| #=============================================================================# |
| # Copyright (c) 2005, 2021 Stephan Wahlbrink and others. |
| # |
| # This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the |
| # terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at |
| # https://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-2.0, or the Apache License, Version 2.0 |
| # which is available at https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0. |
| # |
| # SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 OR Apache-2.0 |
| # |
| # Contributors: |
| # Stephan Wahlbrink <sw@wahlbrink.eu> - initial API and implementation |
| #=============================================================================# |
| |
| preferencePages_R_name= R\u2002[StatET] |
| |
| projectConfigurators_RPackageProject_label= R Package Project |
| decorators_RProjectDecorator_label= R Project Decorator |
| |
| variables_RPkgRootPath_description= Returns the root container of the R package as workspace path. \ |
| If no base container is specified for the R project, it is assumed that the project container itself is the base container. \ |
| The target resource is the selected resource when no argument is specified, or the resource identified by a workspace path. |
| variables_RPkgName_description = Returns the R package name of the R package project in the workspace. \ |
| The target resource is the selected resource when no argument is specified, or the resource identified by a workspace path. |
| |
| editors.RDocEditor.name = R Documentation Editor |
| editors.RScriptEditor.name = R Script Editor |
| |
| categorys.RSource.name = Editing R Script Code |
| categorys.RSource.description = Context editing code in an R Script Editor |
| |
| commands_InsertREditorTemplate_name= Insert R Template |
| commands_InsertREditorTemplate_description= Inserts the specific R editor template |
| commands_InsertREditorTemplate_TemplatePar_name= Template |
| |
| commands_RefactorExtractFunction_name = Extract R Function... |
| commands_RefactorExtractFunction_description = Extracts a the selected range into a new R function and uses the new function |
| commands_RefactorFunctionToS4Method_name = Convert to S4 method... |
| commands_RefactorFunctionToS4Method_description = Turns a the selected function into a formal S4 method |
| |
| menus_Source_GenerateElementComment_mnemonic = R |
| menus_Source_StripComments_mnemonic = p |
| |
| menus_Navigate_ShowQuickOutline_mnemonic = l |
| |
| menus_Search_AllAccess_name = All Occurrences |
| menus_Search_AllAccess_mnemonic = A |
| menus_Search_WriteAccess_name = Write Occurrences |
| menus_Search_WriteAccess_mnemonic = W |
| |
| menus_REditorContext_ToggleComment_mnemonic = C |
| menus_REditorContext_CorrectIndent_mnemonic = I |
| |
| preferencePages_RCodeStyle_name= Code Formatting |
| preferencePages_SourceEditors_name= Source Editors |
| preferencePages.REditorOptions.name = R Editing Options |
| preferencePages.RIdentifierGroups.name = Identifier Groups |
| preferencePages.RSyntaxColoring.name= R Syntax Highlighting |
| preferencePages.REditorTemplates.name = R Templates |
| preferencePages.RdSyntaxColoring.name= Rd Syntax Highlighting |
| preferencePages_RGraphicsPage_name = R Graphics |
| propertyPages_RProject_name = R Project |
| propertyPages_RCodeStyle_name = R Code Format |
| |
| templatesCategory.RCodeTemplates.name = R Code |
| templatesCategory.RdCodeTemplates.name = Rd Code |
| |
| editorHyperlinks.REditorTarget.name = R Source |
| editorHyperlinks.FileDetector.name = Local File Path |
| editorHyperlinks.RElement.name = Element Declaration |
| |
| wizards_NewRProject_name = R Project |
| wizards_NewRProject_description = Creates a new R project. |
| wizards_NewRPackageProject_name = R Package Project |
| wizards_NewRPackageProject_description = Creates a new R package project. |
| |
| wizards.NewRFile.name = R Script File |
| wizards.NewRFile.description = Creates a new R script file. |
| |
| wizards.NewRdFile.name = R-Documentation File |
| wizards.NewRdFile.description = Creates a new R documentation file. |
| |
| contentAssist_TemplateCategory_name= Template Proposals |
| contentAssist_ResourceCategory_name= Resource Path Proposals |
| contentAssist_RCategory_name= R Proposals |
| contentAssist_RPkgNameCategory_name= R Package Name Proposals |
| contentAssist_RRuntimeCategory_name= R Console Element Proposals |
| |
| preferencePages_RHelpPage_name= R Help |
| views_RHelpView_name= R Help |
| commands_OpenRHelp_name= Open R Help |
| commands_OpenRHelp_description= Opens the R help start page for the current R environment |
| searchPages.RHelpPage= R Help |
| |
| searchEngine.RSiteSearch.label = R Site Search |
| searchEngine.RSiteSearch.description = Searches in R-help mailing lists and R documentations on r-project.org |
| |
| contexts_RDataEditor_name = Editing R Data Table |
| contexts_RDataEditor_description = Context inspecting and editing R data in an R Data Table |
| views_RDataFilterView_name = Filter |
| |
| views_RObjectBrowserView_name = Object Browser |
| |
| views_RGraphicView_name = R Graphics |
| |
| |
| #-- Debug ---------------------------------------------------------------------# |
| |
| preferencePages_RunDebug_name= Run/Debug |
| preferencePages_RInteraction_name= R Interaction |
| preferencePages_REnvironments_name= R Environments |
| preferencePages_RRepositories_name= R Repositories |
| |
| actionSets_RSessionTools_label = StatET R Session Tools |
| actionSets_RToolbar_label = StatET R Toolbar |
| actionSets_RToolbarExt1_label = StatET R Toolbar 'Line by Line' |
| actionSets_RToolbarExt1_description = Toolbar button to run code 'Line by Line' |
| actionSets_RMainMenu_label = StatET R Main Menu |
| actions.RunRCode.label = Run in R... |
| |
| commands.RunHelpInR.name = Run 'help(...)' in R |
| commands.RunHelpInR.description = Runs 'help(...)' in R for the current selection |
| commands.RunHelpSearchInR.name = Run 'help.search(...)' in R |
| commands.RunHelpSearchInR.description = Runs 'help.search(...)' in R for the current selection |
| commands.RunPrintInR.name = Print to R Console |
| commands.RunPrintInR.description = Prints the value of variable currently selected to R console |
| |
| rCodeLaunchHandler_LoadRData_label = 'load' saved Data to R Workspace |
| rCodeLaunchHandler_SourceRScript_label = 'source' R Script in R |
| |
| # Launch shortcuts, Run As > (no &) |
| launchShortcuts_RunRScriptViaSource_label = R Script in R via 'source' |
| launchShortcuts_RunRDataViaLoad_label = R Data in R via 'load' |
| launchShortcuts_RunRScriptDirect_label = R Script in R submitting directly |
| launchShortcuts_RunRScriptDirectAndGotoConsole_label = R Script in R submitting directly and Go to Console |
| launchShortcuts_RunRFunctionDirect_label = Function Definition in R |
| launchShortcuts_RunRFunctionDirectAndGotoConsole_label = Function Definition in R and Go to Console |
| |
| # Commands of launch shortcuts above |
| commands_RunRScriptViaSource_name = Run R Script via 'source' in R |
| commands_RunRScriptDirect_name = Run R Script in R submitting directly |
| commands_RunRScriptDirect_description = Submits R code of file in R submitting directly |
| commands_RunRScriptDirect_GotoConsole_name = Run R Script in R submitting directly and Go to Console |
| |
| # Commands of new launch handlers |
| commands_GotoRConsole_name = Go to R Console |
| commands_SubmitSelectionToR_name = Run Selection in R |
| commands_SubmitSelectionToR_description = Submits directly the code of the current selection to R (in text editors: selection/current line) |
| commands_SubmitSelectionToR_GotoConsole_name = Run Selection in R and Go to Console |
| commands_SubmitSelectionToR_GotoConsole_description = Submits directly the code of the current selection to R (in text editors: selection/current line) and focus on the R Console |
| commands_SubmitSelectionToR_GotoNextLine_name = Run Selection in R and Go to Next Line |
| commands_SubmitSelectionToR_GotoNextLine_description = Submits directly the code of the current selection/current line to R and goes to next line |
| commands_SubmitSelectionToR_PasteOutput_name = Run Selection in R and Paste Output |
| commands_SubmitSelectionToR_PasteOutput_description = Submits directly the code of the current selection/current line to R and pastes its output as comment |
| commands_SubmitUptoSelectionToR_name = Run Up to Selection in R |
| commands_SubmitUptoSelectionToR_description = Submits directly the code up to the current selection/current line to R |
| commands_SubmitFileToRViaCommand_Default_name = Run File in R via Command |
| commands_SubmitFileToRViaCommand_Default_description = Submits default command to run (source, load, etc.) file in R |
| commands_SubmitFileToRViaCommand_Default_GotoConsole_name = Run File in R via Command and Go to Console |
| commands_SubmitFileToRViaCommand_Default_GotoConsole_description = Submits default command to run (source, load, etc.) file in R and focus on the R Console |
| commands_SubmitEntireCommandToR_name = Run Entire Command in R |
| commands_SubmitEntireCommandToR_description = Submits directly the entire command of current selection to R |
| commands_SubmitEntireCommandToR_GotoConsole_name = Run Entire Command in R and Go to Console |
| commands_SubmitEntireCommandToR_GotoConsole_description = Submits directly the entire command of current selection to R and focus on the R Console |
| commands_SubmitEntireCommandToR_GotoNextCommand_name = Run Entire Command in R and Go to Next Command |
| commands_SubmitEntireCommandToR_GotoNextCommand_description = Submits directly the entire command of current selection to R and goes to next command |
| commands_SubmitFunctionDefToR_name = Run Function Definition in R |
| commands_SubmitFunctionDefToR_description = Submits directly the entire function definition of the current selection to R |
| commands_SubmitFunctionDefToR_GotoConsole_name = Run Function Definition in R and Go to Console |
| commands_SubmitFunctionDefToR_GotoConsole_description = Submits directly the entire function definition of the current selection to R and focus on the R Console |
| commands_ToggleRunEcho_name = Toggle Echo |
| commands_ToggleRunEcho_description = Toggles if echo is enabled when submitting code to R (if supported by the command) |
| |
| rConnector_EclipseTextConsole_name = Classic Console inside Eclipse |
| rConnector_EclipseTextConsole_description = Connector to submit the code to a classic Console inside Eclipse (text console with a single I/O area). Choose this option only in special cases, when you do not use the R Console of StatET. |
| rConnector_RNewConsoleConnector_name = R Console inside Eclipse (default) |
| rConnector_RNewConsoleConnector_description = Connector to submit the code to an R Console of StatET inside Eclipse (new integrated console). |
| |
| variables_RObjectName_description = The name of the selected R element |
| |
| commands_LoadRImage_name= Load R Workspace/Image... |
| commands_LoadRImage_description= Loads an R workspace / saved image from a file |
| commands_OpenRPkgManager_name= Open R Package Manager |
| commands_OpenRPkgManager_description= Opens the R package manager |
| |
| menus_RMain_OpenRHelp_mnemonic= H |
| menus_RMain_OpenRPkgManager_mnemonic= P |