != null && document.isJSPType())
acceptTag = true;
if (acceptTag) {
Attr attr = (Attr) this.node;
ElementImpl element = (ElementImpl) attr.getOwnerElement();
if (element != null && element.isJSPTag())
acceptTag = false;
// if the source does not include single quote,
// double quote is valid
acceptQuote = (source.indexOf('\'') < 0);
} else if (this.node.getNodeType() == Node.TEXT_NODE) {
TextImpl text = (TextImpl) this.node;
if (text.isJSPContent()) {
int index = source.indexOf(JSPTag.TAG_CLOSE);
if (index < 0)
return source;
acceptTag = true;
acceptClose = true;
acceptQuote = true;
acceptAmpersand = true;
acceptJSPEnd = false;
} else if (text.isCDATAContent()) {
endTagName = text.getParentNode().getNodeName();
if (endTagName == null)
return null; // error
acceptTag = true;
acceptClose = true;
acceptQuote = true;
acceptAmpersand = true;
} else {
IDOMDocument document = null;
if (this.node.getNodeType() == Node.DOCUMENT_NODE) {
document = (IDOMDocument) this.node;
} else {
document = (IDOMDocument) this.node.getOwnerDocument();
if (document != null && document.isJSPType())
acceptTag = true;
StringBuffer buffer = null;
int copiedLength = 0;
int length = source.length();
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
String ref = null;
char c = source.charAt(i);
switch (c) {
case '<' :
if (acceptTag) {
if (endTagName != null) {
if (!matchEndTag(source, i + 1, endTagName))
} else {
int skip = skipTag(source, i + 1);
if (skip >= 0) {
i += skip;
// invalid JSP tag
ref = IXMLCharEntity.LT_REF;
case '>' :
if (acceptClose)
ref = IXMLCharEntity.GT_REF;
case '&' :
if (acceptAmpersand)
if (acceptEntityRef) {
int skip = skipEntityRef(source, i + 1);
if (skip >= 0) {
i += skip;
ref = IXMLCharEntity.AMP_REF;
case '"' :
if (acceptQuote)
ref = IXMLCharEntity.QUOT_REF;
case '%' :
if (acceptJSPEnd)
if (source.charAt(i + 1) != '>')
ref = IXMLCharEntity.GT_REF;
default :
if (ref != null) {
if (buffer == null) {
buffer = new StringBuffer(length + 8);
if (i > copiedLength) {
buffer.append(source.substring(copiedLength, i));
copiedLength = i + 1; // skip this character
if (buffer != null) {
if (copiedLength < length) {
buffer.append(source.substring(copiedLength, length));
return buffer.toString();
return source;
private final boolean matchEndTag(String source, int offset, String endTagName) {
if (source == null || endTagName == null)
return false;
int length = source.length();
if (offset < 0 || offset >= length)
return false;
if (source.charAt(offset) != '/')
return false;
int end = offset + endTagName.length();
if (end > length)
return false;
return endTagName.equalsIgnoreCase(source.substring(offset, end));
private final int skipEntityRef(String source, int offset) {
if (source == null)
return -1;
if (offset < 0 || offset >= source.length())
return -1;
DocumentImpl document = (DocumentImpl) this.node.getOwnerDocument();
if (document == null)
return -1; // error
int end = source.indexOf(';', offset);
if (end < 0 || end == offset)
return -1;
String name = source.substring(offset, end);
if (name == null || document.getCharValue(name) == null)
return -1;
return (end + 1 - offset);
private final int skipTag(String source, int offset) {
if (source == null)
return -1;
if (offset < 0 || offset >= source.length())
return -1;
int end = offset;
if (source.charAt(offset) == '%') {
// JSP tag
int found = source.indexOf(JSPTag.TAG_CLOSE, offset + 1);
if (found < 0)
return -1; // invalid JSP tag
end = found + 2;
} else {
// normal tag
int found = source.lastIndexOf('>');
if (found < offset)
return -1; // invalid tag
end = found + 1;
return (end - offset);
public boolean validateSource(String source) throws InvalidCharacterException {
if (source == null)
return true;
if (this.node == null)
return false; // error
String message = null;
// setup validation conditions
boolean acceptTag = false;
boolean acceptClose = false;
boolean acceptQuote = true;
boolean acceptEntityRef = true;
String endTagName = null;
if (this.node.getNodeType() == Node.ATTRIBUTE_NODE) {
IDOMDocument document = (IDOMDocument) this.node.getOwnerDocument();
if (document != null && document.isJSPType())
acceptTag = true;
if (acceptTag) {
Attr attr = (Attr) this.node;
ElementImpl element = (ElementImpl) attr.getOwnerElement();
if (element != null && element.isJSPTag())
acceptTag = false;
// if the source does not include single quote,
// double quote is valid
acceptQuote = (source.indexOf('\'') < 0);
} else if (this.node.getNodeType() == Node.TEXT_NODE) {
TextImpl text = (TextImpl) this.node;
if (text.isJSPContent()) {
int index = source.indexOf(JSPTag.TAG_CLOSE);
if (index < 0)
return true;
message = XMLCoreMessages.Invalid_character_gt_fo_ERROR_;
throw new InvalidCharacterException(message, '>', index + 1);
} else if (text.isCDATAContent()) {
endTagName = text.getParentNode().getNodeName();
if (endTagName == null)
return false; // error
acceptTag = true;
acceptClose = true;
} else if(hasNestedRegion(text)) {
//there are cases (such as with EL) that the text is to complicated
// to be verified by this validator
return true;
} else {
IDOMDocument document = null;
if (this.node.getNodeType() == Node.DOCUMENT_NODE) {
document = (IDOMDocument) this.node;
} else {
document = (IDOMDocument) this.node.getOwnerDocument();
if (document != null && document.isJSPType())
acceptTag = true;
char c = 0;
int length = source.length();
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
c = source.charAt(i);
switch (c) {
case '<' :
if (acceptTag) {
if (endTagName != null) {
if (!matchEndTag(source, i + 1, endTagName))
} else {
int skip = skipTag(source, i + 1);
if (skip >= 0) {
i += skip;
// invalid tag
message = XMLCoreMessages.Invalid_character_lt_fo_ERROR_;
case '>' :
if (acceptClose)
message = XMLCoreMessages.Invalid_character_gt_fo_ERROR_;
case '&' :
if (acceptEntityRef) {
if (endTagName != null)
int skip = skipEntityRef(source, i + 1);
if (skip >= 0) {
i += skip;
// invalid entity reference
message = XMLCoreMessages.Invalid_character_amp_fo_ERROR_;
case '"' :
if (acceptQuote)
message = XMLCoreMessages.Invalid_character__f_EXC_;
default :
if (message != null) {
throw new InvalidCharacterException(message, c, i);
return true;
* True if the text has nested regions, meaning container is probably too
* complicated (like EL regions) to validate with this validator.
* @param text
* @return
private boolean hasNestedRegion(TextImpl text) {
boolean done = false;
IStructuredDocumentRegion currRegion = text.getFirstStructuredDocumentRegion();
IStructuredDocumentRegion lastRegion = text.getLastStructuredDocumentRegion();
while(currRegion != null && !done) {
ITextRegionList regions = currRegion.getRegions();
for(int i = 0; i < regions.size(); ++i) {
ITextRegion container = regions.get(i);
if ((container instanceof ITextRegionContainer)) {
ITextRegionList regions2 = ((ITextRegionContainer) container).getRegions();
if (regions2 != null) {
return true;
done = currRegion == lastRegion;
currRegion = currRegion.getNext();
return false;