blob: a0f8d7be91a43c79dd3dfa90d69012c65d590c15 [file] [log] [blame]
Sphinx Plug-in & Feature Conventions
* appropriate copyright headers based on Sphinx copyright headers in Java source files, and plugin.xml
* no invalid UI dependencies
* no imported packages
* Java package name prefix = plug-in name
* plug-in name/provider and feature name/provider/description exported to
* plug-in provider and feature provider = Eclipse Modeling Project
* included in Binary Build (
* appropriate plug-in and feature versions
* presence of required legal files in plug-ins (about.html) and included in Binary Build and Source Build (
* presence of "Bundle-Localization: plugin" header in MANIFEST.MF
* presence of reference to license feature
* Java 7 as minimum Java execution environment
* update of project settings according to latest changes in org.eclipse.sphinx.templates.project.plugin
* appropriate EMF/EMF UI activator classes in internal package
* elimination of compiler warnings as far as possible (e.g., missing @override annotations, etc.)
* feature project name = feature id plus "-feature" postfix
* update Team project set (*.psf) files
* update Sphinx feature map (/
* update Sphinx architecture on Sphinx wiki (